508 research outputs found

    Electronic Cigarettes in Maine: Health Effects, Marketing, Use, and Regulation

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    Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are electronic nicotine-delivery systems (ENDS) that deliver a vapor of nicotine and other potentially dangerous chemicals to the user; nonusers are also exposed. Driven by a well-funded advertising campaign, use of e-cigarettes has increased in Maine until it now exceeds the use of combustible cigarettes among youth. In 2015, 14.5 percent of female high school students and 18.8 percent of male high school students in Maine reported current use of e-cigarettes. Maine laws and city ordinances restrict e-cigarette use in some places where combustible cigarettes are banned, but legislative gaps remain. Most Maine schools, colleges, and hospitals also ban e-cigarettes, but again gaps remain. This article explores the marketing and use of e-cigarettes nationwide and in Maine and proposes policies to restrict access and use, particularly by youth

    Assembly line balancing and activity scheduling for customised products manufacturing

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    Nowadays, end customers require personalized products to match their specific needs. Thus, production systems must be extremely flexible. Companies typically exploit assembly lines to manufacture produces in great volumes. The development of assembly lines distinguished by mixed or multi models increases their flexibility concerning the number of product variants able to be manufactured. However, few scientific contributions deal with customizable products, i.e., produces which can be designed and ordered requiring or not a large set of available accessories. This manuscript proposes an original two-step procedure to deal with the multi-manned assembly lines for customized product manufacturing. The first step of the procedure groups the accessories together in clusters according to a specific similarity index. The accessories belonging to a cluster are typically requested together by customers and necessitate a significant mounting time. Thus, this procedure aims to split accessories belonging to the same cluster to different assembly operators avoiding their overloads. The second procedure step consists of an innovative optimization model which defines tasks and accessory assignment to operators. Furthermore, the developed model defines the activity time schedule in compliance with the task precedencies maximizing the operator workload balance. An industrial case study is adopted to test and validate the proposed procedure. The obtained results suggest superior balancing of such assembly lines, with an average worker utilization rate greater than 90%. Furthermore, in the worst case scenario in terms of customer accessories requirement, just 4 line operators out of 16 are distinguished by a maximum workload greater than the cycle time

    Automatic Detection of GUI Design Smells: The Case of Blob Listener

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    International audienceGraphical User Interfaces (GUIs) intensively rely on event-driven programming: widgets send GUI events, which capture users' interactions, to dedicated objects called controllers. Controllers implement several GUI listeners that handle these events to produce GUI commands. In this work, we conducted an empirical study on 13 large Java Swing open-source software systems. We study to what extent the number of GUI commands that a GUI listener can produce has an impact on the change-and fault-proneness of the GUI listener code. We identify a new type of design smell, called Blob listener that characterizes GUI listeners that can produce more than two GUI commands. We show that 21 % of the analyzed GUI controllers are Blob listeners. We propose a systematic static code analysis procedure that searches for Blob listener that we implement in InspectorGuidget. We conducted experiments on six software systems for which we manually identified 37 instances of Blob listener. InspectorGuidget successfully detected 36 Blob listeners out of 37. The results exhibit a precision of 97.37 % and a recall of 97.59 %. Finally, we propose coding practices to avoid the use of Blob listeners

    Changes in the folding landscape of the WW domain provide a molecular mechanism for an inherited genetic syndrome

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    WW domains are small domains present in many human proteins with a wide array of functions and acting through the recognition of proline-rich sequences. The WW domain belonging to polyglutamine tract-binding protein 1 (PQBP1) is of particular interest due to its direct involvement in several X chromosome-linked intellectual disabilities, including Golabi-Ito-Hall (GIH) syndrome, where a single point mutation (Y65C) correlates with the development of the disease. The mutant cannot bind to its natural ligand WBP11, which regulates mRNA processing. In this work we use high-field high-resolution NMR and enhanced sampling molecular dynamics simulations to gain insight into the molecular causes the disease. We find that the wild type protein is partially unfolded exchanging among multiple beta-strand-like conformations in solution. The Y65C mutation further destabilizes the residual fold and primes the protein for the formation of a disulphide bridge, which could be at the origin of the loss of function


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    According to European legislation, environmental control and monitoring of landfills has become of crucial importance. This study includes a thorough geochemical approach aiming to evaluate the environmental impact of the landfill of Komotini, N. Greece. Samples of waters were taken from inside the working landfill as well as from the area of the neighbouring old landfill. The waters were analyzed chemically (major elements and heavy metals) and isotopically (D and 18O). Also, biogas flow was measured and the ratio CH4/CO2. Based on the geomorphological, hydrogeological and land use data of the area, we proceeded to analyses of waters both from the area of the landfill and from the wider region (drainage basin). The obtained results were used to construct digital maps (GIS) in order to determine the special dispersion of the polluted aquifers. The biogas flow in the old and new garbage burial sites was measured by accumulation chamber device for methane and carbon dioxide ratio determination. The obtained results show an important agent of pollution in the water samples downstream from the landfill and in a distance more than 2km, along the dispersion of the leachate. The land use of the area was taken into account to evaluate the importance and the criticality of the situation

    An Allosteric Cross-Talk Between the Activation Loop and the ATP Binding Site Regulates the Activation of Src Kinase

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    Phosphorylation of the activation loop is a fundamental step in the activation of most protein kinases. In the case of the Src tyrosine kinase, a prototypical kinase due to its role in cancer and its historic importance, phosphorylation of tyrosine 416 in the activation loop is known to rigidify the structure and contribute to the switch from the inactive to a fully active form. However, whether or not phosphorylation is able per-se to induce a fully active conformation, that efficiently binds ATP and phosphorylates the substrate, is less clear. Here we employ a combination of solution NMR and enhanced-sampling molecular dynamics simulations to fully map the effects of phosphorylation and ATP/ADP cofactor loading on the conformational landscape of Src tyrosine kinase. We find that both phosphorylation and cofactor binding are needed to induce a fully active conformation. What is more, we find a complex interplay between the A-loop and the hinge motion where the phosphorylation of the activation-loop has a significant allosteric effect on the dynamics of the C-lobe

    Molecular gas and star formation in the Tidal Dwarf Galaxy VCC 2062

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    The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in A&A, Vol 590, A92, June 2016, doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201527887. Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics, © ESO.The physical mechanisms driving star formation (SF) in galaxies are still not fully understood. Tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs), made of gas ejected during galaxy interactions, seem to be devoid of dark matter and have a near-solar metallicity. The latter makes it possible to study molecular gas and its link to SF using standard tracers (CO, dust) in a peculiar environment. We present a detailed study of a nearby TDG in the Virgo Cluster, VCC 2062, using new high-resolution CO(1--0) data from the Plateau de Bure, deep optical imaging from the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS), and complementary multiwavelength data. Until now, there was some doubt whether VCC 2062 was a true TDG, but the new deep optical images from the NGVS reveal a stellar bridge between VCC 2062 and its parent galaxy, NGC 4694, which is clear proof of its tidal origin. Several high-resolution tracers (\halpha, UV, 8~\mi, and 24~\mi) of the star formation rate (SFR) are compared to the molecular gas distribution as traced by the CO(1-0). Coupled with the SFR tracers, the NGVS data are used with the CIGALE code to model the stellar populations throughout VCC 2062, yielding a declining SFR in the recent past, consistent with the low \halpha/UV ratio, and a high burst strength. HI emission covers VCC 2062, whereas the CO is concentrated near the HI maxima. The CO peaks correspond to two very distinct regions: one with moderate SF to the NE and one with only slightly weaker CO emission but with nearly no SF. Even where SF is clearly present, the SFR is below the value expected from the surface density of the molecular and the total gas as compared to spiral galaxies and other TDGs. After discussing different possible explanations, we conclude that the low surface brightness is a crucial parameter to understand the low SFR.Peer reviewe