1,343 research outputs found

    Hot-Spot Policing and the Use of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

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    An existing gap found in current literature is whether or not prevention-oriented methods have been implemented within crime hot-spots and if these methods have been implemented, it is unknown how effective have they been. The following paper is an evaluative study conducted to examine the use and effectiveness of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) methods when implemented by police departments within crime hot-spots. This was done by distributing an on-line survey to 56 Police Chiefs and researching the websites of 136 police departments located within ten counties of the western United States. The results indicated that the use of CPTED methods within crime hot-spots is occurring, but that additional research will be needed to fully evaluate the level of effectiveness CPTED methods have when implemented within crime hot-spots

    In Vitro HIV-1 Evolution in Response to Triple Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors & In Silico Phenotypic Analysis

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    Background Effectiveness of ART regimens strongly depends upon complex interactions between the selective pressure of drugs and the evolution of mutations that allow or restrict drug resistance. Methods Four clinical isolates from NRTI-exposed, NNRTI-naive subjects were passaged in increasing concentrations of NVP in combination with 1 ”M 3 TC and 2 ”M ADV to assess selective pressures of multi-drug treatment. A novel parameter inference procedure, based on a stochastic viral growth model, was used to estimate phenotypic resistance and fitness from in vitro combination passage experiments. Results Newly developed mathematical methods estimated key phenotypic parameters of mutations arising through selective pressure exerted by 3 TC and NVP. Concentrations of 1 ”M 3 TC maintained the M184V mutation, which was associated with intrinsic fitness deficits. Increasing NVP concentrations selected major NNRTI resistance mutations. The evolutionary pathway of NVP resistance was highly dependent on the viral genetic background, epistasis as well as stochasticity. Parameter estimation indicated that the previously unrecognized mutation L228Q was associated with NVP resistance in some isolates. Conclusion Serial passage of viruses in the presence of multiple drugs may resemble the selection of mutations observed among treated individuals and populations in vivo and indicate evolutionary preferences and restrictions. Phenotypic resistance estimated here “in silico” from in vitro passage experiments agreed well with previous knowledge, suggesting that the unique combination of “wet-” and “dry-lab” experimentation may improve our understanding of HIV-1 resistance evolution in the future

    Resistance Mutations to Zidovudine and Saquinavir in Patients Receiving Zidovudine plus Saquinavir or Zidovudine and Zalcitabine plus Saquinavir in AIDS Clinical Trials Group 229

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    The relationships among treatment regimens, plasma human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) RNA levels, and resistance mutations to saquinavir (codons 48 and 90) and zidovudine (codon 215) were examined in a cohort of 144 patients from the AIDS Clinical Trials Group 229 study. After 24-40 weeks of therapy, no patients who had received the two-drug combination (zidovudine plus saquinavir) had only codon 48 mutations, 45.8% had only codon 90 mutations, and 8.3% had both codon 48 and 90 mutations. Mutations developed by patients who had received the three-drug combination (zidovudine and zalcitabine plus saquinavir) were codon 48 alone in 1.4%, codon 90 alone in 33.3%, and both codons 48 and 90 in 4.2%. The difference between the groups showed a trend toward reduced mutations with three versus two drugs but did not reach significance (p = .11, two-sided χ2). Higher baseline HIV RNA levels correlated with the development of protease mutations. Mutations at codon 215 were present in 82% of all patients at baseline and in 87% after therap

    Contrast sensitivity for motion detection and direction discrimination in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and their siblings

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    The magnocellular (M) pathway hypothesis proposes that impaired visual motion perception observed in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) might be mediated by atypical functioning of the subcortical M pathway, as this pathway provides the bulk of visual input to cortical motion detectors. To test this hypothesis, we measured luminance and chromatic contrast sensitivity, thought to tap M and Parvocellular (P) pathway processing, respectively. We also tested the hypothesis that motion processing is impaired in ASD using a novel paradigm that measures motion processing while controlling for detectabilty. Specifically, this paradigm compares contrast sensitivity for detection of a moving grating with contrast sensitivity for direction-of-motion discrimination of that same moving grating. Contrast sensitivities from adolescents with ASD were compared to typically-developing adolescents, and also unaffected siblings of individuals with ASD (SIBS). The results revealed significant group differences on P, but not M, pathway processing, with SIBS showing higher chromatic contrast sensitivity than both participants with ASD and TD participants. This atypicality, unique to SIBS, suggests the possible existence of a protective factor in these individuals against developing ASD. The results also revealed impairments in motion perception in both participants with ASD and SIBS, which may be an endophenotype of ASD. This impairment may be driven by impairments in motion detectors and/or by reduced input from neural areas that project to motion detectors, the latter possibility being consistent with the notion of reduced connectivity between neural areas in ASD

    Pupil responses associated with coloured afterimages are mediated by the magno-cellular pathway

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    Sustained fixation of a bright coloured stimulus will, on extinction of the stimulus and continued steady fixation, induce an afterimage whose colour is complementary to that of the initial stimulus; an effect thought to be caused by fatigue of cones and/or of cone-opponent processes to different colours. However, to date, very little is known about the specific pathway that causes the coloured afterimage. Using isoluminant coloured stimuli recent studies have shown that pupil constriction is induced by onset and offset of the stimulus, the latter being attributed specifically to the subsequent emergence of the coloured afterimage. The aim of the study was to investigate how the offset pupillary constriction is generated in terms of input signals from discrete functional elements of the magno- and/or parvo-cellular pathways, which are known principally to convey, respectively, luminance and colour signals. Changes in pupil size were monitored continuously by digital analysis of an infra-red image of the pupil while observers viewed isoluminant green pulsed, ramped or luminance masked stimuli presented on a computer monitor. It was found that the amplitude of the offset pupillary constriction decreases when a pulsed stimulus is replaced by a temporally ramped stimulus and is eliminated by a luminance mask. These findings indicate for the first time that pupillary constriction associated with a coloured afterimage is mediated by the magno-cellular pathway. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Imaging Light Responses of Foveal Ganglion Cells in the Living Macaque Eye

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    The fovea dominates primate vision, and its anatomy and perceptual abilities are well studied, but its physiology has been little explored because of limitations of current physiological methods. In this study, we adapted a novel in vivo imaging method, originally developed in mouse retina, to explore foveal physiology in the macaque, which permits the repeated imaging of the functional response of many retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) simultaneously. A genetically encoded calcium indicator, G-CaMP5, was inserted into foveal RGCs, followed by calcium imaging of the displacement of foveal RGCs from their receptive fields, and their intensity-response functions. The spatial offset of foveal RGCs from their cone inputs makes this method especially appropriate for fovea by permitting imaging of RGC responses without excessive light adaptation of cones. This new method will permit the tracking of visual development, progression of retinal disease, or therapeutic interventions, such as insertion of visual prostheses
