102 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Time Reversal Violation in Semileptonic Decays of Charged Mesons

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    We provide a general analysis of time reversal violation arising from misalignment between quark and squark mass eigenstates. In particular, we focus on the possibility of large enhancement effects due to the top quark mass. For semileptonic decays of the charged mesons, K+π0μ+νμK^+ \rightarrow \pi^0 \mu^+ \nu_{\mu}, D+K0μ+νμD^+ \rightarrow \overline{K}^0 \mu^+ \nu_{\mu}, and B+D0τ+ντB^+ \rightarrow \overline{D}^0 \tau^+ \nu_{\tau}, the transverse polarization of the lepton PlP^{\bot}_l is a TT-odd observable that is of great experimental interest. It is noted that under favorable choice of parameters, PμP^{\bot}_{\mu} in Kμ3+K^+_{\mu3} decay can be detectable at the ongoing KEK experiment and it holds a promising prospect for discovery at the proposed BNL experiment. Furthermore, PτP^{\bot}_{\tau} in B±B^{\pm} decay could well be within the reach of BB factories, but PμP^{\bot}_{\mu} in D±D^{\pm} decay is not large enough for detection at the proposed τ\tau-charm factory.Comment: LaTex, 14 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    QCD strings and the thermodynamics of the metastable phase of QCD at large NcN_c

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    The thermodyanmics of a metastable hadronic phase of QCD at large NCN_C are related to properties of an effective QCD string. In particular, it is shown that in the large NcN_c limit and near the maximum hadronic temperature, THT_H, the energy density and pressure of the metastable phase scale as E(THT)(D6)/2{\cal E} \sim (T_H-T)^{-(D_\perp-6)/2} (for D<6D_\perp <6) and P(THT)(D4)/2P \sim (T_H-T)^{-(D_\perp-4)/2} (for D<4D_\perp <4) where DD_\perp is the effective number of transverse dimensions of the string theory. It is shown, however, that for the thermodynamic quantities of interest the limits TTHT \to T_H and NcN_c \to \infty do not commute. The prospect of extracting DD_\perp via lattice simulations of the metastable hadronic phase at moderately large NcN_c is discussed.Comment: After this paper was published, the author became aware of an important early paper by Charles Thorn on the subject of the QCD phase transition at large N_c and its relation to the Hagedorn spectrum. Given the pioneering nature of Thorn's paper, and the fact that it is not as widely known as it should be, it is important to cite it in the present work. This updated version cites Thorn's wor

    Effect of Low Strain Rate on Formability of Aluminium Alloy

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    Effect of low strain rate on formability of aluminium alloy 2014 by means of torsion test was performed. The presented experimental results exhibit decrease of the ductility with increase and decrease of ε and T, respectively, and optimal values of , ε T are thus obtained

    Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Contribution to g-2 of the Leptons and alpha(M_Z)

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    We review and compare recent calculations of hadronic vacuum polarization effects. In particular, we consider the anomalous magnetic moments g-2 of the leptons and alpha(M_Z), the effective fine structure constant at the Z--resonance.Comment: 11 pages, 11 postscript figures, uses espcrc2.sty. Postscript version available at http://www.ifh.de/~fjeger/desy-96-121.ps.gz To be published in the proceedings of Zeuthen Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory: QCD and QED in Higher Orders, Rheinsberg, Germany, 21-26 Apr 199

    The String Density of States from The Convolution Theorem

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    We study the microcanonical density of states and the thermal properties of a bosonic string gas starting from a calculation of the Helmholtz free energy in the S-representation. By adding more and more strings to the single string system, we induce that, for infinite volume, there is no negative specific heat region but a transition at a finite value of the energy per string from the low energy regime to a region of infinite specific heat at the Hagedorn temperature. Forcing the description of this phase in terms of strings gives a picture in which there is a very fat string in a sea of low energetic ones. We argue that the necessary changing of this description should not change the fact that perturbatively THT_H is a maximum temperature of the system.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, epsf.sty and a4.sty, 5 figures in PostScrip

    Lepton Polarization in the Decays BXsμ+μB\to X_s\mu^+\mu^- and BXsτ+τB\to X_s\tau^+\tau^-

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    The effective Hamiltonian for the decay bsl+lb\to s l^+ l^- predicts a characteristic polarization for the final state lepton, which can serve as an important test of the underlying theory. The lepton polarization has, in addition to a longitudinal component PLP_L, two orthogonal components PTP_T and PNP_N, lying in and perpendicular to the decay plane which are proportional to ml/mbm_l/m_b, and therefore significant for the τ+τ\tau^+\tau^- channel. The normal polarization component PNP_N is a TT-odd effect connected with the nonhermiticity of the effective Hamiltonian, arising mainly from ccˉc\bar{c} intermediate states. We calculate all three polarization components for the decay BXsτ+τB\to X_s\tau^+\tau^- as a function of the lepton pair mass, and find average values =0.37, = -0.37, = -0.63, = 0.03. By comparison, the $\mu^-$ polarization is = -0.77, =0 = \approx 0.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 5 eps figures, uses epsf.sty and cite.st

    Computation of the Heavy-Light Decay Constant using Non-relativistic Lattice QCD

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    We report results on a lattice calculation of the heavy-light meson decay constant employing the non-relativistic QCD approach for heavy quark and Wilson action for light quark. Simulations are carried out at β=6.0\beta=6.0 on a 163×4816^3\times 48 lattice. Signal to noise ratio for the ground state is significantly improved compared to simulations in the static approximation, enabling us to extract the decay constant reliably. We compute the heavy-light decay constant for several values of heavy quark mass and estimate the magnitude of the deviation from the heavy mass scaling law fPmP=constf_{P} \sqrt{m_{P}} = const. For the BB meson we find fB=171±2245+19f_{B} = 171\pm 22^{+19}_{-45} MeV, while an extrapolation to the static limit yields fBstaticf_{B}^{static} = 297±3630+15297\pm 36^{+15}_{-30} MeV.Comment: 34 pages in LaTeX including 10 figures using epsf.sty, uuencoded-gziped-shar format, HUPD-940

    Testing Supersymmetry in the Associated Production of CP-odd and Charged Higgs Bosons

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    In the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), the masses of the charged Higgs boson (H±H^\pm) and the CP-odd scalar (AA) are related by MH+2=MA2+mW2M_{H^+}^2=M_A^2+m_W^2. Furthermore, because the coupling of WW^--AA-H+H^+ is fixed by gauge interaction, the tree level production rate of qqˉW±AH±q \bar q' \to W^{\pm \ast} \to A H^\pm depends only on one supersymmetry parameter --the mass (MAM_A) of AA. We show that to a good approximation this conclusion also holds at the one-loop level. Consequently, this process can be used to distinguish MSSM from its alternatives (such as a general two-Higgs-doublet model) by verifying the above mass relation, and to test the prediction of the MSSM on the product of the decay branching ratios of AA and H±H^\pm in terms of only one single parameter -- MAM_A.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Numerical analysis of the Higgs mass triviality bound

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    Previous large NN calculations are combined with numerical work at N=4N=4 to show that the Minimal Standard Model will describe physics to an accuracy of a few percent up to energies of the order 2 to 4 times the Higgs mass, MHM_H, only if MH710±60 GeVM_H \le 710\pm60 ~ GeV. This bound is the result of a systematic search in the space of dimension six operators and is expected to hold in the {\it continuum}. Given that studying the scalar sector in isolation is already an approximation, we believe that our result is sufficiently accurate and that further refinements would be of progressively diminishing interest to particle physics. Note: The full ps file of this preprint is also available via anonymous ftp to ftp.scri.fsu.edu. To get the ps file, ftp to this address and use for username "anonymous" and for password your name. The file is in the directory pub/vranas (to go to that directory type: cd pub/vranas) and is called num_hig.ps (to get it type: get num_hig.ps)Comment: 22 pages with 10 ps figures included. Tex file. FSU-SCRI-93-29, CU-TP-590, RU-93-0

    Bootstraping the QCD Critical Point

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    It is shown that hadronic matter formed at high temperatures, according to the prescription of the statistical bootstrap principle, develops a critical point at nonzero baryon chemical potential. The location of the critical point in the phase diagram, however, depends on the detailed knowledge of the partition function of the deconfined phase, near the critical line. In a simplified version of the quark-gluon partition function, the resulting location of the critical point is compared with the solutions of other approaches and in particular with the results of lattice QCD. The proximity of our solution to the freeze-out area in heavy-ion experiments is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures in 4 file