307 research outputs found

    Implementing an Early Alert Workflow Process in Higher Education to Enhance Retention and Student Engagement

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    This case study examines the implementation of an early alert intervention system designed to enhance retention and student course engagement at a large suburban, public two-year degree-granting college. The focus of the study was to investigate the work-flow process and labor requirements for operationalizing the in-house intervention protocol, utilizing a Success Coach model. This paper documents the intervention procedures and reports findings pertaining to faculty time commitment and participation, frequency and prevalence of raised alert flags, and labor requirements for conducting student outreach. Cost efficiency and effectiveness are discussed, as are alternative approaches for implementation, including the use of automation and commercially available early alert software solutions. Implications of findings for the operationalization of the success coach model are considered and suggestions for further investigation are discussed. This case study investigated preservice teachers’ perceptions of their use of “backdoor praise” (BDP)—praise that is simultaneously delayed, indirect, and embedded in teacher comments—during their final internship. Three participants representing elementary, middle, and high schools, were observed to collect baseline data on their natural use of BDP. The researcher then explained BDP and conducted two more observations of each preservice teacher and their use of BDP. Twenty-eight incidents involving 21 students were recorded; 16 students maintained long-term on-task behavior ranging from three minutes to nearly 60 minutes post-BDP. The preservice teachers were interviewed after each observation, and they all reported positive student and whole-class reactions to BDP; in addition, the student teachers reported that their use of positive comments increased while their use of negative comments and reprimands decreased. These results suggest that direct instruction in BDP helped the preservice teachers to become more aware of their own praise talk

    Forest social values: the case of Dalasjö, Sweden

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    Forest social values has been put forward as an umbrella term for a new and less material relationship between people and the forested landscape, a relationship that more recently has become a policy issue. In this case study we explore how forest-related values are conceptualised in the case of Dalasjo, in Vilhelmina, Sweden, where a recent process involving determining protection for social values took place in relation to, and simultaneous with, governmental considerations regarding the application of a social values concept. By means of focus group and key informant interviews, the study demonstrates that forest social values are not only about forest per se, or even the physical and user values per se. Further, the diverse but still general understanding of forest social values on a policy level is demonstrated. This stands in contrast to the specific and place-based understanding of the local community, emanating from both individual and collective experiences. Thus, it is concluded that a policy use of social values terms, which may be difficult to identify from the outside, makes the definition of values in specific land use conflicts more complex rather than offering a possibility to immediately provide clear basis for planning tools

    Participatory, observation & face to face research methods:Guidance for researchers at the University of Edinburgh

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    Due to the coronavirus pandemic, researchers around the world have had to shift to digital domains to generate data, redesign their studies, and rethink the ways in which they engage with participants. Substituting face-to-face with digital methods presents both opportunities and challenges for researchers at all phases of the research process. For example, research participants may gain more power and agency within the researcherresearched relationship framework, and participants may be drawn from a wider geographical and social field. There may also be greater flexibility in when and where research takes place: the use of multimodal software for engaging with participants has allowed researchers to receive information from their participants at the times and in the forms convenient for them. However, researchers have not always been able to reach or create and maintain engagement with participants due to, for example, inequalities in access to digital technologies or reliable internet connections. It can be harder to access vulnerable and marginalised groups, who don’t have access to or experience with devices and software, and ensuring participant confidentiality and privacy can be a more complex process. Additionally, participants with disabilities might face extra challenges using certain technologies. This document aims to provide guidance for doctoral and early career researchers at the University of Edinburgh on remote data generation in circumstances when conducting fieldwork involving qualitative participatory methods and physical engagement is not possible. It was developed via desk-based research, case studies of existing work at the University of Edinburgh, and a workshop

    Implementasi dalam Pendekatan Saintifik pada Pembelajaran IPA Kelas III SDS 1 Mardiatul Islamiyah Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil dalam pendekatan saintifik pada pembelajaran IPA di SDS 1 Mardiatul Islamiyah Medan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu guru dan siswa kelas 3 SDS 1 Mardiatul Islamiyah Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan observasi langsung ke SDS 1 Mardiatul Islamiyah Medan. Penelitian ini menjelaskan dan memberi gambaran mengenai Implikasi dalam pendekatan saintifik pada pembelajaran IPA kelas III di SDS 1 Mardiatul Islamiyah Medan. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwasannya kemampuan peserta didik dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran IPA dengan menggunakan pendekatan saintifik, tidak mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan, dengan kata lain peserta didik dikelas III di SDS 1 Mardiatul Islamiyah Medan masih pada standar peserta didik lainnya, yakni duduk dan diam. dengan demikian, diharapkan guru untuk lebih aktif dan kreatif lagi dalam mengajar, sehingga para peserta didik lebih semangat untuk mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran

    Upaya Penerapan Evaluasi Membaca Di Kelas Tinggi

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    Reading is a cognitive activity or process that aims to find various information contained in written information. This means that reading is a thought process to understand the contents of the text read. Evaluation of learning to read is a series of activities or steps taken after the completion of the main activities to obtain information about the results of learning to read, then manage and interpret them using benchmarks and goals and certain criteria. This type of research is library research, namely research conducted by analyzing and making written literature scientific journals as well as the main source. So the evaluation of learning to read is the process of determining students’ understanding, acceptance, categorization, analysis and reasoning abilities, as well as the accuracy of students’ pronunciation and intonation when taking reading tests in the target language. The purpose of learning to read is so that students can understand and use language in practice, it is not enough to measure it with mere mechanical abilities. The assessment of reading ability must be seen from the general reading ability as a whole, so that when assessing skills other than mechanical skills, it is also necessary to measure reading ability, for example understanding the content or meaning of sentences. The purpose of this study is to find out how the effort to implement the evaluation of students’ reading learning

    Hakikat Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial

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    Seringnya kekeliruan pendidik maupun peserta didik dalam pengaplikasian pembelajaran IPS, membuat proses pembelajaran itu tidak mencapai tujuan bahkan keluar dari tujuan pembelajaran. Maka dari itu diperlukan pemahaman terkait hakikat sebenarnya pembelajaran ilmu pengertahuan sosial itu. Dengan demikian tujuan dari kepenulisan ini ialah untuk mengetahui hakikat pembelajaran IPS yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran, sebagai ranah atau batasan dalam mengajarkan pembelajaran IPS di sekolah. Adapun metodologi yang digunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan fokus penelititian studi pustaka yang memuat berbagai literatur yang nantinya akan dianalisis terkait hakikat pembelajaran ilmu pengetahuan sosial. Pada akhirnya hakikat pembelajaran ilmu pengetahuan sosial berisi tentang pengertian, tujuan, landasan, Karakteristik, Ruang Lingkup, Fungsi, dan Prinsip

    Masjid Al-Osmani : Telaah Sejarah Sosial Keaagamaan

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    This research aims to make the surrounding community pay more attention to one of the historical relics or mosques in the city of Medan. This study uses the historical research method, which is a method used in collecting historical sources (heuristics). The sample obtained using the interview technique was 5 people in the community around the Osmani mosque. Al Osmani Grand Mosque is located in the area of ​​Jalan Yos Sudarso KM. Pekan Labuhan Village, Medan Labuhan District, Medan, founded by Sultan Deli VII Osman Perkasa Alam, is not only a building that functions as a place of worship. But basically the Al-Osmani Grand Mosque is a cultural blend of Chinese, Middle Eastern, Indian, Spanish and local ethnicities in the city of Medan, namely the Malay ethnicit

    Mutations in KCNK4 that Affect Gating Cause a Recognizable Neurodevelopmental Syndrome

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    Aberrant activation or inhibition of potassium (K+) currents across the plasma membrane of cells has been causally linked to altered neurotransmission, cardiac arrhythmias, endocrine dysfunction, and (more rarely) perturbed developmental processes. The K+ channel subfamily K member 4 (KCNK4), also known as TRAAK (TWIK-related arachidonic acid-stimulated K+ channel), belongs to the mechano-gated ion channels of the TRAAK/TREK subfamily of two-pore-domain (K2P) K+ channels. While K2P channels are well known to contribute to the resting membrane potential and cellular excitability, their involvement in pathophysiological processes remains largely uncharacterized. We report that de novo missense mutations in KCNK4 cause a recognizable syndrome with a distinctive facial gestalt, for which we propose the acronym FHEIG (facial dysmorphism, hypertrichosis, epilepsy, intellectual disability/developmental delay, and gingival overgrowth). Patch-clamp analyses documented a significant gain of function of the identified KCNK4 channel mutants basally and impaired sensitivity to mechanical stimulation and arachidonic acid. Co-expression experiments indicated a dominant behavior of the disease-causing mutations. Molecular dynamics simulations consistently indicated that mutations favor sealing of the lateral intramembrane fenestration that has been proposed to negatively control K+ flow by allowing lipid access to the central cavity of the channel. Overall, our findings illustrate the pleiotropic effect of dysregulated KCNK4 function and provide support to the hypothesis of a gating mechanism based on the lateral fenestrations of K2P channels

    Evidence for three factors of perfectionism: : Perfectionistic Strivings, Order, and Perfectionistic Concerns

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    The factor structure of perfectionism is inconsistent across models. Most models distinguish between adaptive and maladaptive aspects of perfectionism, but often do not include elements representing order. Order, however, is theoretically important and distinct from the broad adaptive perfectionism factor. Therefore, a three-factor model of perfectionism was tested in a sample of undergraduate students (N = 208) who completed the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised and the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. According to the chi-squared difference test and CFI differences, model fit improved when repre- senting Order as a separate factor. In addition, Order and Perfectionistic Strivings factors showed signif- icantly different correlations with Conscientiousness and Neuroticism, academic performance expectation, and four achievement goal orientations, providing further evidence of their distinctiveness. Therefore, including Order as a separate factor represents a better model of perfectionism