210 research outputs found

    Olivier Georges, Pierre-Marie Gerlier, le cardinal militant 1880-1965

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    Si « le cardinal militant », choisi par Olivier Georges comme titre de sa biographie de Mgr Gerlier, n’a pas Ă©tĂ© expliquĂ© dans une introduction de mĂ©thode, c’est que l’auteur n’entend pas imposer de prĂ©supposĂ©s. Le lecteur comme le chercheur doit donc juger sur piĂšces avec la documentation rĂ©unie et prĂ©sentĂ©e. Le titre se comprend donc dans une quadruple filiation militante qui donne l’unitĂ© du personnage : le prĂ©sident de l’Association catholique de la jeunesse française (ACJF), le combattan..

    Le mĂ©morial rĂ©gional de la Grande Guerre Ă  Sainte-Anne-d’Auray

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    Le mĂ©morial de Sainte-Anne-d’Auray peut-il ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme le monument fĂ©dĂ©rateur de la mĂ©moire de la Grande Guerre en Bretagne durant l’entre-deux-guerres ? Non, si l’on regarde les conditions de sa crĂ©ation au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1920 qui en font un monument trĂšs marquĂ© de la dĂ©fense catholique et qui a d’ailleurs eu du mal Ă  s’imposer pour des raisons matĂ©rielles, financiĂšres et de dĂ©ficit de reconnaissance du sanctuaire Ă  l’échelle rĂ©gionale. Oui cependant, si l’on considĂšre que, dĂšs la pĂ©riode du Cartel des gauches, le monument en cours d’élĂ©vation gĂ©nĂšre financement et adhĂ©sions populaires, grĂące Ă  une propagande habile, Ă  la multiplication des rassemblements de masse et Ă  l’absence de contre-projet. Les annĂ©es 1930 constituent Ă  ce titre une phase d’équilibre et d’achĂšvement. Le mĂ©morial devient Ă  la fois le sanctuaire du deuil collectif rĂ©gional favorisant l’extension du pĂšlerinage voulue par la hiĂ©rarchie catholique et le thĂ©Ăątre d’impressionnantes manifestations fĂ©dĂ©ratives d’anciens combattants en 1932 et 1937. Ce succĂšs repose nĂ©anmoins sur l’ambiguĂŻtĂ© de l’inflation sacrificielle qui en fait jusqu’à aujourd’hui le monument des « 240 000 morts » de 1914-1918.Can the Memorial at Sainte-Anne-d’Auray be considered as the monument that federated the memory of First World War in Britanny during the interwar years ? The answer is no, with regard to the conditions of its creation in the early 1920s, which link it strongly to the defence of catholicism and which explain why it stood out so difficultly, for material and financial reasons and because of the lack of recognition of the sanctuary on the regional scale. But it can be viewed as a federative monument because, as soon as the Cartel des gauches period, the monument being erected aroused financing and popular adherence, thanks to a clever propaganda, the multiplication of mass gathering and the lack of counterplan. The 1930s constitute therefore a phase of balance and completion. The memorial became both the shrine of regional collective mourning – promoting thus the extension of pilgrimage wished by the catholic hierarchy – and the scene of impressive federative demonstrations of war veterans in 1932 and 1937. Success is nevertheless based on the ambiguity of sacrificial growth which makes it until now the monument of the “240,000 men killed” of the Great War 1914-1918

    Les Ă©vĂȘques français et le concile Vatican II

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    Durante el Concilio Vaticano ii, el episcopado francĂ©s formĂł parte de la mayorĂ­a. El anĂĄlisis de su organizaciĂłn y de sus mĂ©todos de trabajo es necesario para conocer su aportaciĂłn –con frecuencia menos conocida que la de los teĂłlogos franceses–, a la obra comĂșn. Las nuevas fuentes, surgidas de los fondos diocesanos, que deben ser confrontadas con los comentarios editados por los peritos (Congar, de Lubac), permiten una visiĂłn mĂĄs global sobre el grupo de los padres conciliares obispos. Los dinamismos individuales (LiĂ©nart, Garrone, Ancel, Guerry, Elchinger) se pueden apreciar mejor desde esta perspectiva. Esta presentaciĂłn conciliar no descuida la situaciĂłn de la Iglesia en Francia marcada en 1964-1965 por los primeros efectos de la crisis

    Sediment release of dissolved organic matter to the oxygen minimum zone off Peru

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    The eastern tropical South Pacific (ETSP) represents one of the most productive areas in the ocean that is characterized by a pronounced oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Particulate organic matter (POM) that sinks out of the euphotic zone is supplied to the anoxic sediments and utilized by microbial communities. The degradation of POM is associated with dissolved organic matter (DOM) production and reworking. The release of recalcitrant DOM to the overlying waters may represent an important organic matter escape mechanism from remineralization within sediments but received little attention in OMZ regions so far. Here, we combine measurements of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) with DOM optical properties in the form of chromophoric (CDOM) and fluorescent (FDOM) DOM from pore waters and near-bottom waters of the ETSP off Peru. We evaluate diffusion–driven fluxes and net in situ fluxes of DOC and DON in order to investigate processes affecting DOM cycling at the sediment–water interface along a transect 12° S. To our knowledge, these are the first data for sediment release of DON and pore water CDOM and FDOM for the ETSP off Peru. Pore-water DOC and DON accumulated with increasing sediment depth, suggesting an imbalance between DOM production and remineralization within sediments. High DON accumulation resulted in very low pore water DOC / DON ratios (> 1) which could be caused by either an "imbalance" in DOC and DON remineralization, or to the presence of an additional nitrogen source. Diffusion driven fluxes of DOC and DON exhibited high spatial variability. They varied from 0.2–0.1 mmol m−2 d−1 to 2.52–1.3 mmol m−2 d−1 and from −0.042–0.02 mmol m−2 d−1 to 3.32–1.7 mmol m−2 d−1, respectively. Generally low net in situ DOC and DON fluxes as well as steepening of spectral slope (S) of CDOM and accumulation of humic-like FDOM at the near-bottom waters over time indicated active microbial DOM utilization at the sediment–water interface, potentially stimulated by nitrate (NO3−) and nitrite (NO2−). The microbial DOC utilization rates, estimated in our study, may be sufficient to support denitrification rates of 0.2–1.4 mmol m−2 d−1, suggesting that sediment release of DOM contributes substantially to nitrogen loss processes in the ETSP off Peru

    What causes the inverse relationship between primary production and export efficiency in the Southern Ocean?

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    The ocean contributes to regulating atmospheric CO2 levels, partly via variability in the fraction of primary production (PP) which is exported out of the surface layer (i.e. the e-ratio). Southern Ocean studies have found that, contrary to global scale analyses, an inverse relationship exists between e-ratio and PP. This relationship remains unexplained, with potential hypotheses being i) large export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in high PP areas, ii) strong surface microbial recycling in high PP regions and/ or iii) grazing mediated export varies inversely with PP. We find that the export of DOC has a limited influence in setting the negative e-ratio/PP relationship. However, we observed that at sites with low PP and high e-ratios, zooplankton mediated export is large and surface microbial abundance low suggesting that both are important drivers of the magnitude of the e-ratio in the Southern Ocean

    Modeling and Control of the Modular Multilevel Converter connected to an inductive DC source using Energetic Macroscopic Representation

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    The use of DC transmission is particularly advantageous for long-distance transmission and interconnection of asynchronous AC networks. Several converter topologies can be used for HVDC. Multilevel Modular Converters (MMCs) are the most favored given their technological advantages over other converters topologies. Due to their industrial maturity, they have become essential for all AC / DC conversion. So far, they have always been studied with a voltage source on DC side. However, when the converter is equipped with DC breaker, a series inductor is associated to limit current variations. This has consequences in term of modeling and control determination. This article aims to propose a modification of the control law in order to take into account this inductor. To facilitate the control organization, the Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) is used

    Full State Regulation of the Modular Multilevel DC converter (M2DC) achieving minimization of circulating currents

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    The M2DC exploits the interleaving between the three legs of an MMC to realize a promising uninsulated DC/DC converter to interconnect HVDC grids. This paper details a current and energies decoupled model of the M2DC. The major idea proposed in this paper is focused on the full energy control generating optimal current references to minimize the internal currents magnitude. The energy sum and difference models are fully detailled. Both current and energy control loops are based on the model inversion principle in order to control all the state variables. The proposed control is based a dynamic control developed with the model inversion principle associated on an optimization of the current magnitude deduced from a quasi static analysis. All dynamics of the system are then explicitly controlled, which guarantee a good dynamic behavior during the transient. Therefore, current and energy controls are presented in details. Simulation results show the dynamic behavior of the converter for various operating points

    Contrôle du Convertisseur Modulaire Multiniveaux connecté à une source DC inductive

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    L'utilisation de la transmission DC est particulièrement avantageuse pour la transmission à longue distance et l'interconnexion des réseaux AC asynchrones. Plusieurs topologies de convertisseur peuvent être utilisées pour le HVDC. Les convertisseurs modulaires multiniveaux (MMC) sont les plus favorisés étant donné leurs avantages technologiques par rapport aux autres topologies de convertisseurs. Du fait de leur maturité industrielle, ils se sont imposés maintenant pour tous les convertisseurs AC/DC à transistors de forte puissance. Jusqu'ici, ils ont toujours été étudiés avec une source de tension côté DC. Or, lorsqu'ils sont équipés de DC breaker, on associe une inductance en série pour limiter les variations de courant. Ceci a des conséquences en terme de modélisation puis de détermination de la commande. Cet article a pour objectif de proposer une modification de commande afin de prendre en compte cette inductance

    Risk of neonatal hypothyroidism in newborns from mothers exposed to CTPA during pregnancy: Ancillary data from a prospective outcome study

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    Background: Neonatal hypothyroidism is often raised as a potential concern for the use of computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) in pregnant women with suspected pulmonary embolism (PE). Objectives: To assess the incidence of neonatal hypothyroidism among newborns from mothers exposed to CTPA. Patients/methods: Pregnant women with clinically suspected PE were included in a multicenter, multinational prospective diagnostic management outcome study, based on pretest clinical probability assessment, high-sensitivity D-dimer testing, bilateral lower limb venous compression ultrasonography, and CTPA. Results of Guthrie tests were systematically collected for newborns of all women who required CTPA as part of the diagnostic strategy. A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level above 15 U/ml was used to define hypothyroidism. Results: Out of the 166 women included in the Swiss participating centers, 149 underwent a CTPA including 14 with twin pregnancies. Eight women suffered a pregnancy loss and results of the Guthrie test could not be retrieved for four newborns. All TSH levels were reported as being below 15 U/ml. The incidence of neonatal hypothyroidism was 0/151 (0.0%, 95% confidence interval: 0.0%-2.5%). Conclusions: We did not identify any cases of neonatal hypothyroidism in our cohort of 149 pregnant women investigated for suspected PE using a CTPA. Along with previous literature data, this provides further reassuring data regarding the use of CTPA in this indication. Keywords: Guthrie test; diagnosis; hypothyroidism; pregnancy; pulmonary embolism

    Volcanic ash as an oceanic iron source and sink

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    Volcanic ash deposition to the ocean forms a natural source of iron (Fe) to surface water microbial communities. Inputs of lithogenic material may also facilitate Fe removal through scavenging. Combining dissolved Fe (dFe) and thorium-234 observations alongside modeling, we investigate scavenging of Fe in the North Atlantic following the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption. Under typical conditions biogenic particles dominate scavenging, whereas ash particles dominate during the eruption. The size of particles is important as smaller scavenging particles can become saturated with surface-associated ions. Model simulations indicate that ash deposition associated with Eyjafjallajökull likely led to net Fe removal. Our model suggests a threefold greater stimulation of biological activity if ash deposition had occurred later in the growing season when the region was Fe limited. The implications of ash particle scavenging, eruption timing, and particle saturation need to be considered when assessing the impact of ash deposition on the ocean Fe cycle and productivity
