7 research outputs found

    OntoChatGPT Information System: Ontology-Driven Structured Prompts for ChatGPT Meta-Learning

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    This research presents a comprehensive methodology for utilizing an ontology-driven structured prompts system in interplay with ChatGPT, a widely used large language model (LLM). The study develops formal models, both information and functional, and establishes the methodological foundations for integrating ontology-driven prompts with ChatGPT's meta-learning capabilities. The resulting productive triad comprises the methodological foundations, advanced information technology, and the OntoChatGPT system, which collectively enhance the effectiveness and performance of chatbot systems. The implementation of this technology is demonstrated using the Ukrainian language within the domain of rehabilitation. By applying the proposed methodology, the OntoChatGPT system effectively extracts entities from contexts, classifies them, and generates relevant responses. The study highlights the versatility of the methodology, emphasizing its applicability not only to ChatGPT but also to other chatbot systems based on LLMs, such as Google's Bard utilizing the PaLM 2 LLM. The underlying principles of meta-learning, structured prompts, and ontology-driven information retrieval form the core of the proposed methodology, enabling their adaptation and utilization in various LLM-based systems. This versatile approach opens up new possibilities for NLP and dialogue systems, empowering developers to enhance the performance and functionality of chatbot systems across different domains and languages.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Published. International Journal of Computing, 22(2), 170-183. https://doi.org/10.47839/ijc.22.2.308

    Structure and properties of nanostructured NbN and Nb-Si-N films depending on the conditions of deposition: Experiment and theory

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    The first results of studying the phase–structural state, properties, sizes of nanograins, hardness, and microstresses in nanocomposite NbN and Nb–Si–N films are given. The investigated films were obtained by the method of the magnetron sputtering of Nb and Si targets onto silicon substrates at different negative potentials at the substrate (from 0 to –70 V), nitrogen pressures PN, and discharge powers at the targets. To determine the thermal stability of the films, they were annealed at 600, 800, and 1000°C in a vacuum.It was revealed for the first time that the NbN films have a twophase nanocomposite structure, which consists of δNbN (NaCl structure type) and α'NbN. The δNbN phase is also formed in Nb–Si–N films, where it is enveloped by an amorphous Si3N4 phase The hardness of the Nb–Si–N films reaches 46 GPa, which cor responds to the level of superhardness, while the hardness of the NbN nanocomposites is somewhat lower, but also very high (34 GPa). The experimental results for the Nb–Si–N films were explained based on the data obtained from the firstprinciples calculations of the NbN/SixNy heterostructures by the molecular dynamics method

    Physiological parameters for Prognosis in Abdominal Sepsis (PIPAS) Study : a WSES observational study

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    BackgroundTiming and adequacy of peritoneal source control are the most important pillars in the management of patients with acute peritonitis. Therefore, early prognostic evaluation of acute peritonitis is paramount to assess the severity and establish a prompt and appropriate treatment. The objectives of this study were to identify clinical and laboratory predictors for in-hospital mortality in patients with acute peritonitis and to develop a warning score system, based on easily recognizable and assessable variables, globally accepted.MethodsThis worldwide multicentre observational study included 153 surgical departments across 56 countries over a 4-month study period between February 1, 2018, and May 31, 2018.ResultsA total of 3137 patients were included, with 1815 (57.9%) men and 1322 (42.1%) women, with a median age of 47years (interquartile range [IQR] 28-66). The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 8.9%, with a median length of stay of 6days (IQR 4-10). Using multivariable logistic regression, independent variables associated with in-hospital mortality were identified: age > 80years, malignancy, severe cardiovascular disease, severe chronic kidney disease, respiratory rate >= 22 breaths/min, systolic blood pressure 4mmol/l. These variables were used to create the PIPAS Severity Score, a bedside early warning score for patients with acute peritonitis. The overall mortality was 2.9% for patients who had scores of 0-1, 22.7% for those who had scores of 2-3, 46.8% for those who had scores of 4-5, and 86.7% for those who have scores of 7-8.ConclusionsThe simple PIPAS Severity Score can be used on a global level and can help clinicians to identify patients at high risk for treatment failure and mortality.Peer reviewe

    "Прогресивна техніка, технологія та інженерна освіта", XXI Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція

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    У статті представлені передумови розвитку алгоритмізації синтезу конструктивних елементів у процесі проектування проектних та технологічних рішень в машинобудуванні на основі класичних методів з використанням нейронної мережі. У роботі розглядаються існуючі методи пошуку інженерних рішень та представлений аналіз застосування нейронних мереж. У статті пропонується вирішити проблему оптимізації синтезу функціональних підрозділів машинобудівних конструкцій, що скоротить час їх проектування та забезпечить технічне рішення алгоритмічних розрахунків з елементами інтуїції та досвіду досвідчених інженерів.The article presents the prerequisites for the development of algorithmization of the synthesis of structural elements in the process of design and technological solutions in mechanical engineering on the basis of classical methods using a neural network. The paper considers the existing methods of searching for engineering solutions and presents an analysis of the application of neural networks. The article proposes a solution to the problem of optimizing the synthesis of functional units of mechanical engineering structures, which will reduce the time of their design and provide a technical solution of algorithmic calculations with elements of intuition and experience engineers

    Алгоритмізація комбінованого підходу до синтезу інженерних рішень

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    This article focuses on solving the problem of designing new, more adapted and universal technical objects associated with the conceptual design of complex structural elements, and require the analysis and assessment of a large number of possible alternatives. To solve this problem, an urgent problem arises of creating new and improving existing methods for finding engineering solutions that will effectively solve the problem of synthesizing technical solutions using modern technologies. The solution to this problem is presented in this article, which proposes a combined approach to the synthesis of engineering solutions, based on the classical method of morphological research (to form a set of alternatives) and neural network technology (to form a rational technical solution). The article presents the developed algorithm for the operation of the block of intelligent decision making, which provides the process of synthesizing engineering solutions of the intellectual component and expands the technical level of the developed functional units, while reducing their design time. The paper presents a developed structural-functional model for the synthesis of engineering solutions, based on the proposed combined approach.В данной статье уделено внимание решению проблемы проектирования новых, более адаптированных и универсальных технических объектов, связанных с концептуальным проектированием сложных конструктивных элементов, и требуют анализа и оценки большого количества возможных альтернатив. Для решения данной проблемы возникает актуальная задача создания новых и совершенствования существующих методов поиска инженерных решений, которые позволят эффективно решать задачу синтеза технических решений с применением современных технологий. Решение поставленной задачи представлено в данной статье, в которой предложен комбинированный подход к синтезу инженерных решений, на основе классического метода морфологического исследования (для формирования множества альтернатив) и нейросетевой технологии (для формирования рационального технического решения). В статье представлен разработанный алгоритм работы блока интеллектуального принятия решений, который обеспечивает процесс синтеза инженерных решений интеллектуальной составляющей и расширяет технический уровень разработанных функциональных узлов, сокращая при этом время их проектирования. В работе представлена разработанная структурно-функциональная модель синтеза инженерных решений, на основе предложенного комбинированного подхода.У даній статті приділена увага вирішенню проблеми проектування нових, більш адаптованих і універсальних технічних об’єктів, які пов'язані з концептуальним проектуванням складних конструктивних елементів, та потребують аналізу й оцінювання великої кількості можливих альтернатив. Для вирішення даної проблеми постає актуальна задача створення нових, та вдосконалення існуючих методів пошуку інженерних рішень, які дозволять ефективно вирішувати задачу синтезу технічних рішень із застосуванням сучасних технологій. Рішення поставленої задачі представлено у даній статті, в якій запропоновано комбінований підхід до синтезу інженерних рішень, на основі класичного методу морфологічного дослідження (для формування множини альтернатив) та нейромережевої технології (для формування раціонального технічного рішення). У статті представлено розроблений алгоритм роботи блоку інтелектуального прийняття рішень, що забезпечує процес синтезу інженерних рішень інтелектуальною складовою та розширює технічний рівень розроблених функціональних вузлів, скорочуючи при цьому час їх проектування. У роботі представлена розроблена структурно-функціональна модель синтезу інженерних рішень, на основі запропонованого комбінованого підходу

    The ChoCO-W prospective observational global study: Does COVID-19 increase gangrenous cholecystitis?

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    BACKGROUND: The incidence of the highly morbid and potentially lethal gangrenous cholecystitis was reportedly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the ChoCO-W study was to compare the clinical findings and outcomes of acute cholecystitis in patients who had COVID-19 disease with those who did not. METHODS: Data were prospectively collected over 6 months (October 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021) with 1-month follow-up. In October 2020, Delta variant of SARS CoV-2 was isolated for the first time. Demographic and clinical data were analyzed and reported according to the STROBE guidelines. Baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes of patients who had COVID-19 were compared with those who did not. RESULTS: A total of 2893 patients, from 42 countries, 218 centers, involved, with a median age of 61.3 (SD: 17.39) years were prospectively enrolled in this study; 1481 (51%) patients were males. One hundred and eighty (6.9%) patients were COVID-19 positive, while 2412 (93.1%) were negative. Concomitant preexisting diseases including cardiovascular diseases (p < 0.0001), diabetes (p < 0.0001), and severe chronic obstructive airway disease (p = 0.005) were significantly more frequent in the COVID-19 group. Markers of sepsis severity including ARDS (p < 0.0001), PIPAS score (p < 0.0001), WSES sepsis score (p < 0.0001), qSOFA (p < 0.0001), and Tokyo classification of severity of acute cholecystitis (p < 0.0001) were significantly higher in the COVID-19 group. The COVID-19 group had significantly higher postoperative complications (32.2% compared with 11.7%, p < 0.0001), longer mean hospital stay (13.21 compared with 6.51 days, p < 0.0001), and mortality rate (13.4% compared with 1.7%, p < 0.0001). The incidence of gangrenous cholecystitis was doubled in the COVID-19 group (40.7% compared with 22.3%). The mean wall thickness of the gallbladder was significantly higher in the COVID-19 group [6.32 (SD: 2.44) mm compared with 5.4 (SD: 3.45) mm; p < 0.0001]. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of gangrenous cholecystitis is higher in COVID patients compared with non-COVID patients admitted to the emergency department with acute cholecystitis. Gangrenous cholecystitis in COVID patients is associated with high-grade Clavien-Dindo postoperative complications, longer hospital stay and higher mortality rate. The open cholecystectomy rate is higher in COVID compared with non -COVID patients. It is recommended to delay the surgical treatment in COVID patients, when it is possible, to decrease morbidity and mortality rates. COVID-19 infection and gangrenous cholecystistis are not absolute contraindications to perform laparoscopic cholecystectomy, in a case by case evaluation, in expert hands