1,495 research outputs found

    Histone Mutants Separate R Loop Formation from Genome Instability Induction

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    R loops have positive physiological roles, but they can also be deleterious by causing genome instability, and the mechanisms for this are unknown. Here we identified yeast histone H3 and H4 mutations that facilitate R loops but do not cause instability. R loops containing single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), versus RNA-DNA hybrids alone, were demonstrated using ssDNA-specific human AID and bisulfite. Notably, they are similar size regardless of whether or not they induce genome instability. Contrary to mutants causing R loop-mediated instability, these histone mutants do not accumulate H3 serine-10 phosphate (H3S10-P). We propose a two-step mechanism in which, first, an altered chromatin facilitates R loops, and second, chromatin is modified, including H3S10-P, as a requisite for compromising genome integrity. Consistently, these histone mutations suppress the high H3S10 phosphorylation and genomic instability of hpr1 and sen1 mutants. Therefore, contrary to what was previously believed, R loops do not cause genome instability by themselves.European Research Council ERC2014 AdG669898Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2013-42918-P, BFU2016-75058-

    O2 modulates large-conductance Ca2+-dependent K+ channels of rat chemoreceptor cells by a membrane-restricted and CO-sensitive mechanism

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    Producción CientíficaHypoxic inhibition of large-conductance Ca2+-dependent K+ channels (maxiK) of rat carotid body type I cells is a well-established fact. However, the molecular mechanisms of such inhibition and the role of these channels in the process of hypoxic transduction remain unclear. We have examined the mechanisms of interaction of O2 with maxiK channels exploring the effect of hypoxia on maxiK currents recorded with the whole-cell and the inside-out configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Hypoxia inhibits channel activity both in whole-cell and in excised membrane patches. This effect is strongly voltage- and Ca2+-dependent, being maximal at low [Ca2+] and low membrane potential. The analysis of single-channel kinetics reveals a gating scheme comprising three open and five closed states. Hypoxia inhibits channel activity increasing the time the channel spends in the longest closed states, an effect that could be explained by a decrease in the Ca2+ sensitivity of those closed states. Reducing maxiK channels with dithiothreitol (DTT) increases channel open probability, whereas oxidizing the channels with 2,2′-dithiopyridine (DTDP) has the opposite effect. These results suggest that hypoxic inhibition is not related with a reduction of channel thiol groups. However, CO, a competitive inhibitor of O2 binding to hemoproteins, fully reverts hypoxic inhibition, both at the whole-cell and the single-channel level. We conclude that O2 interaction with maxiK channels does not require cytoplasmic mediators. Such interaction could be mediated by a membrane hemoprotein that, as an O2 sensor, would modulate channel activity.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (grant PB97/0400

    Control IMC Adaptativo bajo Foundation Fieldbus

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    [Resumen] Este artículo describe la técnica de diseño e implementación del algoritmo de control basado en el modelo interno (IMC) para ser implementado bajo arquitecturas del estándar Fundation Fieldbu

    A vision of uses and gratifications applied to the study of Internet use by adolescents

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    Based on uses and gratifications theory, the aim of this paper is to identify the reasons for using Internet among teenagers and to check different variables in order to predict types of uses. After conducting a representative survey applied to 397 high school students in Community of Madrid (Spain), Internet users’ gratifications and their relationships with variables related to adolescent characteristics, family context and time of online exposure are analyzed. The article concludes that daily use of Internet predicts higher consumption of communication and social relationship

    Microbial induced corrosion by ferric–reducing bacteria isolated from an oil separation tank

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    Se requiere identificar a las poblaciones microbianas que participan en la Corrosión Inducida por Microorganismos, con la finalidad de implementar estrategias de monitoreo eficiente y de control. Las poblaciones de microorganismos anaerobios presentes en la industria petrolera, particularmente en la producción de gas y petróleo, así como en las líneas de transporte y en los tanques de almacenamiento, han sido estudiadas muy pobremente y los estudios presentes se han enfocado principalmente en bacterias sulfatorreductoras de los géneros Desulfovibrio y Desulfobacter. Sin embargo, las bacterias fermentativas también tienen gran relevancia en la corrosión de metales, como se describió en 1997, por el grupo de Magot y colaboradores, quienes caracterizaron una bacteria no sulfidogénica pero con capacidad de producir corrosión. En este estudio se aisló de un tanque de separación, una bacteria anaerobia, fermentativa y reductora de fierro, perteneciente al género Sedimentibacter, con capacidad de producir corrosión en el acero al carbón SAE1018.It has required the characterization and identification of the microbial populations responsible for Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC), and their interactions with distinctive microorganisms allocated on metallic surfaces, in order to implement efficient monitoring and control strategies. Microbial anaerobic communities present at oil and gas producing, transporting and storage facilities have been poorly characterized and studies had mainly focused on Desulfovibrio and Desulfobacter genus. However, fermentative bacteria have important participation on corrosion metals as described by Magot et al. (1997), which characterization of non-SRB sulfidogenic bacteria was able to produce corrosion. In this study, it was isolated of an oil-water tank separation, an anaerobic bacterium, fermentative and ferric-reducing, belong to Sedimentibacter genus with corrosion capability on Carbon Steel SAE1018

    Viral gene transfer of dominant-negative Kv4 construct suppresses an O2-sensitive K+ current in chemoreceptor cells

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    Producción CientíficaHypoxia initiates the neurosecretory response of the carotid body (CB) by inhibiting one or more potassium channels in the chemoreceptor cells. Oxygen-sensitive K+ channels were first described in rabbit CB chemoreceptor cells, in which a transient outward K+ current was reported to be reversibly inhibited by hypoxia. Although progress has been made to characterize this current with electrophysiological and pharmacological tools, no attempts have been made to identify which Kv channel proteins are expressed in rabbit CB chemoreceptor cells and to determine + with adenoviruses that enabled ecdysone-inducible expression of the dominant-negative constructs and reporter genes in poly- cistronic vectors. In voltage-clamp experiments, we found that, whereas adenoviral infections of chemoreceptor cells with Kv1.xDN did not modify the O -sensitive K+ current, infections with Kv4.xDN suppressed the transient outward current in a time-dependent manner, significantly depolarized the cells, and abolished the depolarization induced by hypoxia. Our work dem- onstrate that genes of the Shal K+ channels underlie the tran- + their contribution to the native O2-sensitive K current. To probe sient outward, O2-sensitive, K current of rabbit CB chemore- the molecular identity of this current, we have used dominant- negative constructs to block the expression of functional Kv channels of the Shaker (Kv1.xDN) or the Shal (Kv4.xDN) subfam- ceptor cells and that this current contributes to the cell depolarization in response to low pO2. + ilies, because members of these two subfamilies contribute to Key words: O2-sensitive K current; viral gene transfer; the transient outward K+ currents in other preparations. Delivery of the constructs into chemoreceptor cells has been achieved2018-03-2

    Innovative firms and the urban/rural divide: the case of agro-food system

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    Purpose - This paper aims to analyse the capacity of rural and urban spaces to promote innovation in the agro-food firms. The purpose is to determine if the rural/urban division affects the innovative behaviour of agriculture, food processing and food distribution firms. Design/methodology/approach - Business data have been obtained for over 2,000 firms based in the Valencia region, Spain. Out of them, over 200 declared to have taken part in R&D&i activities, mainly in partnership with public support institutions. The database supplies data of micro and small enterprises, which have been typically underestimated in the Spanish Survey on Technological Innovation in Enterprises. The database also makes it possible to identify the main location of agro-food business, and the territory is divided in Local Labour Systems (LLS). LIS were in turn classified as rural or urban according to alternative criteria (OECD, national legislation). A logit model has been used in the analyses. Findings - The location of enterprises according to the rural/urban divide does not appear relevant concerning innovation, although businesses orientated to the primary sector seem less innovative. Co-op businesses appear to be more innovative. Originality/value - The paper offers an approach of innovation in the agro-food traditionally considered as a non-innovative system. It explores how territory affects innovation using data from firms.Fearne, A.; García Alvarez-Coque, JM.; Usach Mercedes, TL.; Garcia, S. (2013). Innovative firms and the urban/rural divide: the case of agro-food system. Management Decision. 51(6):1293-1310. doi:10.1108/MD-12-2011-0482S12931310516Acosta, M., Coronado, D., & Toribio, M. R. (2011). The use of scientific knowledge by Spanish agrifood firms. Food Policy, 36(4), 507-516. doi:10.1016/j.foodpol.2011.04.003Alba, M., Mas, F. and García‐Alvarez‐Coque, J.M. (2011), “New firm creation and innovation: industrial patterns and inter‐sectoral linkages”,International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, DOI 10.1007/s11365‐011‐0210‐3.Alfranca, O., Rama, R., & von Tunzelmann, N. (2004). Innovation spells in the multinational agri-food sector. Technovation, 24(8), 599-614. doi:10.1016/s0166-4972(02)00129-3Atance, I., Martínez Jávega, M. T., Pujol, R., & Urruela, J. (2011). La población rural en España: un enfoque a escala municipal. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 10(1), 35. doi:10.7201/earn.2010.01.03Audretsch, D. B. (2003). Innovation And Spatial Externalities. International Regional Science Review, 26(2), 167-174. doi:10.1177/0160017602250973Boix, R. and Galletto, V. (2008), “Marshallian Industrial districts in Spain”,Scienze Regionali, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 29‐52.Capitanio, F., Coppola, A., & Pascucci, S. (2009). Indications for drivers of innovation in the food sector. British Food Journal, 111(8), 820-838. doi:10.1108/00070700910980946Dahlander, L., & Gann, D. M. (2010). How open is innovation? Research Policy, 39(6), 699-709. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2010.01.013Garcia Martinez, M. (2000). Innovation in the Spanish food & drink industry. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 3(2), 155-176. doi:10.1016/s1096-7508(00)00033-1Martinez, M. G., & Burns, J. (1999). Sources of technological development in the spanish food and drink industry. A ?supplier-dominated? industry? Agribusiness, 15(4), 431-448. doi:10.1002/(sici)1520-6297(199923)15:43.0.co;2-0Giannakas, K., & Fulton, M. (2005). Process Innovation Activity in a Mixed Oligopoly: The Role of Cooperatives. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(2), 406-422. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8276.2005.00731.xGiusti, A., & Grassini, L. (2007). Local Labor Systems and Agricultural Activities: The Case of Tuscany. International Advances in Economic Research, 13(4), 475-487. doi:10.1007/s11294-007-9112-0Hansen, M. and Birkinshaw, J.M. (2007), “The innovation value chain”,Harvard Business Review, Vol. 85 No. 6, pp. 121‐131.Hauknes, J., & Knell, M. (2009). Embodied knowledge and sectoral linkages: An input–output approach to the interaction of high- and low-tech industries. Research Policy, 38(3), 459-469. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2008.10.012Henderson, J. (2002), “Building rural economy with high‐growth entrepreneurs”,Economic Review, December, pp. 45‐70.Kalantaridis, C., & Bika, Z. (2006). Local Embeddedness and Rural Entrepreneurship: Case-Study Evidence from Cumbria, England. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 38(8), 1561-1579. doi:10.1068/a3834Kühne, B., Vanhonacker, F., Gellynck, X., & Verbeke, W. (2010). Innovation in traditional food products in Europe: Do sector innovation activities match consumers’ acceptance? Food Quality and Preference, 21(6), 629-638. doi:10.1016/j.foodqual.2010.03.013Mas-Verdú, F., Wensley, A., Alba, M., & García Álvarez-Coque, J. M. (2011). How much does KIBS contribute to the generation and diffusion of innovation? Service Business, 5(3), 195-212. doi:10.1007/s11628-011-0110-1Mohnen, P., Mairesse, J. and Dagenais, M. (2007), “Innovativity: a comparison across seven European countries”,Economics of Innovation and New Technologies, Vol. 15 Nos 4/5, pp. 391‐413.Papaconstantinou, G., Sakurai, N., & Wyckoff, A. (1998). Domestic and international product-embodied R&D diffusion. Research Policy, 27(3), 301-314. doi:10.1016/s0048-7333(98)00044-4Pezzini, M. (2001). Rural Policy Lessons from OECD Countries. International Regional Science Review, 24(1), 134-145. doi:10.1177/016001701761013024Pischke, J.-S., & Velling, J. (1997). Employment Effects of Immigration to Germany: An Analysis Based on Local Labor Markets. 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Regional Studies, 43(5), 661-675. doi:10.1080/0034340070187415

    Mechanical Behaviour of Air-plasma Sprayed Functionally Graded YSZ-Mullite Environmental Barrier Coatings: A Study via Instrumented Indentation

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    6 páginas, 7 figuras, 1 tabla.-- Comunicación presentada al 33th International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition 2010; Thermal Spray: Global Solutions for Future Applications.-- et al.Mullite (Al6Si2O13) is the basis of efficient environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) for protecting Si-based ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) selected to replace specific hot-section metallic components in advanced gas turbines. Furthermore, YSZ-mullite multilayer architectures with compositional grading between the bond coat and YSZ top coat were envisioned as solutions to ease their coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch induced stress. Consequently, a proper understanding of the mechanical properties such as the elastic modulus, hardness or plastic/elastic recovery work serve for an efficient design of such refractory oxide multilayers. In this work, three different mullite powder morphologies (fused and crushed, spray-dried and freeze-granulated) were employed. Using depth-sensing indentation with loads in the range 100 – 500 mN, the role of the microstructure and morphology of the powder feedstock on the mechanical behaviour of air plasma sprayed mullite bond coats deposited on SiC Hexoloy substrates was investigated. Fully crystalline as-sprayed mullite coatings were engineered under controlled deposition conditions. Mechanical properties were measured for the as-sprayed coatings as well as for coatings heat-treated at 1300oC, in water vapour environment, for periods up to 500 h. Both E and H values of the coatings are found to be highly dependent on the morphology of the starting powders.This work has been supported by NRC-CSIC program (project 2007CA003).Peer reviewe

    Estrés y Burnout en médicos familiares

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    Work-related stress is considered as an interaction of unfavorable working conditions and worker attributes and Burnout Syndrome, as a result of chronic stress characterized by exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment. Objective: To evaluate the presence of stress and Burnout Syndrome in family doctors of a unit of the first level of care located in the Valley of Mexico. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out on a sample of 35 doctors. We applied them Maslach questionnaires and questionnaire demand-control of Karasek (JCQ 29). Results: The average age of the members of the sample was of 49.9 years. For Burnout Syndrome, 14.3% showed high emotional exhaustion; 11.4%, high degree of depersonalization and 74.3%, low degree of self-realization. Only 14.0%, presented a high degree of demand and under control in the JCQ 29 questionnaire. Association with statistically significant significance existed between the variables shift and control (p: 0.025) and between the variables support of heads and control (p: 0.003). Conclusion: The doctors of the work report a high social support of the superiors and a low personal satisfaction that increases with its antiquitySe considera al estrés laboral como una interacción desfavorable entre los atributos del trabajador y las condiciones de trabajo y al síndrome de Burnout, como resultante del estrés crónico caracterizado por agotamiento, despersonalización y baja realización personal. Objetivo: Evaluar la presencia de estrés y síndrome de Burnout en médicos familiares de una unidad de primer nivel de atención ubicada en el valle de México. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en una muestra de 35 médicos. Se les aplicaron los cuestionarios de Maslach y cuestionario demanda–control de Karasek (JCQ 29) Resultados: La edad promedio de los integrantes de la muestra fue de 49.9 años. Para Síndrome de Burnout, 14.3% presentaron alto agotamiento emocional; 11.4%, alto grado de despersonalización y 74.3%, bajo grado de realización personal. Sólo 14.0%, presentaron alto grado de demanda y bajo control en el cuestionario JCQ 29. Existió asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables turno y control (p: 0.025) y entre las variables apoyo de jefes y control (p: 0.003). Conclusión: Los medicos laborales reportan alto apoyo social por parte de los superiores y baja realización personal que aumenta con su antigüeda