389 research outputs found

    Towards a business and production engineering concept for individual beer brewing applying digitalization methodologies

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    Individualization is a common trend in many fields of production across the industries. Also in the food sector, significant changes can be observed. For many products, individual offerings towards the customer are meanwhile either mandatory or at least help to increase the sales and revenue. Somehow, individual product design and production contradicts scaling effects, which are especially important for food production. On the other hand, as digitalization is implemented in a fairly limited way in the food sector, currently great chances can be observed to build a unique selling proposition and consequently gain market share by implementing appropriate measures to enable a digital food factory. This is where the proposed idea comes into the game. The starting point is the idea to produce individually developed beer and ship it to the individual customer. The beer can be designed on a web page based on typical parameters, like beer type, bitterness, colour, or alcohol concentration. In an expert mode, individual beer creations may be thoughtful, allowing the creation of completely individual recipes (for sure, not guaranteeing the customer a perfect drinking experience). In any way, the data from the web page is directly fed to the brewing equipment in the brewing facility. There, using newly to be developed specialized machines, the individually ordered beer will be produced automatically. In this paper we discuss the individual challenges at each point in the production cycles and propose solutions to those

    Computerspiele und ihr narrativer Gehalt: Hans-Joachim Backe bietet einen Überblick über Erzähl- und Spieltheorie sowie eine Typologie narrativer Computerspiele

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    Hans-Joachim Backe: Strukturen und Funktionen des Erzählens im Computerspiel. Eine typologische Einführung. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2008 [zugl. Dissertation Universität Saarbrücken]. 448 S. EUR 48,00. ISBN 978-3-8260-3986-

    Talking Back to the West: Contemporary First Nations Artists and Strategies of Counter-appropriation

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    Over a twenty-year period, renowned artists such as Edward Poitras, Robert Houle, Jim Logan, Kent Monkman, among others, appropriate renowned colonial landscape paintings and art historical canonical works, and then alter them to include First Nations narratives, as methods of critiquing the exclusionary nature of grand colonial narratives and their associated historical, art historical and, by extension, anthropological discourses. Using counter-appropriation as an artistic strategy, they critique: the West’s disregard for First Nations histories in North America; Art History’s past failures to classify their art objects as Fine Art; and contemporary cultural constructions of “Indianness” originating from colonial history and ideologies about the “Vanishing Race.” With their works, the artists offer their viewers insight into First Nations histories and stories, thereby enriching the multiple narratives and pluralist discourses existent in North America

    Ein Modell fĂĽr Schwerionenkollisionen mit Quarks und hadronischen Freiheitsgraden

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    The aim of this work is to develop an effective equation of state for QCD, having the correct asymptotic degrees of freedom, to be used as input for dynamical studies of heavy ion collisions. We present an approach for modeling an EoS that respects the symmetries underlying QCD, and includes the correct asymptotic degrees of freedom, i.e. quarks and gluons at high temperature and hadrons in the low-temperature limit. We achieve this by including quarks degrees of freedom and the thermal contribution of the Polyakov loop in a hadronic chiral sigma-omega model. The hadronic part of the model is a nonlinear realization of an sigma-omega model. As the fundamental symmetries of QCD should also be present in its hadronic states such an approach is widely used to describe hadron properties below and around Tc. The quarks are introduced as thermal quasi particles, coupling to the Polyakov loop, while the dynamics of the Polyakov loop are controlled by a potential term which is fitted to reproduce pure gauge lattice data. In this model the sigma field serves a the order parameter for chiral restoration and the Polyakov loop as order parameter for deconfinement. The hadrons are suppressed at high densities by excluded volume corrections. As a next step, we introduce our new HQ model equation of state in a microscopic+macroscopic hybrid approach to heavy ion collisions. This hybrid approach is based on the Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (UrQMD) transport approach with an intermediate hydrodynamical evolution for the hot and dense stage of the collision. The present implementation allows to compare pure microscopic transport calculations with hydrodynamic calculations using exactly the same initial conditions and freeze-out procedure. The effects of the change in the underlying dynamics - ideal fluid dynamics vs. non-equilibrium transport theory - are explored. The final pion and proton multiplicities are lower in the hybrid model calculation due to the isentropic hydrodynamic expansion while the yields for strange particles are enhanced due to the local equilibrium in the hydrodynamic evolution. The elliptic and directed flow are shown to be not sensitive to changes in the EoS while the smaller mean free path in the hydrodynamic evolution reflects directly in higher flow results which are consistent with the experimental data. This finding indicates qualitatively that physical mechanisms like viscosity and other non equilibrium effects play an essentially more important role than the EoS when bulk observables like flow are investigated. In the last chapter, results for the thermal production of MEMOs in nucleus-nucleus collisions from a combined micro+macro approach are presented. Multiplicities, rapidity and transverse momentum spectra are predicted for Pb+Pb interaction at different beam energies. The presented excitation functions for various MEMO multiplicities show a clear maximum at the upper FAIR energy regime making this facility the ideal place to study the production of these exotic forms of multistrange objects.Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es eine effektive Zustandsgleichung für die Quanten Chromo Dynamik zu entwickeln, welche die korrekten asymptotischen Eigenschaften dieser Theorie hat. Diese soll dann als Input für dynamische Modellstudien von Schwerionenkollisionen dienen. Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelte Modell erlaubt eine gleichzeitige beschreibung der spontanen Brechung der chiralen Symmetry sowie einen Übergang von hadronischer zu Quark-Materie. Dies wird erreicht indem wir Quarks sowie den thermischen Beitrag des Polyakov Loop in eine hadronisches chirales Modell einführen. Der hadronische Teil unseres Modells ist eine nichtlineare Realisierung eines sigma-omega Modells. Mit unserem Modell erreichen wir eine gute Beschreibung des nuklearen Grundzustandes sowie der Vakuumeigenschaften der Hadronen. Die Quarks in diesem Model werden dann als quasi-Teilchen eingeführt welche an den Polyakov Loop koppeln, während die Dynamik des Polyakov Loop durch ein effektives Potential bestimmt wird. In diesem Model dient das sigma-Feld als Ordnungsparameter für die chirale Restauration und der Polyakov Loop für die Befreiung der Quarks. Bei hohen Dichten werden die Hadron durch die Einführung von Volumenkorrekturtermen unterdrückt. Dennoch enthält diese Modell einen nicht vernachlässigbaren Beitrag von Hadronen bis zu einer Temperatur die 2 mal der kritischen Temperatur entspricht. Der nächste Schritt dieser Arbeit ist die Einarbeitung der neuen effektiven Zustandsgleichung in ein Modell zur Beschreibung von relativistischen Schweriononenstößen. Das von uns verwendete Hybridmodell basiert auf dem Ultra-relativistischen Quantum Molekular Dynamik (UrQMD) Transport Modell und beinhaltet eine hydrodynamische Evolution für die heiße und dichte Phase der Schwerionenkollision. Dabei wird UrQMD verwendet um einen Anfangszustand für die hydrodynamische Phase zu erzeugen. Eine Voraussetzung zur Verwendung von Fluid dynamischen Modellen ist die Annahme eine lokalen thermodynamischen Gleichgewichtes. In unserem Model folgt hieraus eine verstärkte Produktion von seltsamen Hadronen. Dies führt zu einer verbesserten Beschreibung von seltsamen Teilchenzahlverhältnissen, insbesondere dem Verhältnis von positiv geladenen Kaonen und Pionen. Wir untersuchen die Abhängigkeit verschiedener Observablen von der verwendeten Zustandsgleichung. Hier können wir zeigen das die kollektiven Eigenschaften des Feuerballs, wie der Teilchenfluß, scheinbar unabhängig von der verwendeten Zustandsgleichung sind. Insbesondere untersuchen wir Observablen wie den gemittelten transversalen Fluß, und die ersten zwei Momente der Multipolentwicklung des Teilchenflußes. Unabhängig von der verwendeten Zustandsgleichung weichen die Modellrechnungen qualitativ von gemessenen Daten ab. Dies bedeutet das andere Physikalische Effekte, wie z.B. eine endliche Viskosität oder nich-Gleichgewichtseffekte eine scheinbar größere Rolle spielen als die Zustandsgleichung. Im letzten Kapitel dieser Arbeit werden thermische Produktionsraten für Hyperkerne und MEMO's (Metastable Exotic Multihypernuclear Objects) präsentiert. Die möglichen Produktionsraten, von Hyperkernen und MEMO's, in Schwerionenexperimenten werden mit dem vorher beschriebenen Hybridmodel berechnet. Des weiteren können Rapidititäts- und Impulsspektren für Kollisionen von Bleikernen vorhergesagt werden. Die Anregungsfunktionen verschiedener Hyperkerne und MEMO's zeigt ein klares Maximum im Energiebereich des geplanten FAIR Beschleunigers. Dieser ist daher der ideale Platz um nach neuen exotischen Zuständen seltsamer Materie zu suchen

    The wedding performance : gender inequality and system justification in the white wedding.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2016.The white wedding has become a traditional ritual, which transmits with its preparations and celebrations stereotypical and patriarchal gender norms. Ten white, middle-class, heterosexual, newlywed couples formed the participants for the research study. The predominantly South African participants were interviewed about their weddings and the interviews transcribed verbatim. The resultant texts were analysed using Parker’s (2005) framework for discourse analytic reading. Throughout the analysis specific wedding discourses emerged, which served the purposes and intentions of the couples. Discourses, such as the fairy-tale discourse and the bride’s day discourse, allowed couples to justify certain gender inequalities and to experience the comforting effects of palliation. System Justification Theory (Jost & Banaji, 1994) functioned as a theoretical tool to understand and make sense of these justifications and accounts. The findings suggest that wedding discourses encourage the objectification of women and their treatment in a benevolently sexist manner, the unequal distribution of wedding labour between the bride and groom and ultimately the perpetuation of women’s subordination in heterosexual relationships. Participating in the rituals of the white wedding enhances women’s depressed sense of entitlement and out-group contact with men, which has a negative effect on gender equality and women’s emancipation

    Artefact Analysis in Organisational Research

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    Man-made objects are an expression of both the social organisation in which they were produced and the communicative context in which they appear and are used. In this respect, they represent easily accessible material, which is highly suitable for and useful in reconstructing the social structures in organisations and opening up latent structures of meaning for analysis. Nevertheless the analysis of physical materials has tended to live a shadow existence. This paper presents a hermeneutic method of analysing artefacts in organisations. The basic concept centres on the reconstructing of the processes of meaning and organising in social systems. After providing a brief introduction to the methodological principles, the paper goes on to discuss this method in greater detail. Concrete examples of the study of specific materials in an organisational analysis context are used to ground the interpretation of artefacts in the overall organisational analysis context. The paper closes with a discussion of the possibilities and limitations of this kind of analysis.Series: Master Thesis Supply Chain Managemen
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