62 research outputs found

    Naujasis kriptoturto veiklos reglamentavimas Lietuvoje ir Europos Sąjungoje

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    The paper examines the major threats and related legal challenges posed by activities based on blockchain technology, such as cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs), the Decentralised Finance System (DeFi), and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). In the light of practical findings, the provisions of the Lithuanian Law on prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and MiCA regulation are being analysed. The paper arrives at the conclusion that the new national law should effectively contribute to the prevention of cybercrimes, money laundering, terrorist financing, and violation of international sanctions. Nevertheless, a number of other issues typical for cryptocurrencies and other forms of utilisation of the blockchain technology remain unaddressed. Certain loopholes will be partly filled in by MiCA regulation. However, it will not create the required scope of legal certainty for other than cryptocurrencies forms of technology utilisation. On the basis of these findings, the paper puts forward proposals for the further development of the regulation of activities based on the blockchain technology.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos blokų grandinės technologijos pagrindu vykdomų veiklų, tokių kaip kriptovaliutos, išmaniosios sutartys, decentralizuotos autonominės organizacijos (DAO), decentralizuota finansų sistema (DeFi) ir nepakeičiamieji žetonai (NFT), keliamos didžiausios grėsmės ir susiję teisiniai iššūkiai. Praktinių įžvalgų fone analizuojamos naujos Lietuvos Respublikos pinigų plovimo ir teroristų finansavimo prevencijos įstatymo ir MiCA reglamento nuostatos. Prieinama prie išvados, kad naujasis nacionalinis reguliavimas turėtų veiksmingai prisidėti prie kibernetinių nusikalstamų veikų, pinigų plovimo ir teroristų finansavimo, tarptautinių sankcijų pažeidimo prevencijos. Vis dėlto daugelis kitų kriptvaliutų rinkai bei kitoms blokų grandinės technologijos panaudojimo formoms būdingų problemų lieka nesprendžiamos. Šias spragas iš dalies užpildys MiCA reglamentas, tačiau ir jis nesukurs reikalingos apimties teisinio aiškumo kitoms nei kriptovaliutos technologijos panaudojimo formoms. Šių išvadų pagrindu straipsnyje pateikiama pasiūlymų dėl tolesnio blokų grandinės technologijos pagrindu vykdomų veiklų reguliavimo plėtojimo

    JCoDA: a tool for detecting evolutionary selection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The incorporation of annotated sequence information from multiple related species in commonly used databases (Ensembl, Flybase, Saccharomyces Genome Database, Wormbase, etc.) has increased dramatically over the last few years. This influx of information has provided a considerable amount of raw material for evaluation of evolutionary relationships. To aid in the process, we have developed JCoDA (Java Codon Delimited Alignment) as a simple-to-use visualization tool for the detection of site specific and regional positive/negative evolutionary selection amongst homologous coding sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>JCoDA accepts user-inputted unaligned or pre-aligned coding sequences, performs a codon-delimited alignment using ClustalW, and determines the dN/dS calculations using PAML (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Maximum Likelihood, yn00 and codeml) in order to identify regions and sites under evolutionary selection. The JCoDA package includes a graphical interface for Phylip (Phylogeny Inference Package) to generate phylogenetic trees, manages formatting of all required file types, and streamlines passage of information between underlying programs. The raw data are output to user configurable graphs with sliding window options for straightforward visualization of pairwise or gene family comparisons. Additionally, codon-delimited alignments are output in a variety of common formats and all dN/dS calculations can be output in comma-separated value (CSV) format for downstream analysis. To illustrate the types of analyses that are facilitated by JCoDA, we have taken advantage of the well studied sex determination pathway in nematodes as well as the extensive sequence information available to identify genes under positive selection, examples of regional positive selection, and differences in selection based on the role of genes in the sex determination pathway.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>JCoDA is a configurable, open source, user-friendly visualization tool for performing evolutionary analysis on homologous coding sequences. JCoDA can be used to rapidly screen for genes and regions of genes under selection using PAML. It can be freely downloaded at <url>http://www.tcnj.edu/~nayaklab/jcoda</url>.</p

    Numerical Chromosomal Instability Mediates Susceptibility to Radiation Treatment

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    The exquisite sensitivity of mitotic cancer cells to ionizing radiation (IR) underlies an important rationale for the widely used fractionated radiation therapy. However, the mechanism for this cell cycle-dependent vulnerability is unknown. Here we show that treatment with IR leads to mitotic chromosome segregation errors in vivo and long-lasting aneuploidy in tumour-derived cell lines. These mitotic errors generate an abundance of micronuclei that predispose chromosomes to subsequent catastrophic pulverization thereby independently amplifying radiation-induced genome damage. Experimentally suppressing whole-chromosome missegregation reduces downstream chromosomal defects and significantly increases the viability of irradiated mitotic cells. Further, orthotopically transplanted human glioblastoma tumours in which chromosome missegregation rates have been reduced are rendered markedly more resistant to IR, exhibiting diminished markers of cell death in response to treatment. This work identifies a novel mitotic pathway for radiation-induced genome damage, which occurs outside of the primary nucleus and augments chromosomal breaks. This relationship between radiation treatment and whole-chromosome missegregation can be exploited to modulate therapeutic response in a clinically relevant manner

    State of the science 60th anniversary review

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    No abstract.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/60971/1/23643_ftp.pd

    The autonomy of the subjects of civil legal intercourse

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    In this term paper is being analyzed the phenomenon of the autonomy of the subjects of civil legal intercourse. In our study we state that possession of ownership is the foundation of person’s freedom and that the obligatory law only exercises the serving role to the material law. This conclusion is made, because the final purpose of all contractual relationships is material things, which are the only ones who can satisfy the demands of people. We also turn one’s attention to the weightiness of the contractual parties’ will, which has the exceptional meaning in obligation of the commitment. We arrived at a conclusion that the efforts to absolute those principles are opposite to justice and that some kinds of restrictions are necessary in order to protect the interests of other people. At the very end we look at Lithuanian civil law reality and try to uncover how the mentioned principles look in our legal life

    New cryptocurrency regulation in Lithuania and the European Union

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    The paper examines the major threats and related legal challenges posed by activities based on blockchain technology, such as cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs), the Decentralised Finance System (DeFi), and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). In the light of practical findings, the provisions of the Lithuanian Law on prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and MiCA regulation are being analysed. The paper arrives at the conclusion that the new national law should effectively contribute to the prevention of cybercrimes, money laundering, terrorist financing, and violation of international sanctions. Nevertheless, a number of other issues typical for cryptocurrencies and other forms of utilisation of the blockchain technology remain unaddressed. Certain loopholes will be partly filled in by MiCA regulation. However, it will not create the required scope of legal certainty for other than cryptocurrencies forms of technology utilisation. On the basis of these findings, the paper puts forward proposals for the further development of the regulation of activities based on the blockchain technology

    Change in physical fitness and development of Panevezys college' students

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    Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama studentų fizinio parengtumo ugdymo aktualijos, fizinio ugdymo svarba aukštojoje mokykloje, studentų fizinis parengtumas atsižvelgiant į organizmo sandarą ir išsivystymą, motyvai, kurie skatina studentus sportuoti, valios ugdymas ir studentų adaptacija aukštojoje mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti ir palyginti Panevėžio kolegijos I kurso studentų fizinį išsivystymą ir fizinį parengtumą per dešimties metų laikotarpį. Tyrimo tikslui įgyvendinti buvo taikomi tokie tyrimo metodai: literatūros šaltinių analizė ir sintezė, dokumentų analizė, testavimas ir matavimas, matematinė statistinė analizė. Tiriamasis darbas vyko 2005 – 2006 m. (I tyrimas), 2007 – 2008 m. (II tyrimas) ir 2009 – 2010 m. (III tyrimas) mokslo metais. Tyrimas vyko Panevėžio kolegijos stadione ir sporto salėje, pirmųjų mokslo metų pradžioje (spalio mėn.) 2005, 2007 ir 2009 metais. Tyrime dalyvavo Panevėžio kolegijos I kurso merginų ir vaikinų grupes. 2005 metais buvo tirta iš viso 103 tiriamieji, iš jų merginų (n = 18), vaikinų (n = 85). 2007 metais buvo tirta iš viso 97 tiriamieji, iš jų merginų (n = 49), vaikinų (n = 48). 2009 metais buvo tirta iš viso 76 tiriamieji, iš jų merginų (n = 37) ir vaikinų (n = 39). Iš viso tyrime dalyvavo studentai (n = 276). Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė merginos (n = 104) ir vaikinai (n = 172). Jie pagal kūno kultūros specialybės programą lankė praktines pratybas. Išanalizavus skirtingų laikotarpių Panevėžio kolegijos I kurso studentų amžių nustatyta, kad 18 – 19 metų vaikinai I tyrimo metu sudarė 78,8 %, II tyrimo – 45,8 %, III tyrimo – 100 %. Merginų I tyrimas – 50 %, II tyrimas – 79,6 %, III tyrimas – 100 %. Dešimties metų laikotarpiu didžiąją dalį stojančiųjų sudarė panašaus amžiaus vaikinai ir merginos. Panevėžio kolegijos I kurso studentų vaikinų fizinio išsivystymo rodiklių palyginimas skirtingais laikotarpiais rodo, kad studentų ūgis per visą tiriamąjį laikotarpį skyrėsi neženkliai. Kūno masės (kg) rodikliai III tyrimo metu (2009 – 2010 m.) buvo statistiškai patikimai mažesni palyginus su I ir II tyrimu. Merginų fizinio išsivystymo rodikliai per visus tris tyrimo etapus kito neženkliai. Ištyrus vaikinų fizinio parengtumo rodiklius pastebimi nedideli skirtumai tarp atskirų tyrimų. Statistiškai patikimai (p<0,05) yra geresnis I tyrimo horizontalaus liemens laikymo (s) testo rezultatas ir III tyrimo (p<0,001) šuolio į tolį iš vietos (cm) testo rezultatas lyginant su kitų tyrimų rezultatais. Ištyrus merginų fizinio parengtumo rodiklius matome, kad II tyrimo šuolio į tolį iš vietos (cm) rezultatai (p<0,010, p<0,025) yra ženkliai geresni už I ir III tyrimų rezultatus, o II tyrimo testo sėstis gultis per 30 s (kartai) (p<0,025) rodikliai yra geresni lyginant su III tyrimo tais pačiais rodikliais. Kiti fizinio parengtumo rodikliai skiriasi neženkliai. Išanalizavus ir palyginus dešimties metų laikotarpio Panevėžio kolegijos I kurso studentų vaikinų ir merginų rodiklius galima teigti, kad skirtingų metų fizinio išsivystymo ir fizinio parengtumo rodikliai yra labai panašūs ir didesnių, esminių skirtumų tarp studijuojančių nėra.The focus of the master thesis is on the training of students’ physical fitness, the importance of physical fitness training in higher education, students’ physical fitness in view on the structure of a body and its development, the reasons that encourage students to play sports, the training of will and students’ adaptation in higher education. The purpose of the research has been to investigate and compare the physical development and fitness of the first year students of Panevėžys College over a ten-year period. To achieve the aim of the research the following research methods have been applied: literature analysis and synthesis, document analysis, testing and measurement, and mathematical statistical analysis. The research was done within the school years of 2005 – 2006 (1st research), 2007 – 2008 (2nd research) and 2009 – 2010 (3rd research). The research took place in the stadium and sports hall of Panevėžys College within the beginning of the first year of studies in 2005, 2007 and 2009. The groups of the first year male and female students took part in the research. The total number of subjects whose indices were investigated in 2005 was 103, i.e. 18 female students (n = 18) and 85 male students (n = 85). The total number of subjects whose indices were investigated in 2007 was 97, i.e. 49 female students (n = 49) and 48 male students (n = 48). The total number of subjects whose indices were investigated in 2009 was 76, i.e. 37 female students (n = 37) and 39 male students (n = 39). The total number of students that took part in the research was 276 (n = 276), i.e. 104 female students (n = 104) and 172 male students (n = 172). All the subjects attended practical training course in line of physical education programme. Having analysed the age of the first year students of different school years of Panevėžys College, it has turned out that male students of 18 – 19 years old made 78,8 percent in the 1st research, 45,8 percent in the 2nd research, and 100 percent in the 3rd research. Female students made 50 percent in the 1st research, 79,6 percent in the 2nd research, and 100 percent in the 3rd research. The bigger part of female and male students was of the same age within a ten-year period. The comparison of physical development indices of the first year male students of different school years of Panevėžys College has shown that their height has varied very slightly within the whole period of the research. Body weight indices (kg) of the 3rd research (in 2009 – 2010) have been significantly lower as compared with the 1st and 2nd research. The physical development indices of the first year female students have varied very slightly in all the researches. Having investigated the physical fitness indices of the first year male students, slight differences have been noticed among the individual researches. The indices of horizontal waist holding (s) in the 1st research (p<0,05) and the indices of a long jump from a position (cm) in the 3rd research (p<0,001) have been statistically significantly better as compared with the indices of the other respective researches. Having investigated the physical fitness indices of the first year female students, it has turned out that the indices of a long jump from a position (cm) in the 2nd research (p<0,010, p<0,025) have been significantly better than the indices of the 1st and 3rd research, whereas the indices of sit lie down test within 30 s (in times) (p<0,025) in the 2nd research have been better as compared with the same indices of the 3rd research. The other physical fitness indices vary insignificantly. Having analysed and compared the indices of the first year female and male students of Panevėžys College within a ten-year period, it can be maintained that physical development and fitness indices of the first year students of different years are very similar and no bigger and substantial differences have been noticed.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Visualisation dynamique d'informations géographiques pour un utilisateur mobile

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    In this thesis, we study the principles for managing and indexing spatial data located on a client in a client-server architecture, as well as downloading data on the client by anticipating the next move of the user. The system has been designed for assisting the user when moving and getting around in an urban area. The client downloads parts of the digital maps while he moves. In order not to download spatial objects at every move, they are kept in the client's cache memory. For the purpose of speeding up the search for spatial objects in the cache memory, we propose to create an index on the client. In order to decide which type of index to use, we have studied several indexing techniques. This study has allowed us to compare their performance and see how relevant these techniques were for the development and use of our system. The choice of indexing mechanisms has led to the definition of a model for assessing the cost of using them when processing spatial queries and updating them as well in the framework of our system. This theoretical study has confirmed the interest of using an index on the client. In order to reduce the cost of updating the index on the client, we have studied the incremental transfer of the index to the client. The application of techniques for releasing the cache has been studied for avoiding the saturation of the cache when travelling on long runs. The objective of moves anticipation is to adapt data loading to the user's moves. The query area on the client is distorted (the expanse being unchanged) depending on the direction of the user's moves. Then, the query area may be reduced in order to reduce the data loading time. We propose various strategies for determining when to send queries to the server, with each move or at the estimated best time.On the client, the visualization system is a Java application running on a PDA equipped with a GPS that gives the position of the user and a cellular phone allowing to connect to a distant server.LA ROCHELLE-BU (173002101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Exploring the Spectrum of Visual Illusions and Other Minor Hallucinations in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Lithuania

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    Background and Objectives: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is associated with various non-motor symptoms, including minor hallucinations, comprising visual illusions and presence and passage hallucinations. Despite their occurrence, even in newly diagnosed PD patients, data regarding the prevalence and characteristics of minor hallucinations, visual illusions in particular, remain limited. The aim of this study was to address this knowledge gap by assessing the prevalence of minor hallucinations in PD patients, with a focus on visual illusions. Materials and Methods: In this prospective pilot study, we enrolled 35 PD patients without dementia and 35 age- and gender-matched PD-unaffected individuals. Cognitive function was assessed using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, clinical data were collected, and all subjects were assessed via questionnaires regarding 20 types of visual illusions and other minor hallucinations. Results: The prevalence of minor hallucinations was significantly higher among PD patients compared to controls (45.7% vs. 11.4%, p = 0.003). PD patients reported visual illusions and presence hallucinations more frequently than the controls (37.1% vs. 8.6% and 22.9% vs. 2.9%, p = 0.009 and p = 0.028, respectively), with no significant difference in passage hallucinations (20% vs. 8.6%, p = 0.306). In the PD group, the most frequently observed visual illusions were complex visual illusions, kinetopsia, and pelopsia; the latter was also the most common visual illusion in the control group. PD patients experiencing visual illusions were more likely to report presence hallucinations compared to patients without visual illusions (53.8% vs. 4.5%, p = 0.002); no significant differences in other clinical characteristics were found. Conclusions: Minor hallucinations are a common phenomenon among PD patients without dementia, with a higher prevalence than among healthy controls. Visual illusions are the most prevalent type of minor hallucinations, affecting more than a third of PD patients, with complex visual illusions, kinetopsia, and pelopsia being the most frequently reported types