1,070 research outputs found

    Complementary subicular pathways to the anterior thalamic nuclei and mammillary bodies in the rat and macaque monkey brain

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    The origins of the hippocampal (subicular) projections to the anterior thalamic nuclei and mammillary bodies were compared in rats and macaque monkeys using retrograde tracers. These projections form core components of the Papez circuit, which is vital for normal memory. The study revealed a complex pattern of subicular efferents, consistent with the presence of different, parallel information streams, whose segregation appears more marked in the rat brain. In both species, the cells projecting to the mammillary bodies and anterior thalamic nuclei showed laminar separation but also differed along other hippocampal axes. In the rat, these diencephalic inputs showed complementary topographies in the proximal–distal (columnar) plane, consistent with differential involvement in object-based (proximal subiculum) and context-based (distal subiculum) information. The medial mammillary inputs, which arose along the anterior–posterior extent of the rat subiculum, favoured the central subiculum (septal hippocampus) and the more proximal subiculum (temporal hippocampus). In contrast, anterior thalamic inputs were largely confined to the dorsal (i.e. septal and intermediate) subiculum, where projections to the anteromedial nucleus favoured the proximal subiculum while those to the anteroventral nucleus predominantly arose in the distal subiculum. In the macaque, the corresponding diencephalic inputs were again distinguished by anterior–posterior topographies, as subicular inputs to the medial mammillary bodies predominantly arose from the posterior hippocampus while subicular inputs to the anteromedial thalamic nucleus predominantly arose from the anterior hippocampus. Unlike the rat, there was no clear evidence of proximal–distal separation as all of these medial diencephalic projections preferentially arose from the more distal subiculum

    Analysis of the performance of under-sleeper pads in highspeed line transition zones

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    [EN] In many high-speed railway lines, the zones between embankments and structures may present some discontinuities, in terms of track geometry and track stiffness, which may create discomfort for passengers, induce deterioration of track and vehicle materials and even raise the risk of derailment to dangerous levels. In the attempt to attenuate the consequences of such problems, some solutions pointing at progressively changing the vertical stiffness in the railway track have been tested, such as transition zones or pads placed either between the rails and the sleepers or under the sleepers. The contribution of under-sleeper pads in transition regions and their effect on the railway infrastructure is specifically analysed in the present paper. The results obtained are of interest since they provide useful information for railway managers on infrastructure design and justify the need to implement such transition ones.Insa Franco, R.; Salvador Zuriaga, P.; Inarejos Mesa, J.; Medina González, L. (2014). Analysis of the performance of under-sleeper pads in highspeed line transition zones. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport. 167(2):63-77. doi:10.1680/tran.11.00033S6377167

    Diverse Modes of Axon Elaboration in the Developing Neocortex

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    The development of axonal arbors is a critical step in the establishment of precise neural circuits, but relatively little is known about the mechanisms of axonal elaboration in the neocortex. We used in vivo two-photon time-lapse microscopy to image axons in the neocortex of green fluorescent protein-transgenic mice over the first 3 wk of postnatal development. This period spans the elaboration of thalamocortical (TC) and Cajal-Retzius (CR) axons and cortical synaptogenesis. Layer 1 collaterals of TC and CR axons were imaged repeatedly over time scales ranging from minutes up to days, and their growth and pruning were analyzed. The structure and dynamics of TC and CR axons differed profoundly. Branches of TC axons terminated in small, bulbous growth cones, while CR axon branch tips had large growth cones with numerous long filopodia. TC axons grew rapidly in straight paths, with frequent interstitial branch additions, while CR axons grew more slowly along tortuous paths. For both types of axon, new branches appeared at interstitial sites along the axon shaft and did not involve growth cone splitting. Pruning occurred via retraction of small axon branches (tens of microns, at both CR and TC axons) or degeneration of large portions of the arbor (hundreds of microns, for TC axons only). The balance between growth and retraction favored overall growth, but only by a slight margin. Given the identical layer 1 territory upon which CR and TC axons grow, the differences in their structure and dynamics likely reflect distinct intrinsic growth programs for axons of long projection neurons versus local interneurons

    Measuring track vertical stiffness through dynamic monitoring

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    [EN] This paper proposes a methodology for the evaluation of the track condition by means of the measurement of the track stiffness. This magnitude is calculated from vertical acceleration data measured at the axle box of trains during their normal operation. From the corresponding vertical acceleration spectra, the dominant vibration frequencies for each track stretch are identified and the combined stiffness is then determined. Then the stiffness without the contribution of the rail is calculated. The results obtained for a High Speed ballasted track in several track stretches are within the range 120-130 kN/mm, a result consistent with direct stiffness measurements taken during previous studies. Therefore, the proposed methodology may be used to obtain a first insight to the track condition by means of a continuous measurement of the track combined stiffness. This offers an alternative to traditional stationary stiffness measuring devices and might be a useful complement to dedicated continuous monitoring vehicles.Cano, MJ.; Martínez Fernández, P.; Insa Franco, R. (2016). Measuring track vertical stiffness through dynamic monitoring. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport. 169(1). doi:10.1680/jtran.14.00081S169

    Cell Type–Specific Thalamic Innervation in a Column of Rat Vibrissal Cortex

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    This is the concluding article in a series of 3 studies that investigate the anatomical determinants of thalamocortical (TC) input to excitatory neurons in a cortical column of rat primary somatosensory cortex (S1). We used viral synaptophysin-enhanced green fluorescent protein expression in thalamic neurons and reconstructions of biocytin-labeled cortical neurons in TC slices to quantify the number and distribution of boutons from the ventral posterior medial (VPM) and posteromedial (POm) nuclei potentially innervating dendritic arbors of excitatory neurons located in layers (L)2–6 of a cortical column in rat somatosensory cortex. We found that 1) all types of excitatory neurons potentially receive substantial TC input (90–580 boutons per neuron); 2) pyramidal neurons in L3–L6 receive dual TC input from both VPM and POm that is potentially of equal magnitude for thick-tufted L5 pyramidal neurons (ca. 300 boutons each from VPM and POm); 3) L3, L4, and L5 pyramidal neurons have multiple (2–4) subcellular TC innervation domains that match the dendritic compartments of pyramidal cells; and 4) a subtype of thick-tufted L5 pyramidal neurons has an additional VPM innervation domain in L4. The multiple subcellular TC innervation domains of L5 pyramidal neurons may partly explain their specific action potential patterns observed in vivo. We conclude that the substantial potential TC innervation of all excitatory neuron types in a cortical column constitutes an anatomical basis for the initial near-simultaneous representation of a sensory stimulus in different neuron types

    Neurons of the Dentate Molecular Layer in the Rabbit Hippocampus

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    The molecular layer of the dentate gyrus appears as the main entrance gate for information into the hippocampus, i.e., where the perforant path axons from the entorhinal cortex synapse onto the spines and dendrites of granule cells. A few dispersed neuronal somata appear intermingled in between and probably control the flow of information in this area. In rabbits, the number of neurons in the molecular layer increases in the first week of postnatal life and then stabilizes to appear permanent and heterogeneous over the individuals’ life span, including old animals. By means of Golgi impregnations, NADPH histochemistry, immunocytochemical stainings and intracellular labelings (lucifer yellow and biocytin injections), eight neuronal morphological types have been detected in the molecular layer of developing adult and old rabbits. Six of them appear as interneurons displaying smooth dendrites and GABA immunoreactivity: those here called as globoid, vertical, small horizontal, large horizontal, inverted pyramidal and polymorphic. Additionally there are two GABA negative types: the sarmentous and ectopic granular neurons. The distribution of the somata and dendritic trees of these neurons shows preferences for a definite sublayer of the molecular layer: small horizontal, sarmentous and inverted pyramidal neurons are preferably found in the outer third of the molecular layer; vertical, globoid and polymorph neurons locate the intermediate third, while large horizontal and ectopic granular neurons occupy the inner third or the juxtagranular molecular layer. Our results reveal substantial differences in the morphology and electrophysiological behaviour between each neuronal archetype in the dentate molecular layer, allowing us to propose a new classification for this neural population