234 research outputs found

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    Title II of the 1968 Civil Rights Act: An Indian Bill of Rights

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    This article was removed from the UDC due to copyright concerns. However, the content is available in the University of North Dakota Scholarly Commons repository, at the following link: https://commons.und.edu/ndlr/vol45/iss3/2/. The article is housed there within the journal that originally published it, the North Dakota Law Review

    Description of two new associated infaunal decapod crustaceans (Axianassidae and Alpheidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific

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    Two new species of infaunal decapod crustaceans are described based on material collected in Bahía Málaga, Pacific coast of Colombia, in 2009. The mud-shrimp Axianassa darrylfelderi sp. nov. (Axianassidae) appears to be most closely related to A. australis Rodrigues & Shimizu, 1992, A. canalis Kensley & Heard, 1990, and A. jamaicensis Kensley & Heard, 1990. The new species may be distinguished from each of them by a combination of morphological features, mainly on the uropodal exopod, antennal acicle, third maxilliped and first pleonite. The shrimp Leptalpheus canterakintzi sp. nov. (Alpheidae), associated with burrows of A. darrylfelderi sp. nov., undoubtedly represents the eastern Pacific sister species of the western Atlantic L. axianassae Dworschak & Coelho, 1999, which lives exclusively in burrows of A. australis. The two species are reliably distinguishable only by the proportions of the merus and propodus of the third pereiopod. Leptalpheus azuero Anker, 2011, previously known only from the Pacific coast of Panama, is reported for the first time from Bahía Málaga, Colombia.O presente estudo descreve duas novas espécies de crustáceos decápodos da infauna baseado em material coletado na Bahía Málaga, costa pacífica da Colombia, em 2009. A primeira delas, o corrupto Axianassa darrylfelderi sp. nov. (Axianassidae), aparenta estar mais relacionada morfologicamente a A. australis Rodrigues & Shimizu, 1992, A. canalis Kensley & Heard, 1990, e A. jamaicensis Kensley & Heard, 1990. Contudo, a nova espécie difere em uma combinação de caracteres morfológicos, principalmente no exópodo uropodial, acículo (escama) antenal, terceiro maxilípede e primeiro pleonito. A segunda espécie nova, o camarão Leptalpheus canterakintzi sp. nov. (Alpheidae), associado às galerias de A. darrylfelderi sp. nov., incontestavelmente representa a espécie-irmã no Pacífico Oriental da espécie L. axianassae Dworschak & Coelho, 1999 do Atlântico Ocidental, a qual vive exclusivamente em galerias de A. australis. As duas espécies são distinguíveis apenas pelas proporções do mero e propodo do terceiro par de pereiópodos. Além disso, Leptalpheus azuero Anker, 2011, previamente conhecido somente para o Panamá, é registrado pela primeira vez para a Colômbia

    Tecnología, materia y lugar: Procesos de modernización en la obra española de la posguerra. Instituto de enseñanza media, Málaga. Arquitecto: Miguel Fisac

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    La trayectoria de Miguel Fisac (1913-2006) recorre el siglo XX de la arquitectura española, dejando traslucir la complejidad de la búsqueda de la modernidad en un régimen que reclamaba formas academicistas para su mensaje identitario nacional. El Instituto de Enseñanza Media y Escuela de Comercio en Málaga con sus bellos pórticos de hormigón de sección variable, su tratamiento científico de la luz, el espacio humanizado de sus patios, y la vinculación al lugar, ejemplifica una apuesta por la arquitectura como laboratorio tecnológico. La documentación original nos desvela su valor añadido al tratarse de un segundo proyecto del autor; en este artículo se analiza la obra construida, en contraste con la monumentalidad y simetría del primer proyecto; representando los cambios operados en la arquitectura española de posguerra. Fisac introduce una nueva arquitectura docente en el paisaje andaluz de mediados del XX. Profundamente deteriorada, esta investigación propone su puesta en valor.Miguel Fisac’s career spans the twentieth century Spanish architecture (b.1913-d.2006) and mirrors the complexity characterizing the search for modernity in a regime concerned with reclaiming an academicism in order to convey the clichés of nationalism. Challenging official architecture, the High School and School of Commerce in Malaga, with its succession of concrete porticoes, his technical use of light and the humanized space of its patios, exemplifies this stake in modern architecture as a field for technological experimentation. The documentation discloses an added value to this work, revealing that there had been two proposals. This article compares these, contrasting the actual building to the monumentality and the symmetry of the first proposal, corroborating a major shift that took place in Spanish post-war architecture. Fisac introduced a new educational architecture into the Andalusian landscape of the midtwentieth century. Deeply deteriorated, this research seeks to establish its value by means of a rigorous process of documentatio

    Evaluating a visual timeline methodology for appraisal and coping research

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    Theoretical models of stress have become increasingly sophisticated, recognizing the importance of context and history, yet the principal data-gathering method used by researchers remains the self-report questionnaire, a method which is conspicuously ill suited to obtaining data which would allow for exploration of these factors. In this article, we explore the use of visual methods as an alternative to traditional methods, presenting the findings of a study designed to test the utility of a visual timeline technique. A key contribution of this article is the application of an alternative technique for researching stress appraisal and coping. The technique conferred a number of benefits that may not have been provided by more conventional approaches, making it a suitable basis for the exploration of stress appraisal and coping. A further contribution is the identification of a straightforward process for analysing the visual data produced

    Human Neutrophil Peptides Mediate Endothelial-Monocyte Interaction, Foam Cell Formation, and Platelet Activation

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    Objective—Neutrophils are involved in the inflammatory responses during atherosclerosis. Human neutrophil peptides (HNPs) released from activated neutrophils exert immune modulating properties. We hypothesized that HNPs play an important role in neutrophil-mediated inflammatory cardiovascular responses in atherosclerosis. Methods and Results—We examined the role of HNPs in endothelial-leukocyte interaction, platelet activation, and foam cell formation in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrated that stimulation of human coronary artery endothelial cells with clinically relevant concentrations of HNPs resulted in monocyte adhesion and transmigration; induction of oxidative stress in human macrophages, which accelerates foam cell formation; and activation and aggregation of human platelets. The administration of superoxide dismutase or anti-CD36 antibody reduced foam cell formation and cholesterol efflux. Mice deficient in double genes of low-density lipoprotein receptor and low-density lipoprotein receptor–related protein (LRP), and mice deficient in a single gene of LRP8, the only LRP phenotype expressed in platelets, showed reduced leukocyte rolling and decreased platelet aggregation and thrombus formation in response to HNP stimulation. Conclusion—HNPs exert proatherosclerotic properties that appear to be mediated through LRP8 signaling pathways, suggesting an important role for HNPs in the development of inflammatory cardiovascular diseases

    Human neutrophil peptides mediate endothelial-monocyte interaction, foam cell formation, and platelet activation

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    Objective-: Neutrophils are involved in the inflammatory responses during atherosclerosis. Human neutrophil peptides (HNPs) released from activated neutrophils exert immune modulating properties. We hypothesized that HNPs play an important role in neutrophil-mediated inflammatory cardiovascular responses in atherosclerosis. Methods and results-: We examined the role of HNPs in endothelial-leukocyte interaction, platelet activation, and foam cell formation in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrated that stimulation of human coronary artery endothelial cells with clinically relevant concentrations of HNPs resulted in monocyte adhesion and transmigration; induction of oxidative stress in human macrophages, which accelerates foam cell formation; and activation and aggregation of human platelets. The administration of superoxide dismutase or anti-CD36 antibody reduced foam cell formation and cholesterol efflux. Mice deficient in double genes of low-density lipoprotein receptor and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP), and mice deficient in a single gene of LRP8, the only LRP phenotype expressed in platelets, showed reduced leukocyte rolling and decreased platelet aggregation and thrombus formation in response to HNP stimulation. Conclusion-: HNPs exert proatherosclerotic properties that appear to be mediated through LRP8 signaling pathways, suggesting an important role for HNPs in the development of inflammatory cardiovascular diseases. © 2011 American Heart Association. All rights reserved

    The Origins of Mental Toughness – Prosocial Behavior and Low Internalizing and Externalizing Problems at Age 5 Predict Higher Mental Toughness Scores at Age 14

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    Background: The concept of mental toughness (MT) has gained increasing importance among groups other than elite athletes by virtue of its psychological importance and explanatory power for a broad range of health-related behaviors. However, no study has focused so far on the psychological origins of MT. Therefore, the aims of the present study were: to explore, to what extent the psychological profiles of preschoolers aged five were associated with both (1) MT scores and (2) sleep disturbances at age 14, and 3) to explore possible gender differences. Method: Nine years after their first assessment at age five (preschoolers), a total of 77 adolescents (mean age: 14.35 years; SD = 1.22; 42% females) took part in this follow-up study. At baseline, both parents and teachers completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), covering internalizing and externalizing problems, hyperactivity, negative peer relationships, and prosocial behavior. At follow-up, participants completed a booklet of questionnaires covering socio-demographic data, MT, and sleep disturbances. Results: Higher prosocial behavior, lower negative peer relationships, and lower internalizing and externalizing problems at age five, as rated by parents and teachers, were associated with self-reported higher MT and lower sleep disturbances at age 14. At age 14, and relative to males, females had lower MT scores and reported more sleep disturbances. Conclusion: The pattern of results suggests that MT traits during adolescence may have their origins in the pre-school years