470 research outputs found

    Anisotropic Self-Assembly from Isotropic Colloidal Building Blocks

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    © 2017 American Chemical Society. Spherical colloidal particles generally self-assemble into hexagonal lattices in two dimensions. However, more complex, non-hexagonal phases have been predicted theoretically for isotropic particles with a soft repulsive shoulder but have not been experimentally realized. We study the phase behavior of microspheres in the presence of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNiPAm) microgels at the air/water interface. We observe a complex phase diagram, including phases with chain and square arrangements, which exclusively form in the presence of the microgels. Our experimental data suggests that the microgels form a corona around the microspheres and induce a soft repulsive shoulder that governs the self-assembly in this system. The observed structures are fully reproduced by both minimum energy calculations and finite temperature Monte Carlo simulations of hard core-soft shoulder particles with experimentally realistic interaction parameters. Our results demonstrate how complex, anisotropic assembly patterns can be realized from entirely isotropic building blocks by control of the interaction potential

    Direct generation of a multi-transverse mode non-classical state of light

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    Quantum computation and communication protocols require quantum resources which are in the continuous variable regime squeezed and/or quadrature entangled optical modes. To perform more and more complex and robust protocols, one needs sources that can produce in a controlled way highly multimode quantum states of light. One possibility is to mix different single mode quantum resources. Another is to directly use a multimode device, either in the spatial or in the frequency domain. We present here the first experimental demonstration of a device capable of producing simultanuously several squeezed transverse modes of the same frequency and which is potentially scalable. We show that this device, which is an Optical Parametric Oscillator using a self-imaging cavity, produces a multimode quantum resource made of three squeezed transverse modes

    Unconventional field induced phases in a quantum magnet formed by free radical tetramers

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    We report experimental and theoretical studies on the magnetic and thermodynamic properties of NIT-2Py, a free radical-based organic magnet. From magnetization and specific heat measurements we establish the temperature versus magnetic field phase diagram which includes two Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) and an infrequent half magnetization plateau. Calculations based on density functional theory demonstrates that magnetically this system can be mapped to a quasi-two-dimensional structure of weakly coupled tetramers. Density matrix renormalization group calculations show the unusual characteristics of the BECs where the spins forming the low-field condensate are different than those participating in the high-field one.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    The first 62 AGN observed with SDSS-IV MaNGA -- III: stellar and gas kinematics

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    We investigate the effects of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) on the gas kinematics of their host galaxies, using MaNGA data for a sample of 62 AGN hosts and 109 control galaxies (inactive galaxies). We compare orientation of the line of nodes (kinematic Position Angle - PA) measured from the gas and stellar velocity fields for the two samples. We found that AGN hosts and control galaxies display similar kinematic PA offsets between gas and stars. However, we note that AGN have larger fractional velocity dispersion σ\sigma differences between gas and stars [σfrac=(σgas−σstars)/σstars\sigma_{frac}=(\sigma_{\rm gas}-\sigma_{stars})/\sigma_{\rm stars}] when compared to their controls, as obtained from the velocity dispersion values of the central (nuclear) pixel (2.5" diameter). The AGN have a median value of σfrac\sigma_{\rm frac} of AGN=0.04_{\rm AGN}=0.04, while the the median value for the control galaxies is CTR=−0.23_{\rm CTR}=-0.23. 75% of the AGN show σfrac>−0.13\sigma_{frac}>-0.13, while 75% of the normal galaxies show σfrac<−0.04\sigma_{\rm frac}<-0.04, thus we suggest that the parameter σfrac\sigma_{\rm frac} can be used as an indicative of AGN activity. We find a correlation between the [OIII]λ\lambda5007 luminosity and σfrac\sigma_{frac} for our sample. Our main conclusion is that the AGN already observed with MaNGA are not powerful enough to produce important outflows at galactic scales, but at 1-2 kpc scales, AGN feedback signatures are always present on their host galaxies.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, published in MNRA

    Breakdown of superfluidity of an atom laser past an obstacle

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    The 1D flow of a continuous beam of Bose-Einstein condensed atoms in the presence of an obstacle is studied as a function of the beam velocity and of the type of perturbing potential (representing the interaction of the obstacle with the atoms of the beam). We identify the relevant regimes: stationary/time-dependent and superfluid/dissipative; the absence of drag is used as a criterion for superfluidity. There exists a critical velocity below which the flow is superfluid. For attractive obstacles, we show that this critical velocity can reach the value predicted by Landau's approach. For penetrable obstacles, it is shown that superfluidity is recovered at large beam velocity. Finally, enormous differences in drag occur when switching from repulsive to attractive potential.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    A SINFONI Integral Field Spectroscopy Survey for Galaxy Counterparts to Damped Lyman-alpha Systems - II. Dynamical Properties of the Galaxies towards Q0302-223 and Q1009-0026

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    Details of processes through which galaxies convert their gas into stars need to be studied in order to obtain a complete picture of galaxy formation. One way to tackle these phenomena is to relate the HI gas and the stars in galaxies. Here, we present dynamical properties of Damped and sub-Damped Lyman-alpha Systems identified in H-alpha emission with VLT/SINFONI at near infra-red wavelengths. While the DLA towards Q0302-223 is found to be dispersion-dominated, the sub-DLA towards Q1009-0026 shows clear signatures of rotation. We use a proxy to circular velocity to estimate the mass of the halo in which the sub-DLA resides and find M_halo=10^12.6 M_sun. We also derive dynamical masses of these objects, and find M_dyn=10^10.3 M_sun and 10^10.9 M_sun. For one of the two systems (towards Q0302-223), we are able to derive a stellar mass of M_*=10^9.5 M_sun from Spectral Energy Distribution fit. The gas fraction in this object is 1/3rd, comparable to similar objects at these redshifts. Our work illustrates that detailed studies of quasar absorbers can offer entirely new insights into our knowledge of the interaction between stars and the interstellar gas in galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The SINS/zC-SINF survey of z~2 galaxy kinematics: Outflow properties

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    Based on SINFONI Ha, [NII] and [SII] AO data of 30 z \sim 2 star-forming galaxies (SFGs) from the SINS and zcSINF surveys, we find a strong correlation of the Ha broad flux fraction with the star formation surface density of the galaxy, with an apparent threshold for strong outflows occurring at 1 Msun yr^-1 kpc^-2. Above this threshold, we find that SFGs with logm_\ast>10 have similar or perhaps greater wind mass loading factors (eta = Mdotout/SFR) and faster outflow velocities than lower mass SFGs. This trend suggests that the majority of outflowing gas at z \sim 2 may derive from high-mass SFGs, and that the z \sim 2 mass-metallicity relation is driven more by dilution of enriched gas in the galaxy gas reservoir than by the efficiency of outflows. The mass loading factor is also correlated with the SFR and inclination, such that more star-forming and face-on galaxies launch more powerful outflows. For galaxies that have evidence for strong outflows, we find that the broad emission is spatially extended to at least the half-light radius (\sim a few kpc). We propose that the observed threshold for strong outflows and the observed mass loading of these winds can be explained by a simple model wherein break-out of winds is governed by pressure balance in the disk. Using the ratio of the [SII] doublet in a broad and narrow component, we find that outflowing gas has a density of \sim10-100 cm^-3, significantly less than that of the star forming gas (600 cm^-3).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Ap

    10 simple rules to create a serious game, illustrated with examples from structural biology

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    Serious scientific games are games whose purpose is not only fun. In the field of science, the serious goals include crucial activities for scientists: outreach, teaching and research. The number of serious games is increasing rapidly, in particular citizen science games, games that allow people to produce and/or analyze scientific data. Interestingly, it is possible to build a set of rules providing a guideline to create or improve serious games. We present arguments gathered from our own experience ( Phylo , DocMolecules , HiRE-RNA contest and Pangu) as well as examples from the growing literature on scientific serious games

    Scientific Support to the European Commission on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive - Management Group Report

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    The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) (MSFD) requires that the European Commis-sion (by 15 July 2010) should lay down criteria and methodological standards to allow consistency in approach in evaluating the extent to which Good Environmental Status (GES) is being achieved. ICES and JRC were contracted to provide scientific support for the Commission in meeting this obligation. A total of 10 reports have been prepared relating to the descriptors of GES listed in Annex I of the Directive. Eight reports have been prepared by groups of independent experts coordinated by JRC and ICES in response to this contract. In addition, reports for two descriptors (Contaminants in fish and other seafood and Marine Litter) were written by expert groups coordinated by DG SANCO and IFREMER respectively. A Task Group was established for each of the qualitative Descriptors. Each Task Group consisted of selected experts providing experience related to the four marine regions (the Baltic Sea, the North-east Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea) and an appropriate scope of relevant scien-tific expertise. Observers from the Regional Seas Conventions were also invited to each Task Group to help ensure the inclusion of relevant work by those Conventions. This is the report of the MSFD Management Group.JRC.DDG.H.5-Rural, water and ecosystem resource
