20 research outputs found

    Pathogenic Mouse Hepatitis Virus or Poly(I:C) Induce IL-33 in Hepatocytes in Murine Models of Hepatitis.

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    International audienceThe IL-33/ST2 axis is known to be involved in liver pathologies. Although, the IL-33 levels increased in sera of viral hepatitis patients in human, the cellular sources of IL-33 in viral hepatitis remained obscure. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the expression of IL-33 in murine fulminant hepatitis induced by a Toll like receptor (TLR3) viral mimetic, poly(I:C) or by pathogenic mouse hepatitis virus (L2-MHV3). The administration of poly(I:C) plus D-galactosamine (D-GalN) in mice led to acute liver injury associated with the induction of IL-33 expression in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) and vascular endothelial cells (VEC), while the administration of poly(I:C) alone led to hepatocyte specific IL-33 expression in addition to vascular IL-33 expression. The hepatocyte-specific IL-33 expression was down-regulated in NK-depleted poly(I:C) treated mice suggesting a partial regulation of IL-33 by NK cells. The CD1d KO (NKT deficient) mice showed hepatoprotection against poly(I:C)-induced hepatitis in association with increased number of IL-33 expressing hepatocytes in CD1d KO mice than WT controls. These results suggest that hepatocyte-specific IL-33 expression in poly(I:C) induced liver injury was partially dependent of NK cells and with limited role of NKT cells. In parallel, the L2-MHV3 infection in mice induced fulminant hepatitis associated with up-regulated IL-33 expression as well as pro-inflammatory cytokine microenvironment in liver. The LSEC and VEC expressed inducible expression of IL-33 following L2-MHV3 infection but the hepatocyte-specific IL-33 expression was only evident between 24 to 32h of post infection. In conclusion, the alarmin cytokine IL-33 was over-expressed during fulminant hepatitis in mice with LSEC, VEC and hepatocytes as potential sources of IL-33

    Breakfast habits and factors influencing food choices at breakfast in relation to socio-demographic and family factors among European adolescents. The HELENA Study §

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    A B S T R A C T Breakfast consumption has been shown to be an important indicator of a healthy lifestyle. Little is known however about factors influencing breakfast consumption and food choices at breakfast in adolescents. The aim of the present study was therefore to describe breakfast habits, and factors influencing food choices at breakfast within the framework of the EU-funded HELENA Study, in 3528 adolescents from ten European cities. Additionally, socio-demographic differences in breakfast habits and in influencing factors were investigated. Half of the adolescents (and fewer girls than boys) indicated being regular breakfast consumers. Girls with mothers with a high level of education, boys from 'traditional' families and boys who perceived low family affluence were positively associated with breakfast consumption. Boys whose parents gave encouragement and girls whose peers ate healthily were more likely to be regular breakfast consumers. 'Hunger', 'taste', 'health concerns' and 'parents or guardian' were the most important influences on the adolescents' food choices at breakfast. Adolescents from southern Europe and girls reported to be more influenced by personal and socio-environmental factors. Sociodemographic differences, in particular regional and gender differences, need to be considered in discussions surrounding the development of nutritional intervention programs intended for adolescents.

    Poverty and inequality in rural India: Reflections based on two agrarian system analyses in the state of Gujarat

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    Through a study in two taluks in the State of Gujarat, this article looks at agrarian systems and their relationship with rural poverty, an essential component of “India’s spatial divide”. Based on in-depth fieldwork, it confirms the extreme poverty that is rampant in the Indian countryside, in a state that nonetheless shows a high growth rate. It reveals how this poverty can be explained by an unequal distribution of land and water, but also of added value that is rooted in social relations of dependency, which have fundamentally changed very little over the course of the last decades. Non-agricultural activities, however important they may be, do nothing to change these inequalities. In the light of this work, the agricultural development policies targeting a redressal of inequalities in rural areas seem more necessary than ever

    Pauvreté et inégalités en Inde rurale

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    Dans deux cantons de l’État du Gujarat, cet article s’intĂ©resse aux systĂšmes agraires et Ă  leurs relations avec la pauvretĂ© rurale, composante essentielle du « grand Ă©cart spatial de l’Inde ». À partir d’un travail de terrain approfondi, il confirme l’extrĂȘme pauvretĂ© qui sĂ©vit dans les campagnes indiennes, dans un État qui affiche pourtant un taux de croissance Ă©levĂ©. Il montre comment cette pauvretĂ© s’explique par une inĂ©gale rĂ©partition de la terre, de l’eau, mais aussi de la valeur ajoutĂ©e, qui s’enracine dans des relations sociales de dĂ©pendance dont l’essence a Ă©tĂ© peu modifiĂ©e au cours des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. Les activitĂ©s non agricoles, pour importantes qu’elles soient, ne modifient pas ces inĂ©galitĂ©s. À la lumiĂšre de ce travail, les politiques de dĂ©veloppement agricole visant la rĂ©sorption des inĂ©galitĂ©s en zone rurale apparaissent plus que jamais nĂ©cessaires

    La politique des chaires au CollĂšge de France

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    Le CollĂšge de France se dĂ©finit comme le lieu de la science en voie de se faire. Rejetant tout partage disciplinaire fixe, il prĂŽne l’adĂ©quation de ses enseignements au renouvellement des savoirs. Mais ce qui apparaĂźt comme une libre transformation est aussi l’expression d’une politique institutionnelle. Le choix d’un intitulĂ© de chaire, la dĂ©signation d’un titulaire rĂ©sultent de l’état de la science et d’un contexte acadĂ©mique, politique et social. La reconduction d’une chaire revient Ă  affirmer qu’une discipline mĂ©rite d’ĂȘtre enseignĂ©e ; la suppression d’une autre signifie que celle-ci n’a plus sa place dans le paysage scientifique. L’analyse des pratiques Ă  l’Ɠuvre au CollĂšge de France durant ses cinq siĂšcles d’existence, rĂ©vĂšle une tension vive et persistante entre l’engagement en faveur de l’innovation et la perpĂ©tuation des traditions sĂ©culaires. Sur la base de nombreux documents inĂ©dits issus notamment des archives du CollĂšge de France, cet ouvrage revisite l’autodĂ©finition de la plus fameuse institution savante française et invite Ă  reconsidĂ©rer la fabrique et le partage des savoirs dans l’enseignement et la recherche

    Breakfast habits and factors influencing food choices at breakfast in relation to socio-demographic and family factors among European adolescents: the HELENA study

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    A B S T R A C T Breakfast consumption has been shown to be an important indicator of a healthy lifestyle. Little is known however about factors influencing breakfast consumption and food choices at breakfast in adolescents. The aim of the present study was therefore to describe breakfast habits, and factors influencing food choices at breakfast within the framework of the EU-funded HELENA Study, in 3528 adolescents from ten European cities. Additionally, socio-demographic differences in breakfast habits and in influencing factors were investigated. Half of the adolescents (and fewer girls than boys) indicated being regular breakfast consumers. Girls with mothers with a high level of education, boys from 'traditional' families and boys who perceived low family affluence were positively associated with breakfast consumption. Boys whose parents gave encouragement and girls whose peers ate healthily were more likely to be regular breakfast consumers. 'Hunger', 'taste', 'health concerns' and 'parents or guardian' were the most important influences on the adolescents' food choices at breakfast. Adolescents from southern Europe and girls reported to be more influenced by personal and socio-environmental factors. Sociodemographic differences, in particular regional and gender differences, need to be considered in discussions surrounding the development of nutritional intervention programs intended for adolescents.