34 research outputs found

    Deporte olímpico y de alto nivel en España: análisis de los factores de éxito.

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    En la actualidad existe una gran rivalidad entre las naciones por lograr el éxito deportivo internacional. Desde las últimas décadas existe una preocupación en la literatura científica por determinar qué factores contribuyen a qué un país alcance el máximo rendimiento posible a nivel deportivo y cuáles no. Han sido diversas las aproximaciones metodológicas a este fenómeno. En la actualidad, el paradigma imperante establece que los factores que favorecen el éxito deportivo se pueden englobar en tres categorías: macro, meso y micro. En esta Tesis Doctoral se analizarán los principales factores macro y meso que afectan al rendimiento del equipo olímpico español (y, por extensión al deporte de alto nivel), desde 2005 en adelante, a través de cuatro estudios independientes. Para contextualizar el trabajo empírico realizado en la presente Tesis Doctoral, se ha elaborado una fundamentación teórica que integra el principal conocimiento científico sobre los factores que condicionan el éxito olímpico y de alto nivel en los niveles macro y meso. Se ha indagado también en los principales modelos metodológicos que han tratado de abordar esta cuestión en el plano internacional. Se ha puesto especial énfasis al sistema deportivo español, desgranando su evolución histórica, su modelo organizativo, los sistemas de financiación, el marco legislativo, las estructuras de apoyo al deporte de alto nivel, la promoción del deporte femenino o los sistemas de apoyo al deportista tanto en su trayectoria en activo como tras su retirada. En concreto, se ha incidido sobre los programas de carrera dual de los deportistas estudiantes, sobre su idiosincrasia y el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en los mismos.Actividad Física y Deport

    Cambios, pervivencias y adaptaciones. La integración de las élites nativas en el virreinato de Perú durante el Siglo XVI

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    After the conquest of the Inca empire by the Spanish soldiers, began a process of social articulation and government of the Andean space. In order to establish effective control over the territory, the Spanish elites negotiated with the indigenous leaders their new role in the emerging society. This article explores how the Andean caciques assumed this change and how they exercised their power mechanisms to consolidate, reconfigure and increase their status in the new colonial order.Tras la conquista del imperio inca por parte de los soldados españoles, dio comienzo un proceso de articulación social y de gobierno del espacio andino. Con el fin de establecer un control efectivo sobre el territorio, las élites españolas negociaron con los líderes indígenas su nuevo rol en la sociedad emergente. Este artículo explora cómo los caciques andinos asumieron este cambio y cómo ejercieron sus mecanismos de poder para consolidar, reconfigurar y aumentar su estatus en el nuevo orden colonial


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    The Dual Career of Student-Athletes is a topic of great interest in Europe, and the European Commission supports projects to implement measures that promote and stimulate this career. Within the European Dual Career ESTPORT project, two sports tutoring models were analyzed (UCAM Tutorship Model and DUCASTUN Model) in two different countries (Spain and Italy). In 2016, the UCAM model of sports tutoring was used to tutoring 188 students. They were granted a scholarship and assisted by an individual tutor. The model and the system which has developed from it was evaluated. That provided essential pieces of information on sports life, academic life and sports tutoring. The DUCASTUN model of the University of Rome “Foro Italico”, was implemented with 18 student-athletes and evaluated through the ESTPORT project, emphasizing the use of Web 2.0 technology as an essential element to achieving effective sports tutoring

    Effects of the COVID-19 Health Crisis on Sports Practice, Life Quality, and Emotional Status in Spanish High-Performance Athletes

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    Ajuts: This work belongs to the "Efectos de la nueva normalidad por crisis sanitaria COVID-19 en la práctica deportiva, la calidad de vida y el estado emocional de los deportistas de élite en España, EASED (CoV-19)" project, supported by San Antonio Catholic University (UCAM) (Plan Propio, PMAFICOVID19/19), Murcia, Spain.Spain is one of the many countries highly affected by the COVID-19 crisis, establishing very restrictive measures with a complete lockdown for more than 3 months. This situation forced the complete closure of sport practice and national or international competitions, leading to a negative impact on physical and psychological health of high-performance athletes. Therefore, the objectives of this study were (a) to determine the effects of the COVID-19 health crisis on Spanish high-performance athletes in terms of sports practice, life quality, and emotional state and (b) to identify the profile with the greatest difficulties during and after the lockdown. A sample of 130 high-performance athletes aged between 18 and 34 years (67 women and 63 men) participated in this study (83.1% achieved a medal in National-International elite competitions; 86.9% were considered student-athletes). Measures included socio-demographic data through a 5-dimension ad hoc survey: physical activity and exercise using an adapted version from the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) ; health status and limitations using an adapted version of SF-12 Health Questionnaire ; Perceived stress (Short-PSS) ; and Mood States (29-item POMS). All participants have shown a significant decrease pre-post-lockdown in both health and performance perception, especially in women, individual athletes, medalists, and student-athletes. Strong limitations of training, attention, and motivation as well as a moderate negative emotional state during lockdown were reported, in women, individual athletes, medalists, and student-athletes. Even with an improved emotional state and energy level in the post-lockdown period, moderate-to-high stress scores were reported by women and medalists. Our findings highlight the importance of paying attention to the physical and psychological health of elite athletes on three profiles: team athletes (due to social distance), student-athletes (dual-career issues), and women athletes (prevalence of implicit gender inequalities in sport)


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    The importance of parents in the physical activity of their children during adolescence has been previously established, but few studies have determined which are the most important variables. This study analyzes the influence of gender stereotypes, educational level, and the level of parents’ sports practice on their children’s practice. The sample included 965 adolescents and 1,599 parents from the Region of Murcia. The results showed differences in the sports practice of the adolescents when considering the educational level of their mothers, the physical activity carried out by the fathers on male children, the frequency of practice of the mothers for female children and gender stereotypes of the mothers. It found that gender stereotypes and parents’ educational level influenced adolescents’ sports practice.La importancia de los padres en la actividad física de sus hijos durante la adolescencia ha sido constatada previamente, pero pocos estudios han establecido cuáles son las variables más determinantes. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las diferencias en la práctica deportiva de los adolescentes según el nivel educativo, el nivel de práctica deportiva y los estereotipos de género de sus progenitores. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 965 adolescentes y 1599 progenitores de la Región de Murcia. Los resultados mostraron diferencias en la práctica deportiva de los adolescentes al considerar el nivel educativo de las madres, la actividad física realizada por los padres para los varones, la frecuencia de práctica de las madres para las mujeres y los estereotipos de género de las madres. Como conclusiones, señalar que los estereotipos de género y el nivel educativo de los progenitores influyeron en la práctica deportiva de los adolescentes.  A importância dos pais na atividade física dos seus filhos durante a adolescência foi previamente afirmada, mas poucos estudos determinaram quais são as variáveis mais determinantes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a influência dos estereótipos de gênero, o nível educacional e o nível de prática desportiva dos pais sobre a prática desportiva dos seus filhos. A amostra foi composta por 965 adolescentes e 1599 pais da Região de Múrcia. Os resultados mostraram diferenças na prática desportiva dos adolescentes ao considerar o nível educacional das mães, a atividade física realizada pelos pais para os homens, a frequência da prática das mães para as mulheres e os estereótipos de gênero das mães. Como conclusões, é de notar que os estereótipos de gênero e o nível de educação dos pais influenciaram a prática do desporto pelos adolescentes.

    Percepción de la influencia del modelo Estport en la carrera dual de los estudiantes-deportistas en universidades de España e Italia

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze the influence of the Estport model implemented in universities in Spain and Italy, after intervention in an academic year. 153 student-athletes participated, 109 Spaniards and 44 Italians, with ages between 17 and 48 years (M = 23.62; DT = 4.31) of different sports level: amateur (25.4%), semi-professional (42.8%), and professional (31.8%). The ESTPORT questionnaire on the perception of university students-high-level athletes about the dual career was used. The Italian athletes perceived more barriers than the Spanish and in general, the men perceived more barriers than the women. Regarding the perception of aid tools and sports mentoring, there are no significant differences between countries and gender, a similar perception of the influence of the Estport model could suppose it.El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la in-fluencia del modelo Estport a través de la evaluación de las percepciones de los deportistas en cuanto a ba-rreras, herramientas de ayuda y el tutor deportivo. La intervención tuvo una duración de un curso académico universitario en universidades de España e Italia. Par-ticiparon 153 estudiantes-deportistas, 109 españoles y 44 italianos, con edades comprendidas entre los 17 y 48 años (M = 23.62; DT = 4.31) de distinto nivel deportivo: amateur (25.4%), semi-profesional (42.8%) y profesio-nal (31.8%). Se utilizó el cuestionario de percepción de los estudiantes universitarios-deportistas de alto nivel sobre la carrera dual. Los deportistas italianos percibie-ron más barreras que los españoles y, en general, los hombres percibieron más barreras que las mujeres. Con respecto a la percepción de las herramientas de ayuda y la tutoría deportiva, no existieron diferencias significa-tivas entre países y género, lo que podría suponer una percepción similar de la influencia del modelo EstportActividad Física y Deport

    Implementing the European Sports Leadership Programme: A vehicle to help development graduate workplace competencies

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    This research was part of a large intervention study implementing the European Sports Leadership Programme (ESLP). This paper reports the outcomes of the qualitative study that employed focus groups to assess the students’ perceptions of the 15 competencies determined according to the Framework for qualifications of the European Higher Education Area, before and after the ESLP. Focus groups were carried out at each of the five universities. The ESLP involved university students working as a sports leader for 24 months with the aim to engage more students in university sport, whilst they took part in a graduate employability programme. Each university recruited five sports leaders in their second year at university, to deliver 10 new sport and recreational activities targeting the wider inactive or semi-active student population. Findings highlighted that Organization and planning, Oral and written communication, Development of planning and decision making, and Teamworking, followed closely by Emotional control and Adapting to new situations, were the most commonly reported competencies. They affirmed that this programme had helped to develop these competencies. Use of information, communication and technology, Communication in a foreign language, Research and Emotional control were the most common competencies that students stated they needed to improve further. This research found that implementing the ESLP helped to develop students’ perceptions of their workplace and career competencies. The ESLP is therefore, recommended as one approach to helping universities to develop student’s workplace and career competencies

    Effects of a sport leadership programme on the perceptions of university students about their leadership competencies (Efectos de un programa de liderazgo deportivo sobre las percepciones de alumnado universitario)

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    The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a sport leadership programme (ESLP) on variables related to the leaders’ perception regarding instrumental, personal, and systemic skills in university students. In doing so, the second purpose was to analyse the trans-cultural validity of the Cuestionario de Evaluación de Competencias Transversales de Grado (CECTGRA). Participated 61 students as leaders, 25 mentors and 25 employers, from five European countries. The design was pre-test-post-test, following a longitudinal approach of 24 months to evaluate the effects of the ESLP on variables related to the leader’s perception. An adaptation of the CECTGRA was administered. The questionnaire was valid and reliable to know the effects of the ESLP on the students’ perceptions. However, the sports leaders did not improve their perceptions of competence regarding development, mastery and relevance after the application of the programme. From the finding of this study it is recommended to improve the programme based on the leadership competencies to develop, the teaching-learning methodologies to follow, the activities to implement, and the roles to determine