179 research outputs found

    Attosecond control of electrons emitted from a nanoscale metal tip

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    Attosecond science is based on steering of electrons with the electric field of well-controlled femtosecond laser pulses. It has led to, for example, the generation of XUV light pulses with a duration in the sub-100-attosecond regime, to the measurement of intra-molecular dynamics by diffraction of an electron taken from the molecule under scrutiny, and to novel ultrafast electron holography. All these effects have been observed with atoms or molecules in the gas phase. Although predicted to occur, a strong light-phase sensitivity of electrons liberated by few-cycle laser pulses from solids has hitherto been elusive. Here we show a carrier-envelope (C-E) phase-dependent current modulation of up to 100% recorded in spectra of electrons laser-emitted from a nanometric tungsten tip. Controlled by the C-E phase, electrons originate from either one or two sub-500as long instances within the 6-fs laser pulse, leading to the presence or absence of spectral interference. We also show that coherent elastic re-scattering of liberated electrons takes place at the metal surface. Due to field enhancement at the tip, a simple laser oscillator suffices to reach the required peak electric field strengths, allowing attosecond science experiments to be performed at the 100-Megahertz repetition rate level and rendering complex amplified laser systems dispensable. Practically, this work represents a simple, exquisitely sensitive C-E phase sensor device, which can be shrunk in volume down to ~ 1cm3. The results indicate that the above-mentioned novel attosecond science techniques developed with and for atoms and molecules can also be employed with solids. In particular, we foresee sub-femtosecond (sub-) nanometre probing of (collective) electron dynamics, such as plasmon polaritons, in solid-state systems ranging in size from mesoscopic solids via clusters to single protruding atoms.Comment: Final manuscript version submitted to Natur

    Drainage integration and sediment dispersal in active continental rifts:A numerical modelling study of the central Italian Apennines

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    Progressive integration of drainage networks during active crustal extension is observed in continental areas around the globe. This phenomenon is often explained in terms of headward erosion, controlled by the distance to an external base‐level (e.g. the coast). However, conclusive field evidence for the mechanism(s) driving integration is commonly absent as drainage integration events are generally followed by strong erosion. Based on a numerical modelling study of the actively extending central Italian Apennines, we show that overspill mechanisms (basin overfilling and lake overspill) are more likely mechanisms for driving drainage integration in extensional settings and that the balance between sediment supply vs. accommodation creation in fault‐bounded basins is of key importance. In this area drainage integration is evidenced by lake disappearance since the early Pleistocene and the transition from internal (endorheic) to external drainage, i.e. connected to the coast. Using field observations from the central Apennines, we constrain normal faulting and regional surface uplift within the surface process model CASCADE (Braun & Sambridge, 1997, Basin Research, 9, 27) and demonstrate the phenomenon of drainage integration, showing how it leads to the gradual disappearance of lakes and the transition to an interconnected fluvial transport system over time. Our model results show that, in the central Apennines, the relief generated through both regional uplift and fault‐block uplift produces sufficient sediment to fill the extensional basins, enabling overspill and individual basins to eventually become fluvially connected. We discuss field observations that support our findings and throw new light upon previously published interpretations of landscape evolution in this area. We also evaluate the implications of drainage integration for topographic development, regional sediment dispersal and offshore sediment supply. Finally, we discuss the applicability of our results to other continental rifts (including those where regional uplift is absent) and the importance of drainage integration for transient landscape evolution.publishedVersio

    Rifting in heterogeneous lithosphere inferences from numerical modeling of the northern North Sea and the Oslo Graben.

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    Permian rifting and magmatism are widely documented across NW Europe. The different Permian basins often display contrasting structural styles and evolved in lithospheric domains with contrasting past evolution and contrasting thermotectonic ages. In particular, the Oslo Graben and the northern North Sea rift initiated in close areas of northern Europe. The Oslo Graben evolved in the cold and stable Precambrian lithosphere of Fennoscandia, whereas the northern North Sea rift took birth in freshly reworked Caledonian lithosphere. Huge volumes of magmatic rocks characterize the relatively narrow Oslo Graben. In contrast, little magmatism is documented for the wide northern North Sea rift. Differences in timing between both rifts are inferred but still debated. We present numerical thermomechanical models along a lithospheric E-W section that involves both the Oslo Graben and the northern North Sea area. Because the modeled section crosses the boundary between Caledonian and Proterozoic provinces, thermal and compositional heterogeneities are considered. As is suggested by various geophysical data sets, we also consider lithospheric thickness heterogeneities in the Precambrian lithosphere. Modeling results suggest that the northern North Sea was on top of "weak" lithosphere very sensitive to far-field stresses. Consequently, we suggest that rifting in the northern North Sea began as early as regional extension was effective (i.e., Late Carboniferous-Early Permian) and does not postdate the Oslo Graben as it is commonly assumed. Rifting in the "strong" Precambrian lithosphere is unexpected. Modeling results suggest that a pre-existing lithospheric thickness contrast within the Fennoscandian lithosphere favored rifting in the Oslo Graben

    Shallow-water hydrothermal venting linked to the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum

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    The Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was a global warming event of 5–6 °C around 56 million years ago caused by input of carbon into the ocean and atmosphere. Hydrothermal venting of greenhouse gases produced in contact aureoles surrounding magmatic intrusions in the North Atlantic Igneous Province have been proposed to play a key role in the PETM carbon-cycle perturbation, but the precise timing, magnitude and climatic impact of such venting remains uncertain. Here we present seismic data and the results of a five-borehole transect sampling the crater of a hydrothermal vent complex in the Northeast Atlantic. Stable carbon isotope stratigraphy and dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy reveal a negative carbon isotope excursion coincident with the appearance of the index taxon Apectodinium augustum in the vent crater, firmly tying the infill to the PETM. The shape of the crater and stratified sediments suggests large-scale explosive gas release during the initial phase of vent formation followed by rapid, but largely undisturbed, diatomite-rich infill. Moreover, we show that these vents erupted in very shallow water across the North Atlantic Igneous Province, such that volatile emissions would have entered the atmosphere almost directly without oxidation to CO2 and at the onset of the PETM

    Tectono-stratigraphic evolution and crustal architecture of the Orphan Basin during North Atlantic rifting

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    The Orphan Basin is located in the deep offshore of the Newfoundland margin, and it is bounded by the continental shelf to the west, the Grand Banks to the south, and the continental blocks of Orphan Knoll and Flemish Cap to the east. The Orphan Basin formed in Mesozoic time during the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean between eastern Canada and western Iberia–Europe. This work, based on well data and regional seismic reflection profiles across the basin, indicates that the continental crust was affected by several extensional episodes between the Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous, separated by events of uplift and erosion. The preserved tectono-stratigraphic sequences in the basin reveal that deformation initiated in the eastern part of the Orphan Basin in the Jurassic and spread towards the west in the Early Cretaceous, resulting in numerous rift structures filled with a Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous syn-rift succession and overlain by thick Upper Cretaceous to Cenozoic post-rift sediments. The seismic data show an extremely thinned crust (4–16 km thick) underneath the eastern and western parts of the Orphan Basin, forming two sub-basins separated by a wide structural high with a relatively thick crust (17 km thick). Quantifying the crustal architecture in the basin highlights the large discrepancy between brittle extension localized in the upper crust and the overall crustal thinning. This suggests that continental deformation in the Orphan Basin involved, in addition to the documented Jurassic and Early Cretaceous rifting, an earlier brittle rift phase which is unidentifiable in seismic data and a depth-dependent thinning of the crust driven by localized lower crust ductile flow

    Pre‐breakup extension in the northern North Sea defined by complex strain partitioning and heterogeneous extension rates

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    The early stages of continental rifting are accommodated by the growth of upper‐crustal normal fault systems that are distributed relatively evenly across the rift width. Numerous fault systems define fault arrays , the kinematics of which are poorly understood due to a lack of regional studies drawing on high‐quality subsurface data. Here we investigate the long‐term (~150 Myr) growth of a rift‐related fault array in the East Shetland Basin, northern North Sea, using a regionally extensive subsurface dataset comprising 2D and 3D seismic reflection surveys and 107 boreholes. We show that rift‐related strain during the pre‐Triassic‐to‐Middle Triassic was originally distributed across several sub‐basins. The Middle‐to‐Late Triassic saw a decrease in extension rate (~14 m/Myr) as strain localized in the western part of the basin. Early Jurassic strain initially migrated eastwards, before becoming more diffuse during the main, Middle‐to‐Late Jurassic rift phase. The highest extension rates (~89 m/Myr) corresponded with the main rift event in the East Shetland Basin, before focusing of strain within the rift axis and ultimate abandonment of the East Shetland Basin in the Early Cretaceous. We also demonstrate marked spatial variations in timing and magnitude of slip along‐strike of major fault systems during this protracted rift event. Our results imply that strain migration patterns and extension rates during the initial, pre‐breakup phase of continental rifting may be more complex than previously thought; this reflects temporal and spatial changes in both thermal and mechanical properties of the lithosphere, in addition to varying extension rates
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