13 research outputs found

    Medial gastrocnemius muscle stiffness cannot explain the increased ankle joint range of motion following passive stretching in children with cerebral palsy.

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    Stretching is often used to increase/maintain joint range of motion (ROM) in children with cerebral palsy (CP) but the effectiveness of these interventions is limited. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the acute changes in muscle-tendon lengthening properties that contribute to increased ROM after a bout of stretching in children with CP. Eleven children with spastic CP (age:12.1(3)y, 5/6 hemiplegia/diplegia, 7/4 GMFCS level I/II) participated in this study. Each child received 3 sets of 5 × 20 s passive, manual static dorsiflexion stretches separated by 30 s rest, and 60 s rest between sets. Pre- and immediately post-stretching, ultrasound was used to measure medial gastrocnemius fascicle lengthening continuously over the full ROM and an individual common ROM pre- to post-stretching. Simultaneously, 3D motion of two marker clusters on the shank and the foot was captured to calculate ankle angle, and ankle joint torque was calculated from manually applied torques and forces on a 6DoF load cell. After stretching, ROM was increased (9.9° (12.0), P = 0.005). Over a ROM common to both pre and post measurements, there were no changes in fascicle lengthening or torque. The maximal ankle joint torque tolerated by the participants increased (2.9(2.4) Nm, P = 0.003) and at this highest passive torque maximal fascicle length was 2.8(2.4) mm greater (P = 0.009) when compared to before stretching. These results indicate that the stiffness of the muscle fascicles in children with CP remain unaltered by an acute bout of stretching. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Interleaved water and fat MR thermometry for monitoring high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of bone lesions

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    PURPOSE: To demonstrate that interleaved MR thermometry can monitor temperature in water and fat with adequate temporal resolution. This is relevant for high intensity focused uUltrasounds (HIFU) treatment of bone lesions, which are often found near aqueous tissues, as muscle, or embedded in adipose tissues, as subcutaneous fat and bone marrow. METHODS: Proton resonance frequency shift (PRFS)‐based thermometry scans and T(1)‐based 2D variable flip angle (2D‐VFA) thermometry scans were acquired alternatingly over time. Temperature in water was monitored using PRFS thermometry, and in fat by 2D‐VFA thermometry with slice profile effect correction. The feasibility of interleaved water/fat temperature monitoring was studied ex vivo in porcine bone during MR‐HIFU sonication. Precision and stability of measurements in vivo were evaluated in a healthy volunteer under non‐heating conditions. RESULTS: The method allowed observing temperature change over time in muscle and fat, including bone marrow, during MR‐HIFU sonication, with a temporal resolution of 6.1 s. In vivo, the apparent temperature change was stable on the time scale of the experiment: In 7 min the systematic drift was <0.042°C/min in muscle (PRFS after drift correction) and <0.096°C/min in bone marrow (2D‐VFA). The SD of the temperature change averaged over time was 0.98°C (PRFS) and 2.7°C (2D‐VFA). CONCLUSIONS: Interleaved MR thermometry allows temperature measurements in water and fat with a temporal resolution high enough for monitoring HIFU ablation. Specifically, combined fat and water thermometry provides uninterrupted information on temperature changes in tissue close to the bone cortex