487 research outputs found

    Extremely red radio galaxies

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    At least half the radio galaxies at z>1 in the 7C Redshift Survey have extremely red colours (R-K>5), consistent with stellar populations which formed at high redshift (z>5). We discuss the implications of this for the evolution of massive galaxies in general and for the fraction of near-IR-selected EROs which host AGN, a result which is now being tested by deep, hard X-ray surveys. The conclusion is that many massive galaxies undergo at least two active phases: one at z~5 when the black hole and stellar bulge formed and another at z~1-2 when activity is triggered by an event such as an interaction or merger.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the workshop on "QSO hosts and their environments", IAA, Granada, 10-12 Jan 2001, Ed. I. Marque

    Accurate masses and radii of normal stars: modern results and applications

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    This paper presents and discusses a critical compilation of accurate, fundamental determinations of stellar masses and radii. We have identified 95 detached binary systems containing 190 stars (94 eclipsing systems, and alpha Centauri) that satisfy our criterion that the mass and radius of both stars be known to 3% or better. To these we add interstellar reddening, effective temperature, metal abundance, rotational velocity and apsidal motion determinations when available, and we compute a number of other physical parameters, notably luminosity and distance. We discuss the use of this information for testing models of stellar evolution. The amount and quality of the data also allow us to analyse the tidal evolution of the systems in considerable depth, testing prescriptions of rotational synchronisation and orbital circularisation in greater detail than possible before. The new data also enable us to derive empirical calibrations of M and R for single (post-) main-sequence stars above 0.6 M(Sun). Simple, polynomial functions of T(eff), log g and [Fe/H] yield M and R with errors of 6% and 3%, respectively. Excellent agreement is found with independent determinations for host stars of transiting extrasolar planets, and good agreement with determinations of M and R from stellar models as constrained by trigonometric parallaxes and spectroscopic values of T(eff) and [Fe/H]. Finally, we list a set of 23 interferometric binaries with masses known to better than 3%, but without fundamental radius determinations (except alpha Aur). We discuss the prospects for improving these and other stellar parameters in the near future.Comment: 56 pages including figures and tables. To appear in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. Ascii versions of the tables will appear in the online version of the articl

    Waterbird monitoring and habitat association modeling to inform tidal marsh restoration in an urbanized estuary

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    The San Francisco Bay (SFB), like many other urbanized estuaries, is a critical wintering and stop-over area for migratory waterbirds. More than a million wintering waterbirds annually rely on a mosaic of natural and managed habitats in SFB, including former salt ponds. The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project plans restore 50 to 90% of a 6,100 hectare former salt production pond complex to tidal marsh, while maintaining the rest as foraging and roosting areas for migratory birds. Since 2002, we have evaluated migratory waterbird use of pre- and post-restoration salt ponds in south SFB. Our approach has been to use monthly surveys, applied studies and modeling to evaluate avian response to this changing habitat. Trend analyses indicate that overall waterbird numbers have nearly doubled across the complex from 2003-2014. Dabbling ducks increased significantly during initial phases of the project, while diving ducks, small and medium shorebird abundances declined initially, but rebounded in recent years. We modeled relationships between abundances of multiple species and habitat characteristics at both landscape and micro-scales. Modeling results suggest that the importance of different habitat characteristics varies among waterbird guilds. For example, foraging diving duck abundances were higher in deep, un-breached ponds, located close to the edge of SFB, while foraging small shorebirds predominated in shallow, breached ponds containing islands. Our research highlights important habitat characteristics both within and across wetland areas, and provides a unique opportunity to guide future management and restoration decisions for multiple species across large landscapes in SFB and other urbanized estuaries

    CO emission in optically obscured (type-2) quasars at redshifts z=0.1-0.4

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    We present a search for CO emission in a sample of ten type-2 quasar host galaxies with redshifts of z=0.1-0.4. We detect CO(J=1-0) line emission with >=5sigma in the velocity integrated intensity maps of five sources. A sixth source shows a tentative detection at the ~4.5sigma level of its CO(J=1-0) line emission. The CO emission of all six sources is spatially coincident with the position at optical, infrared or radio wavelengths. The spectroscopic redshifts derived from the CO(J=1-0) line are very close to the photometric ones for all five detections except for the tentative detection for which we find a much larger discrepancy. We derive gas masses of ~(2-16)x10^9Msun for the CO emission in the six detected sources, while we constrain the gas masses to upper limits of Mgas<=8x10^9Msun for the four non-detections. These values are of the order or slightly lower than those derived for type-1 quasars. The line profiles of the CO(J=1-0) emission are rather narrow (<=300km/s) and single peaked, unveiling no typical signatures for current or recent merger activity, and are comparable to that of type-1 quasars. However, at least one of the observed sources shows a tidal-tail like emission in the optical that is indicative for an on-going or past merging event. We also address the problem of detecting spurious ~5sigma emission peaks within the field of view.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables; format is emulateap

    Using a complete spectroscopic survey to find red quasars and test the KX method

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    We present an investigation of quasar colour-redshift parameter space in order to search for radio-quiet red quasars and to test the ability of a variant of the KX quasar selection method to detect quasars over a full range of colour without bias. This is achieved by combining IRIS2 imaging with the complete Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey to probe parameter space unavailable to other surveys. We construct a new sample of 69 quasars with measured bJ - K colours. We show that the colour distribution of these quasars is significantly different from that of the Large Bright Quasar Survey's quasars at a 99.9% confidence level. We find 11 of our sample of 69 quasars have signifcantly red colours (bJ - K >= 3.5) and from this, we estimate the red quasar fraction of the K <= 18.4 quasar population to be 31%, and robustly constrain it to be at least 22%. We show that the KX method variant used here is more effective than the UVX selection method, and has less colour bias than optical colour-colour selection methods.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    X-ray selection of Compton Thick AGN at high redshift

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    Compton Thick (CT) AGN are a key ingredient of Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB) synthesis models, but are still an elusive component of the AGN population beyond the local Universe. Multi-wavelength surveys are the only way to find them at z > 0.1, and a deep X-ray coverage is crucial in order to clearly identify them among star forming galaxies. As an example, the deep and wide COSMOS survey allowed us to select a total of 34 CT sources. This number is computed from the 64 nominal CT candidates, each counted for its N H probability distribution function. For each of these sources, rich multi-wavelength information is available, and is used to confirm their obscured nature, by comparing the expected AGN luminosity from spectral energy distribution fitting, with the absorption-corrected X-ray luminosity. While Chandra is more efficient, for a given exposure, in detecting CT candidates in current surveys (by a factor ~2), deep XMM-Newton pointings of bright sources are vital to fully characterize their properties: NH distribution above 10^25 cm^-2, reflection intensity etc., all crucial parameters of CXB models. Since luminous CT AGN at high redshift are extremely rare, the future of CT studies at high redshift will have to rely on the large area surveys currently underway, such as XMM-XXL and Stripe82, and will then require dedicated follow-up with XMM-Newton, while waiting for the advent of the ESA mission Athena.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Astronomische Nachrichten, presented at the XMM-Newton: The Next Decade conference, ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 9 - 11 May 201

    Mid-infrared spectroscopy of infrared-luminous galaxies at z~0.5-3

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    We present results on low-resolution mid-infrared (MIR) spectra of 70 infrared-luminous galaxies obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) onboard Spitzer. We selected sources from the European Large Area Infrared Survey (ELAIS) with S15 > 0.8 mJy and photometric or spectroscopic z > 1. About half of the sample are QSOs in the optical, while the remaining sources are galaxies, comprising both obscured AGN and starbursts. We classify the spectra using well-known infrared diagnostics, as well as a new one that we propose, into three types of source: those dominated by an unobscured AGN (QSOs), obscured AGN, and starburst-dominated sources. Starbursts concentrate at z ~ 0.6-1.0 favored by the shift of the 7.7-micron PAH band into the selection 15 micron band, while AGN spread over the 0.5 < z < 3.1 range. Star formation rates (SFR) are estimated for individual sources from the luminosity of the PAH features. An estimate of the average PAH luminosity in QSOs and obscured AGN is obtained from the composite spectrum of all sources with reliable redshifts. The estimated mean SFR in the QSOs is 50-100 Mo yr^-1, but the implied FIR luminosity is 3-10 times lower than that obtained from stacking analysis of the FIR photometry, suggesting destruction of the PAH carriers by energetic photons from the AGN. The SFR estimated in obscured AGN is 2-3 times higher than in QSOs of similar MIR luminosity. This discrepancy might not be due to luminosity effects or selection bias alone, but could instead indicate a connection between obscuration and star formation. However, the observed correlation between silicate absorption and the slope of the near- to mid-infrared spectrum is compatible with the obscuration of the AGN emission in these sources being produced in a dust torus.Comment: 32 pages, 24 figures, 15 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The HELLAS2XMM Survey. XII. The infrared/sub-millimeter view of an X-ray selected Type 2 quasar at z=2

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    We present multi-wavelength observations (from optical to sub-millimeter, including Spitzer and SCUBA) of H2XMMJ 003357.2-120038 (also GD158_19), an X-ray selected, luminous narrow-line (Type 2) quasar at z=1.957 selected from the HELLAS2XMM survey. Its broad-band properties can be reasonably well modeled assuming three components: a stellar component to account for the optical and near-IR emission, an AGN component (i.e., dust heated by an accreting active nucleus), dominant in the mid-IR, with an optical depth at 9.7 micron along the line of sight (close to the equatorial plane of the obscuring matter) of tau(9.7)=1 and a full covering angle of the reprocessing matter (torus) of 140 degrees, and a far-IR starburst component (i.e., dust heated by star formation) to reproduce the wide bump observed longward of 70 micron. The derived star-formation rate is about 1500 solar masses per year. The overall modeling indicates that GD158_19 is a high-redshift X-ray luminous, obscured quasar with coeval powerful AGN activity and intense star formation. It is probably caught before the process of expelling the obscuring gas has started, thus quenching the star formation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication by MNRA

    X-ray selected Infrared Excess AGN in the Chandra Deep Fields: a moderate fraction of Compton-thick sources

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    We examine the properties of the X-ray detected, Infrared Excess AGN or Dust Obscured Galaxies (DOGs) in the Chandra Deep Fields (CDF). We find 26 X-ray selected sources which obey the 24 micron to R-band flux ratio criterion f_24/f_R>1000. These are at a median redshift of 2.3 while their IR luminosities are above 10^12 solar. Their X-ray luminosities are all above a few times 10^42 erg s-1 in the 2-10 keV band unambiguously arguing that these host AGN. Nevertheless, their IR Spectral Energy Distributions are split between AGN (Mrk231) and star-forming templates (Arp220). Our primary goal is to examine their individual X-ray spectra in order to assess whether this X-ray detected DOG population contains heavily obscured or even Compton-thick sources. The X-ray spectroscopy reveals a mixed bag of objects. We find that four out of the 12 sources with adequate photon statistics and hence reliable X-ray spectra, show evidence for a hard X-ray spectral index (~1) or harder,consistent with a Compton-thick spectrum. In total 12 out of the 26 DOGs show evidence for flat spectral indices. However, owing to the limited photon statistics we cannot differentiate whether these are flat because they are reflection-dominated or because they show moderate amounts of absorption. Seven DOGs show relatively steep spectra (>1.4) indicative of small column densities. All the above suggest a fraction of Compton-thick sources that does not exceed 5%. The average X-ray spectrum of all 26 DOGs is hard (~1.1) or even harder (~0.6) when we exclude the brightest sources. These spectral indices are well in agreement with the stacked spectrum of X-ray undetected sources (~0.8 in the CDFN). This could suggest (but not necessarily prove) that X-ray undetected DOGs, in a similar fashion to the X-ray detected ones presented here, are hosting a moderate fraction of Compton-thick sources.Comment: 16 pages To appear in A&

    The Nature of Optically Dull Active Galactic Nuclei in COSMOS

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    We present infrared, optical, and X-ray data of 48 X-ray bright, optically dull AGNs in the COSMOS field. These objects exhibit the X-ray luminosity of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) but lack broad and narrow emission lines in their optical spectrum. We show that despite the lack of optical emission lines, most of these optically dull AGNs are not well-described by a typical passive red galaxy spectrum: instead they exhibit weak but significant blue emission like an unobscured AGN. Photometric observations over several years additionally show significant variability in the blue emission of four optically dull AGNs. The nature of the blue and infrared emission suggest that the optically inactive appearance of these AGNs cannot be caused by obscuration intrinsic to the AGNs. Instead, up to ~70% of optically dull AGNs are diluted by their hosts, with bright or simply edge-on hosts lying preferentially within the spectroscopic aperture. The remaining ~30% of optically dull AGNs have anomalously high f_x/f_o ratios and are intrinsically weak, not obscured, in the optical. These optically dull AGNs are best described as a weakly accreting AGN with a truncated accretion disk from a radiatively inefficient accretion flow.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the Ap
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