44 research outputs found

    An unloading foam model to constrain Etna’s 11–13 January 2011 lava fountaining episode

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    The 11–13 January 2011 eruptive episode at Etna volcano occurred after several months of increasing ash emissions from the summit craters, and was heralded by increasing SO2 output, which peaked at ∼5000 megagrams/day several hours before the start of the eruptive activity. The eruptive episode began with a phase of Strombolian activity from a pit crater on the eastern flank of the SE‐Crater. Explosions became more intense with time and eventually became transitional between Strombolian and fountaining, before moving into a lava fountaining phase. Fountaining was accompanied by lava output from the lower rim of the pit crater. Emplacement of the resulting lava flow field, as well as associated lava fountain‐ and Strombolian‐phases, was tracked using a remote sensing network comprising both thermal and visible cameras. Thermal surveys completed once the eruptive episode had ended also allowed us to reconstruct the emplacement of the lava flow field. Using a high temporal resolution geostationary satellite data we were also able to construct a detailed record of the heat flux during the fountain‐fed flow phase and its subsequent cooling. The dense rock volume of erupted lava obtained from the satellite data was 1.2 × 106 m3; this was emplaced over a period of about 6 h to give a mean output rate of ∼55 m3 s−1. By comparison, geologic data allowed us to estimate dense rock volumes of ∼0.85 × 106 m3 for the pyroclastics erupted during the lava fountain phase, and 0.84–1.7 × 106 m3 for lavas erupted during the effusive phase, resulting in a total erupted dense rock volume of 1.7–2.5 × 106 m3 and a mean output rate of 78–117 m3 s−1. The sequence of events and quantitative results presented here shed light on the shallow feeding system of the volcano

    Inner structure of the Puy de Dˆome volcano: cross-comparison of geophysical models (ERT, gravimetry, muon imaging)

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    International audienceMuon imaging of volcanoes and of geological structures in general is actively being developed by several groups in the world. It has the potential to provide 3-D density distributions with an accuracy of a few percent. At this stage of development, comparisons with established geophysical methods are useful to validate the method. An experiment has been carried out in 2011 and 2012 on a large trachytic dome, the Puy de Dˆome volcano, to perform such a comparison of muon imaging with gravimetric tomography and 2-D electrical resistivity tomography. Here, we present the preliminary results for the last two methods. North-south and east-west resistivity profiles allow us to model the resistivity distribution down to the base of the dome. The modelling of the Bouguer anomaly provides models for the density distribution within the dome that are directly comparable with the results from the muon imaging. Our ultimate goal is to derive a model of the dome using the joint interpretation of all sets of data

    Physical and optical properties of 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption aerosol: ground-based, Lidar and airborne measurements in France

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    International audienceDuring the Eyjafjallajökull eruption (14 April to 24 May 2010), the volcanic aerosol cloud was observed across Europe by several airborne in situ and ground-based remote-sensing instruments. On 18 and 19 May, layers of depolarizing particles (i.e. non-spherical particles) were detected in the free troposphere above the Puy de Dôme station, (PdD, France) with a Rayleigh-Mie LIDAR emitting at a wavelength of 355 nm, with parallel and crossed polarization channels. These layers in the free troposphere (FT) were also well captured by simulations with the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART, which furthermore showed that the ash was eventually entrained into the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Indeed, the ash cloud was then detected and characterized with a comprehensive set of in situ instruments at the Puy de Dôme station (PdD). In agreement with the FLEXPART simulation, up to 65 μg m−3 of particle mass and 2.2 ppb of SO2 were measured at PdD, corresponding to concentrations higher than the 95 percentile of 2 yr of measurements at PdD. Moreover, the number concentration of particles increased to 24 000 cm−3, mainly in the submicronic mode, but a supermicronic mode was also detected with a modal diameter of 2 μm. The resulting optical properties of the ash aerosol were characterized by a low scattering Ångström exponent (0.98), showing the presence of supermicronic particles. For the first time to our knowledge, the combination of in situ optical and physical characterization of the volcanic ash allowed the calculation of the mass-to-extinction ratio (η) with no assumptions on the aerosol density. The mass-to-extinction ratio was found to be significantly different from the background boundary layer aerosol (max: 1.57 g m−2 as opposed to 0.33 ± 0.03 g m−2). Using this ratio, ash mass concentration in the volcanic plume derived from LIDAR measurements was found to be 655 ± 23 μg m−3 when the plume was located in the FT (3000 m above the sea level - a.s.l.). This ratio could also be used to retrieve an aerosol mass concentration of 579 ± 60 μg m−3 on 19 April, when LIDAR observations detected the ash cloud at 3000 m a.s.l. in correspondence with model simulations (FLEXPART). On 22 April, another ash plume entered the BL, and although it was more diluted than during the May episode, the French research aircraft ATR42 that passed over Clermont-Ferrand in the PBL confirmed the presence of particles with a supermicronic mode, again with a modal diameter at 2 μm. This data set combining airborne, ground-based and remote sensing observations with dispersion model simulations shows an overall very good coherence during the volcanic eruption period, which allows a good confidence in the characteristics of the ash particles that can be derived from this unique data set

    Air shower simulation for background estimation in muon tomography of volcanoes

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    International audienceOne of the main sources of background for the radiography of volcanoes using atmospheric muons comes from the accidental coincidences produced in the muon telescopes by charged particles belonging to the air shower generated by the primary cosmic ray. In order to quantify this background effect, Monte Carlo simulations of the showers and of the detector are developed by the TOMUVOL collaboration. As a first step, the atmospheric showers were simulated and investigated using two Monte Carlo packages, CORSIKA and GEANT4.We compared the results provided by the two programs for the muonic component of vertical proton-induced showers at three energies: 1, 10 and 100 TeV. We found that the spatial distribution and energy spectrum of the muons were in good agreement for the two codes

    Rapport de sondages et d'analyses, Le Kilian et les carrières anciennes de trachyte dans la Chaîne des Puys (Puy-de-Dôme)

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    En 2008, l'existence de carrières souterraines médiévales avait été mise en évidence dans la pente ouest du Bois de Manson qui domine la dépression du Cratère Kilian, au pied sud du puy de Dôme. En 2009-2010, des sondages et prospections ont été étendus à tout l'ensemble du Kilian de façon à préciser l'étendue et, si possible, la chronologie de son exploitation dans le passé. Ces travaux ont permis d'observer, dans le fond du cratère et sur son flanc interne ouest, des amoncellements de déblais d'un volume considérable, témoignant d'une extraction de roche à grande échelle durant le haut Moyen Âge et très probablement aussi à l'époque gallo-romaine. Une nouvelle carrière souterraine a été découverte dans la pente interne ouest du cratère. La base du remplissage de cette carrière a livré des charbons datés entre la fin du IV e siècle et le début du VI e siècle par le radiocarbone, tandis que le sommet du remplissage contenait des tessons de céramique datables, par leur typologie, de la fin du V e siècle au début du VIII e siècle. L'état actuel des investigations conduit à faire l'hypothèse que les gallo-romains ont exploité, au fond du cratère, un trachyte compact dont on ne trouve aujourd'hui que les déchets de taille, et dont les affleurements sont masqués par les déblais, tandis que les artisans du Moyen Âge ont recherché un trachyte plus tendre dans les pentes hautes du cratère. Le Kilian doit donc s'ajouter aux trois sources actuellement connues de trachyte d'oeuvre dans le passé, à savoir les volcans Sarcoui, Aumône (ou petit Suchet) et Cliersou. Dès cette découverte, en 2008, s'est posée la question de savoir quelle part éventuelle le trachyte du Kilian avait pu prendre dans la construction du temple de Mercure au sommet du puy de Dôme et dans l'agglomération gallo-romaine située au col de Ceyssat. Pour y répondre, une campagne d'analyses géochimiques et pétrographiques été engagée pour caractériser, aux fins de comparaison, non seulement les trachytes du Kilian et ceux des ruines gallo-romaines, mais, de plus, les trachytes du Cliersou, de l'Aumône et du Sarcoui. Ces analyses ont finalement montré qu'il est possible de faire une discrimination statistiquement significative entre les différents trachytes étudiés, à l'exception de ceux du couple Cliersou-Aumône dont les laves sont très peu différentes les unes des autres. Le résultat le plus remarquable est que tous les trachytes gallo-romains échantillonnés (dont 10 échantillons distincts au temple de Mercure et 10 au col de Ceyssat) se rattachent sans ambiguïté au Kilian. En toute rigueur, ces nouvelles données ne permettent pas d'exclure sans appel la possibilité d'utilisation à l'époque gallo-romaine, au temple de Mercure et au col de Ceyssat, de trachytes provenant d'autres sources que le Kilian (cas des chaperons de mur du col de Ceyssat, provenant du puy de Dôme). Cependant, il faut ajouter qu'un examen visuel des trachytes d'oeuvre dans ces deux sites, portant sur un nombre de moellons et d'éléments architecturaux bien supérieur au nombre de ceux qui ont été analysés, conduit à conclure que leur source est probablement commune. Cette conclusion est basée sur un faciès minéralogique particulier, observable à l'oeil nu ou à la loupe

    Submarine record of volcanic island construction and collapse in the Lesser Antilles arc: First scientific drilling of submarine volcanic island landslides by IODP Expedition 340

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    IODP Expedition 340 successfully drilled a series of sites offshore Montserrat, Martinique and Dominica in the Lesser Antilles from March to April 2012. These are among the few drill sites gathered around volcanic islands, and the first scientific drilling of large and likely tsunamigenic volcanic island-arc landslide deposits. These cores provide evidence and tests of previous hypotheses for the composition and origin of those deposits. Sites U1394, U1399, and U1400 that penetrated landslide deposits recovered exclusively seafloor-sediment, comprising mainly turbidites and hemipelagic deposits, and lacked debris avalanche deposits. This supports the concepts that i/ volcanic debris avalanches tend to stop at the slope break, and ii/ widespread and voluminous failures of pre-existing low-gradient seafloor sediment can be triggered by initial emplacement of material from the volcano. Offshore Martinique (U1399 and 1400), the landslide deposits comprised blocks of parallel strata that were tilted or micro-faulted, sometimes separated by intervals of homogenized sediment (intense shearing), while Site U1394 offshore Montserrat penetrated a flat-lying block of intact strata. The most likely mechanism for generating these large-scale seafloor-sediment failures appears to be propagation of a decollement from proximal areas loaded and incised by a volcanic debris avalanche. These results have implications for the magnitude of tsunami generation. Under some conditions, volcanic island landslide deposits comprised of mainly seafloor sediment will tend to form smaller magnitude tsunamis than equivalent volumes of subaerial block-rich mass flows rapidly entering water. Expedition 340 also successfully drilled sites to access the undisturbed record of eruption fallout layers intercalated with marine sediment which provide an outstanding high-resolution dataset to analyze eruption and landslides cycles, improve understanding of magmatic evolution as well as offshore sedimentation processes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Landslide-generated tsunamis at Reunion Island

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    Landslides that occur on oceanic volcanoes can reach the sea and trigger catastrophic tsunamis. Reunion Island has been the location of numerous huge landslides involving tens to hundreds of cubic kilometers of material. We use a new two-fluid (seawater and landslide) numerical model to estimate the wave amplitudes and the propagation of tsunamis associated with landslide events on Reunion Island. A 10 km(3) landslide from the eastern flank of Piton de la Fournaise volcano would lift the water surface by about 150 m where it entered the sea. The wave thus generated would reach Saint-Denis, the capital of Reunion Island (population of about 150,000 people), in only 12 min, with an amplitude of more than 10 m, and would reach Mauritius Island in 18 min. Although Mauritius is located about 175 km from the impact, waves reaching its coast would be greater than those for Reunion Island. This is due to the initial shape of the wave, and its propagation normal to the coast at Mauritius but generally coast-parallel at Reunion Island. A submarine landslide of the coastal shelf of 2 km(3), would trigger a similar to 40 m high wave that would severely affect the proximal coast in the western part of Reunion Island. For a landslide of the shelf of only 0.5 km(3), waves of about 2 m in amplitude would affect the proximal coast

    The volcano-electric effect

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    International audienceThe formation of a magmatic intrusion at depth is responsible for the formation of various thermohydromechanical (THM) disturbances including the upsurge of shock waves and diffusion of pressure fronts in the volcanic system. We couple electromagnetic theory (Maxwell equations) and thermoporoelasticity (Biot equations) to look at the ground surface electrical signature of these THM disturbances. The nature of this coupling is electrokinetic, i.e., associated with water flow relative to the mineral framework and the drag of the excess of charge located in the vicinity of the pore water/mineral interface (the groundwater flow disturbance being related here to the THM disturbances in drained conditions). A new set of laboratory data shows that the electrokinetic coupling is very substantial in fractured basaltic and volcaniclastic materials, and in scoria with several hundreds of millivolts of electrical potential gradientproduced per megapascal of pore fluid pressure variations. Our theoretical analysis predicts the diffusion of electromagnetic disturbances and quasi-static electrical signals.These signals can be used as precursors of a volcanic eruption. Indeed, electromagnetic phenomena recorded at the ground surface of a volcanic system, once properly filtered to remove external contributions, provide a direct and quasi-instantaneous insight into the THM disturbances occurring in the heart of the volcanic structure prior and during a volcanic event. Tomography of the quasi-static electrical field is discussed and applied to self-potential profiles performed at the Piton de la Fournaise volcano during the preparation phase of the March 1998 eruption