38 research outputs found

    Did Paul abandon either Judaism or Monotheism?

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    Status and activities of the Supreme Administrative Court in the system of administrative justice of the Czechoslovak Republic until 1952

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    Diplomová práce "Postavení a činnost Nejvyššího správního soudu v soustavě správního soudnictví ČSR do roku 1952" pojednává o vzniku, postavení, činnosti a vývoji Nejvyššího správního soudu, jakožto jediného správního soudu na území nově vzniklého samostatného československého státu. Pozornost je věnována i vývoji správního soudnictví v období Rakousko-Uherské monarchie, jelikož sytém československého správního soudnictví byl plně inspirován především rakouským modelem. Nejpodrobněji se věnuji analýze právní úpravy předmětného institutu v období první republiky, jakož i zřízení a působnosti Nejvyššího správního soudu v předmětném období. Zabývám se problematikou působnosti Nejvyššího správního soudu v období okupace. Nezbytnou součástí je též nastínění událostí, jež ovlivnily činnost Nejvyššího správního soudu v poválečném období až do jeho úplné likvidace v roce 1952. Důležitou částí je popis okamžiku obnovení českého správního soudnictví, jakožto jednoho z pilířů právního státu, po událostech v roce 1989, vývoj právní úpravy tohoto institutu v období devadesátých let, včetně problematiky zřízení nynějšího Nejvyššího správního soudu.ObhájenoThe thesis "The Position and Activities of the Supreme Administrative Court in the Administrative Justice System of the Czechoslovakia until 1952" discusses the establishment, position, activities and development of the Supreme Administrative Court as the sole administrative court in the newly independent Czechoslovak state. Attention is also given to the development of administrative justice in the period of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, since the system of the Czechoslovak administrative justice was fully inspired mainly by the Austrian model. The most detailed analysis is devoted to the legal regulation of the subject institution in the period of the First Republic, as well as the establishment and competence of the Supreme Administrative Court in the period in question. I focus on the issue of the competence of the Supreme Administrative Court during the period of occupation. It is also necessary to describe the events that influenced the activity of the Supreme Administrative Court in the post-war period until its complete abolition in 1952. An important part is a description of the moment of the revival of the Czech administrative judiciary, as one of the pillars of the rule of law, after the events of 1989, the development of the legal regulation of this institution in the 1990s, including the issue of the establishment of the current Supreme Administrative Court

    Investigation and modelling of ultra-fast processes of energy transport : super-transport of energy

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    This work is devoted to an investigation of ultra-fast processes of energy transport. There is a close link between ultra-fast and nano-scale processes. However, modern science lacks understanding of energy transport phenomena, which occurs at nano- space and time scales. In fact, a realistic model of such processes does not exist. It was recently found that the phase-lagging models used to model ultra-fast processes lead to the existence of superfluid regime without low temperature condition. Still, the existing models are phenomenological and the kinetic theory cannot be used to describe these processes in any medium due to its limitations. The research is focused on the existence of the fundamental time lag problem in the processes of heat transport. Quantum theory is a completely new approach in this area. It is used to solve the problem of the time lag existence and to estimate its value. It is proved in this thesis that the macroscopic equation for the second sound follows from the quantum equation for de Broglie’s wave packet. It was shown that the result is consistent with the outcomes obtained previously from different theories. The investigation of the behavior of the apparent thermal diffusivity and viscosity was conducted as well as a study of the steady state heat transfer within a nano-scale spatial domain and apparent sources. The experiment was conducted to validate the resulting mathematical model, which appears to be in good agreement with the data obtained.DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (MAE

    Administrative organization in the 1920's

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    Tématem této práce je organizace správy v období počátečního vývoje Československé republiky. Organizace správy na celém území Československé republiky však neprobíhala stejným způsobem, a proto se zaměříme na podrobnější popis počáteční organizaci správy zvlášť na území Čech, Moravy, Slezska, Slovenska a Podkarpatské Rusi. Nejpodrobněji se budeme věnovat nejdůležitějším zákonům období dvacátých let, kterými jsou zákon o župním zřízení a tzv. organizační zákon. Zaměříme se na vymezení důvodů a cílů reforem, na průběh jejich přijetí a pokusy realizace. Nezbytnou součásti je také hodnocení župního a organizačního zákonů, příčiny jejich nefunkčnosti.ObhájenoThe topic of this work is the organization of administration in the period of early development of the Czechoslovak Republic. However, the organization of administration in the whole territory of the Czechoslovak Republic did not proceed in the same way, and therefore we will focus on a more detailed description of the initial organization of administration especially in the territory of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia. We will focus on the most important acts of the 1920s, namely the County Act and the Organizational Act. We will focus on defining the reasons and objectives of the reforms, the course of their adoption and attempts to implement them. An essential part is also the evaluation of county and organizational laws and the causes of their malfunction

    Introduction of Information and Digital Literacy Workshops to Freshmen Students at Westminster International University in Tashkent

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    This article examines the case of introducing Information and Digital Literacy (IDL) skills workshops to foundational level students in the format of an embedded session with a critical thinking module seminar (Strengthening Thinking and Problem Solving Skills - STaPSS) at Westminster International University in Tashkent. STaPSS mostly emphasized the content of the text and its meaning in terms of finding logical fallacies, biased opinions, etc. IDL concentrated on technical details of the source, credibility of education platforms where it could be accessed, and analyzing and evaluating the technical specifications attributed to the source. This document describes the usage of a diagnostic assessment tool by Rodney K.Marshall (Ph.D., University of Tennessee) which was applied before the workshop to discover freshmen information competency, and comparison of the results after the workshop. Additionally, a satisfaction survey was conducted to gather feedback about the content of the workshops, learning activities, teaching methods and suggestions for improvement. This paper analyzes the adoption of innovative information literacy programs, highlighting achievements and takeaways, and continuing questions that arise in the process of integration. In addition, it reveals the necessity of such a program into the curriculum, since extracurricular activities in this sphere were found to be ineffective. With results obtained from the study, this paper found that the introduction of IDL workshops increased the information competency of first year students and contributed to the development of their critical thinking skills. This paper may also serve as a guide for academic librarians and faculty who are attentive to 21 st century skills in today’s environment

    Book Review: I. Reynolds, R. Tannenbaum. Jews and God-fearers at Aphrodisias. Greek Inscriptions with Commentary. Cambridge, 1987 (Cambidge Philological Society. Suppl. V. 12)

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    В книге Джойс Рейнолдс и Орберта Танненбаума "Евреи и боящиеся Бога в Афродисиаде" была осуществлена первая публикация уже успевшей стать знаменитой самой большой грекоязычной надписи из Афродисиады (Кария). Стела с надписями была найдена в 1976 г. во время строительства музея в Афродисиаде

    Physical rehabilitation of 18-21 aged basketball players after knee injuries

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    Предметом исследования является методика физической реабилитации баскетболистов после травм коленного сустава на этапе восстановления. Цель исследования – разработать и обосновать комплексную программу реабилитации баскетболистов 18-21 года после травм коленного сустава. Методы исследования: 1. Анализ и обобщение литературных источников. 2. Методы оценки функционального состояния коленного сустава. 3. Педагогический эксперимент. 4. Статистическая обработка данных. Научная новизна исследования: впервые предложены методы педагогического сопровождения реабилитации и внедрены методические рекомендации повышения эффективности восстановления спортивной работоспособности у баскетболистов после травм коленного сустава. Теоретически обоснованная и доказанная экспериментально методика дополняет теорию и практику спортивной подготовки травмированных спортсменов. Полученные результаты в процессе эксперимента, доказывают более эффективный процесс реабилитации баскетболистов с травмами коленного сустава. Предложенная методика может быть применена для процесса физической реабилитации.The subject of the proposed study is method of physical rehabilitation of basketball-players after knee injury. The aim – to develop and justify a complex rehabilitation program of 18-21 aged basketball-players after knee injury. The following methods were used: scientific literature review, evaluation of functional state of knee, pedagogic experiment, and statistical analysis. Scientific novelty: new methods of pedagogical supply of rehabilitation process were proposed and novel methodic guidelines to increase effectiveness of sports capacity in basketball-players after knee injury were implemented. Theoretically and practically justified methodic supplements theory and practice of sports training of injured athletes. The obtained results confirmed the effectiveness of rehabilitation process of basketball-players with knee injuries. The proposed method may be used in physical rehabilitation process

    About Asses and "Semi-asses" in the Ancient Epic Tradition

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    Статья посвящена изучению места и роли мулов/месков в эпическом мире Древней Греции в контексте связей античного мира и Междуречья