110 research outputs found

    The Eps8/IRSp53/VASP Network Differentially Controls Actin Capping and Bundling in Filopodia Formation

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    There is a body of literature that describes the geometry and the physics of filopodia using either stochastic models or partial differential equations and elasticity and coarse-grained theory. Comparatively, there is a paucity of models focusing on the regulation of the network of proteins that control the formation of different actin structures. Using a combination of in-vivo and in-vitro experiments together with a system of ordinary differential equations, we focused on a small number of well-characterized, interacting molecules involved in actin-dependent filopodia formation: the actin remodeler Eps8, whose capping and bundling activities are a function of its ligands, Abi-1 and IRSp53, respectively; VASP and Capping Protein (CP), which exert antagonistic functions in controlling filament elongation. The model emphasizes the essential role of complexes that contain the membrane deforming protein IRSp53, in the process of filopodia initiation. This model accurately accounted for all observations, including a seemingly paradoxical result whereby genetic removal of Eps8 reduced filopodia in HeLa, but increased them in hippocampal neurons, and generated quantitative predictions, which were experimentally verified. The model further permitted us to explain how filopodia are generated in different cellular contexts, depending on the dynamic interaction established by Eps8, IRSp53 and VASP with actin filaments, thus revealing an unexpected plasticity of the signaling network that governs the multifunctional activities of its components in the formation of filopodia

    The role of APC-mediated actin assembly in microtubule capture and focal adhesion turnover

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    International audienceFocal adhesion (FA) turnover depends on microtubules and actin. Microtubule ends are captured at FAs, where they induce rapid FA disassembly. However, actin’s roles are less clear. Here, we use polarization-resolved microscopy, FRAP, live cell imaging, and a mutant of Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC-m4) defective in actin nucleation to investigate the role of actin assembly in FA turnover. We show that APC-mediated actin assembly is critical for maintaining normal F-actin levels, organization, and dynamics at FAs, along with organization of FA components. In wild type cells, microtubules are captured repeatedly at FAs as they mature, but once a FA reaches peak maturity, the next microtubule capture event leads to delivery of an autophagosome, triggering FA disassembly. In APC-m4 cells, microtubule capture frequency and duration are altered, and there are long delays between autophagosome delivery and FA disassembly. Thus, APC-mediated actin assembly is required for normal feedback between microtubules and FAs, and maintaining FAs in a state ‘primed’ for microtubule-induced turnover

    Integrin Signaling Switches the Cytoskeletal and Exocytic Machinery that Drives Neuritogenesis

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    Neurons establish their unique morphology by elaborating multiple neurites that subsequently form axons and dendrites. Neurite initiation entails significant surface area expansion, necessitating addition to the plasma membrane. We report that regulated membrane delivery coordinated with the actin cytoskeleton is crucial for neuritogenesis, and identify two independent pathways that use distinct exocytic and cytoskeletal machinery to drive neuritogenesis. One pathway employs Ena/VASP-regulated actin dynamics coordinated with VAMP2-mediated exocytosis, and involves a novel role for Ena/VASP in exocytosis. A second mechanism occurs in the presence of laminin through integrin-dependent activation of FAK and src, and utilizes coordinated activity of the Arp2/3 complex and VAMP7-mediated exocytosis. We conclude that neuritogenesis can be driven by two distinct pathways that differentially coordinate cytoskeletal dynamics and exocytosis. These regulated changes and coordination of cytoskeletal and exocytic machinery may be utilized in other physiological contexts involving cell motility and morphogenesis.Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical ResearchNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant GM68678)Stanley Medical Research Institut

    α5β1 integrin recycling promotes Arp2/3-independent cancer cell invasion via the formin FHOD3

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    Invasive migration in 3D extracellular matrix (ECM) is crucial to cancer metastasis, yet little is known of the molecular mechanisms that drive reorganization of the cytoskeleton as cancer cells disseminate in vivo. 2D Rac-driven lamellipodial migration is well understood, but how these features apply to 3D migration is not clear. We find that lamellipodia-like protrusions and retrograde actin flow are indeed observed in cells moving in 3D ECM. However, Rab-coupling protein (RCP)-driven endocytic recycling of α5β1 integrin enhances invasive migration of cancer cells into fibronectin-rich 3D ECM, driven by RhoA and filopodial spike-based protrusions, not lamellipodia. Furthermore, we show that actin spike protrusions are Arp2/3-independent. Dynamic actin spike assembly in cells invading in vitro and in vivo is regulated by Formin homology-2 domain containing 3 (FHOD3), which is activated by RhoA/ROCK, establishing a novel mechanism through which the RCP–α5β1 pathway reprograms the actin cytoskeleton to promote invasive migration and local invasion in vivo

    Fluorescent Labeling of SNAP-Tagged Proteins in Cells

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    One of the most prominent self-labeling tags is SNAP-tag. It is an in vitro evolution product of the human DNA repair protein O6 -alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (hAGT) that reacts specifically with benzylguanine (BG) and benzylchloropyrimidine (CP) derivatives, leading to covalent labeling of SNAP-tag with a synthetic probe (Gronemeyer et al., Protein Eng Des Sel 19:309–316, 2006; Curr Opin Biotechnol 16:453–458, 2005; Keppler et al., Nat Biotechnol 21:86–89, 2003; Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101:9955– 9959, 2004). SNAP-tag is well suited for the analysis and quantification of fused target protein using fluorescence microscopy techniques. It provides a simple, robust, and versatile approach to the imaging of fusion proteins under a wide range of experimental conditions. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
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