265 research outputs found

    Bridging Proper Orthogonal Decomposition methods and augmented Newton-Krylov algorithms: an adaptive model order reduction for highly nonlinear mechanical problems

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    This article describes a bridge between POD-based model order reduction techniques and the classical Newton/Krylov solvers. This bridge is used to derive an efficient algorithm to correct, "on-the-fly", the reduced order modelling of highly nonlinear problems undergoing strong topological changes. Damage initiation problems are addressed and tackle via a corrected hyperreduction method. It is shown that the relevancy of reduced order model can be significantly improved with reasonable additional costs when using this algorithm, even when strong topological changes are involved

    A three-scale domain decomposition method for the 3D analysis of debonding in laminates

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    The prediction of the quasi-static response of industrial laminate structures requires to use fine descriptions of the material, especially when debonding is involved. Even when modeled at the mesoscale, the computation of these structures results in very large numerical problems. In this paper, the exact mesoscale solution is sought using parallel iterative solvers. The LaTIn-based mixed domain decomposition method makes it very easy to handle the complex description of the structure; moreover the provided multiscale features enable us to deal with numerical difficulties at their natural scale; we present the various enhancements we developed to ensure the scalability of the method. An extension of the method designed to handle instabilities is also presented

    A recovery-explicit error estimator in energy norm for linear elasticity

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    [EN] Significant research effort has been devoted to produce one-sided error estimates for Finite Element Analyses, in particular to provide upper bounds of the actual error. Typically, this has been achieved using residual-type estimates. One of the most popular and simpler (in terms of implementation) techniques used in commercial codes is the recovery-based error estimator. This technique produces accurate estimations of the exact error but is not designed to naturally produce upper bounds of the error in energy norm. Some attempts to remedy this situation provide bounds depending on unknown constants. Here, a new step towards obtaining error bounds from the recovery-based estimates is proposed. The idea is (1) to use a locally equilibrated recovery technique to obtain an accurate estimation of the exact error, (2) to add an explicit-type error bound of the lack of equilibrium of the recovered stresses in order to guarantee a bound of the actual error and (3) to efficiently and accurately evaluate the constants appearing in the bounding expressions, thus providing asymptotic bounds. The numerical tests with h-adaptive refinement process show that the bounding property holds even for coarse meshes, providing upper bounds in practical applications.The authors also thank the support of the Framework Programme 7 Initial Training Network Funding under grant number 289361 "Integrating Numerical Simulation and Geometric Design Technology".Nadal Soriano, E.; Díez, P.; Ródenas, J.; Tur Valiente, M.; Fuenmayor Fernández, FJ. (2015). A recovery-explicit error estimator in energy norm for linear elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 287:172-190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2015.01.013S17219028

    Blurred maximal cyclically monotone sets and bipotentials

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    Let X be a reflexive Banach space and Y its dual. In this paper we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a bipotential for a blurred maximal cyclically monotone graph. Equivalently, we find a necessary and sufficient condition on ϕΓ0(X)\phi \in \Gamma_{0}(X) for that the differential inclusion yBˉ(ϵ)+ϕ(x)y \in \bar{B}(\epsilon) + \partial \phi(x) can be put in the form yb(,y)(x)y \in \partial b(\cdot, y)(x), with bb a bipotential.Comment: Revised version, corrections in theorem 6.

    Blurred constitutive laws and bipotential convex covers

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    In many practical situations, incertitudes affect the mechanical behaviour that is given by a family of graphs instead of a single one. In this paper, we show how the bipotential method is able to capture such blurred constitutive laws, using bipotential convex covers

    Enhanced error estimator based on a nearly equilibrated moving least squares recovery technique for FEM and XFEM

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    In this paper a new technique aimed to obtain accurate estimates of the error in energy norm using a moving least squares (MLS) recovery-based procedure is presented. We explore the capabilities of a recovery technique based on an enhanced MLS fitting, which directly provides continuous interpolated fields, to obtain estimates of the error in energy norm as an alternative to the superconvergent patch recovery (SPR). Boundary equilibrium is enforced using a nearest point approach that modifies the MLS functional. Lagrange multipliers are used to impose a nearly exact satisfaction of the internal equilibrium equation. The numerical results show the high accuracy of the proposed error estimator

    A partitioned model order reduction approach to rationalise computational expenses in multiscale fracture mechanics

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    We propose in this paper an adaptive reduced order modelling technique based on domain partitioning for parametric problems of fracture. We show that coupling domain decomposition and projection-based model order reduction permits to focus the numerical effort where it is most needed: around the zones where damage propagates. No \textit{a priori} knowledge of the damage pattern is required, the extraction of the corresponding spatial regions being based solely on algebra. The efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated numerically with an example relevant to engineering fracture.Comment: Submitted for publication in CMAM