14 research outputs found

    Teise klassi õpilaste matemaatika tekstülesannete lahendamisoskus ja selle seotus funktsionaalse lugemisoskusega

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    Linguistic Naturalism and Natural Style. From Varro and Cicero to Dionysius of Halicarnassus

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    NWO276-30-009Classics and Classical Civilizatio

    Uudsed fluoreeritud eluendilisandid ning nende abil saavutatud retentsioonimehhanismid pentafluorofenüül statsionaarsel faasil

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    Töö eesmärk oli uuride valitud fluoroalkoholide - 1,1,1,3,3,3-heksafluoroisopropanool, 1,1,1,3,3,3-heksafluoro-tert-butüülalkohol ja heksafluoro-2,3-trifluorometüül-2,3-butaaandiool (perfluoropinakool) mõju uudsete eluendilisandina eri analüütide, nii aluseliste kui happeliste omadustega, retentsioonimehhanismidele PFP statsionaarsel faasil. Töös viidi läbi mõõtmised pH väärtustel 5,0; 6,0; 7,0; 8,5; 9,0 ja 9,5. Tulemusena kirjeldati fluoroalkoholide mõju eri vormides analüütidele. Töö käigus töötati välja ja osaliselt valideeriti metoodika levetiratsetaami ja valproaadi määramiseks süljes PFP kolonniga kasutades HFTB eluendilisandit

    Monitoring of Underground Construction with Low Overburden

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    Geotechnical monitoring (GTM) is an essential part of the observation method. In the principle it is the measurement and monitoring of preselected magnitudes – their changing values in the course of the constructing process and their partial evaluation. On the measured values basis the correctness of designed structures and technological processes is verified, optionally new technical and organizational measures are adopted in order to guarantee the continuous and safe constructing course. The main goal of the dissertation is to analyze the current state of the problematics and evaluate the methods of GTM in underground structures with low overburden, including suggestions and recommendations for procedures. In the framework of knowledge, practical experience and data analysis, the basic types and procedures of monitoring elements of underground structures with low overburden will be defined

    Monitoring of Underground Construction with Low Overburden

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    Nezbytnou součástí Observační metody je geotechnický monitoring (GTM). Princip metody se opírá o měření a sledování předem vybraných veličin, jejich měnící se parametry v průběhu výstavby a dílčí hodnocení. Na základě těchto naměřených nebo zaznamenaných údajů je ověřována správnost a vhodnost navržených konstrukcí a technologických postupů, případně se přijímají nová technická a organizační opatření pro plynulý a bezpečný průběh výstavby. Hlavním cílem disertační práce je zhodnocení současného stavu a metod GTM při výstavbě podzemních staveb s nízkým nadložím, včetně návrhů a postupů. Na bázi shromážděných poznatků, praktických zkušeností a vyhodnocení některých parametrů budou definovány základní procesy GTM při výstavbě podzemních staveb s nízkým nadložím. Očekávané přínosy pro praxi jsou: • vyhodnocení současného stavu problematiky, • teoretická a praktická aplikace metody objemové ztráty („Loss of Ground“), • shrnutí a hodnocení stávajících atributů a průběhů monitorování při výstavbě podzemních konstrukcí s nízkým nadložím, • doporučení monitorovacích postupů a databázového systému, s možným využitím pro další období. Disertační práce by měla být přínosem pro GTM plánovaných podzemních staveb s nízkým nadložím.Geotechnical monitoring (GTM) is an essential part of the observation method. In the principle it is the measurement and monitoring of preselected magnitudes – their changing values in the course of the constructing process and their partial evaluation. On the measured values basis the correctness of designed structures and technological processes is verified, optionally new technical and organizational measures are adopted in order to guarantee the continuous and safe constructing course. The main goal of the dissertation is to analyze the current state of the problematics and evaluate the methods of GTM in underground structures with low overburden, including suggestions and recommendations for procedures. In the framework of knowledge, practical experience and data analysis, the basic types and procedures of monitoring elements of underground structures with low overburden will be defined.

    Monitoring of Underground Construction with Low Overburden

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    Geotechnical monitoring (GTM) is an essential part of the observation method. In the principle it is the measurement and monitoring of preselected magnitudes – their changing values in the course of the constructing process and their partial evaluation. On the measured values basis the correctness of designed structures and technological processes is verified, optionally new technical and organizational measures are adopted in order to guarantee the continuous and safe constructing course. The main goal of the dissertation is to analyze the current state of the problematics and evaluate the methods of GTM in underground structures with low overburden, including suggestions and recommendations for procedures. In the framework of knowledge, practical experience and data analysis, the basic types and procedures of monitoring elements of underground structures with low overburden will be defined

    Patients experiences after undergoing bartiatric surgery : A literature review

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    Bakgrund: Obesitas är en folksjukdom som ökar på många håll i världen. Det medför risker för att drabbas av följdsjukdomar som kan orsaka lidande och leda till en förkortad livslängd. Att leva med obesitas präglas också av andra aspekter som berör identitet och omgivning. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser efter att ha genomgått bariatrisk kirurgi. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med utgångspunkt i tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna hämtades från databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed. Sökorden som användes var Bariatric surgery, Obesity, Patient experience, Qualitative och Interview. Kategorisering samt tematisering har utförts för att sammanställa likheter och skillnader. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas under tre teman och ett undertema. Nya kostvanor, anpassning och utmaningar i vardagen beskriver upplevelser som berör anpassning och utmaningar relaterade till utförd kirurgi. Stöd från familj, närstående och sjukvården beskriver upplevelser kopplade till familjens stöd samt upplevelser som präglade kontakten med sjukvården. Den nya kroppen, fysiska och psykiska förändringar berör upplevelser kring de fysiska och psykologiska förändringar som förekom efter bariatrisk kirurgi. Stigmatisering beskriver upplevd självbild och de förändringar som uppstod i relation till den nya kroppen och omgivningen. Sammanfattning: I litteraturöversiktens resultat ges en mångfacetterad bild av hur personer som genomgått bariatrisk kirurgi upplever livet efter operationen. Förändringen leder till olikartade upplevelser som påverkar relationen till omgivningen och den biologiska kroppen. Upplevelserna skiljde sig åt beroende på hur väl deltagarna lyckades anpassa sig till de utmaningar de ställdes inför.Background: Obesity is increasing in many parts of the world. It entails risks of suffering from secondary diseases that can cause suffering and lead to a shortened lifespan. Living with obesity is also characterized by other aspects that affect identity and the environment. Aim: The aim was to describe patients experiences after undergoing bariatric surgery.Method:A literature review based on ten qualitative scientific articles. The articles were retrieved from the databases CINAHL Complete and PubMed. The keywords used were Bariatric surgery, Obesity, Patient experience, Qualitative and Interview. Categorization and thematization have been carried out to compile similarities and differences. Results: The results are presented under three major themes and one subtheme. New dietary habits, adaptation and challenges in everyday life: describes experiences concerning adaptation and challenges related to the performed surgery. Support from family, relatives and the healthcare system: describes experiences linked to the family's support as well as experiences that characterized the contact with the healthcare system. The new body, physical and psychological changes: experiences regarding the physical and psychological changes that occurred after bariatric surgery. Stigmatization: is about perceived self-image and the changes that occurred in relation to the new body and the environment. Summary: The results of this literature review provide a multifaceted picture of how people who have undergone bariatric surgery experience life after surgery. The change leads to different experiences that affect the relationship with the environment and the biological body. The experiences differed depending on how well the participants managed to adapt to the challenges they faced