182 research outputs found

    Functional Validation of AADL Models via Model Transformation to SystemC with ATL

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    6 pagesInternational audienceIn this paper, we put into action an ATL model transformation in order to automatically generate SystemC models from AADL models. The AADL models represent electronic systems to be embedded into FPGAs. Our contribution allows for an early analytical estimation of energetic needs and a rapid SystemC simulation before implementation. The transformation has been tested to simulate an existing video image processing system embedded into a Xilinx Virtex5 FPGA

    La culture au service de la diplomatie ? Les politiques culturelles extérieures de la RFA et de la France au Brésil (1961-73)

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    Cette étude met en regard les politiques culturelles extérieures de la RFA et de la France entre 1961 et 1973 en direction du Brésil. L’articulation entre la culture et la diplomatie qui préside aux pratiques de la politique culturelle extérieure est au cœur des interrogations. On insiste tout particulièrement sur les convergences et différences d’approches franco-allemandes dans ce champ des politiques culturelles extérieures. Le travail porte tout d’abord sur la manière dont les échanges cu..

    Tantangan dan Peluang Indonesia dalam Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) untuk Menghadapi Ketahanan Pangan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

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    Stabilitas pangan ASEAN termasuk Indonesia, menghadapi tantangan setelah pandemi COVID-19 yang mempengaruhi rantai pasokan global dan ekonomi. Ketergantungan pada impor pangan, perubahan iklim, dan infrastruktur pertanian yang terbatas menjadi isu utama. Kesenjangan akses terhadap pangan dan perlunya reformasi kebijakan menyoroti pentingnya kerjasama regional di ASEAN. Investasi dalam teknologi pertanian, diversifikasi sumber pangan, dan peningkatan kapasitas petani krusial untuk memperkuat ketahanan pangan di masa depan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengeksplorasi tantangan dan peluang Indonesia dalam konteks ASEAN pasca pandemi. Melalui kerjasama ASEAN dalam ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) dan Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security (SPA-FS) 2021-2025 dapat mendorong peningkatan produksi pangan domestik, diversifikasi sumber pangan, stabilisasi harga, dan perbaikan distribusi. Dengan demikian, kerjasama ini tidak hanya memperkuat ketahanan pangan di ASEAN tetapi juga memberikan manfaat signifikan bagi Indonesia dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani, ketersediaan pangan yang berkelanjutan, dan daya saing global.The food stability of ASEAN, including Indonesia, is facing challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected global supply chains and the economy. Dependence on food imports, climate change, and limited agricultural infrastructure are key issues. Gaps in access to food and the need for policy reforms highlight the importance of regional cooperation in ASEAN. Investment in agricultural technology, diversification of food sources, and capacity building of farmers are crucial to strengthen food security in the future. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach to explore Indonesia's challenges and opportunities in the post-pandemic ASEAN context. Through ASEAN cooperation in ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) and the Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security (SPA-FS) 2021-2025, it can encourage increased domestic food production, diversification of food sources, price stabilization, and improved distribution. Thus, this cooperation not only strengthens food security in ASEAN but also provides significant benefits for Indonesia in improving farmers' welfare, sustainable food availability, and global competitiveness

    Switching of excited states in cyclometalated platinum complexes incorporating pyridyl-acetylide ligands (Pt-C[triple bond, length as m-dash]C-py): a combined experimental and theoretical study

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    International audienceThis article presents the design of cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes incorporating pyridyl-appended acetylide ligands of the form Pt-C[triple bond, length as m-dash]C-py, acting either as sites for protonation or methylation reactions or as a host receptor for binding metal cations. The complexes studied are Pt(t-Bu2phbpy)(-C[triple bond, length as m-dash]C-py), 2, which can undergo protonation at the pyridyl N; its cationic N-methylated derivative [Pt(t-Bu2phbpy)(-C[triple bond, length as m-dash]C-pyMe)]+, 4, which serves as a model of the N-protonated species; and a derivative in which the pyridyl ring is incorporated into a macrocyclic diamide-crown ether ligand (3). The co-ligand t-Bu2phbpy is a cyclometalated, N[caret]N[caret]C-coordinated phenylbipyridine ligand carrying tert-butyl groups at the 4-positions of the pyridyl rings. The photophysical properties of the neutral compounds 2 and 3 have been compared to those of the pyridinium, methyl-pyridinium or metal-complexed species (namely 2-H+, 4 and 3-Pb2+). Detailed TD-DFT calculations provide a theoretical basis to account for the experimentally-observed changes upon protonation/methylation/complexation. The joint TD-DFT and experimental studies provide evidence for an unprecedented molecular switch in the nature of the excited state (from mixed L′LCT/MLCT to ML′CT) in which the acceptor ligand in the CT process switches from being the N[caret]N[caret]C ligand to the pyridyl acetylide

    Cyclometallated platinum(II) complexes containing pyridyl-acetylide ligands: the selective influence of lead binding on luminescence

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    International audienceThe design, synthesis, photophysical properties, and the ion-binding properties of cyclometallated platinum(II) complexes containing pyridyl-appended alkynyl ligands are described. When the pyridyl group is incorporated into an azamacrocycle, a specific response towards lead(II) cations involves a change in the nature of the excited charge transfer state, resulting in the appearance of a low-energy absorption band and a partial quenching of luminescence

    A new Holocene relative sea-level curve for western Brittany (France): Insights on isostatic dynamics along the Atlantic coasts of north-western Europe

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    International audienceThis study presents new Relative Sea Level (RSL) data that were obtained in the Finistère region (Western tip of Brittany, France) and the implications those data have for the understanding of the isostatic dynamics across north-western Europe, and more specifically along the Atlantic and Channel coasts. New stratigraphic sequences were obtained and analyzed to derive 24 new Sea-level Index Points, in which 6 are basal. These new data considerably increase the knowledge we have of the RSL evolution along the coasts of Western Brittany since the last 8 kyr B.P. From this new dataset, RSL was estimated to rise continuously over the last 8 kyr with a major inflection at ca. 6 kyr cal. BP. Our results show large vertical discrepancies between the RSL records of Brittany and South-Western UK, with the latter plotting several meters below the new data. From this comparison we suggest that the two regions underwent a very different pattern and/or amplitude of subsidence during the last 8 kyr which has implications for the spatial and temporal pattern of the peripheral bulge of the European ice sheets. We compared our data against predictions from Glacio-Isostatic Adjustment models (GIA models). There are large misfits between RSL observations and the predictions of the global (ICE-5G (VM2a) – Peltier, 2004, GLAC1-b – Tarasov and Peltier, 2002; Tarasov et al., 2012, Briggs et al., 2014) and regional UK models (“BIIS” – Bradley et al., 2009; Bradley et al., 2011; “Kuchar”- Kuchar et al., 2012), which can't be resolved through significant changes to the deglaciation history and size of the British–Irish Ice sheet. Paleo-tidal modelling corrections indicate regional changes in the tidal ranges played a negligible role in the data-model misfits. Hence, we propose that the misfits are due to some combination of: (i) unaccounted mass-loss of far-field ice-sheets (Antarctic ice-Sheet or Laurentide Ice-Sheet), (ii) unresolved differences in the deglaciation history and size of the Fennoscandian Ice sheet or, more likely, (iii) significant lateral variations in the Earth's structure across the English Channel

    Measuring Child Socio-Economic Position in Birth Cohort Research: The Development of a Novel Standardized Household Income Indicator

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    The assessment of early life socioeconomic position (SEP) is essential to the tackling of social inequalities in health. Although different indicators capture different SEP dimensions, maternal education is often used as the only indicator in birth cohort research, especially in multi-cohort analyses. Household income, as a direct measure of material resources, is one of the most important indicators, but one that is underused because it is difficult to measure through questionnaires. We propose a method to construct a standardized, cross-cohort comparable income indicator, the “Equivalized Household Income Indicator (EHII)”, which measures the equivalized disposable household income, using external data from the pan-European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EUSILC) surveys, and data from the cohorts. We apply this method to four studies, Piccolipiù and NINFEA from Italy and ELFE and EDEN from France, comparing the distribution of EHII with other SEP-related variables available in the cohorts, and estimating the association between EHII and child body mass index (BMI). We found that basic parental and household characteristics may be used, with a fairly good performance, to predict the household income. We observed a strong correlation between EHII and both the self-reported income, whenever available, and other individual socioeconomic-related variables, and an inverse association with child BMI. EHII could contribute to improving research on social inequalities in health, in particular in the context of European birth cohort collaborative studies

    Morphology and dynamics of inflated subaqueous basaltic lava flows

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    International audienceDuring eruptions onto low slopes, basaltic Pahoehoe lava can form thin lobes that progressively coalesce and inflate to many times their original thickness, due to a steady injection of magma beneath brittle and viscoelastic layers of cooled lava that develop sufficient strength to retain the flow. Inflated lava flows forming tumuli and pressure ridges have been reported in different kinds of environments, such as at contemporary subaerial Hawaiian-type volcanoes in Hawaii, La RĂ©union and Iceland, in continental environments (states of Oregon, Idaho, Washington), and in the deep sea at Juan de Fuca Ridge, the Galapagos spreading center, and at the East Pacific Rise (this study). These lava have all undergone inflation processes, yet they display highly contrasting morphologies that correlate with their depositional environment, the most striking difference being the presence of water. Lava that have inflated in subaerial environments display inflation structures with morphologies that significantly differ from subaqueous lava emplaced in the deep sea, lakes, and rivers. Their height is 2-3 times smaller and their length being 10-15 times shorter. Based on heat diffusion equation, we demonstrate that more efficient cooling of a lava flow in water leads to the rapid development of thicker (by 25%) cooled layer at the flow surface, which has greater yield strength to counteract its internal hydrostatic pressure than in subaerial environments, thus limiting lava breakouts to form new lobes, hence promoting inflation. Buoyancy also increases the ability of a lava to inflate by 60%. Together, these differences can account for the observed variations in the thickness and extent of subaerial and subaqueous inflated lava flows

    Database of pleistocene periglacial featuresin France: description of the online version

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    A database of Pleistocene periglacial features in France has been compiled from a review of academic literature and reports of rescue archaeology, the analysis of aerial photographs and new field surveys. Polygons, soil stripes, ice-wedge pseudomorphs, sand wedges and composite wedge pseudomorphs are included in the database together with their geographic coordinates, geological context, description and associated references. It is hoped that this database, which aim is to be integrated in broader studies, will stimulate further work on past permafrost reconstruction and will favour greater understanding of the climatic events that lead to the formation of the periglacial features. The database is available online on the AFEQ-CNF INQUA website (https://afeqeng.hypotheses.org/487). A folder that contains photographs and sketches of the features is also available on request.Une base de données des structures périglaciaires pléistocènes de France a été créée à partir d’une revue de la littérature scientifique, de rapports d’archéologie préventive, de l’analyse de photographies aériennes et de nouvelles prospections de terrain. Les polygones, les sols striés, les pseudomorphoses de coin de glace, les coins de sable et les pseudomorphoses de coin composite ont été répertoriés dans la base de données avec leurs coordonnées géographiques, le contexte géologique, leur description et les références bibliographiques associées. Nous espérons que cette base de données, dont le but est d’être intégrée dans des études plus larges, stimulera de prochains travaux sur la reconstitution du pergélisol pléistocène et favorisera une plus grande compréhension des événements climatiques qui ont conduit à la formation de ces structures périglaciaires. La base de données est disponible en ligne sur le site de l’AFEQ-CNF INQUA (https://afeqeng.hypotheses.org/487). Un dossier contenant les photographies et dessins des structures périglaciaires est également disponible sur demande
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