401 research outputs found

    ANGELAH: A Framework for Assisting Elders At Home

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    The ever growing percentage of elderly people within modern societies poses welfare systems under relevant stress. In fact, partial and progressive loss of motor, sensorial, and/or cognitive skills renders elders unable to live autonomously, eventually leading to their hospitalization. This results in both relevant emotional and economic costs. Ubiquitous computing technologies can offer interesting opportunities for in-house safety and autonomy. However, existing systems partially address in-house safety requirements and typically focus on only elder monitoring and emergency detection. The paper presents ANGELAH, a middleware-level solution integrating both ”elder monitoring and emergency detection” solutions and networking solutions. ANGELAH has two main features: i) it enables efficient integration between a variety of sensors and actuators deployed at home for emergency detection and ii) provides a solid framework for creating and managing rescue teams composed of individuals willing to promptly assist elders in case of emergency situations. A prototype of ANGELAH, designed for a case study for helping elders with vision impairments, is developed and interesting results are obtained from both computer simulations and a real-network testbed

    Genetic and Modifiable Risk Factors Contributing to Cisplatin-Induced Toxicities

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    Effective administration of traditional cytotoxic chemotherapy is often limited by off-target toxicities. This clinical dilemma is epitomized by cisplatin, a platinating agent that has potent antineoplastic activity due to its affinity for DNA and other intracellular nucleophiles. Despite its efficacy against many adult-onset and pediatric malignancies, cisplatin elicits multiple off-target toxicities that can not only severely impact a patient’s quality of life, but also lead to dose reductions or the selection of alternative therapies that can ultimately affect outcomes. Without an effective therapeutic measure by which to successfully mitigate many of these symptoms, there have been attempts to identify a priori those individuals who are more susceptible to developing these sequelae through studies of genetic and nongenetic risk factors. Older age is associated with cisplatin induced ototoxicity, neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Traditional genome-wide association studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms in ACYP2 and WFS1 associated with cisplatin-induced hearing loss. However, validating associations between specific genotypes and cisplatin-induced toxicities with enough stringency to warrant clinical application remains challenging. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge with regard to specific adverse sequelae following cisplatin-based therapy with a focus on ototoxicity, neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, myelosuppression and nausea/emesis. We discuss variables (genetic and nongenetic) contributing to these detrimental toxicities, and currently available means to prevent or treat their occurrence

    Étude de l’évolution du littoral de la baie d’El Jadida (Maroc) par photo-interprĂ©tation

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    La baie d’El Jadida se situe sur la façade atlantique du Maroc (entre 33° 15’ 00’’ et 33° 21’ 40’’ de latitude Nord, 8° 18’ 00’’ et 8° 30’ 00’’ de longitude Ouest). Elle constitue un grand systĂšme sableux fortement marquĂ© par la dynamique littorale. L’utilisation des photographies aĂ©riennes permet de dĂ©terminer d’une part, l’évolution du trait de cĂŽte Ă  l’embouchure de l’Oum Rbia Ă  long terme (de 1949 Ă  1996) et d’autre part.de mesurer l’évolution de l’ensemble du littoral de la baie El Jadida Ă  moyen terme (de 1988 Ă  1997). Les rĂ©sultats de l’étude diachronique confirment la variabilitĂ© spatio-temporelle et l’évolution du littoral de la baie d’El Jadida avec des zones en Ă©rosion et d’autres en accumulation. L’analyse des variations des traits de cĂŽte, Ă  moyen terme, ne montre pas des modifications importantes. Les seuls changements ont Ă©té enregistrĂ©s au niveau des unitĂ©s morphologiques composant ce littoral (plage aĂ©rienne, dunes,
). L’évolution du trait de cĂŽte Ă  long terme se caractĂ©rise par une forte variabilitĂ© dans le secteur de l’estuaire de l’Oum Rbia. La pĂ©riode d’érosion la plus importante se situe entre 1949 et 1996 avec un taux de recul de 45 m (1,28 m/an). Durant cette mĂȘme pĂ©riode, on distingue aussi une variabilitĂ© spatiale qui se traduit par l’existence de deux secteurs trĂšs diffĂ©rents : le premier est caractĂ©risĂ© par une forte Ă©rosion (plage de la rive droite) et le deuxiĂšme est favorisĂ© par des accumulations importantes (flĂšche sableuse de la rive gauche).Mots-clĂ©s : baie d’El Jadida, plage, estuaire, trait de cĂŽte, Ă©volution morphologique, Ă©volution diachronique, flĂšche sableuse, Maroc. Study of coastline evolution of the El Jadida bay (Morocco) by photo-interpretationEl Jadida bay, is located on the middle of the Atlantic coast of Morocco (between 33° 15’ 00’’ and 33° 21’ 40’’ North and between 8° 18’ 00’’ and 8° 30’ 00’’ West), constitute a large sandy stock strongly marked by the littoral dynamic. The use of the aerial photographs permit to identify the coast evolution to the Oum Rbia estuary (of 1949 to 1996) and to measure the littoral of the bay El Jadida evolution in medium-term. The results of this diachronic study confirm space and time variability in the littoral of bay evolution with deepening reach’s and others of sedimentation. The coastline variation analysis in medium-term doesn’t give satisfactory results. The only changes were registered at the morphological units of the coast (aerial beach, dunes, ... ). The coastline evolution in the long-term coast is characterized by a strong variability in the Oum Rbia estuary. The period of the most important erosion ranges between 1949 and 1996 with a rate of retreat of 45 m (1.28 m/an). During this period, we can also notice a space variability which results in the existence of two very different sectors: the first is characterized by strong erosion (beach of Right Bank) and the second is characterized by accumulations (sandy arrow of left bank).Keywords : El Jadida bay, estuary, coastline, morphologic evolution, diachronic evolution, sandy arrow, Morocco

    Molecular analysis of the TMPRSS3 gene in Moroccan families with non-syndromic hearing loss

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    Autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing impairment (ARNSHI) is the most common type of inherited hearing impairment, accounting for approximately 80% of inherited prelingual hearing impairment. Hearing loss is noted to be both phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous. Mutations in the TMPRSS3 gene, which encodes a transmembrane serine protease, are known to cause autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing impairment DFNB8/10. In order to elucidate if the TMPRSS3 gene is responsible for ARNSHI in 80 Moroccan families with non-syndromic hearing impairment, the gene was sequenced using DNA samples from these families. Nineteen TMPRSS3 variants were found, nine are located in the exons among which six are missense and three are synonymous. The 10 remaining variations are located in non-coding regions. Missense variants analysis show that they do not have a significant pathogenic effect on protein while pathogenicity of some variant remains under discussion. Thus we show that the TMPRSS3 gene is not a major contributor to non-syndromic deafness in the Moroccan population

    Analysis of CLDN14 gene in deaf Moroccan patients with non-syndromic hearing loss

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    Mutations in the CLDN14 gene, encoding the tight junction claudin 14 protein has been reported to date in an autosomal recessive form of isolated hearing loss DFNB29. In order to identify the contribution of CLDN14 to inherited deafness in Moroccan population, we performed a genetic analysis of this gene in 80 Moroccan familial cases. Our results show the presence of 7 mutations: 6 being conservative and one leading to a missense mutation (C11T) which was found at heterozygous and homozygous states, with a general frequency of 6.87%. The pathogenicity of the resulting T4M substitution is under discussion. Finally, our study suggests that CLDN14 gene can be implicated in the development of hearing loss in the Moroccan population

    A novel mutation of AFG3L2 might cause dominant optic atrophy in patients with mild intellectual disability

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    Dominant optic neuropathies causing fiber loss in the optic nerve are among the most frequent inherited mitochondrial diseases. In most genetically resolved cases, the disease is associated to a mutation in OPA1, which encodes an inner mitochondrial dynamin involved in network fusion, cristae structure and mitochondrial genome maintenance. OPA1 cleavage is regulated by two m-AAA proteases, SPG7 and AFG3L2, which are, respectively involved in Spastic Paraplegia 7 and Spino-Cerebellar Ataxia 28. Here, we identified a novel mutation c.1402C>T in AFG3L2, modifying the arginine 468 in cysteine in an evolutionary highly conserved arginine-finger motif, in a family with optic atrophy and mild intellectual disability. Ophthalmic examinations disclosed a loss of retinal nerve fibers on the temporal and nasal sides of the optic disk and a red-green dyschromatopsia. Thus, our results suggest that neuro-ophthalmological symptom as optic atrophy might be associated with AFG3L2 mutations, and should prompt the screening of this gene in patients with isolated and syndromic inherited optic neuropathies

    A novel mutation in the TMC1 gene causes non-syndromic hearing loss in a Moroccan family

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    Autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss (ARNSHL) is one of the most common genetic diseases in human and is subject to important genetic heterogeneity, rendering molecular diagnosis difficult. Whole-exome sequencing is thus a powerful strategy for this purpose. After excluding GJB2 mutation and other common mutations associated with hearing loss in Morocco, whole-exome sequencing was performed to study the genetic causes of one sibling with ARSHNL in a consanguineous Moroccan family. After filtering data and Sanger sequencing validation, one novel pathogenic homozygous mutation c.1810C>G (p.Arg604Gly) was identified in TMC1, a gene reported to cause deafness in various populations. Thus, we identified here the first mutation in the TMC1 gene in the Moroccan population causing non-syndromic hearing loss

    An 8-mm diameter fibre robot positioner for massive spectroscopy surveys

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society © 2015 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reservedMassive spectroscopic survey are becoming trendy in astrophysics and cosmology, as they can address new fundamental knowledge such as understanding the formation of the Milky Way and probing the nature of the mysterious dark energy. To enable massive spectroscopic surveys, new technology has been developed to place thousands of optical fibres at a given position on a focal plane. This technology needs to be: (1) accurate, with micrometer positional accuracy; (2) fast to minimize overhead; (3) robust to minimize failure; and (4) low cost. In this paper, we present the development, properties, and performance of a new single 8-mm in diameter fibre positioner robot, using two 4-mm DC-brushless gearmotors, that allows us to achieve accuracies up to 0.07 arcsec (5 Όm). This device has been developed in the context of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic InstrumentWe acknowledge support from the Spanish MICINNs Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Program me under grant MultiDark CSD2009-00064, HEPHACOS S2009/ESP-1473, and MINECO Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Programme under grant SEV-2012-0249. We also thank the support from a CSIC-AVS contract through MICINN grant AYA2010-21231-C02- 01, and CDTI grant IDC-20101033; and support from the Spanish MINECO research grants AYA2012-31101 and FPA2012-34694. JPK, PH and LM acknowledge support from the ERC advanced grant LIDA and from an SNF Interdisciplinary grant

    An 8-mm diameter fibre robot positioner for massive spectroscopy surveys

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    Massive spectroscopic survey are becoming trendy in astrophysics and cosmology, as they can address new fundamental knowledge such as understanding the formation of the Milky Way and probing the nature of the mysterious dark energy. To enable massive spectroscopic surveys, new technology has been developed to place thousands of optical fibres at a given position on a focal plane. This technology needs to be: (1) accurate, with micrometer positional accuracy; (2) fast to minimize overhead; (3) robust to minimize failure; and (4) low cost. In this paper, we present the development, properties, and performance of a new single 8-mm in diameter fibre positioner robot, using two 4-mm DC-brushless gearmotors, that allows us to achieve accuracies up to 0.07arcsec (5 ÎŒm). This device has been developed in the context of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument.
