394 research outputs found

    Changes Over Time in Masters Level School Counselor Education Programs

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    A national survey regarding the preparation of entry-level school counseling students was conducted to assess changes over time that may have occurred in the credit hours, screening methods, faculty experiences, course content, fieldwork requirements, and importance of The Education Trust concepts. Key findings include increases in the number of faculty with school counseling experience and the number of programs requiring practicum and internship to be completed in a school setting, and decreases in the number of courses designed specifically for school counseling students and the importance of supervision

    Changes Over Time in Masters Level School Counselor Education Programs

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    A national survey regarding the preparation of entry-level school counseling students was conducted to assess changes over time that may have occurred in the credit hours, screening methods, faculty experiences, course content, fieldwork requirements, and importance of The Education Trust concepts. Key findings include increases in the number of faculty with school counseling experience and the number of programs requiring practicum and internship to be completed in a school setting, and decreases in the number of courses designed specifically for school counseling students and the importance of supervision

    The Importance and Implementation of Eight Components of College and Career Readiness Counseling in School Counselor Education Programs

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    School counselor education program administrators (N = 131) responded to an online questionnaire where the importance and extent of implementation of The College Board’s National Office of School Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA) Eight Components of College and Career Readiness in their school counselor education program were assessed. The mean importance of the components was rated between ‘moderately important’ and ‘very important’ by participants, and the components were ‘usually’ implemented in the curriculum of their programs. Implications of this study include the need for increased attention in graduate-level school counselor training programs on equity-focused college and career readiness counseling and knowledge of current national initiatives

    Increasing Access to Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Students with intellectual disabilities (ID) are increasingly seeking postsecondary education (PSE) opportunities. High school to college transition presents its challenges for all students, and school counselors are uniquely positioned to assist students with ID throughout the PSE process. This article provides a review of the literature on PSE and specifically explores the different types of PSE programming available and strategies high school counselors can employ to effectively assist students with ID in PSE planning

    The biogeography of South African terrestrial plant invasions

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    Thousands of plant species have been introduced, intentionally and accidentally, to South Africa from many parts of the world. Alien plants are now conspicuous features of many South African landscapes and hundreds of species have naturalised (i.e. reproduce regularly without human intervention), many of which are also invasive (i.e. have spread over long distances). There is no comprehensive inventory of alien, naturalised, and invasive plants for South Africa, but 327 plant taxa, most of which are invasive, are listed in national legislation. We collated records of 759 plant taxa in 126 families and 418 genera that have naturalised in natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Over half of these naturalised taxa are trees or shrubs, just under a tenth are in the families Fabaceae (73 taxa) and Asteraceae (64); genera with the most species are Eucalyptus,Acacia, and Opuntia. The southern African Plant Invaders Atlas (SAPIA) provides the best data for assessing the extent of invasions at the national scale. SAPIA data show that naturalised plants occur in 83% of quarter-degree grid cells in the country. While SAPIA data highlight general distribution patterns (high alien plant species richness in areas with high native plant species richness and around the main human settlements), an accurate, repeatable method for estimating the area invaded by plants is lacking. Introductions and dissemination of alien plants over more than three centuries, and invasions over at least 120 years (and especially in the last 50 years) have shaped the distribution of alien plants in South Africa. Distribution patterns of naturalised and invasive plants define four ecologically-meaningful clusters or “alien plant species assemblage zones”, each with signature alien plant taxa for which trait-environment interactions can be postulated as strong determinants of success. Some widespread invasive taxa occur in high frequencies across multiple zones; these taxa occur mainly in riparian zones and other azonal habitats,or depend on human-mediated disturbance, which weakens or overcomes the factors that determine specificity to any biogeographical region

    The Natural Products Atlas 2.0 : a database of microbially-derived natural products

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    Within the natural products field there is an increasing emphasis on the study of compounds from microbial sources. This has been fuelled by interest in the central role that microorganisms play in mediating both interspecies interactions and host-microbe relationships. To support the study of natural products chemistry produced by microorganisms we released the Natural Products Atlas, a database of known microbial natural products structures, in 2019. This paper reports the release of a new version of the database which includes a full RESTful application programming interface (API), a new website framework, and an expanded database that includes 8128 new compounds, bringing the total to 32 552. In addition to these structural and content changes we have added full taxonomic descriptions for all microbial taxa and have added chemical ontology terms from both NP Classifier and ClassyFire. We have also performed manual curation to review all entries with incomplete configurational assignments and have integrated data from external resources, including CyanoMetDB. Finally, we have improved the user experience by updating the Overview dashboard and creating a dashboard for taxonomic origin. The database can be accessed via the new interactive website at https://www.npatlas.org.Peer reviewe

    Gene content evolution in the arthropods

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    Arthropods comprise the largest and most diverse phylum on Earth and play vital roles in nearly every ecosystem. Their diversity stems in part from variations on a conserved body plan, resulting from and recorded in adaptive changes in the genome. Dissection of the genomic record of sequence change enables broad questions regarding genome evolution to be addressed, even across hyper-diverse taxa within arthropods. Using 76 whole genome sequences representing 21 orders spanning more than 500 million years of arthropod evolution, we document changes in gene and protein domain content and provide temporal and phylogenetic context for interpreting these innovations. We identify many novel gene families that arose early in the evolution of arthropods and during the diversification of insects into modern orders. We reveal unexpected variation in patterns of DNA methylation across arthropods and examples of gene family and protein domain evolution coincident with the appearance of notable phenotypic and physiological adaptations such as flight, metamorphosis, sociality, and chemoperception. These analyses demonstrate how large-scale comparative genomics can provide broad new insights into the genotype to phenotype map and generate testable hypotheses about the evolution of animal diversity

    Anabolic Therapies

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    The striking clinical benefits of intermittent parathyroid hormone in osteoporosis have begun a new era of skeletal anabolic agents. Recombinant human parathyroid hormone (rhPTH) (1–34) is the first US Food and Drug Administration–approved anabolic therapy. Its use has been limited by the need for subcutaneous injection. Newer delivery systems include transdermal and oral preparations. Newer anabolic therapies include monoclonal antibody to sclerostin, a potent inhibitor of osteoblastogenesis; and use of bone morphogenetic proteins and parathyroid hormone–related protein PTHrP, a calcium-regulating hormone similar to PTH

    Meta-heuristic algorithms for optimized network flow wavelet-based image coding

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    Optimal multipath selection to maximize the received multiple description coding (MDCs) in a lossy network model is proposed. Multiple description scalar quantization (MDSQ) has been applied to the wavelet coefficients of a color image to generate the MDCs which are combating transmission loss over lossy networks. In the networks, each received description raises the reconstruction quality of an MDC-coded signal (image, audio or video). In terms of maximizing the received descriptions, a greater number of optimal routings between source and destination must be obtained. The rainbow network flow (RNF) collaborated with effective meta-heuristic algorithms is a good approach to resolve it. Two meta-heuristic algorithms which are genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) have been utilized to solve the multi-objective optimization routing problem for finding optimal routings each of which is assigned as a distinct color by RNF to maximize the coded descriptions in a network model. By employing a local search based priority encoding method, each individual in GA and particle in PSO is represented as a potential solution. The proposed algorithms are compared with the multipath Dijkstra algorithm (MDA) for both finding optimal paths and providing reliable multimedia communication. The simulations run over various random network topologies and the results show that the PSO algorithm finds optimal routings effectively and maximizes the received MDCs with assistance of RNF, leading to reduce packet loss and increase throughput