45 research outputs found

    A 50-year (1971–2021) mesozooplankton biomass data collection in the Canary Current System: Base line, gaps, trends, and future prospect

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    Mesozooplankton have been widely used as a bioindicator of marine ecosystems due to their key position in ocean food webs, rapid response to environmental changes, and ubiquity. Here, we show mesozooplankton biomass values in the Canary Current System from 1971 to 2021 in three different areas in relation to mesoscale activity: (1) scarcely affected by mesoscales structures (North of the Canary Islands), (2) affected by mesoscale activity and the presence of the islands (South and around the islands), and (3) close to the Northwest African coastal upwelling system (Upwelling influenced). A Generalized Additive Mixed Model (GAMM) was used to analyze the general mesozooplankton biomass trend throughout the studied period discriminating differences in biomass between the areas, annual cycle, and day-nighttime periods. The GAMM showed a significant negative biomass tendency North of the Canary Islands over the 50-year time-series compared to the South and around the islands, and significant differences between day and nighttime periods (p < 0.001) and the annual cycle (p < 0.0001). Linear regression analyses showed different tendencies depending on the area, season, and period. When comparing biomass data of the most oligotrophic zone (north of the islands) with other tropical-subtropical time-series stations in Hawaii (HOTS) and Bermuda (BATS), we obtained increasing biomass tendencies for both fixed time stations but decreasing tendency for our time-series

    Distribución horizontal de las larvas de invertebrados alrededor de la isla oceánica de Gran Canaria: Efecto de la variabilidad de mesoescala

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    11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table.-- Published online 21 April 2009.[EN] In October 1991, the horizontal distribution of invertebrate larvae was studied in the waters surrounding the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). The cruise was typified by the presence of three recurrent mesoscale hydrographic structures: a cyclonic eddy southwest of the island, a warm lee region downstream of the island and the offshore boundary of an upwelling filament from the African coast reaching the southeast of the island. Decapod larvae were the most abundant group. In general, a rather high spatial variability was found. The horizontal distribution of the invertebrate larvae groups showed that the highest values of abundance occurred in an elongated zone around the island oriented in the overall direction of flow, leeward and windward of the island, while the lowest values occurred off the eastern and western flanks of the islands. On the other hand, Stomatopoda and Mollusca larvae showed a distribution associated with the boundary of the upwelling filament and decapod larvae of pelagic species were distributed around the eddy structure. Our results suggest specific retention mechanisms for the larvae of neritic invertebrate populations that are related to the particular physical oceanography around Gran Canaria.[ES] Se estudió la distribución horizontal de las larvas de invertebrados alrededor de la isla de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias) en octubre de 1991. La campaña se caracterizó por la presencia de tres fenómenos oceanográficos de mesoescala recurrentes: un remolino ciclónico al suroeste de la isla, la estela cálida a sotavento de la misma y el borde de un filamento proveniente del afloramiento africano situado al sureste de Gran Canaria. Las larvas de crustáceos decápodos fueron las más abundantes. En general, las larvas de los diferentes taxa estudiados mostraron una gran variabilidad en cuanto a su distribución espacial. La distribución horizontal de las larvas de los diferentes grupos de invertebrados mostró que las densidades más altas se registraban alrededor de la isla en la banda cercana y orientada hacia el suroeste, en la dirección del flujo, mientras que los valores más bajos se encontraron en el norte y en los flancos este y oeste de la isla. Por otro lado, las larvas de estomatópodos y moluscos presentaron una distribución asociada al frente del filamento, mientras que las larvas de decápodos pelágicos se distribuyeron en torno al remolino ciclónico. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la existencia de mecanismos de retención específicos para el mantenimiento de las poblaciones insulares, relacionados con los procesos físicos de mesoescala predominantes.This work was funded by the MAST 0031 project of the European Union and the ConAfrica project (CICYT, CTM2004-02319) of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. JML was supported by a postgraduate grant (BES-2005-10960) from the European Social Fund.Peer reviewe

    Mesozooplankton size structure in the Canary Current System

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    Changes in plankton composition influences the dynamics of marine food webs and carbon sinking rates. Understanding the core structure and function of the plankton distribution is of paramount importance to know their role in trophic transfer and efficiency. Here, we studied the zooplankton distribution, abundance, composition, and size spectra for the characterization of the community under different oceanographic conditions in the Canaries-African Transition Zone (C-ATZ). This region is a transition zone between the coastal upwelling and the open ocean showing a high variability because of the physical, chemical, and biological changes between eutrophic and oligotrophic conditions through the annual cycle. During the late winter bloom (LWB), chlorophyll a and primary production were higher compared to that of the stratified season (SS), especially in the upwelling influenced area. Abundance distribution analysis clustered stations into two main groups according to the season (productive versus stratified season), and one group sampled in the upwelling influenced area. Size-spectra analysis showed steeper slopes during daytime in the SS, suggesting a less structured community and a higher trophic efficiency during the LWB due to the favorable oceanographic conditions. We also observed a significant difference between day and nighttime size spectra due to community change during diel vertical migration. Cladocera were the key taxa differentiating an Upwelling-group, from a LWB- and SS-group. These two latter groups were differentiated by Salpidae and Appendicularia mainly. Data obtained in this study suggested that abundance composition might be useful when describing community taxonomic changes, while size-spectra gives an idea of the ecosystem structure, predatory interactions with higher trophic levels and shifts in size structure

    Diversification of cephalic shield shape and antenna in phyllosoma I of slipper and spiny lobsters (Decapoda: Achelata)

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    Slipper (Scyllaridae) and spiny (Palinuridae) lobsters show a complex life cycle with a planktonic larval phase, named phyllosoma. This unique larval form within Achelata (Decapoda) is characterized by a transparent dorsoventrally compressed body and a pair of antennae. This conspicuous morphology has been attributed to adaptive specialization of planktonic life. Early studies suggest that phyllosoma morphology has remained constant over the evolutionary history of Achelata, while recent evidence points out large morphological changes and that diversification of phyllosoma larvae is a consequence of radiation and specialization processes to exploit different habitats. Given the ecological and evolutive significance of phyllosoma, we used shape variation of the first phyllosoma stage (phyllosoma I) and a time-calibrated phylogeny of extant Achelata to study how diversification of phyllosoma I shape occurred along with the evolutionary history of Achelata. Our results show a conserved phyllosoma I with a pear-shaped cephalic shield and large antennae in spiny lobsters and older groups of slipper lobsters, yet highly specialized phyllosoma I with wide rounded cephalic shield and short antennae in younger groups of slipper lobsters. Analyses revealed two bursts of lineage diversification in mid and late history without a slowdown in recent times. Both bursts preceded large bursts of morphological disparity. These results joined with the allopatric distribution of species and convergence of phyllosoma I shapes between largely divergent groups suggest that diversification involves nonadaptive radiation processes. However, the correlation of a major direction of shape with the maximum distribution depth of adults and the occurrence of the second burst of diversification post-extinction of competitors within Achelata presuppose some ecological opportunities that might have promoted lineage and morphological diversification, fitting to the characteristic components of adaptive radiations. Therefore, we conclude that diversification of Achelata presents a main signature of nonadaptive radiation with some components of adaptive radiation

    Comprehensive and systematic characterization of multi-functionalized cisplatin nano-conjugate: from the chemistry and proteomic biocompatibility to the animal model

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    Background Nowadays, nanoparticles (NPs) have evolved as multifunctional systems combining different custom anchorages which opens a wide range of applications in biomedical research. Thus, their pharmacological involvements require more comprehensive analysis and novel nanodrugs should be characterized by both chemically and biological point of view. Within the wide variety of biocompatible nanosystems, iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) present mostly of the required features which make them suitable for multifunctional NPs with many biopharmaceutical applications. Results Cisplatin-IONPs and different functionalization stages have been broadly evaluated. The potential application of these nanodrugs in onco-therapies has been assessed by studying in vitro biocompatibility (interactions with environment) by proteomics characterization the determination of protein corona in different proximal fluids (human plasma, rabbit plasma and fetal bovine serum),. Moreover, protein labeling and LC–MS/MS analysis provided more than 4000 proteins de novo synthetized as consequence of the nanodrugs presence defending cell signaling in different tumor cell types (data available via ProteomeXchanges with identified PXD026615). Further in vivo studies have provided a more integrative view of the biopharmaceutical perspectives of IONPs. Conclusions Pharmacological proteomic profile different behavior between species and different affinity of protein coating layers (soft and hard corona). Also, intracellular signaling exposed differences between tumor cell lines studied. First approaches in animal model reveal the potential of theses NPs as drug delivery vehicles and confirm cisplatin compounds as strengthened antitumoral agents

    Tracking the antibody immunome in sporadic colorectal cancer by using antigen self-assembled protein arrays

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    © 2021 by the authors.Sporadic Colorectal Cancer (sCRC) is the third leading cause of cancer death in the Western world, and the sCRC patients presenting with synchronic metastasis have the poorest prognosis. Genetic alterations accumulated in sCRC tumor cells translate into mutated proteins and/or abnormal protein expression levels, which contribute to the development of sCRC. Then, the tumor-associated proteins (TAAs) might induce the production of auto-antibodies (aAb) via humoral immune response. Here, Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Arrays (NAPPArray) are employed to identify aAb in plasma samples from a set of 50 sCRC patients compared to seven healthy donors. Our goal was to establish a systematic workflow based on NAPPArray to define differential aAb profiles between healthy individuals and sCRC patients as well as between non-metastatic (n = 38) and metastatic (n = 12) sCRC, in order to gain insight into the role of the humoral immune system in controlling the development and progression of sCRC. Our results showed aAb profile based on 141 TAA including TAAs associated with biological cellular processes altered in genesis and progress of sCRC (e.g., FSCN1, VTI2 and RPS28) that discriminated healthy donors vs. sCRC patients. In addition, the potential capacity of discrimination (between non-metastatic vs. metastatic sCRC) of 7 TAAs (USP5, ML4, MARCKSL1, CKMT1B, HMOX2, VTI2, TP53) have been analyzed individually in an independent cohort of sCRC patients, where two of them (VTI2 and TP53) were validated (AUC ~75%). In turn, these findings provided novel insights into the immunome of sCRC, in combination with transcriptomics profiles and protein antigenicity characterizations, wich might lead to the identification of novel sCRC biomarkers that might be of clinical utility for early diagnosis of the tumor. These results explore the immunomic analysis as potent source for biomarkers with diagnostic and prognostic value in CRC. Additional prospective studies in larger series of patients are required to confirm the clinical utility of these novel sCRC immunomic biomarkers.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) for the grants: FIS PI14/01538, FIS PI17/01930 and CB16/12/00400. We also acknowledge Fondos FEDER (EU) “Una manera de hacer Europa” and Junta Castilla-León (COVID19 grant COV20EDU/00187). Fundación Solórzano FS/38-2017. The Proteomics Unit belongs to ProteoRed, PRB3-ISCIII, supported by grant PT17/0019/0023, of the PE I + D + I 2017-2020, funded by ISCIII and FEDER. CNPq-National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brazil) (306258/2019-6) and FAPERJ-Foundation for Research Support of Rio de Janeiro State for the financial support (E-26/201.670/2017 and 210.379/2018). M. González-González is supported by MINECOPTA2019-017870-I.A. Landeira-Viñuela is supported by VIII Centenario-USAL PhD Program. P.J.-V. is supported by JCYL PhD Program and scholarship JCYL-EDU/601/2020. P.D. and E.B. are supported by a JCYL-EDU/346/2013 Ph.D. scholarship

    Riparian plant litter quality increases with latitude

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    Plant litter represents a major basal resource in streams, where its decomposition is partly regulated by litter traits. Litter-trait variation may determine the latitudinal gradient in decomposition in streams, which is mainly microbial in the tropics and detritivore-mediated at high latitudes. However, this hypothesis remains untested, as we lack information on large-scale trait variation for riparian litter. Variation cannot easily be inferred from existing leaf-trait databases, since nutrient resorption can cause traits of litter and green leaves to diverge. Here we present the first global-scale assessment of riparian litter quality by determining latitudinal variation (spanning 107 degrees) in litter traits (nutrient concentrations; physical and chemical defences) of 151 species from 24 regions and their relationships with environmental factors and phylogeny. We hypothesized that litter quality would increase with latitude (despite variation within regions) and traits would be correlated to produce 'syndromes' resulting from phylogeny and environmental variation. We found lower litter quality and higher nitrogen: phosphorus ratios in the tropics. Traits were linked but showed no phylogenetic signal, suggesting that syndromes were environmentally determined. Poorer litter quality and greater phosphorus limitation towards the equator may restrict detritivore-mediated decomposition, contributing to the predominance of microbial decomposers in tropical streams.We thank the many assistants who helped with field work (Ana Chara-Serna, Francisco Correa-Araneda, Juliana Franca, Lina Giraldo, Stephanie Harper, Samuel Kariuki, Sylvain Lamothe, Lily Ng, Marcus Schindler, etc.), Cristina Grela Docal for helping with leaf chemical analyses, and Fernando Hiraldo (former director of EBD-CSIC) for his support. The study was funded by start-up funds from the Donana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC, Spain) and from Ikerbasque to LB, the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) strategic project ID/MAR/04292/2013 granted to MARE (Portugal), the 'BIOFUNCTION' project (CGL2014-52779-P) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDER to LB and J. Pozo, and Basque Government funds (IT302-10) to J. Pozo

    Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition

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    Running waters contribute substantially to global carbon fluxes through decomposition of terrestrial plant litter by aquatic microorganisms and detritivores. Diversity of this litter may influence instream decomposition globally in ways that are not yet understood. We investigated latitudinal differences in decomposition of litter mixtures of low and high functional diversity in 40 streams on 6 continents and spanning 113 degrees of latitude. Despite important variability in our dataset, we found latitudinal differences in the effect of litter functional diversity on decomposition, which we explained as evolutionary adaptations of litter-consuming detritivores to resource availability. Specifically, a balanced diet effect appears to operate at lower latitudes versus a resource concentration effect at higher latitudes. The latitudinal pattern indicates that loss of plant functional diversity will have different consequences on carbon fluxes across the globe, with greater repercussions likely at low latitudes