52 research outputs found

    AlimentaciĂłn de modelos cuantitativos con informaciĂłn subjetiva: aplicaciĂłn Delphi en la elaboraciĂłn de un modelo de imputaciĂłn del gasto turĂ­stico individual en Catalunya

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    El presente artículo presenta un estudio realizado para el Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, donde se ha aplicado una técnica que trabaja con información subjetiva (el Método Delphi) para obtener unos datos que puedan ser empleados en la alimentación parcial de un modelo matemåtico, que se nutre principalmente de datos estadísticos (objetivos), con el fin de incrementar la utilidad global del modelo. El artículo justifica la utilización en determinadas circunstancias de la información subjetiva, describe el método Delphi y plantea una serie de proposiciones referentes a la utilidad, empleo y mejora de esta técnica que se ven refrendadas en el caso expuesto

    Equality, Equity, and Diversity: Educational Solutions in the Basque Country

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    Public education is one of the greatest achievements of European countries during the twentieth century. While schooling systems neither exclusively form citizens, nor are they sufficient to alleviate all inequalities, education plays an increasingly important strategic role in relieving social problems and promoting the civic and ethical upbringing of our children. Researchers and professors at the UPV/EHU have had the privilege to design and implement important educational projects in conjunction with government of Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, which has the authority over education in its territory. This book presents the timely (in most cases since 2000) observations, research, and programs that have resulted from this cooperation. Our stress—in both our theoretical and analytical dimensions—has been on the importance of diversity, the promotion of social and human values, and respect for basic human rights. In addition, we describe the cooperation that must be fostered—and the various needs met—between all educational "agents": academic researchers, administrators, teachers, parents, and the community at large to promote equality and fairness in our society.This book was published with generous financial support from the Basque Government.Introduction: Alfonso Unceta and ConcepciĂłn Medrano ? Part 1 Education in the Basque Country ? 1. Education Provision in the Basque Country by Alfonso Unceta and AndrĂ©s Davila ? 2. Addressing Basque Diversity in the Classroom: Measures to Avoid Excluding At-Risk Youth by Begoña MartĂ­nez DomĂ­nguez ? 3. Improving Social Interaction: Experimentally Validated Proposals for Psycho-educational Intervention by Maite Garaigodobil and Jone Aliri ? 4. Socialization to Prevent Gender Violence in the Basque Country by Maria JosĂ© Alonso Olea, Aitor GĂłmez GonzĂĄlez, and Nekane Beloki Arizti ? 5. Resolution and Transformation of At-School Conflicts by RamĂłn Alzate SĂĄez de Heredia, LucĂ­a Gorbeña, and Cristina Merino ? Part 2 Socioeducational Context in the Basque Country ? 6. Learning Communities: A Basque Egalitarian Educational Project by Maite Arandia Loroño, Isabel MartĂ­nez DomĂ­nguez, and Iñaki Santa Cruz Ayo ? 7. Migrants en Route: Community Socioeducational Action by Miguel Arriaga Landeta and Begoña Abad MiguĂ©lez ? 8. Educating from the Family: A Proposal to Connect Homes and Institutions by Enrique Arranz Freijo, Fernando Olabarrieta Artetxe, Juan Luis MartĂ­n Ayala ? 9. The Development of Values and the Media by ConcepciĂłn Medrano, Ana Aierbe, and Juan Ignacio MartĂ­nez de Morentin ? Index ? List of Contributor

    Usability, acceptability, and feasibility of two technology-based devices for mental health screening in perinatal care: A comparison of web versus app

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    The use of Information and Communication Technologies (web pages and apps) in mental health has boosted. However, it is unknown which of these two devices can be better in terms of feasibility and acceptability. Our aim is to compare the feasibility, usability, and user satisfaction of two devices (web vs mobile application) of an online program for perinatal depression screening called HappyMom. In total, 348 and 175 perinatal women registered into HappyMom web and app version, respectively. The assessment protocol included different biopsychosocial evaluations (twice during pregnancy and thrice in the postpartum) and a satisfaction questionnaire. Results showed that a higher percentage of women in the web sample (27.3–51.1%) responded to each assessment compared to the app sample (9.1–53.1%). A smaller proportion of women in web sample never responded to any assessments. By contrast, the percentage of women who responded to all assessments was higher in app sample (longitudinal retention sample was 4.6% of web users and 9.1% of app users). In general, high satisfaction was found in both web and app users. Our result showed that online assessment methods are feasible and acceptable by perinatal women. However, dropout rates are a real problem that urge a solution that will be discussed further in the paper. Web and App devices present different advantages and limitations. The choice of one of them must be made taking into account the study’s objective, the sample characteristics, and the dissemination possibilities


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    The science guiding the EURECA campaign and its measurements is presented. EURECA comprised roughly 5 weeks of measurements in the downstream winter trades of the North Atlantic – eastward and southeastward of Barbados. Through its ability to characterize processes operating across a wide range of scales, EURECA marked a turning point in our ability to observationally study factors influencing clouds in the trades, how they will respond to warming, and their link to other components of the earth system, such as upper-ocean processes or the life cycle of particulate matter. This characterization was made possible by thousands (2500) of sondes distributed to measure circulations on meso- (200 km) and larger (500 km) scales, roughly 400 h of flight time by four heavily instrumented research aircraft; four global-class research vessels; an advanced ground-based cloud observatory; scores of autonomous observing platforms operating in the upper ocean (nearly 10 000 profiles), lower atmosphere (continuous profiling), and along the air–sea interface; a network of water stable isotopologue measurements; targeted tasking of satellite remote sensing; and modeling with a new generation of weather and climate models. In addition to providing an outline of the novel measurements and their composition into a unified and coordinated campaign, the six distinct scientific facets that EURECA explored – from North Brazil Current rings to turbulence-induced clustering of cloud droplets and its influence on warm-rain formation – are presented along with an overview of EURECA's outreach activities, environmental impact, and guidelines for scientific practice. Track data for all platforms are standardized and accessible at https://doi.org/10.25326/165 (Stevens, 2021), and a film documenting the campaign is provided as a video supplement


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    The science guiding the EURECA campaign and its measurements is presented. EURECA comprised roughly 5 weeks of measurements in the downstream winter trades of the North Atlantic – eastward and southeastward of Barbados. Through its ability to characterize processes operating across a wide range of scales, EURECA marked a turning point in our ability to observationally study factors influencing clouds in the trades, how they will respond to warming, and their link to other components of the earth system, such as upper-ocean processes or the life cycle of particulate matter. This characterization was made possible by thousands (2500) of sondes distributed to measure circulations on meso- (200 km) and larger (500 km) scales, roughly 400 h of flight time by four heavily instrumented research aircraft; four global-class research vessels; an advanced ground-based cloud observatory; scores of autonomous observing platforms operating in the upper ocean (nearly 10 000 profiles), lower atmosphere (continuous profiling), and along the air–sea interface; a network of water stable isotopologue measurements; targeted tasking of satellite remote sensing; and modeling with a new generation of weather and climate models. In addition to providing an outline of the novel measurements and their composition into a unified and coordinated campaign, the six distinct scientific facets that EURECA explored – from North Brazil Current rings to turbulence-induced clustering of cloud droplets and its influence on warm-rain formation – are presented along with an overview of EURECA's outreach activities, environmental impact, and guidelines for scientific practice. Track data for all platforms are standardized and accessible at https://doi.org/10.25326/165 (Stevens, 2021), and a film documenting the campaign is provided as a video supplement


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    La EconomĂ­a de la Empresa, como ciencia social, y la DirecciĂłn EstratĂ©gica, como una disciplina cientĂ­fica especĂ­fica de esta ciencia, requieren de metodologĂ­as de investigaciĂłn para analizar los fenĂłmenos empresariales objeto de estudio que sean capaces de recoger toda su complejidad. En determinadas circunstancias se hacen necesarias metodologĂ­as que combinen informaciĂłn de distinta naturaleza: cualitativa y cuantitativa, subjetiva y objetiva, interna y externa al propio fenĂłmeno estudiado. El estudio de casos se ha erigido en los Ășltimos tiempos como una de las metodologĂ­as de investigaciĂłn cientĂ­fica “no habituales” con creciente utilizaciĂłn en las diversas ĂĄreas de la EconomĂ­a de la Empresa. No obstante, las debilidades inherentes del estudio de casos han sido, aparentemente, argumento suficiente para ser cuestionado por la comunidad cientĂ­fica durante mucho tiempo. Nuestro objetivo en este trabajo es proponer un diseño metodolĂłgico para el empleo del estudio de casos en la investigaciĂłn cientĂ­fica y reivindicar la validez del mismo cuando se dan las condiciones adecuadas, se sigue un diseño correcto y se aplica de una manera rigurosa. El diseño metodolĂłgico propuesto es representado y especificado en sus distintas etapas y ha sido aplicado con resultados satisfactorios en un estudio de casos mĂșltiple sobre internacionalizaciĂłn de empresas, el cual utilizaremos para ilustrar la propuesta que formulamos

    Minimalist Model Systems Reveal Similarities and Differences between Membrane Interaction Modes of MCL1 and BAK

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    Proteins belonging to the BCL2 family are key modulators of apoptosis that establish a complex network of interactions among themselves and with other cellular factors to regulate cell fate. It is well established that mitochondrial membranes are the main locus of action of all BCL2 family proteins, but it is difficult to obtain a precise view of how BCL2 family members operate at the native mitochondrial membrane environment during apoptosis. Here, we used minimalist model systems and multiple fluorescence-based techniques to examine selected membrane activities of MCL1 and BAK under apoptotic-like conditions. We show that three distinct apoptosis-related factors (i.e. the BCL2 homology 3 ligand cBID, the mitochondrion-specific lipid cardiolipin, and membrane geometrical curvature) all promote membrane association of BCL2-like structural folds belonging to both MCL1 and BAK. However, at the same time, the two proteins exhibited distinguishing features in their membrane association modes under apoptotic-like conditions. In addition, scanning fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy and FRET measurements revealed that the BCL2-like structural fold of MCL1, but not that of BAK, forms stable heterodimeric complexes with cBID in a manner adjustable by membrane cardiolipin content and curvature degree. Our results add significantly to a growing body of evidence indicating that the mitochondrial membrane environment plays a complex and active role in the mode of action of BCL2 family proteins
