32 research outputs found

    Complex Evolutionary History With Extensive Ancestral Gene Flow in an African Primate Radiation

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    Understanding the drivers of speciation is fundamental in evolutionary biology, and recent studies highlight hybridization as an important evolutionary force. Using whole-genome sequencing data from 22 species of guenons (tribe Cercopithecini), one of the world's largest primate radiations, we show that rampant gene flow characterizes their evolutionary history and identify ancient hybridization across deeply divergent lineages that differ in ecology, morphology, and karyotypes. Some hybridization events resulted in mitochondrial introgression between distant lineages, likely facilitated by cointrogression of coadapted nuclear variants. Although the genomic landscapes of introgression were largely lineage specific, we found that genes with immune functions were overrepresented in introgressing regions, in line with adaptive introgression, whereas genes involved in pigmentation and morphology may contribute to reproductive isolation. In line with reports from other systems that hybridization might facilitate diversification, we find that some of the most species-rich guenon clades are of admixed origin. This study provides important insights into the prevalence, role, and outcomes of ancestral hybridization in a large mammalian radiation

    Study of the human African genome landscape through the analysis of complete genomes

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    Trabajo presentado en la Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE 2015), celebrada en Viena del 12 al 16 de julio de 2015.Understanding the genetic diversity in humans within the African continent is pivotal to have a full picture of the demographic history of the human species. Here, we study complete genome sequeces of a diverse panel of African individuals in terms of geographical location, linguistic context and lifestyle. Most African diversity studies have mainly focused on uniparental markers or selected autosomal markers, which introduce an ascertainment bias in the analysis. The analysis of complete genomes has been poorly developed in the study of African human genomics and internal population diversity. The main goals of this study are: 1. Characterisation of the internal human diversity in Africa overcoming ascertainment bias-related problems by using complete genomes. 2. Characterization of the deepest splits in the human lineage and the processes (such as migrations and admixtures) that have shaped the current genetic map.Funded by: MINECO CGL 2013-44351-P.N

    Insights from the rescue and breeding management of Cuvier’s gazelle (Gazella cuvieri) through whole-genome sequencing

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    Captive breeding programmes represent the most intensive type of ex situ population management for threatened species. One example is the Cuvier’s gazelle programme that started in 1975 with only four founding individuals, and after more than four decades of management in captivity, a reintroduction effort was undertaken in Tunisia in 2016, to establish a population in an area historically included within its range. Here, we aim to determine the genetic consequences of this reintroduction event by assessing the genetic diversity of the founder stock as well as of their descendants. We present the first whole-genome sequencing dataset of 30 Cuvier’s gazelles including captive-bred animals, animals born in Tunisia after a reintroduction and individuals from a genetically unrelated Moroccan population. Our analyses revealed no difference between the founder and the offspring cohorts in genome-wide heterozygosity and inbreeding levels, and in the amount and length of runs of homozygosity. The captive but unmanaged Moroccan gazelles have the lowest genetic diversity of all genomes analysed. Our findings demonstrate that the Cuvier’s gazelle captive breeding programme can serve as source populations for future reintroductions of this species. We believe that this study can serve as a starting point for global applications of genomics to the conservation plan of this species.K-P. Koepfli and B. Pukazhenthi acknowledge the Sichel Endowment Fund for research support on dama gazelle genomics. M.A.E. is supported by an FPI (Formación de Personal Investigador) PRE2018-083966 from Ministerio de Ciencia, Universidades e Investigación. P.D. was supported as a postdoctoral fellow by the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program. K.-P.K. was supported by funding from the Smithsonian Institution's George E. Burch Fellowship in Theoretical Medicine and Affiliated Theoretical Science. T.M.-B. is supported by funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 864203), BFU2017-86471-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE), ‘Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu’, funded by the AEI (CEX2018-000792-M), Howard Hughes International Early Career and Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca and CERCA Programme del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (GRC 2017 SGR 880). E.M. received financial support from the project PGC2018-097426-B-C22 (Spanish Ministry of Universities. Spanish State Research Agency. FEDER Program, European Union). E.L. is supported by CGL2017-82654-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE).Peer reviewe

    Demographic inferences from a diverse panel of African human genomes

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    Trabajo presentado en la Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE 2015), celebrada en Viena del 12 al 16 de julio de 2015.Understanding genetic variation across ethnically and geographically diverse extant African populations is of great importance for reconstructing human complex demographic history. Here, we study the recent history and relationships among 15 different African populations, by analyzing the whole-genome sequence data of 21 individuals sequenced at deep coverage covering all major contine ntal linguistic groups, ecosystems and life-styles within Africa. We detected 12 million single nucleotide substitutions, providing a rich picture of the genome diversity and population history in Africa. We observe a remarkable correlation among genetic diversity and geographic origins and recent demographic history of the individuals studied. While different hunter-gatherer groups show more differentiation compared with the rest of samples, Bantu individuals are genetically more homogeneous and present evidence of admixture with neighboring hunter-gatherer groups, depending on the geographic area. Northern African individuals are closely related to non-African populations, in agreement with a recent split of both groups and continuous gene flow. To gain in sight into the deepest split of our species, we explore if recent admixture of Pygmies and Khoesan with other populations may cover up their real diversity, becoming the human most diverse groups.N

    Ancient DNA of the pygmy marmoset type specimen Cebuella pygmaea (Spix, 1823) resolves a taxonomic conundrum

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    The pygmy marmoset, the smallest of the anthropoid primates, has a broad distribution in Western Amazonia. Recent studies using molecular and morphological data have identified two distinct species separated by the Napo and Solimões-Amazonas rivers. However, reconciling this new biological evidence with current taxonomy, i.e., two subspecies, Cebuella pygmaea pygmaea (Spix, 1823) and Cebuella pygmaea niveiventris (Lönnberg, 1940), was problematic given the uncertainty as to whether Spix's pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea pygmaea) was collected north or south of the Napo and Solimões-Amazonas rivers, making it unclear to which of the two newly revealed species the name pygmaea would apply. Here, we present the first molecular data from Spix's type specimen of Cebuella pygmaea, as well as novel mitochondrial genomes from modern pygmy marmosets sampled near the type locality (Tabatinga) on both sides of the river. With these data, we can confirm the correct names of the two species identified, i.e., C. pygmaea for animals north of the Napo and Solimões-Amazonas rivers and C. niveiventris for animals south of these two rivers. Phylogenetic analyses of the novel genetic data placed into the context of cytochrome b gene sequences from across the range of pygmy marmosets further led us to reevaluate the geographical distribution for the two Cebuella species. We dated the split of these two species to 2.54 million years ago. We discuss additional, more recent, subdivisions within each lineage, as well as potential contact zones between the two species in the headwaters of these rivers

    Whole-genome sequence analysis of a Pan African set of samples reveals archaic gene flow from an extinct basal population of modern humans into sub-Saharan populations

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    BackgroundPopulation demography and gene flow among African groups, as well as the putative archaic introgression of ancient hominins, have been poorly explored at the genome level.ResultsHere, we examine 15 African populations covering all major continental linguistic groups, ecosystems, and lifestyles within Africa through analysis of whole-genome sequence data of 21 individuals sequenced at deep coverage. We observe a remarkable correlation among genetic diversity and geographic distance, with the hunter-gatherer groups being more genetically differentiated and having larger effective population sizes throughout most modern-human history. Admixture signals are found between neighbor populations from both hunter-gatherer and agriculturalists groups, whereas North African individuals are closely related to Eurasian populations. Regarding archaic gene flow, we test six complex demographic models that consider recent admixture as well as archaic introgression. We identify the fingerprint of an archaic introgression event in the sub-Saharan populations included in the models (similar to 4.0% in Khoisan, similar to 4.3% in Mbuti Pygmies, and similar to 5.8% in Mandenka) from an early divergent and currently extinct ghost modern human lineage.ConclusionThe present study represents an in-depth genomic analysis of a Pan African set of individuals, which emphasizes their complex relationships and demographic history at population level.Peer reviewe

    Genomic Legacy of the African Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus

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    Background Patterns of genetic and genomic variance are informative in inferring population history for human, model species and endangered populations. Results Here the genome sequence of wild-born African cheetahs reveals extreme genomic depletion in SNV incidence, SNV density, SNVs of coding genes, MHC class I and II genes, and mitochondrial DNA SNVs. Cheetah genomes are on average 95 % homozygous compared to the genomes of the outbred domestic cat (24.08 % homozygous), Virunga Mountain Gorilla (78.12 %), inbred Abyssinian cat (62.63 %), Tasmanian devil, domestic dog and other mammalian species. Demographic estimators impute two ancestral population bottlenecks: one \u3e100,000 years ago coincident with cheetah migrations out of the Americas and into Eurasia and Africa, and a second 11,084–12,589 years ago in Africa coincident with late Pleistocene large mammal extinctions. MHC class I gene loss and dramatic reduction in functional diversity of MHC genes would explain why cheetahs ablate skin graft rejection among unrelated individuals. Significant excess of non-synonymous mutations in AKAP4 (p\u3c0.02), a gene mediating spermatozoon development, indicates cheetah fixation of five function-damaging amino acid variants distinct from AKAP4 homologues of other Felidae or mammals; AKAP4 dysfunction may cause the cheetah’s extremely high (\u3e80 %) pleiomorphic sperm. Conclusions The study provides an unprecedented genomic perspective for the rare cheetah, with potential relevance to the species’ natural history, physiological adaptations and unique reproductive disposition

    A comparative genomics multitool for scientific discovery and conservation

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    A whole-genome alignment of 240 phylogenetically diverse species of eutherian mammal-including 131 previously uncharacterized species-from the Zoonomia Project provides data that support biological discovery, medical research and conservation. The Zoonomia Project is investigating the genomics of shared and specialized traits in eutherian mammals. Here we provide genome assemblies for 131 species, of which all but 9 are previously uncharacterized, and describe a whole-genome alignment of 240 species of considerable phylogenetic diversity, comprising representatives from more than 80% of mammalian families. We find that regions of reduced genetic diversity are more abundant in species at a high risk of extinction, discern signals of evolutionary selection at high resolution and provide insights from individual reference genomes. By prioritizing phylogenetic diversity and making data available quickly and without restriction, the Zoonomia Project aims to support biological discovery, medical research and the conservation of biodiversity.Peer reviewe

    Identification of constrained sequence elements across 239 primate genomes

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    Noncoding DNA is central to our understanding of human gene regulation and complex diseases1,2, and measuring the evolutionary sequence constraint can establish the functional relevance of putative regulatory elements in the human genome3–9. Identifying the genomic elements that have become constrained specifically in primates has been hampered by the faster evolution of noncoding DNA compared to protein-coding DNA10, the relatively short timescales separating primate species11, and the previously limited availability of whole-genome sequences12. Here we construct a whole-genome alignment of 239 species, representing nearly half of all extant species in the primate order. Using this resource, we identified human regulatory elements that are under selective constraint across primates and other mammals at a 5% false discovery rate. We detected 111,318 DNase I hypersensitivity sites and 267,410 transcription factor binding sites that are constrained specifically in primates but not across other placental mammals and validate their cis-regulatory effects on gene expression. These regulatory elements are enriched for human genetic variants that affect gene expression and complex traits and diseases. Our results highlight the important role of recent evolution in regulatory sequence elements differentiating primates, including humans, from other placental mammals