155 research outputs found

    Envejecimiento y vejez. Procesos de envejecimiento y Configuraciones familiares en el actual contexto

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    La investigación da cuenta de preocupaciones que giran en torno a comprender e interpretar la relaciónprocesos de envejecimiento y configuraciones familiares en el actual contexto. Específicamente:vínculos que construyen viejos / viejas y su grupo familiar; cómo operan éstos en tanto respuestas anecesidades y requerimientos; qué lugar ocupan los viejos en el espacio familiar; cuál es el impacto enla subjetividad e identidad y en la posibilidad de proyectar la vida.La relevancia del tema y sus resultados, se ubica en el contexto académico y en el contexto de políticaspúblico-sociales, como aporte al entramado dialéctico de ambos. La investigación contribuirá aprofundizar y consolidar perspectivas teórico-críticas acerca del envejecimiento y vejez, que posibilitenmejores intervenciones sociales. Se recupera la voz de los sujetos en el contexto de su vida cotidiana.Dada la complejidad del objeto de investigación y objetivos propuestos, la metodología adoptada seinscribe en una lógica cualitativa

    Risk of breast cancer in women after a salivary gland carcinoma or pleomorphic adenoma in the Netherlands

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    Salivary and mammary gland tumors show morphological similarities and share various characteristics, including frequent overexpression of hormone receptors and female preponderance. Although this may suggest a common etiology, it remains unclear whether patients with a salivary gland tumor carry an increased risk of breast cancer (BC). Our purpose was to determine the risk of BC in women diagnosed with salivary gland carcinoma (SGC) or pleomorphic adenoma (SGPA). BC incidence (invasive and in situ) was assessed in two nationwide cohorts: one comprising 1567 women diagnosed with SGC and one with 2083 women with SGPA. BC incidence was compared with general population rates using standardized incidence ratio (SIR). BC risk was assessed according to age at SGC/SGPA diagnosis, follow-up time and (for SGC patients) histological subtype. The mean follow-up was 7.0 years after SGC and 9.9 after SGPA diagnosis. During follow-up, 52 patients with SGC and 74 patients with SGPA developed BC. The median time to BC was 6 years after SGC and 7 after SGPA. The cumulative risk at 10 years of follow-up was 3.1% after SGC and 3.5% after SGPA (95% Confidence Interval (95%CI) 2.1%-4.7% and 2.6%-4.6%, respectively). BC incidence was 1.59 times (95%CI 1.19-2.09) higher in the SGC-cohort than expected based on incidence rates in the general population. SGPA-patients showed a 1.48 times (95%CI 1.16-1.86) higher incidence. Women with SGC or SGPA have a slightly increased risk of BC. The magnitude of risk justifies raising awareness, but is no reason for BC screening

    Identidad profesional de Trabajo Social. Principales rasgos de su configuración en distintos actores del campo profesional

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    El proyecto indagó acerca de los principales contenidos (atributos, rasgos, huellas, marcas, conceptos) que se atribuyen a la profesión Trabajo Social por parte de distintos actores relacionados a la misma. Se parte de considerar a la identidad como un proceso dinámico, en permanente construcción, asumiéndose una posición que se distancia de posturas esencialistas. No obstante en los procesos identitarios, se reconoce un núcleo común compartido por el cual los distintos miembros se definen como pertenecientes al mismo.La investigación abordó los principales rasgos adjudicados a la profesión por parte de los estudiantes que ingresan a la carrera y aquellos próximos a egresar, así como graduados en ejercicio profesional. Esta decisión se funda en la propuesta teórica de Dubar (2002) quien sostiene que en la construcción de las identidades profesionales, la formación y el empleo, constituyen los grandes ejes estructuradores de la misma.El material proveniente de las entrevistas a estos tres grupos de actores ofrece una multiplicidad de elementos que nos hablan de un oficio multifacético y en constante movimiento. No obstante desde el trabajo analítico se subrayan algunos contenidos que, con sus modalidades particulares, anidan en los distintos actores.Los tópicos construidos son: Entre querer cambiar el mundo y desafiar los límites de lo posible; La relación con los otros. La noción de ayuda y sus múltiples resignificaciones; Problematizar; es la tarea; La cuestión de género. Entre lo ausente, lo difuso y lo pendiente.Se observa que el trazado de estos contenidos se va modelizando a partir de la formación, la historia vital, la experiencia laboral, las capacitaciones.La investigación produjo aportes significativos para el análisis y comprensión de las expectativas puestas en la profesión, la docencia, la resignificación de la propia historia de la disciplina, el ejercicio profesional y las tensiones provenientes de la experiencia

    The Murchison Widefield Array: Design Overview

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    The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) is a dipole-based aperture array synthesis telescope designed to operate in the 80-300 MHz frequency range. It is capable of a wide range of science investigations, but is initially focused on three key science projects. These are detection and characterization of 3-dimensional brightness temperature fluctuations in the 21cm line of neutral hydrogen during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) at redshifts from 6 to 10, solar imaging and remote sensing of the inner heliosphere via propagation effects on signals from distant background sources,and high-sensitivity exploration of the variable radio sky. The array design features 8192 dual-polarization broad-band active dipoles, arranged into 512 tiles comprising 16 dipoles each. The tiles are quasi-randomly distributed over an aperture 1.5km in diameter, with a small number of outliers extending to 3km. All tile-tile baselines are correlated in custom FPGA-based hardware, yielding a Nyquist-sampled instantaneous monochromatic uv coverage and unprecedented point spread function (PSF) quality. The correlated data are calibrated in real time using novel position-dependent self-calibration algorithms. The array is located in the Murchison region of outback Western Australia. This region is characterized by extremely low population density and a superbly radio-quiet environment,allowing full exploitation of the instrumental capabilities.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the IEE

    Ranking of Fuzzy Similar Faces Using Relevance Matrix and Aggregation Operators

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    AbstractIn perception based imaging, Sketching With Words (SWW) is a well-established methodology in which the objects of computation are fuzzy geometric objects (f-objects).The problem of facial imaging of criminal on the basis of onlooker statement is not lack of method and measures but the modeling of onlooker(s) mind set. Because the onlooker has to give statements about different human face parts like forehead, eyes, nose, and chin etc.The concept of fuzzy similarity (f-similarity) and proper aggregation of components of face may provide more flexibility to onlooker(s). In proposed work onlooker(s) statement is recorded. Thereafter it is compared with existing statements. The f-similarity with different faces in database is estimated by using ‘as many as possible’ linguistic quantifier. Three types of constraints over size of parts of face ‘small’, ‘medium’, and ‘large’ are considered. Possibilistic constraints with linguistic hedges and negation operator like ‘very long’, ‘not long’, ‘not very long’ etc. are used. Moreover we have generated ranking of alike faces in decreasing order by using the concepts of f-similarity and relevance matrix

    Changes in socioeconomic resources and mental health after the second COVID-19 wave (2020-2021): a longitudinal study in Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND: During the 2020/2021 winter, the labour market was under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Changes in socioeconomic resources during this period could have influenced individual mental health. This association may have been mitigated or exacerbated by subjective risk perceptions, such as perceived risk of getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 or perception of the national economic situation. Therefore, we aimed to determine if changes in financial resources and employment situation during and after the second COVID-19 wave were prospectively associated with depression, anxiety and stress, and whether perceptions of the national economic situation and of the risk of getting infected modified this association. METHODS: One thousand seven hundred fifty nine participants from a nation-wide population-based eCohort in Switzerland were followed between November 2020 and September 2021. Financial resources and employment status were assessed twice (Nov2020-Mar2021, May-Jul 2021). Mental health was assessed after the second measurement of financial resources and employment status, using the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). We modelled DASS-21 scores with linear regression, adjusting for demographics, health status, social relationships and changes in workload, and tested interactions with subjective risk perceptions. RESULTS: We observed scores above thresholds for normal levels for 16% (95%CI = 15-18) of participants for depression, 8% (95%CI = 7-10) for anxiety, and 10% (95%CI = 9-12) for stress. Compared to continuously comfortable or sufficient financial resources, continuously precarious or insufficient resources were associated with worse scores for all outcomes. Increased financial resources were associated with higher anxiety. In the working-age group, shifting from full to part-time employment was associated with higher stress and anxiety. Perceiving the Swiss economic situation as worrisome was associated with higher anxiety in participants who lost financial resources or had continuously precarious or insufficient resources. CONCLUSION: This study confirms the association of economic stressors and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and highlights the exacerbating role of subjective risk perception on this association

    shaping the deserving refugee insights from a local reception programme in belgium

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    The sudden increase of asylum applications in the aftermath of the 2015 "refugee crisis", has sparked the debate on the concept of "deservingness" in public discourse. Who deserves to enter into European territory? Who deserves to receive state-funded assistance? This article unpacks the notion of "deservingness" by analysing the rationalities of care underpinning a European-funded local support programme in Antwerp (Belgium). The programme offers special assistance to former unaccompanied minors, recognised as beneficiaries of legal protection, who have recently turned 18. By examining the categories, attitudes and perceptions shaping this local project, we show how the idea of "deservingness", a central notion in wider European discourses on refugee reception, is reproduced and critically implemented by local actors of refugee assistance. Drawing on focus group interviews with five municipal and civil society organizations, we untangle legal, moral and economic dimensions of deservingness and illustrate how these can overlap or contradict each other within stakeholders' perspectives. The analysis of the different stakeholders' perspectives about the assumed characteristics of this "new" category of refugees deserving special care shows the significance of stakeholders' respective organisational backgrounds. On a deeper level, ideas on deservingness reflect stakeholders' different aspirations about the kind of citizens young refugees should become. As such, this chapter contributes to deeper understanding of moralities and rationalities shaping public discourse and local reception of refugees in Europe. It also highlights the role of localities in shaping innovative policies and in the wider debate on refugee assistance

    The need for bottom-up assessments of climate risks and adaptation in climate-sensitive regions

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    Studies of climate change at specific intervals of future warming have primarily been addressed through top-down approaches using climate projections and modelled impacts. In contrast, bottom-up approaches focus on the recent past and present vulnerability. Here, we examine climate signals at different increments of warming and consider the need to reconcile top-down and bottom-up approaches. We synthesise insights from recent studies in three climate-sensitive systems where change is a defining feature of the human-environment system. Whilst top-down and bottom-up approaches generate complementary insights into who and what is at risk, integrating their results is a much needed step towards developing relevant information to address the needs of immediate adaptation decisions