331 research outputs found

    Stabilization of a compact conformation of monomeric GroEL at low temperature by adenine nucleotides

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    AbstractE. coli GroEL chaperonin monomers, isolated after urea-induced dissociation of GroEL14, undergo cold denaturation below 5° C. Above 5°C, these monomers undergo MgATP-dependent self-assembly. We have demonstrated a conformational transition at 0°C induced by interaction of monomeric GroEL with adenine nucleotides. This conformation has a dramatically decreased Stokes radius and enhanced resistance to trypsin but it is slightly less compact than the conformation of monomers at 23°C in the absence of MgATP and it is not capable of spontaneous self-assembly. A second, temperature-dependent conformational change with a transition at about 5°C is required for GroEL to undergo oligomerization

    Consecuencias no deseadas de la acción colectiva empresaria: la Federación Agraria Argentina en la Mesa de Enlace. Un abordaje a partir de la sociología económica

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    La participación de la Federación Agraria Argentina en la Mesa de Enlace tendría serias implicancias para buena parte de sus asociados. Ahora bien, ¿por qué las corporaciones del empresariado desarrollan acciones que terminan por perjudicar los intereses de sus miembros? Es a través de la sociología económica que se reflexiona y se analiza la acción empresarial de la FAA en el desarrollo del conflicto agropecuario del año 2008.La participación de la Federación Agraria Argentina en la Mesa de Enlace tendría serias implicancias para buena parte de sus asociados. Ahora bien, ¿por qué las corporaciones del empresariado desarrollan acciones que terminan por perjudicar los intereses de sus miembros? Es a través de la sociología económica que se reflexiona y se analiza la acción empresarial de la FAA en el desarrollo del conflicto agropecuario del año 2008

    Crisis de la Convertibilidad y salida posterior : El rol de los Bancos

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    Evitando concebir al Estado como mero instrumento de dominación de una sola clase o fracción, y aún entendiendo que en el interior del mismo se expresan contradicciones relativas a las distintas fracciones de clase que en él conviven (Poulantzas, 1979), podemos afirmar que el rumbo que elige tomar un gobierno guarda estrecha relación con las presiones de los actores económicos más poderosos. Esta influencia se hace más clara en los momentos en que se problematiza la estructura económica de un país (cuando el sistema vigente entra en crisis). Es en esos momentos donde las fracciones dominantes despliegan y utilizan diversos recursos de poder: económicos, políticos e ideológicos. Con respecto a estos últimos es importante señalar que en toda crisis se manifiesta una disputa más o menos ostensible por los “sentidos” de la misma. En otras palabras, se verifica una pugna (en lo ideológico) entre las distintas fracciones dominantes, sobre por qué se da la crisis, lo cual es relevante en tanto según el diagnóstico que triunfe se encauzará la salida de la crisis en determinado sentido y no en otro.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    La Ecología en la República Argentina

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    La Asociación Argentina de Ecología (ASAS) evaluó el estado de la ecología en la Argentina sobre la base del análisis de un total de 614 resúmenes de trabajos presentados en reuniones nacionales de la ASAE entre 1972 y 1991, y a una encuesta realizada entre sus socios en 1992. Los resúmenes se clasificaron de acuerdo a especialidades dentro de ecología básica y aplicada, por el enfoque metodológico utilizado, y por los temas identificados como prioritarios en el documento Sustainable Biological Initiative de la Sociedad Americana de Ecología (SBI). Se verificó que en la Argentina las ramas dominantes en ecología básica son la de poblaciones y de comunidades, pero que la ecofisiología es la que muestra la mayor tasa de crecimiento. En la ecología aplicada la agroecología es la que tiene tanto la mayor dominancia como la mayor tasa de crecimiento a lo largo del tiempo. Se ha observado un “progreso” en la evolución temporal de la ecología en Argentina desde el punto de vista metodológico, que parece responder esencialmente a la rama de la ecofisiologia en la ecología básica y la de la agroecología en ecología aplicada. La opinión de los socios de la ASAS sobreestima notablemente el grado de desarrollo interpretativo y explicativo de las investigaciones, especialmente las de su propio lugar de trabajo, y subestima el de metodología descriptiva. La investigación ecológica en Argentina que muestra más asociación con los temas del SBI es la de ecología de poblaciones y comunidades y la de ecofisiologia. Los socios de la ASAS consideran que los temas del SBI son todos de importancia para la ciencia ecológica pero de escaso desarrollo en nuestro país, aunque con un muy bajo grado de discriminación en las opiniones.Based on 614 abstracts presented at four national meetings of the Argentinean Ecological Society (ASAE) that covered a 20-year period, and a societary survey carried out in 1992, the state of the ecological sciences in Argentina was evaluated. The abstracts were classified according to (a) specialties within basic and applied ecology, (b) the methodological approach used, and (c) the high priority subjects for the Sustainable Biological Initiative identified by the American Ecological Society (SBI). Populations and communities are the dominant branches of basic ecology in Argentina, but ecophysiology is the one that shows the highest growth rate. In applied ecology, agroecology is the branch with both the highest dominance and the highest rate of growth. From the methodological standpoint there has been c: certain temporal “progress” in Argentinean ecology that seems to reflect a stronger progress in ecophysiology and agroecology. The ASAE’s members opinion strongly overestimates the interpretative and explicative approaches of research, particularly when considering their own working place, and underestimates the descriptive approaches. Populations, communities and agroecology are the only branches that showed the highest association with SBI subjects. ASAE’s members consider that all SBI subjects are important for the ecological sciences but of scarce development in Argentina; however, the level of discrimination of these opinions was extremely low

    Bioactivity of Isoflavones: Assessment through a Theoretical Model as a Way to Obtain a “Theoretical Efficacy Related to Estradiol (TERE)”

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    The increase of human life span will have profound implications in Public Health in decades to come. By 2030, there will be an estimated 1.2 billion women in post-menopause. Hormone Replacement Therapy with synthetic hormones is still full of risks and according to the latest developments, should be used for the shortest time possible. Searching for alternative drugs is inevitable in this scenario and science must provide physicians with other substances that can be used to treat the same symptoms with less side effects. Systematic research carried out on this field of study is focusing now on isoflavones but the randomised controlled trials and reviews of meta-analysis concerning post-menopause therapy, that could have an important impact on human health, are very controversial. The aim of the present work was to establish a theoretical calculation suitable for use as a way to estimate the “Theoretical Efficacy (TE)” of a mixture with different bioactive compounds as a way to obtain a “Theoretical Efficacy Related to Estradiol (TERE)”. The theoretical calculation that we propose in this paper integrates different knowledge about this subject and sets methodological boundaries that can be used to analyse already published data. The outcome should set some consensus for new clinical trials using isoflavones (isolated or included in mixtures) that will be evaluated to assess their therapeutically activity. This theoretical method for evaluation of a possible efficacy could probably also be applied to other herbal drug extracts when a synergistic or contradictory bio-effect is not verified. In this way, it we may contribute to enlighten and to the development of new therapeutic approaches

    Structural and kinetic basis for heightened immunogenicity of T cell vaccines

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    Analogue peptides with enhanced binding affinity to major histocompatibility class (MHC) I molecules are currently being used in cancer patients to elicit stronger T cell responses. However, it remains unclear as to how alterations of anchor residues may affect T cell receptor (TCR) recognition. We correlate functional, thermodynamic, and structural parameters of TCR–peptide–MHC binding and demonstrate the effect of anchor residue modifications of the human histocompatibility leukocyte antigens (HLA)–A2 tumor epitope NY–ESO-1157–165–SLLMWITQC on TCR recognition. The crystal structure of the wild-type peptide complexed with a specific TCR shows that TCR binding centers on two prominent, sequential, peptide sidechains, methionine–tryptophan. Cysteine-to-valine substitution at peptide position 9, while optimizing peptide binding to the MHC, repositions the peptide main chain and generates subtly enhanced interactions between the analogue peptide and the TCR. Binding analyses confirm tighter binding of the analogue peptide to HLA–A2 and improved soluble TCR binding. Recognition of analogue peptide stimulates faster polarization of lytic granules to the immunological synapse, reduces dependence on CD8 binding, and induces greater numbers of cross-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte to SLLMWITQC. These results provide important insights into heightened immunogenicity of analogue peptides and highlight the importance of incorporating structural data into the process of rational optimization of superagonist peptides for clinical trials

    CD1b-restricted GEM T cell responses are modulated by Mycobacterium tuberculosis mycolic acid meromycolate chains

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    Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, remains a major human pandemic. Germline-encoded mycolyl lipid-reactive (GEM) T cells are donor-unrestricted and recognize CD1b-presented mycobacterial mycolates. However, the molecular requirements governing mycolate antigenicity for the GEM T cell receptor (TCR) remain poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate CD1b expression in tuberculosis granulomas and reveal a central role for meromycolate chains in influencing GEM-TCR activity. Meromycolate fine structure influences T cell responses in TB-exposed individuals, and meromycolate alterations modulate functional responses by GEM-TCRs. Computational simulations suggest that meromycolate chain dynamics regulate mycolate head group movement, thereby modulating GEM-TCR activity. Our findings have significant implications for the design of future vaccines that target GEM T cells