430 research outputs found

    Minimising pain in farm animals: the 3S approach - ‘Suppress, Substitute, Soothe'

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    Recently, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research appointed an expert committee to review the issue of pain in food-producing farm animals. To minimise pain, the authors developed a ‘3S' approach accounting for ‘Suppress, Substitute and Soothe' by analogy with the ‘3Rs' approach of ‘Reduction, Refinement and Replacement' applied in the context of animal experimentation. Thus, when addressing the matter of pain, the following steps and solutions could be assessed, in the light of their feasibility (technical constraints, logistics and regulations), acceptability (societal and financial aspects) and availability. The first solution is to suppress any source of pain that brings no obvious advantage to the animals or the producers, as well as sources of pain for which potential benefits are largely exceeded by the negative effects. For instance, tail docking of cattle has recently been eliminated. Genetic selection on the basis of resistance criteria (as e.g. for lameness in cattle and poultry) or reduction of undesirable traits (e.g. boar taint in pigs) may also reduce painful conditions or procedures. The second solution is to substitute a technique causing pain by another less-painful method. For example, if dehorning cattle is unavoidable, it is preferable to perform it at a very young age, cauterising the horn bud. Animal management and constraint systems should be designed to reduce the risk for injury and bruising. Lastly, in situations where pain is known to be present, because of animal management procedures such as dehorning or castration, or because of pathology, for example lameness, systemic or local pharmacological treatments should be used to soothe pain. These treatments should take into account the duration of pain, which, in the case of some management procedures or diseases, may persist for longer periods. The administration of pain medication may require the intervention of veterinarians, but exemptions exist where breeders are allowed to use local anaesthesia (e.g. castration and dehorning in Switzerland). Extension of such exemptions, national or European legislation on pain management, or the introduction of animal welfare codes by retailers into their meat products may help further developments. In addition, veterinarians and farmers should be given the necessary tools and information to take into account animal pain in their management decision

    Yield scaling, size hierarchy and fluctuations of observables in fragmentation of excited heavy nuclei

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    Multifragmentation properties measured with INDRA are studied for single sources produced in Xe+Sn reactions in the incident energy range 32-50 A MeV and quasiprojectiles from Au+Au collisions at 80 A MeV. A comparison for both types of sources is presented concerning Fisher scaling, Zipf law, fragment size and fluctuation observables. A Fisher scaling is observed for all the data. The pseudo-critical energies extracted from the Fisher scaling are consistent between Xe+Sn central collisions and Au quasi-projectiles. In the latter case it also corresponds to the energy region at which fluctuations are maximal. The critical energies deduced from the Zipf analysis are higher than those from the Fisher analysis.Comment: 30 pages, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics A, references correcte

    Alpha-particle clustering in excited expanding self-conjugate nuclei

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca + 12C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce alpha-emission sources. From a careful selection of these sources provided by a complete detection and from comparisons with models of sequential and simultaneous decays, strong indications in favour of α\alpha-particle clustering in excited 16O, 20Ne and 24}Mg are reported.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions (NN2015), 21-26 June 2015, Catania, Ital

    Isospin diffusion in semi-peripheral 58Ni^{58}Ni + 197Au^{197}Au collisions at intermediate energies (I): Experimental results

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    Isospin diffusion in semi-peripheral collisions is probed as a function of the dissipated energy by studying two systems 58Ni^{58}Ni + 58Ni^{58}Ni and 58Ni^{58}Ni + 197Au^{197}Au, over the incident energy range 52-74\AM. A close examination of the multiplicities of light products in the forward part of phase space clearly shows an influence of the isospin of the target on the neutron richness of these products. A progressive isospin diffusion is observed when collisions become more central, in connection with the interaction time

    Isospin Diffusion in 58^{58}Ni-Induced Reactions at Intermediate Energies

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    Isospin diffusion is probed as a function of the dissipated energy by studying two systems 58^{58}Ni+58^{58}Ni and 58^{58}Ni+197^{197}Au, over the incident energy range 52-74\AM. Experimental data are compared with the results of a microscopic transport model with two different parameterizations of the symmetry energy term. A better overall agreement between data and simulations is obtained when using a symmetry term with a potential part linearly increasing with nuclear density. The isospin equilibration time at 52 \AM{} is estimated to 130±\pm10 fm/cc

    Fragment properties of fragmenting heavy nuclei produced in central and semi-peripheral collisions

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    Fragment properties of hot fragmenting sources of similar sizes produced in central and semi-peripheral collisions are compared in the excitation energy range 5-10 AMeV. For semi-peripheral collisions a method for selecting compact quasi-projectiles sources in velocity space similar to those of fused systems (central collisions) is proposed. The two major results are related to collective energy. The weak radial collective energy observed for quasi-projectile sources is shown to originate from thermal pressure only. The larger fragment multiplicity observed for fused systems and their more symmetric fragmentation are related to the extra radial collective energy due to expansion following a compression phase during central collisions. A first attempt to locate where the different sources break in the phase diagram is proposed.Comment: 23 pages submitted to NP

    Transition from participant to spectator fragmentation in Au+Au reaction between 60 AMeV and 150 AMeV

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    Using the quantum molecular dynamics approach, we analyze the results of the recent INDRA Au+Au experiments at GSI in the energy range between 60 AMeV and 150 AMeV. It turns out that in this energy region the transition toward a participant-spectator scenario takes place. The large Au+Au system displays in the simulations as in the experiment simultaneously dynamical and statistical behavior which we analyze in detail: The composition of fragments close to midrapidity follows statistical laws and the system shows bi-modality, i.e. a sudden transition between different fragmentation pattern as a function of the centrality as expected for a phase transition. The fragment spectra at small and large rapidities, on the other hand, are determined by dynamics and the system as a whole does not come to equilibrium, an observation which is confirmed by FOPI experiments for the same system.Comment: published versio

    Production of α\alpha-particle condensate states in heavy-ion collisions

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca^{40}Ca + 12C^{12}C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce excited states candidates to α\alpha-particle condensation. The experiment was performed at LNS-Catania using the CHIMERA multidetector. Accepting the emission simultaneity and equality among the α\alpha-particle kinetic energies as experimental criteria for deciding in favor of the condensate nature of an excited state, we analyze the 02+0_2^+ and 22+2_2^+ states of 12^{12}C and the 06+0_6^+ state of 16^{16}O. A sub-class of events corresponding to the direct 3-α\alpha decay of the Hoyle state is isolated.Comment: contribution to the 2nd Workshop on "State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics" (SOTANCP2), Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), May 25-28, 2010, to be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics

    Master crossover functions for the one-component fluid "subclass"

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    Introducing three well-defined dimensionless numbers, we establish the link between the scale dilatation method able to estimate master (i.e. unique) singular behaviors of the one-component fluid "subclass" and the universal crossover functions recently estimated [Garrabos and Bervillier, Phys. Rev. E 74, 021113 (2006)] from the bounded results of the massive renormalization scheme applied to the..
