364 research outputs found

    Dietary Mg Supplementation Decreases Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Vascular Dysfunction in an Experimental Model of Metabolic Syndrome with Renal Failure

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are commonly associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and in these patients Mg concentration is usually decreased. This study evaluated whether a dietary Mg supplementation might attenuate vascular dysfunction through the modulation of oxidative stress and inflammation in concurrent MetS and CKD. Methods: A rat model of MetS (Zucker strain) with CKD (5/6 nephrectomy, Nx) was used. Nephrectomized animals were fed a normal 0.1%Mg (MetS+Nx+Mg 0.1%) or a supplemented 0.6%Mg (MetS+Nx+Mg0.6%) diet; Sham-operated rats with MetS receiving 0.1%Mg were used as controls. Results: As compared to controls, the MetS+Nx-Mg0.1% group showed a significant increase in oxidative stress and inflammation biomarkers (lipid peroxidation and aortic interleukin-1b and -6 expression) and Endothelin-1 levels, a decrease in nitric oxide and a worsening in uremia and MetS associated pathology as hypertension, and abnormal glucose and lipid profile. Moreover, proteomic evaluation revealed changes mainly related to lipid metabolism and CVD markers. By contrast, in the MetS+Nx+Mg0.6% group, these parameters remained largely similar to controls. Conclusion: In concurrent MetS and CKD, dietary Mg supplementation reduced inflammation and oxidative stress and improved vascular function.This research was funded by a Spanish government grant from the Programa Nacional I+D+I 2008–2011 from the MINECO-Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI20/0660 and PI21/00654) with co-financing from European Funds (FEDER) and EUTOX and REDinREN from the ISCIII, Consejería de Salud (grants PI-0071-2021) from the Junta de Andalucía and Grant PY20_00773 from Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo from the Junta de Andalucía. J.M.D.-T. hold a Sara Borrell contract by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), co-funded by European Social Fund (European Social Fund-Investment in your future). Y.A. and J.R.M.-C. are senior researchers supported by the Nicolás Monardes Programme, Consejería de Salud-SAS (Junta de Andalucía)

    Electrical and Thermal Behaviour of Crystalline Photovoltaic Solar Modules in Shading Conditions

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    The shadow effect caused by nearby objects or the lack of cleaning significantly affects the performance of photovoltaics (PV) installations. This article analyses the bypass diode electrical behaviour and the thermal response of a PV crystalline module under shading or soiling conditions. PV cells of different substrings were covered progressively to simulate the effect of shading or soiling while a programmable electronic DC load was connected to a PV module to set an operating voltage. Three different tests were made to different PV crystalline technology. The paper characterizes in real conditions the I-V curve, bypass diode current, and front and back side PV cell temperature with contact sensor and infrared (IR) thermography, respectively. The results showed that the operation voltage established in the PV module defines the electrical bypass diode current and thermal response under normal operating conditions, shading or soiling. To show the bypass diode behaviour in such conditions, I-V curves were obtained, pointing out the value of the current that flows through bypass diodes in the whole voltage range

    Un modelo de formación económico-social periférico en la banda atlántica de Cádiz

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    Exponemos un balance sobre la Edad del Bronce en San Fernando. Analizamos las bases arqueológicas para el estudio de las sociedades de mediados del II° milenio a.C. Se trata de comunidades periféricas, que habitan un medio insular, donde aprovechan recursos naturales, fundamentalmente malacológicos, pero que generan una importante agricultura, existiendo una clara relación de dependencia respecto a un centro nuclear ubicado en las campiñas interiores.We show a summary about Bronze Age in the island of San Fernando. Archaeological basis are analyzed to study the societies of the midle of the second millennium B.C. They are peripheric communities who live in the island, where they use natural resources, fundamentally molluscs, which generate an important agriculture, so there is a clear relation of dependence with regard to a nuclear center in the interior contryside

    The Neolithic Flint Quarry of Pozarrate (Treviño, Northern Spain)

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    In this work, we present the preliminary data we have obtained in the Neolithic flint quarry of Pozarrate, currently under archaeological works. We want to put forward an update about the sedimentary fillings of one of the crescent-shaped dump quarries (6000-5600 BP). It is located at the Sierra de Araico-Cucho (Trevino, northern Spain). In this region, Tertiary carbonated terrains which host important silicifications called Trevino flint (Tarrino, A. (2006). El silex en la cuenca vasco-cantabrica y Pirineo Navarro. Caracterizacion y su aprovechamiento en la Prehistoria. Monograia 21, Museo Nacional y Centro de Investigacion de Altamira. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura) are outcropped. The procurement of these silicifications by prehistoric populations was motivated by the good quality of this raw material for knapping. Currently, it constitutes one of the few Neolithic known flint mines of the Iberian Peninsula, understood as places of exploitation of flint with landscape modifications. Some instruments related to prehistoric quarry works have been recovered, such as picks, maces, and hammers made of flint, dolerite, and deer antler. Studies on Pozarrate material remains have been conducted in an interdisciplinary way, in order to have a better understanding of the prehistoric mining processes. Several methodologies are being used in the study of the lithic industries, including flint characterization, procurement, typological, typometrical, technological, and functional approaches. We have obtained the initial data about extraction, selection, management, and use processes of the flint and dolerite assemblages. Deer antler remains have recently undergone a restoration process and preliminary data have been offered. Moreover, an experimental approach has been applied to clarify specific archaeological issues and technical solutions for quarrying using dolerite maces.This article is the result of the collaboration of several researchers from different institutions, including the Universities of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Oviedo, Leon, CENIEH and UNED-Bergara, on the basis of Spanish Science Ministry funding projects: HAR2015-67429-P and PID2020-118359GB-I00. One of the authors (NC) benefited from the Research Talent Attraction post-doctoral fellowship, 2017-T2/HUM-3488, financed by Comunidad de Madrid at the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. The lithic analysis of the cores was carried out thanks to the "APPREND" project: Apprenticeship in Prehistory, PGC2018-093309-A-I00, founded by the National Spanish Program of Knowledge Generation R&D&I and finally, we express our gratitude to anonymous reviewers 1 and 3 for their suggestions

    Plan de marketing para aumentar la rentabilidad operacional de Fosac en la región Ica

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    El presente trabajo de investigación ha sido desarrollado por el suscrito, servidor de la Contraloría General de la República, actual jefe del OCI de la SMV, con catorce años de experiencia como jefe de OCI en cinco entidades públicas, siete años de experiencia en gestión pública en cargos dirección y cinco años de experiencia en el sector privado; experiencia profesional que ha sido de utilidad para la elaboración del presente modelo de servicios de control propuesto, cuyo planteamiento ha sido validado en entrevistas efectuadas a directivos de la SMV y a jefes de OCI de diversas entidades públicas. Existe el convencimiento de que el modelo propuesto es viable, dado que no implica la utilización de recursos presupuestales adicionales a la entidad, y la implementación de las dos primeras etapas secuenciales del modelo, referidas a la determinación de los procesos críticos de la entidad y la ejecución de servicios de control simultáneo y relacionados en los procesos críticos, dependen de la decisión del jefe del OCI, dado que la tercera etapa referida a la ejecución de auditorías de cumplimiento, que deben ser realizadas si y solo si existen presuntos hechos irregulares detectados y riesgos no tratados materializados en presuntas irregularidades, dependen de la normativa o lineamientos emitidos por la CGR

    By-product recovery of Opuntia spp. peels: Betalainic and phenolic profiles and bioactive properties

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    [EN] Opuntia spp. are a tropical and subtropical plant that provides both edible green steams and fruits; however, the processing of this fruits results in the accumulation of enormous amount of by-products that can be a source of bioactive and pigmented compounds. Herein, three cactus pear from the species Opuntia focus-indica var. sanguigna (OS) and gialla (OG) and Opuntia engelmannii (OE) were fully characterized regarding their phenolic and betalain composition and correlated with their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The hydroethanolic extracts of OE gave the highest amount of phenolic compounds isorhamentin-O-(deoxyhexosyl-hexoside) and betacianins (betanin); however, no betaxanthins were identified in this sample. This sample also revealed the lowest EC50 values in all the antioxidant activity assays. Regarding antimicrobial activity, the hydroethanolic extracts of all species revealed to be more active than ampicillin. The pivotal objective of this work was to focus on exploring by-product biocompounds and possible outputs, thus, we could suggest the use of these natural colorants with intrinsic antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, which would grant industries to produce cleaner label products with functional benefits.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013) and L. Barros contract. This work is funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds (FEEI) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-023289 (DeCodE) and ValorNatural (R). B. Melgar (No. 329930) also thanks CONACyT for his grant. The authors are grateful for a grant from the Serbian Ministry of Education, Sciences and Technological Development (no. 173032). The authors would also like to thank Dr. Carlos Aguiar for the botanical identification of these species.Melgar-Castañeda, B.; Dias, MI.; Ciric, A.; Sokovic, M.; Garcia-Castello, EM.; Rodríguez López, AD.; Barros, L.... (2017). By-product recovery of Opuntia spp. peels: Betalainic and phenolic profiles and bioactive properties. Industrial Crops and Products. 107:353-359. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.06.011S35335910

    Response of different sowing densities on agronomic parameters in the cultivation of mejen corn in Tabasco, Mexico

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the response of planting densities on agronomic parameters in native Mejen maize from the State of Tabasco, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: A randomized complete block design with four repetitions was used, where the treatments were: T1: 0.25 m between plants and two seeds per blow (80,000 plants ha-1), T2: 0.50 m between plants and three seeds per blow. blow (60,000 plants ha-1), T3: 0.75 m between plants and four seeds per blow (53,333 plants ha-1) and (T4: 1 m between plants and five seeds per blow (50,000 plants ha-1) The variables were: height of plant without male flower (APSFM, cm), of ear (AM, cm), dry biomass of plant, bracts and rachis (ton ha-1), number of bracts, rows per ear , grain per row and grain per ear, and grain yield (GY, ton ha-1). Results: It was shown that the morphological response of the plants, ears and GY was influenced by the planting densities. The treatment of 80,000 plants ha-1 expressed a GY of 4.75 ton ha-1 higher than the regional average of 1.94 t ha-1 in traditional systems in Tabasco. Limitations on study/implications: The native maize architecture allows the use of high densities to increase productivity. Findings/conclusions: It was shown that despite obtaining a lower number of grains per ear in the treatments with greater planting distances, this is compensated by the higher number of plants per row by obtaining higher grain yields. Keywords: ear, bracts, rachis, grain yield, rows.Objective: To evaluate the response of sowing densities on agronomic parameters in the native mejen corn. Design/Methodology/Approach: A randomized complete block design with four repetitions was used for the treatments: T1 (0.25 m between plants and two seeds per hole (80,000 plants ha-1)), T2 (0.50 m between plants and three seeds per hole (60,000 plants ha-1)), T3 (0.75 m between plants and four seeds per hole (53,333 plants ha-1)), and T4 (1 m between plants and five seeds per hole (50,000 plants ha-1)). The following variables were determined: plant height without male flower (PHWMF, cm), ear size (ES, cm), plant, bracts, and rachis dry biomass (t ha-1); number of bracts, rows per ear, grain per row, grains per ear, and grain yield (GY, t ha-1). Results: Sowing densities influence the morphological response of plants, ears, and GY. The treatment with 80,000 plants ha-1 recorded a GY of 4.75 t ha-1 in traditional systems in Tabasco —greater than the regional average of 1.94 t ha-1. Study Limitations/Implications: The architecture of native corn allows an increase in productivity, as a result of the use of high densities. Findings/Conclusions: Although treatments with greater sowing distances obtained a lower number of grains per ear, this phenomenon is compensated by the greater number of plants per row that leads to higher grain yields

    Propuesta Para Identificar, Diseñar Y Optimizar El Valor Agregado De La Red De Valor Presente, En El Entorno Del Santuario Del Divino Niño Jesús Perteneciente A La Obra Salesiana Del 20 De Julio

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    Dentro del ejercicio de realización del presente trabajo de investigación, se llevó a cabo la formulación de una propuesta para la identificación, diseño y optimización del valor agregado percibido en la red de valor presente en el entorno del Santuario del Divino Niño Jesús, el cual pertenece a la Obra Salesiana del barrio del 20 de Julio, sitio que es reconocido a nivel nacional e internacional por su alta afluencia de personas generada por el turismo religioso, denotando un volumen considerable de transacciones comerciales. A través de la aplicación de conceptos relacionados con redes logísticas, se formula la optimización de las interrelaciones de los participantes de este relevante entorno comercial, propendiendo por un reorden gracias a la inmersión de conceptos como redes inteligentes, ciudades inteligentes, industria 4.0, indicadores de medición y desempeño logístico, con el fin de dinamizar y contribuir a resolver la problemática y actuales restricciones en las redes de valor presentes, de tal manera que se potencian aspectos relacionados con el alineamiento cultural, el liderazgo, las actividades comerciales para el logro de la competitividad en las redes de valor estudiadas, determinando a su vez cómo se optimizan fenómenos presentados como la informalidad y el uso indebido y no controlado de espacios públicosWithin the exercise of carrying out this research work, the formulation of a proposal was carried out for the identification, design and optimization of the added value perceived in the four value networks present in the surroundings of the Divine Child Jesus, which belongs to the Salesian work of July 20, a site that is recognized locally, nationally and internationally for its high influx of people, religious tourism, considerable volume of commercial transactions. Through the application of concepts related to logistics networks, the optimization of the interrelationships of the participants of this relevant commercial environment is formulated, tending towards a reorder thanks to the immersion of concepts such as Smart Networks, Smart Cities, 4.0 Industry, indicators of measurement and logistics performance, in order to stimulate and improve current problems and restrictions in the present value networks, in such a way that aspects related to cultural alignment, leadership, commercial activities are promoted to achieve competitiveness in the value networks studied, determining in turn how phenomena presented such as informality and the improper and uncontrolled use of public spaces are optimized