47 research outputs found

    Status and Prospects of Top-Quark Physics

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    The top quark is the heaviest elementary particle observed to date. Its large mass of about 173 GeV/c^2 makes the top quark act differently than other elementary fermions, as it decays before it hadronises, passing its spin information on to its decay products. In addition, the top quark plays an important role in higher-order loop corrections to standard model processes, which makes the top quark mass a crucial parameter for precision tests of the electroweak theory. The top quark is also a powerful probe for new phenomena beyond the standard model. During the time of discovery at the Tevatron in 1995 only a few properties of the top quark could be measured. In recent years, since the start of Tevatron Run II, the field of top-quark physics has changed and entered a precision era. This report summarises the latest measurements and studies of top-quark properties and gives prospects for future measurements at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).Comment: 76 pages, 35 figures, submitted to Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physic

    Effects of temperature, Mg2+ concentration and mismatches on triplet-repeat expansion during DNA replication in vitro.

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    The human genome contains many simple tandem repeats that are widely dispersed and highly polymorphic. At least one group of simple tandem repeats, the DNA trinucleotide repeats, can dramaticallyexpand in size during transmission from one generation to the next to cause disease by a process known as dynamic mutation. We investigated the ability of trinucleotide repeats AAT and CAG to expand in size during DNA replication using a minimal in vitro system composed of the repeat tract, with and without unique flanking sequences, and DNA polymerase. Varying Mg2+concentration and temperature gave dramatic expansions of repeat size during DNA replication in vitro. Expansions of up to 1000-fold were observed. Mismatches partially stabilized the repeat tracts against expansion. Expansions were only detected when the primer was complementary to the repeat tract rather than the flanking sequence. The results imply that cellular environment and whether the growing strand contains a nick or gap are important factors for the expansion process in vivo

    Review and Evaluation of the Potential Health Effects of Oxidic Nickel Nanoparticles

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    The exceptional physical and chemical properties of nickel nanomaterials have been exploited in a range of applications such as electrical conductors, batteries, and biomaterials. However, it has been suggested that these unique properties may allow for increased bioavailability, bio-reactivity, and potential adverse health effects. Thus, the purpose of this review was to critically evaluate data regarding the toxicity of oxidic nickel nanoparticles (nickel oxide (NiO) and nickel hydroxide (Ni(OH)2) nanoparticles) with respect to: (1) physico-chemistry properties; (2) nanomaterial characterization in the defined delivery media; (3) appropriateness of model system and translation to potential human effects; (4) biodistribution, retention, and clearance; (5) routes and relevance of exposure; and (6) current research data gaps and likely directions of future research. Inhalation studies were prioritized for review as this represents a potential exposure route in humans. Oxidic nickel particle size ranged from 5 to 100 nm in the 60 studies that were identified. Inflammatory responses induced by exposure of oxidic nickel nanoparticles via inhalation in rodent studies was characterized as acute in nature and only displayed chronic effects after relatively large (high concentration and long duration) exposures. Furthermore, there is no evidence, thus far, to suggest that the effects induced by oxidic nickel nanoparticles are related to preneoplastic events. There are some data to suggest that nano- and micron-sized NiO particles follow a similar dose response when normalized to surface area. However, future experiments need to be conducted to better characterize the exposure–dose–response relationship according to specific surface area and reactivity as a dose metric, which drives particle dissolution and potential biological responses

    An Assessment of the Oral and Inhalation Acute Toxicity of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles in Rats

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    Nickel oxide nanoparticles (NiO NPs) have been the focus of many toxicity studies. However, acute toxicity studies that identify toxicological dose descriptors, such as an LC50 or LD50, are lacking. In this paper, the acute toxicity of NiO NPs was evaluated in albino-derived Sprague-Dawley rats through OECD guideline studies conducted by both the oral and inhalation routes of exposure. The animals were assessed for mortality, body weight, behavioral observations, and gross necropsy. Results from previously conducted (unpublished) acute inhalation studies with larger NiO microparticles (MPs) are also included for comparison. Mortality, the primary endpoint in acute toxicity studies, was not observed for rats exposed to NiO NPs via either the oral or inhalation exposure routes, with a determined LD50 of >5000 mg/kg and an LC50 > 5.42 mg/L, respectively. Our results suggest that these NiO NPs do not exhibit serious acute toxicity in rats or warrant an acute toxicity classification under the current GHS classification criteria. This aligns with similar results for NiO MPs from this and previously published studies

    Radon Elimination During Benzene Preparation for Radiocarbon Dating by Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry

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    From the 13th International Radiocarbon Conference held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, June 20-25, 1988.Radon gas is a serious contaminant in radiocarbon dating by radiometry. The low specific ionizations associated with the a-particle emitting radon and its Beta-particle emitting daughters overlap within the 14C counting window. Elimination of radon is therefore imperative for precise 14C age determinations. This paper deals with the sources and mechanism of incorporation of radon affecting 14C dating by liquid scintillation (LS) counting, and reviews conventional radon elimination practices in 14C laboratories. It demonstrates, based on rigorous multichannel and multiparameter alphaand Beta-particle spectral analyses of some 1000 benzene samples, that parent radium is not present and that its daughter radon is quantitatively eliminated during dynamic vacuum recovery of benzene at -78 degrees C. However, the radon-free benzene can be recontaminated by exposure to air containing traces of radon, such as is common in concrete or low-lying laboratories. The use of radon-free air, when exposing the benzene to the atmosphere, and the monitoring of radon counts from the environment and sample benzene in a fixed 'radon window', are essential prerequisites to the quality control of 14C age determinations in very low background systems.This material was digitized as part of a cooperative project between Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202