213 research outputs found

    A university virtual museum for the recovery of Historical Memory

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    [EN] The university’s cultural heritage is characterized by its dispersion, variety of typologies, difficulties for its conservation or a shortage of economic resources for his dissemination. The use of new technologies gives an opportunity to make accessible this type of cultural heritage accessible to citizenship. The UC does not have a university museum to preserve, research, and disseminate its heritage, but instead, it does have university museographic collections with different well-organized sections. The print section, with more than three thousand drawings and engravings, cannot be permanently exposed. The new technologies allow to the knowledge of this pieces through the use of virtual exhibitions. Since 2008, the University of Cantabria has developed various projects through the internet, combining research, dissemination and accessibility. Its starting point was the creation of the Virtual Print Cabinet that collected and digitized the entity’s graphic art collection. Already in 2015, after the denomination of Museographic Collection, the web page project "UC University Cultural Heritage" has been developed, where the different types of heritage are collected, as well as 360º virtual tours of some buildings and areas of the campus. Since the beginning of 2020, and accelerated due to the evolution of Covid 19, the Exhibitions Area for the Vice-Chancellor’s Culture of the university has designed a virtual museum of one of the collections of its graphic work section, which otherwise could not be exhibited permanently. This is the Paul Quintanilla Art Legacy, deposited at the UC by the Bruno Alonso Foundation, which includes more than 80 works that the Cantabrian creator Luis Quintanilla Isasi (1893-1978) produced from the 1930s to the middle of the 20th century. His figure as a plastic artist and his political commitment before and after the Spanish civil war are to be recovered in the virtual museum "Luis Quintanilla, Art and Memory". The project combine the new technologies and the rehabilitation of Historical or Democratic Memory through art, combining the interaction of the spectator with a museographic discourse that relates pieces that the artist made from the UC Collection and others conserved in the United States or in the MNCARS.[ES] El patrimonio cultural universitario se caracteriza por su dispersión, variedad tipológica, dificultades de conservación o la falta de recursos económicos para su difusión. Las nuevas tecnologías resultan esenciales para difundir y hacer accesible a todos los públicos este tipo de patrimonio cultural. La UC no dispone de un museo universitario que conserve, investigue y difunda su patrimonio, sino que dispone de colecciones museográficas universitarias con diferentes secciones bien organizadas. La sección de obra gráfica, con más de tres mil grabados y dibujos tiene una complicada conservación y no puede estar permanentemente expuesta. Las nuevas tecnologías permiten conocer estas piezas mediante el uso de visitas o exposiciones virtuales. La Universidad de Cantabria ha desarrollado diversos proyectos de difusión a través de internet desde el 2008, conjugando investigación, difusión y accesibilidad. Su punto de partida fue la creación del Gabinete de Estampas Virtual que recogió y digitalizó el conjunto de arte gráfico de la entidad. Ya en 2015, tras la denominación de Colección Museográfica se ha desarrollado el proyecto de página web “Patrimonio Cultural Universitario UC”, en donde se recogen las distintas tipologías patrimoniales, así como, paseos virtuales 360º por algunos edificios y zonas del campus. Desde principios de 2020 y, acelerado por la evolución de la pandemia COVID 19, el Área de Exposiciones del Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Participación de la institución, ha diseñado un museo virtual de uno de los Fondos de su sección de obra gráfica, que de otra forma no podrían ser expuestos de forma permanente. Se trata del legado Paul Quintanilla, depositado por la Fundación Bruno Alonso y que recoge más de 80 obras que el creador cántabro Luis Quintanilla Isasi (1893-1978) realizó desde los años treinta hasta mediados del siglo XX. Su figura como artista plástico y su compromiso político antes y después de la guerra civil española pretenden ser recuperados en el museo virtual “Luis Quintanilla, Arte y Memoria”. El proyecto conjuga nuevas tecnologías y la rehabilitación de la Memoria Histórica o Democrática a través del arte conjugando la interactuación del espectador con un discurso museográfico que pone en relación piezas que el artista realizó de la Colección UC y otras conservadas en Estados Unidos o en el MNCARS.García Gutiérrez, N.; Ruiz López, O. (2022). Un museo virtual universitario para la recuperación de Memoria Histórica. En CIMED21 - I Congreso internacional de museos y estrategias digitales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 517-534. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIMED21.2021.12293OCS51753

    Introduciendo una historia interactiva en una experiencia geolocalizada

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    Pervasive games are one of the types of gaming experiences that currently causes the most impact on players. They break the usual environment of the game in a spatial, temporal or social dimension. This paper has the objective of integrate the narrative with the interactivity and the geolocalization of these games. This integration requires a model that represents and structures the story and its joining between the rest of the elements of the game. In addition, this model should allow us to analyze the effectiveness of the story and how it helps to create a good user experience. In this paper, we propose a strong structuring of the narrative that includes geolocalization support. Through an example of the design of an interactive geolocalized story, we explain several characteristics of the model that make possible the creation of a good interactive narrative.Actualmente, los juegos pervasivos son uno de los tipos de experiencia de juego que causan el mayor impacto en los jugadores, pues rompen el entorno usual del juego en su dimensión espacial, temporal o social. Este documento tiene el objetivo de proponer, en esos juegos, una integración de la narrativa con la interactividad y la geolocalización. Esta integración requiere un modelo que represente y estructure la historia y su fusión con el resto de elementos del juego. Además, ese modelo debe permitir analizar la efectividad de la historia y cómo ésta ayuda a crear una buena experiencia de usuario. En este trabajo, proponemos una fuerte estructuración de la narrativa que incluye soporte a la geolocalización. A través de un ejemplo de diseño de una historia interactiva geolocalizada, se explican las diferentes características del modelo que hacen posible la creación de buena narrativa interactiva

    Introducing an interactive story in a geolocalized experience

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    Actualmente, los juegos pervasivos son uno de los tipos de experiencia de juego que causan el mayor impacto en los jugadores, pues rompen el entorno usual del juego en su dimensión espacial, temporal o social. Este documento tiene el objetivo de proponer, en esos juegos, una integración de la narrativa con la interactividad y la geolocalización. Esta integración requiere un modelo que represente y estructure la historia y su fusión con el resto de elementos del juego. Además, ese modelo debe permitir analizar la efectividad de la historia y cómo ésta ayuda a crear una buena experiencia de usuario. En este trabajo, proponemos una fuerte estructuración de la narrativa que incluye soporte a la geolocalización. A través de un ejemplo de diseño de una historia interactiva geolocalizada, se explican las diferentes características del modelo que hacen posible la creación de buena narrativa interactiva.Pervasive games are one of the types of gaming experiences that currently causes the most impact on players. They break the usual environment of the game in a spatial, temporal or social dimension. This paper has the objective of integrate the narrative with the interactivity and the geolocalization of these games. This integration requires a model that represents and structures the story and its joining between the rest of the elements of the game. In addition, this model should allow us to analyze the effectiveness of the story and how it helps to create a good user experience. In this paper, we propose a strong structuring of the narrative that includes geolocalization support. Through an example of the design of an interactive geolocalized story, we explain several characteristics of the model that make possible the creation of a good interactive narrative

    Gas-phase electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to chemicals on sputtered Cu and Cu–C catalysts electrodes

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    A novel gas-phase electrocatalytic cell containing a low-temperature proton exchange membrane (PEM) was developed to electrochemically convert CO2 into organic compounds. Two different Cu-based cathode catalysts (Cu and Cu–C) were prepared by physical vapor deposition method (sputtering) and subsequently employed for the gas-phase electroreduction of CO2 at different temperatures (70–90 °C). The prepared electrodes Cu and Cu–C were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As revealed, Cu is partially oxidized on the surface of the samples and the Cu and Cu–C cathodic catalysts were comprised of a porous, continuous, and homogeneous film with nanocrystalline Cu with a grain size of 16 and 8 nm, respectively. The influence of the applied current and temperature on the electro-catalytic activity and selectivity of these materials was investigated. Among the two investigated electrodes, the pure Cu catalyst film showed the highest CO2 specific electrocatalytic reduction rates and higher selectivity to methanol formation compared to the Cu–C electrode, which was attributed to the higher particle size of the former and lower CuO/Cu ratio. The obtained results show potential interest for the possible use of electrical renewable energy for the transformation of CO2 into valuable products using low metal loading Cu based electrodes (0.5 mg Cu cm−2) prepared by sputteringSe desarrolló una nueva celda electrocatalítica en fase gaseosa que contiene una membrana de intercambio de protones (PEM) de baja temperatura para convertir electroquímicamente el CO 2 en compuestos orgánicos. Se prepararon dos catalizadores de cátodo basados ​​en Cu diferentes (Cu y Cu–C) mediante el método de deposición física de vapor (pulverización) y posteriormente se emplearon para la electrorreducción de CO 2 en fase gaseosa a diferentes temperaturas (70–90 °C). Los electrodos Cu y Cu–C preparados se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X (XRD), fotoemisión de rayos Xespectroscopía (XPS) y microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM). Como se reveló, el Cu está parcialmente oxidado en la superficie de las muestras y los catalizadores catódicos de Cu y Cu-C estaban compuestos por una película porosa, continua y homogénea con Cu nanocristalino con un tamaño de grano de 16 y 8 nm, respectivamente. Se investigó la influencia de la corriente y la temperatura aplicadas sobre la actividad electrocatalítica y la selectividad de estos materiales. Entre los dos electrodos investigados, la película de catalizador de Cu puro mostró la mayor cantidad de CO 2tasas específicas de reducción electrocatalítica y mayor selectividad para la formación de metanol en comparación con el electrodo de Cu-C, lo que se atribuyó al mayor tamaño de partícula del primero y a la menor relación CuO/Cu. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un potencial interés para el posible uso de energía eléctrica renovable para la transformación de CO 2 en productos valiosos utilizando electrodos basados ​​en Cu de baja carga de metal (0,5 mg Cu cm −2 ) preparados por pulverización catódica

    A propósito de un caso: Doctor ya sabe; esto es un juego.

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    El caso que vamos a tratar en esta sección, creemos que puede ser muy interesante, pues se trata de un paciente de 32 años que presentando una personalidad previa muy peculiar, ha desarrollado al menos en el tiempo de sus dos ingresos una psicopatología y una alteración de conducta bastante llamativas, esto junto con la biografía del paciente y su forma de relacionarse con todos nosotros hace que el cuadro que presentamos y eso es nuestra principal intención despierte en los lectores la misma curiosidad que despertó en nosotros, profesionales que trabajamos en el Servicio de Psiquiatría del Hospital Provincial de Toledo. Realmente se trata de dos posibles diagnósticos muy distintos en el mismo paciente, el primero que impresiona de trastorno disociativo versus simulación y el segundo encaja más en un cuadro psicótico a filiar. (1

    Diversity of Multi-Drug Resistant Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) Causing Outbreaks of Colibacillosis in Broilers during 2012 in Spain

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    Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) are the major cause of colibacillosis in poultry production. In this study, a total of 22 E. coli isolated from colibacillosis field cases and 10 avian faecal E. coli (AFEC) were analysed. All strains were characterised phenotypically by susceptibility testing and molecular typing methods such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multi-locus sequence typing (MLST). The presence of 29 virulence genes associated to APEC and human extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) was also evaluated. For cephalosporin resistant isolates, cephalosporin resistance genes, plasmid location and replicon typing was assessed. Avian isolates belonged to 26 O:H serotypes and 24 sequence types. Out of 22 APEC isolates, 91% contained the virulence genes predictors of APEC; iutA, hlyF, iss, iroN and ompT. Of all strains, 34% were considered ExPEC. PFGE analysis demonstrated a high degree of genetic polymorphism. All strains were multi-resistant, including those isolated from healthy animals. Eleven strains were resistant to cephalosporins; six contained blaCTX-M-14, two blaSHV-12, two blaCMY-2 and one blaSHV-2. Two strains harboured qnrA, and two qnrA together with aac(6’)-Ib-cr. Additionally, the emergent clone O25b:H4-B2-ST131 was isolated from a healthy animal which harboured blaCMY-2 and qnrS genes. Cephalosporin resistant genes were mainly associated to the presence of IncK replicons. This study demonstrates a very diverse population of multi-drug resistant E. coli containing a high number of virulent genes. The E. coli population among broilers is a reservoir of resistance and virulence-associated genes that could be transmitted into the community through the food chain. More epidemiological studies are necessary to identify clonal groups and resistance mechanisms with potential relevance to public health.This work was partially supported by the grants AGL2011- 28836 and AGL2013-47852-R from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) and grants CN2012/303 and EM2014/001 (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia and the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF). Work from LMG is supported by the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) and the European Social FundS

    Neural-Competent Cells of Adult Human Dermis Belong to the Schwann Lineage

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    SummaryResident neural precursor cells (NPCs) have been reported for a number of adult tissues. Understanding their physiological function or, alternatively, their activation after tissue damage or in vitro manipulation remains an unsolved issue. Here, we investigated the source of human dermal NPCs in adult tissue. By following an unbiased, comprehensive approach employing cell-surface marker screening, cell separation, transcriptomic characterization, and in vivo fate analyses, we found that p75NTR+ precursors of human foreskin can be ascribed to the Schwann (CD56+) and perivascular (CD56−) cell lineages. Moreover, neural differentiation potential was restricted to the p75NTR+CD56+ Schwann cells and mediated by SOX2 expression levels. Double-positive NPCs were similarly obtained from human cardiospheres, indicating that this phenomenon might be widespread

    Humoral and cellular immunity to SARS-COV-2 after vaccination with mRNA vaccines in PLWH with discordant immune response. Influence of the vaccine administered

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    Background: Data on SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine immunogenicity in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLWH) and discordant immune response (DIR) are currently limited. Therefore, we compare the immunogenicity of these vaccines in DIR and immunological responders (IR). Methods: A prospective cohort that enrolled 89 participants. Finally, 22 IR and 24 DIR were analyzed before vaccination (T), one (T) and six months (T) after receiving BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccine. Additionally, 10 IR and 16 DIR were evaluated after a third dose (T). Anti-S-RBD IgG, neutralizing antibodies (nAb), neutralization activity, and specific memory B cells were quantified. Furthermore, specific CD4 and CD8 responses were determined by intracellular cytokine staining and polyfunctionality indexes (Pindex). Results: At T, all participants developed anti-S-RBD. 100% IR developed nAb compared to 83.3% DIR. Spike-specific B cells were detected in all IR and 21/24 DIR. Memory CD4 T cells responded in 5/9 IR and 7/9 DIR, mainly based on the expression of IFN-γ and TNF-α, with a higher Pindex in DIR. Memory CD8 T cells responded in only four participants in each group. At T, anti-S-RBD and nAb titers were higher in DIR than in IR. In both groups, there was an increase in specific B memory cells, higher in DIR. Six IR and five DIR maintained a specific memory CD4 response. Memory CD8 response was preserved in IR but was lost in DIR. In a multivariate linear regression analysis, receiving mRNA-1273 instead of BNT162b2 played a prominent role in the results. Conclusions: Our data suggest that PLWH with DIR can mount an immune response similar to those with higher CD4, provided they receive the mRNA-1273 vaccine instead of others less immunogenic.In collaboration with the Gilead Biomedical Research Grants Program GLD21_00096. In addition, this work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund “a way to make Europe” through the Program Miguel Servet to AG-V (CP19/00159), PFIS contract to AS-A (FI21/ 00165) and EM-M (FI19/00304) and programa Rio Hortega to MM-T (CM21/00115). Consejerı́a de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades, Junta de Andalucı́a, grant P20_00906

    Formation of Self-Organized Mn3O4 Nanoinclusions in LaMnO3 Films

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    We present a single-step route to generate ordered nanocomposite thin films of secondary phase inclusions (Mn3O4) in a pristine perovskite matrix (LaMnO3) by taking advantage of the complex phase diagram of manganese oxides. We observed that in samples grown under vacuum growth conditions from a single LaMnO3 stoichiometric target by Pulsed Laser Deposition, the most favorable mechanism to accommodate Mn2+ cations is the spontaneous segregation of self-assembled wedge-like Mn3O4 ferrimagnetic inclusions inside a LaMnO3 matrix that still preserves its orthorhombic structure and its antiferromagnetic bulk-like behavior. A detailed analysis on the formation of the self-assembled nanocomposite films evidences that Mn3O4 inclusions exhibit an epitaxial relationship with the surrounding matrix that it may be explained in terms of a distorted cubic spinel with slight (~9°) c-axis tilting. Furthermore, a Ruddlesden-Popper La2MnO4 phase, helping to the stoichiometry balance, has been identified close to the interface with the substrate. We show that ferrimagnetic Mn3O4 columns influence the magnetic and transport properties of the nanocomposite by increasing its coercive field and by creating local areas with enhanced conductivity in the vicinity of the inclusions