1,522 research outputs found


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    A Teoria Monetária Moderna (TMM) é um conjunto de ideias que parece ter muito apoio ou, pelo menos, é capaz de gerar bastante debate, a julgar pela sua presença na internet. A TMM é um desdobramento do pós-keynesianismo. As políticas que derivam de suas principais teses sugerem que um Estado sábio e benevolente pode "imprimir" dinheiro, dentro de certos limites, para alcançar o pleno emprego e moderar a inflação. Os seus defensores apoiam o financiamento governamental "funcional" e defendem à tese de que o Estado é o Empregador em Última Instância (EUI). Isto posto, o presente artigo pretende fazer uma investigação crítica sobre os fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos a respeito desta “nova teoria monetária” e apresentar possíveis contribuições para solucionar seus principais problemas. O estudo indica que a metodologia da MMT tendo uma abordagem quantitativa muito limitada e não padronizada invalida as suas teses e prejudica a análise de suas propostas de forma disciplinada. O que prejudica qualquer discussão aprofundada na literatura e a sua inclusão no campo da ciência econômica de fronteira


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    Este artigo tem como pretensão apresentar as principais visões da literatura econômica brasileira sobre o processo denominado como desindustrialização. Para atingir esse objetivo, o estudo utilizou a revisão bibliográfica como método de pesquisa.  O trabalho demonstrou que existem diversas linhas de pensamento na discussão: como, por exemplo, o grupo capitalizado pelos chamados “novos-desenvolvimentistas”, que destacam a causa nefasta da apreciação cambial e da abertura financeira/comercial das últimas décadas para o país, afetando não apenas as atividades industriais, como também o desenvolvimento econômico a longo prazo da sociedade; ou, como contraponto, os adeptos ao pensamento econômico ortodoxo, argumentando que as reformas macroeconômicas adotadas pela nação a partir da década de 1990, não tiveram um impacto negativo para a indústria do país e que a valorização do câmbio modernizou e ampliou o parque industrial, pois possibilitou para a indústrias brasileira aumentar as suas importações de máquinas e de equipamentos mais avançados. Por fim, o presente estudo recomenda para as próximas pesquisas sobre o assunto, a investigação dos efeitos do regime cambial, da estrutura produtiva, do comércio internacional e do nível de crescimento econômico para as atividades industriais do país

    Flux-Based Transport Enhancement as a Plausible Unifying Mechanism for Auxin Transport in Meristem Development

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    Plants continuously generate new organs through the activity of populations of stem cells called meristems. The shoot apical meristem initiates leaves, flowers, and lateral meristems in highly ordered, spiralled, or whorled patterns via a process called phyllotaxis. It is commonly accepted that the active transport of the plant hormone auxin plays a major role in this process. Current hypotheses propose that cellular hormone transporters of the PIN family would create local auxin maxima at precise positions, which in turn would lead to organ initiation. To explain how auxin transporters could create hormone fluxes to distinct regions within the plant, different concepts have been proposed. A major hypothesis, canalization, proposes that the auxin transporters act by amplifying and stabilizing existing fluxes, which could be initiated, for example, by local diffusion. This convincingly explains the organised auxin fluxes during vein formation, but for the shoot apical meristem a second hypothesis was proposed, where the hormone would be systematically transported towards the areas with the highest concentrations. This implies the coexistence of two radically different mechanisms for PIN allocation in the membrane, one based on flux sensing and the other on local concentration sensing. Because these patterning processes require the interaction of hundreds of cells, it is impossible to estimate on a purely intuitive basis if a particular scenario is plausible or not. Therefore, computational modelling provides a powerful means to test this type of complex hypothesis. Here, using a dedicated computer simulation tool, we show that a flux-based polarization hypothesis is able to explain auxin transport at the shoot meristem as well, thus providing a unifying concept for the control of auxin distribution in the plant. Further experiments are now required to distinguish between flux-based polarization and other hypotheses


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    A problemática central desta dissertação é realizar uma análise histórica do que ensejou a criação da OIT, fazendo um paralelo com as mudanças que se sucederam na forma de como se entendia e como era o discurso de Estado e a modificação da ideia tradicional de Estado-nação westfaliano analisando os efeitos do fenômeno da globalização que ultrapassa fronteiras. Diante destas mudanças, pretende-se estudar o papel desta organização internacional que é a OIT. A análise do Estado moderno tende a mostrar a relativização do conceito até então prevalente e teoricamente criado na chamada Paz de Westfália. Dessa modificação que relativizou o conceito estatal surgiu a necessidade da proteção aos direitos humanos de forma supraestatal. Neste cenário surgiram os organismos internacionais para realizar esse tipo de proteção que vai além da fronteira do Estado-nação. A OIT foi criada justamente com esse mister e ganhou força e notoriedade na proteção do trabalhador por particularidades próprias da sua matéria. Dessa forma, pretende-se estudar esse paralelo entre a visão de Estado e a atuação da OIT como órgão internacional que “desafia” as fronteiras das soberanias estatais e legisla no âmbito mundial. Diante disso se questiona se corresponde a atividade legislativa da OIT sobre os Estados, verdadeiro instrumento do constitucionalismo global. A problematização da dissertação diz respeito à efetividade da OIT ao longo de sua criação: se realmente é um organismo internacional que exerce influência sobre a concretização de valores constitucionais existentes em todas as nações e se cumpre a função de tutelar os direitos humanos de forma global ou se observa uma suposta ineficácia do órgão, muitas vezes já apontado como apenas um guia para as nações, visto que não possui coercitividade

    O Direito no Estado da Arte: Antígona, o Mercador de Veneza e o Processo na Reconstituição da Historiografia Forense

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    It is known that Art has accompanied the human being in its path, having appeared as its soul expression since the beginnings of humankind until the most recent times. Hence the Law, a formatted construct from the regulation of socialization, it is possible to realize from literature a good opportunity to analyze the specificities which have marked the Legal System through times. The present paper will verse towards the capturing of the justice ideal, contrasting with the very own characteristics and complexities of Classic Natural Law from Sophocles, Renaissance Law from Shakespeare and Contemporary Law from the lines of Kafka.Sabe-se que a Arte sempre acompanhou a trajetória do ser humano, tendo figurado como expressão de sua alma desde os primórdios da humanidade até o mais recente período. Sendo então o Direito, constructo formatado a partir da regulação da convivência social, percebe-se na literatura, boa oportunidade de analisar as especificidades e entrelinhas que marcaram o Ordenamento Jurídico ao longo dos tempos. O presente trabalho voltar-se-á a captar o ideal de justiça em contraste com as características e complexidades próprias do Direito Natural Clássico a partir de Sófocles, o Direito renascentista por Shakespeare e o Direito Contemporâneo pelas linhas de Kafka

    Tri-SNP polymorphism in the intron of HLA-DRA1 affects type 1 diabetes susceptibility in the Finnish population

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    Genes in the HLA class II region include the most important inherited risk factors for type 1 diabetes (T1D) although also polymorphisms outside the HLA region modulate the predisposition to T1D. This study set out to confirm a recent observation in which a novel expression quantitative trait locus was formed by three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the intron of HLA-DRA1 in DR3-DQ2 haplotypes. The SNPs significantly increased the risk for T1D in DR3-DQ2 homozygous individuals and we intended to further explore this association, in the Finnish population, by comparing two DR3-DQ2 positive genotypes. Cohorts with DR3-DQ2/DR3-DQ2 (N = 570) and DR3-DQ2/DR1-DQ5 (N = 1035) genotypes were studied using TaqMan analysis that typed for rs3135394, rs9268645 and rs3129877. The tri-SNP haplotype was significantly more common in cases than controls in the DR3-DQ2/DR3-DQ2 cohort (OR = 1.70 CI 95% = 1.15-2.51P = 0.007). However, no significant associations could be observed in the DR3-DQ2/DR1-DQ5 cohort. (c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Estimating Soil Volumes Retained by Check Dams after Wildfires in Mediterranean Forests

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    Check dams act as soil collectors during floods, thus retaining a large amount of sediments. The estimation of the soil volumes stored behind a check dam is a key activity for a proper design of these control works and for evaluation of soil delivery after restoration measures at watershed level. Several topographic techniques have been proposed for this activity, but the sediment wedge mapping tools are complex and time consuming. Conversely, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has been proposed to support aerophotogrammetric techniques for several survey activities with promising results. However, surveys by UAVs have never applied to calculate the size of the sediment wedge behind check dams that are built in fire-affected watersheds, where soil loss and sediment transport may be high after a wildfire. To fill this gap, this study evaluates the efficiency and efficacy of aerophotogrammetric surveys using UAVs to estimate the volume of the sediments stored behind ten check dams, built as post-fire channel treatment in a forest watershed of Castilla La Mancha (Central Eastern Spain). The results of the aerophotogrammetric technique were compared to traditional topographic surveys using a total station and GNSS/RTK, assumed as reference. The estimation of sediment wedge volume provided by UAVs was more accurate (mean RMSE of 0.432), extensive (density of mapped points of 328 m−2) and quick (two days of fieldwork) compared to surveys using the topographic method (RMSE < 0.04 m, six days of field work and density of mapped points of 0.194 m−2) by the topographic method. The differences in the sediment volume estimated by the two methods were not significant, but the UAV method was more accurate for the larger check dams. Moreover, a significant correlation was observed between the volume estimates provided by the two methods, shown by a coefficient of determination close to 0.98. Overall, these results propose a larger use of the aerial surveys for mapping activities in channels regulated by check dams, such as those built for restoration of fire-affected forest watersheds

    Inference of the Arabidopsis Lateral Root Gene Regulatory Network Suggests a Bifurcation Mechanism That Defines Primordia Flanking and Central Zones

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    A large number of genes involved in lateral root (LR) organogenesis have been identified over the last decade using forward and reverse genetic approaches in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nevertheless, how these genes interact to form a LR regulatory network largely remains to be elucidated. In this study, we developed a time-delay correlation algorithm (TDCor) to infer the gene regulatory network (GRN) controlling LR primordium initiation and patterning in Arabidopsis from a time-series transcriptomic data set. The predicted network topology links the very early-activated genes involved in LR initiation to later expressed cell identity markers through a multistep genetic cascade exhibiting both positive and negative feedback loops. The predictions were tested for the key transcriptional regulator AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR7 node, and over 70% of its targets were validated experimentally. Intriguingly, the predicted GRN revealed a mutual inhibition between the ARF7 and ARF5 modules that would control an early bifurcation between two cell fates. Analyses of the expression pattern of ARF7 and ARF5 targets suggest that this patterning mechanism controls flanking and central zone specification in Arabidopsis LR primordia

    PUCHI regulates very long chain fatty acid biosynthesis during lateral root and callus formation

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    © 2019 National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Lateral root organogenesis plays an essential role in elaborating plant root system architecture. In Arabidopsis, the AP2 family transcription factor PUCHI controls cell proliferation in lateral root primordia. To identify potential targets of PUCHI, we analyzed a time course transcriptomic dataset of lateral root formation. We report that multiple genes coding for very long chain fatty acid (VLCFA) biosynthesis enzymes are induced during lateral root development in a PUCHI-dependent manner. Significantly, several mutants perturbed in VLCFA biosynthesis show similar lateral root developmental defects as puchi-1. Moreover, puchi-1 roots display the same disorganized callus formation phenotype as VLCFA biosynthesis-deficient mutants when grown on auxin-rich callus-inducing medium. Lipidomic profiling of puchi-1 roots revealed reduced VLCFA content compared with WT. We conclude that PUCHI-regulated VLCFA biosynthesis is part of a pathway controlling cell proliferation during lateral root and callus formation