27 research outputs found

    Miocene transpression effects at the boundary of Central Carpathian Paleogene Basin and Pieniny Klippen Belt: examples from Polish-Slovakian borderland

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    A geological structural study has been conducted along the tectonic contact zone of the Central Carpathian Paleogene Basin (CCPB) and Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB) in the eastern Podhale and western Spišska Magura areas. It concerned mostly the Central Carpathian Paleogene flysch strata and, to a lesser degree, the Upper Cretaceous rocks of the PKB. Tectonic deformation structures genetically related to the important tectonic boundary in question occur within a c. 1.5–2 km-wide strip of the Paleogene flysch rocks adjacent from the south to the PKB. Two parallel structural domains have been distinguished within this strip: the contact zone proper in the north and the peri-Pieniny monocline in the south. Most of the minor faults documented in the Paleogene flysch bear a record of dextral motion parallel to the contact zone. Some dextral-reverse oblique slip faults of NE-SW and W-E trends have also been recognized. Discrepancies in the orientation and sense of movement on strike-slip faults in the Paleogene flysch rocks and those in marlstones of the “klippen envelope” of the PKB were encountered. They probably reflect differences in the structural history of both the adjacent rock complexes, as the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the PKB must have experienced more deformation events and, in general, were affected by much more intense strain than those of the CCPB. Contractional structures, such as south-vergent reverse faults and recumbent folds which point to ca N-S tectonic shortening, have also been found in the Paleogene rocks. The entirety of the structural features found in the CCPB is characteristic of a transpressional regime. The regionally consistent coexistence of structures resulting from strike-slip movements and tectonic shortening, as well as features pointing directly to a transpressional regime, prove the transpressional dextral nature of the contact between the CCPB and PKB

    Paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric data from Lower Triassic redbeds of the Central Western Carpathians: new constraints on the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian region

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    In the Central Western Carpathians (CWC), most published paleomagnetic results from Permo-Mesozoic rocks document extensive remagnetizations and come from thin-skinned thrust units that have undergone multistage deformation.We present results from lower Triassic redbeds from the autochthonous cover overlying the basement that carry a primary magnetization. Petromagnetic results indicate that the dominant ferromagnetic carrier is hematite, while magnetic susceptibility and its anisotropy are controlled by both ferromagnetic and paramagnetic minerals. Magnetic fabrics document weak deformation related to Late Cretaceous shortening. The directions of the high unblocking temperature remanence components pass both reversal and fold tests, attesting to their primary nature. Paleomagnetic inclinations are flatter than expected from reference datasets, suggesting small latitudinal separation between the CWC and stable Europe. Paleomagnetic declinations are mostly clustered within individual mountain massifs, implying their tectonic coherence. They show only minor differences between the massifs, indicating a lack of significant vertical-axis tectonic rotations within the studied central parts of the CWC. The paleomagnetic declinations are therefore representative of the whole of the CWC in terms of regional paleogeographic interpretations, and imply moderate counterclockwise rotations (c. 26°) of the region with respect to stable Europe since the Early Triassic

    Paleomagnetic results from lower Triassic red sandstones from the autochthonous cover of the Central Western Carpathians: constraints on largescale rotations of the Alcapa microplate.

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    The Carpathian orogen formed as a result of collision of the Alcapa and Tisza-Dacia microplates with the European Platform. With the objective of better constraining the regional paloegeographic evolution, we carried out paleomagnetic studies within the Central Western Carpathians, which constitutes a fragment of the Alcapa microplate. This study is a continuation of our earlier works performed in the Tatra Mts where we studied lower Triassic red sandstones from the autochthonous cover of the crystalline basement. This time we investigated rocks of matching age, lithology and tectonic position, from the area of two nearby mountain massifs: Low Tatra and Velka Fatra. Petromagnetic analyses provided similar results for all the studied sites. Red sandstones are rich in hematite and contain only small amounts of low coercivity ferromagnetic minerals. Hematite carrier records one characteristic component characterized by maximum unblocking temperatures of 680°C. This component displays dominantly normal polarity with shallow to moderate inclinations and north directed declinations (after the tectonic correction). The results obtained in this study are incompatible with previous paleomagnetic studies pointing to large-scale counterclockwise rotations of the Alcapa. On the other hand, our new findings are in good agreement with our previous results from the Tatra Mts. Observed inclinations are similar to that expected from reference paleomagnetic data from the European Platform, whereas declination values indicate only moderate counterclockwise rotations of about 20°. Acknowledgements: this work was supported by Polish National Science Centre (NCN) (Grant nr. 2014/13/B/ST10/01151)

    Monitoring Users’ Behavior: Anti-Immigration Speech Detection on Twitter

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    The proliferation of social media platforms changed the way people interact online. However, engagement with social media comes with a price, the users’ privacy. Breaches of users’ privacy, such as the Cambridge Analytica scandal, can reveal how the users’ data can be weaponized in political campaigns, which many times trigger hate speech and anti-immigration views. Hate speech detection is a challenging task due to the different sources of hate that can have an impact on the language used, as well as the lack of relevant annotated data. To tackle this, we collected and manually annotated an immigration-related dataset of publicly available Tweets in UK, US, and Canadian English. In an empirical study, we explored anti-immigration speech detection utilizing various language features (word n-grams, character n-grams) and measured their impact on a number of trained classifiers. Our work demonstrates that using word n-grams results in higher precision, recall, and f-score as compared to character n-grams. Finally, we discuss the implications of these results for future work on hate-speech detection and social media data analysis in general

    Joint-network evolution in the western part of Podhale Flysch (Inner Carpathians, Poland)

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    Thenetwork of joints cutting the flysch deposits in the western Podhale is reasonably regular both in map scale and in individual outcrops. It is formed by five sets having a different orientation with respect to the range of the Podhale Synclinorium, as well as a different age and origin. The oldest diagonal sets (DR, DL) are conjugate and roughly coeval and were formed as "potential shear surfaces" in horizontal beds, whereas their further opening proceeded in an extensional mode. The younger sublongitudinal set (L') comprises extensional joints originated during the early buckling of beds. The transverse set (T), younger than the L'-set, comprises extensional joints formed in relation to the WNW-ESE extension of the Podhale Synclinorium. The youngest longitudinal set (L) originated in an extensional mode in consequence of stress relaxation in the rock massif during postorogenic uplift. Joint density increases in areas involved in relatively strong tectonic disturbances: the zone of tectonic contact between the flysch and the Pieniny Klippen Belt, the zone of contact between the Paleogene deposits, the Tatra Massif and the Biały Dunajec fault zone

    NBA League as an Example of Sport Marketing

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    Artykuł ukazuje strategie oraz techniki marketingu w sporcie na przykładzie amerykańskiej zawodowej ligi koszykówki NBA. Autor ukazuje znaczenie promocji i reklamy w rozwoju sportu zawodowego. W artykule przedstawiono specyfikę tego rynku oraz możliwości jego rozwoju. The article shows strategies and techniques of marketing in sport on the basis of National Basketball Association (NBA). The author presents the importance of promotion and advertising in the development of professional sport. Furthermore, a description of this market and some opportunities for further development are highlighted

    NBA League as an Example of Sport Marketing

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    Artykuł ukazuje strategie oraz techniki marketingu w sporcie na przykładzie amerykańskiej zawodowej ligi koszykówki NBA. Autor ukazuje znaczenie promocji i reklamy w rozwoju sportu zawodowego. W artykule przedstawiono specyfikę tego rynku oraz możliwości jego rozwoju. The article shows strategies and techniques of marketing in sport on the basis of National Basketball Association (NBA). The author presents the importance of promotion and advertising in the development of professional sport. Furthermore, a description of this market and some opportunities for further development are highlighted

    Offence against religious feelings on the background of other crimes related to religion

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    Głównym celem pracy "Obraza uczuć religijnych na tle innych przestępstw związanych z religią jest przybliżenie zagadnienia obrazy uczuć religijnych. Praca porusza zagadnienie definicji i genezy religii. W dalszej części praca przybliża typy przestępstw związanych z religią jakie przewidywały akty prawne obowiązujące na terenie II Rzeczypospolitej, oraz Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej. Kolejny rozdział poświęcony jest uregulowaniom współczesnym - konstytucyjnej podstawie rozdziału XXIV Kodeksu karnego, oraz dwóm pierwszym artykułom tego rozdziału. Następna część pracy w całości poświęcona jest przestępstwu obrazy uczuć religijnych. Ostatni rozdział krótko przedstawia rozwiązania dotyczące kryminalizacji przestępstw związanych z religią obowiązujące w innych państwach europejskich. Pracę kończą wnioski podsumowujące opisywaną tematykę oraz własne przemyślenia.The main objective of the work "Offence against religious feelings on the background of other crimes related to religion" is to approximate the issue the issue of offence against religious feelings. The work raises the issue of definition and genesis of religion. In the following part of the work it presents the types of crimes related to religion that were provided for in the legal acts in force on the territory of the Second Republic of Poland, and the Polish People's Republic. The next chapter is devoted to the contemporary regulations - the constitutional basis of Chapter XXIV of the Penal Code, and the first two articles of this chapter. The next part of the work is entirely devoted to the crime of offence against religious feelings. The last chapter briefly outlines solutions to the criminalisation of religion-related crimes in other European countries. The work ends with conclusions summarizing the described subject matter and own thoughts

    Ewolucja spękań i uskoków w obrębie werfeńskich piaskowców kwarcytycznych - przykład z pokrywy autochtonicznej Tatr polskich

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    The paper is focused on the analysis of fractures and faults in slightly deformed Werfenian quartzitic sandstones, which in the Polish part of the Tatra Mts. begin the sedimentary succession of the autochthonous cover overlying directly the crystalline core. Investigations including geometric and genetic analysis of fractures and faults have enabled to reconstruct the evolution of the palaeostress field in relation to the generally accepted stages of structural evolution of the Tatra Mts. The oldest fractures are represented by the S system of shear fractures, which originated due to SSW-NNE compression in almost horizontal or slightly N-tilted beds. The F1 fault set could have also originated in this stage as a result of slip along the bedding planes or along planes sub-parallel to bedding. This stage took place after the Early Turonian and before the Coniacian. The formation of main zones of strike-slip faults, including the Ornak dislocation zone, could have taken place in the terminal part of this stage or directly after it. The following stage was linked with rotational uplift of the Tatra Mts., taking place since the Late Miocene. As a result of SSW–NNE extension, the L set of fractures appeared in the gradually uplifted Werfenian rocks. Additionally, the F2 set of normal faults originated along with the simultaneous opening of some S fractures and reactivation of the F1 fault set. The last stage of evolution (Pleistocene? - present day) included the formation of landslides, causing rotation of bed complexes together with the fractures. Some F1 faults could have been reactivated at that time.W niniejszym artykule przeprowadzono analizę spękań i uskoków w słabo zaburzonych tektonicznie piaskowcach kwarcytycznych werfenu. Piaskowce te rozpoczynają profil jednostki autochtonicznej (Tatricum) w Tatrach polskich, która leży bezpooerednio na trzonie krystalicznym. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań, polegających na analizie geometrycznej i genetycznej spękań i uskoków odtworzono pola paleonaprężeń i etapy ewolucji tych struktur w powiązaniu z ogólnie przyjętymi etapami ewolucji Tatr. Najstarszymi spękaniami są spękania ścięciowe systemu S, które powstały w wyniku kompresji o kierunku SSW-NNE w skałach leżących niemal poziomo lub lekko wychylonych ku północy. W etapie tym mogły powstawać również uskoki zespołu F1 w wyniku pooelizgów wzdłuż powierzchni uławicenia lub bliskich tym powierzchniom. Miało to miejsce po wczesnym turonie, a przed koniakiem. W końcowej fazie tego etapu lub po nim mogło dojść do powstania głównych stref uskoków przesuwczych, łącznie ze strefą dyslokacyjną Ornaku. Kolejny etap ewolucji omawianych struktur związany był z rotacyjnym wypiętrzeniem Tatr, trwającym od późnego miocenu. Sukcesywnie zaczęły powstawać spękania zespołu L w stopniowo wypiętrzających się skałach werfenu, w wyniku działania ekstensji o średnim kierunku SSW-NNE. W tym czasie doszło również do powstania uskoków normalnych systemu F2, z równoczesnym otwieraniem się części ze spękań systemu S oraz odmłodzeniem uskoków zespołu F1. W ostatnim etapie ewolucji (plejstocen? - dziś) powstawały osuwiska konsekwentno-strukturalne, powodujące skręcenia pakietów warstw łącznie z występującymi tu spękaniami. Mogło również dojść do reaktywacji niektórych uskoków zespołu F1