30 research outputs found

    Evidence of different sensitivity of muscle and tendon to mechano-metabolic stimuli

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    This study aimed to examine the temporal dynamics of muscle-tendon adaptation and whether differences between their sensitivity to mechano-metabolic stimuli would lead to non-uniform changes within the triceps surae (TS) muscle-tendon unit (MTU). Twelve young adults completed a 12-week training intervention of unilateral isometric cyclic plantarflexion contractions at 80% of maximal voluntary contraction until failure to induce a high TS activity and hence metabolic stress. Each participant trained one limb at a short (plantarflexed position, 115°: PF) and the other at a long (dorsiflexed position, 85°: DF) MTU length to vary the mechanical load. MTU mechanical, morphological, and material properties were assessed biweekly via simultaneous ultrasonography-dynamometry and magnetic resonance imaging. Our hypothesis that tendon would be more sensitive to the operating magnitude of tendon strain but less to metabolic stress exercise was confirmed as tendon stiffness, Young's modulus, and tendon size were only increased in the DF condition following the intervention. The PF leg demonstrated a continuous increment in maximal AT strain (i.e., higher mechanical demand) over time along with lack of adaptation in its biomechanical properties. The premise that skeletal muscle adapts at a higher rate than tendon and does not require high mechanical load to hypertrophy or increase its force potential during exercise was verified as the adaptive changes in morphological and mechanical properties of the muscle did not differ between DF and PF. Such differences in muscle-tendon sensitivity to mechano-metabolic stimuli may temporarily increase MTU imbalances that could have implications for the risk of tendon overuse injury

    Reliability and Accuracy of a Time-Efficient Method for the Assessment of Achilles Tendon Mechanical Properties by Ultrasonography

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    The assessment of the force−length relationship under mechanical loading is widely used to evaluate the mechanical properties of tendons and to gain information about their adaptation, function, and injury. This study aimed to provide a time-efficient ultrasound method for assessing Achilles tendon mechanical properties. On two days, eleven healthy young non-active adults performed eight maximal voluntary isometric ankle plantarflexion contractions on a dynamometer with simultaneous ultrasonographic recording. Maximal tendon elongation was assessed by digitizing ultrasound images at rest and at maximal tendon force. Achilles tendon stiffness index was calculated from the ratio of tendon force-to-strain. No within- and between-day differences were detected between the proposed method and manual frame by frame tracking in Achilles tendon maximal force, maximal elongation, maximal strain, and stiffness index. The overall coefficient of variation between trials ranged from 3.4% to 10.3% and average difference in tendon tracking between methods was less than 0.6% strain. Furthermore, an additional assessment demonstrated significant differences between elite athletes, healthy young, and older adults in Achilles tendon force and stiffness index. Hence, the analysis has the potential to reliably and accurately monitor changes in Achilles tendon mechanical properties due to aging and altered mechanical loading in a time-efficient manner

    Evidence that ageing does not influence the uniformity of the muscle-tendon unit adaptation in master sprinters.

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    Differences in the adaptation processes between muscle and tendon in response to mechanical loading can lead to non-uniform mechanical properties within the muscle-tendon unit (MTU), potentially increasing injury risk. The current study analysed the mechanical properties of the triceps surae (TS) MTU in 10 young (YS; 22 ± 3 yrs) and 10 older (OS; age 65 ± 8 yrs; i.e. master) (inter)national level sprinters and 11 young recreationally active adults (YC; 23 ± 3 yrs) to detect possible non-uniformities in muscle and tendon adaptation due to habitual mechanical loading and ageing. Triceps surae muscle strength, tendon stiffness and maximal tendon strain were assessed in both legs during maximal voluntary isometric plantarflexion contractions via dynamometry and ultrasonography. Irrespective of the leg, OS and YC in comparison to YS demonstrated significantly (P < 0.05) lower TS muscle strength and tendon stiffness, with no differences between OS and YC. Furthermore, no group differences were detected in the maximal tendon strain (average of both legs: OS 3.7 ± 0.8%, YC 4.4 ± 0.8% and YS 4.3 ± 0.9%) as well as in the inter-limb symmetry indexes in muscle strength, tendon stiffness and maximal tendon strain (range across groups: -5.8 to 4.9%; negative value reflects higher value for the non-preferred leg). Thus, the findings provide no clear evidence for a disruption in the TS MTU uniformity in master sprinters, demonstrating that ageing tendons can maintain their integrity to meet the increased functional demand due to elite sports. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Redating the formation of Lake Bafa, western Turkey: Integrative geoarchaeological methods and new environmental and dating evidence

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    The ancient Gulf of Latmos is an iconic example of a dynamic landscape and humankind's historical relationship with it. Using extensive new primary data and original models for calibrating radiocarbon dates in transitional lagoon environments, we demonstrate that Lake Bafa (or Bafa Gölü, in Turkish) formed at a much earlier date than previously thought. In questioning the logical process by which previous dates were achieved, we re‐examine the relationship between sedimentological data, archaeology and written history. We reassert the need to establish independently dated environmental data sets as the foundation of regional studies as distinct from archaeological and historical interpretive processes. We conclude that Lake Bafa slowly transitioned to become an isolated lagoon sometime between the end of the second millennium B.C. and end of the first millennium B.C.; becoming a fully closed brackish lake during the second millennium A.D. This marks a major shift in our understanding of the nature of human occupation and activity here during the last four millennia but also in the way we date ancient lagoons and integrate historical and environmental data in general

    Holocene demographic fluctuations, climate and erosion in the Mediterranean: A meta data-analysis

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    As part of the Changing the Face of the Mediterranean Project, we consider how human pressure and concomitant erosion has affected a range of Mediterranean landscapes between the Neolithic and, in some cases, the post-medieval period. Part of this assessment comprises an investigation of relationships among palaeodemographic data, evidence for vegetation change and some consideration of rapid climate change events. The erosion data include recent or hitherto unpublished work from the authors. Where possible, we consider summed probabilities of 14C dates as well as the first published synthesis of all known optically stimulated luminescence dated sequences. The results suggest that while there were some periods when erosion took place contemporaneously across a number of regions, possibly induced by climate changes, more often than not, we see a complex and heterogeneous interplay of demographic and environmental changes that result in a mixed pattern of erosional activity across the Mediterranean

    Impact of different mechanical and metabolic stimuli on the temporal dynamics of muscle strength adaptation

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    A fundamental task in exercise physiology is to determine and ultimately improve the adaptations that take place in the human body, an integrated network of various physiological systems e.g., muscle, tendon and bone. Investigating the temporal dynamics (time-course) of adaptations in these diverse systems may help us gain new knowledge about the functioning of the neuro-motor system in healthy and pathological conditions. The aim of this review was to explore the temporal dynamics of muscular strength adaptations in studies implementing a resistance training intervention. In addition, we categorised these studies under mechanical or metabolic stimuli to identify whether certain stimuli cause faster muscle strength gains. Searches were performed using PubMed and Google Scholar databases. The review comprised 708 participants from 57 training groups within 40 studies that met the inclusion criteria. The results revealed that the mean time point of first significant increase in muscle strength of all studies was 4.3 weeks and the corresponding increase was on average about 17%. A plateau in muscle strength increase (~25%) was found to occur between weeks 8 and 12. Categorisation into stimuli groups revealed that performing training in a hypoxic environment is likely to produce a leftward shift (~25% increase at ~2.8 weeks) in the dose-response relationship compared to blood flow restriction and supplementation. However, stimuli that cause faster muscle strength gains may also induce imbalanced adaptation between the muscle and the surrounding biological structures potentially triggering a degradation in some parts of the network (i.e., leading to an increased risk of injury)

    Head-Mounted and Hand-Held Displays Diminish the Effectiveness of Fall-Resisting Skills

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    Use of head-mounted displays (HMDs) and hand-held displays (HHDs) may affect the effectiveness of stability control mechanisms and impair resistance to falls. This study aimed to examine whether the ability to control stability during locomotion is diminished while using HMDs and HHDs. Fourteen healthy adults (21−46 years) were assessed under single-task (no display) and dual-task (spatial 2-n-back presented on the HMD or the HHD) conditions while performing various locomotor tasks. An optical motion capture system and two force plates were used to assess locomotor stability using an inverted pendulum model. For perturbed standing, 57% of the participants were not able to maintain stability by counter-rotation actions when using either display, compared to the single-task condition. Furthermore, around 80% of participants (dual-task) compared to 50% (single-task) showed a negative margin of stability (i.e., an unstable body configuration) during recovery for perturbed walking due to a diminished ability to increase their base of support effectively. However, no evidence was found for HMDs or HHDs affecting stability during unperturbed locomotion. In conclusion, additional cognitive resources required for dual-tasking, using either display, are suggested to result in delayed response execution for perturbed standing and walking, consequently diminishing participants’ ability to use stability control mechanisms effectively and increasing the risk of falls

    Changes in regulation of human monocyte proteins in response to IgG from patients with antiphospholipid syndrome

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    The effects of IgG from patients with the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) upon monocyte activation have not been fully characterised. We carried out a comprehensive proteomic analysis of human monocytes treated with IgG from patients with different manifestations of the APS. Using differential gel electrophoresis (2D DiGE) four of the most significantly regulated proteins: - vimentin (VIM); zinc finger CCH domain containing protein 18; CAP Gly domain containing linker protein 2; and myeloperoxidase - were differentially regulated in monocytes treated with thrombotic or obstetric APS-IgG, compared with healthy control (HC)-IgG. These findings were confirmed by comparing monocytes isolated from APS patients and HC. Anti-VIM antibodies (AVA) were significantly increased in 11 of 27 (40.7%) patients with APS. VIM expression on HC monocytes was stimulated more strongly by APS-IgG from patients with higher avidity serum AVA. We further characterised the proteome of thrombotic APS-IgG treated-monocytes using a label-free proteomics technique. Of 12 proteins identified with the most confidence, two overlapped with 2D DiGE and many possessed immune response, cytoskeletal, coagulation and signal transduction functions which are all relevant to APS and may therefore provide potential new therapeutic targets of this disease