5,749 research outputs found

    Discurso de odio e ilegalización de partido político

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2016/201

    Análisis de la relación entre la estrategia de diversificación y el desempeño de la empresa: el rol del ciclo económico

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    [EN] The relationship between corporate strategies and firm performance has been one of the key debates in the discipline of Strategic Management. There are studies that analyse the moderating role that certain variables may play in that relationship. These variables tend to refer to aspects within the firm or, at the very least, within the competitive environment in which a firm operates. Nevertheless, the empirical evidence on the part the general environment plays from an economic perspective is much less common, and focuses on large corporations and on periods of economic growth. Accordingly, using a panel of 1,828 Spanish manufacturing firms of different sizes, an analysis is conducted of the differences in Return On Assets (ROA), Growth in Sales (GS) and Labor Productivity (LP) between specialised firms, those with related diversification, and those with unrelated diversification, between 2002 and 2011, in which there was a period of growth alternated with another one of economic recession. Although some superiority is noted of related diversification and specialisation over unrelated diversification, the differences between strategies are less significant in periods of economic recession, and vary according to the dimension of performance considered. These results reveal the need to consider the economic cycle as a contingent factor that affects the impact corporate strategies have on firm performance.[ES] La relación entre las estrategias corporativas y el desempeño empresarial ha sido uno de los debates centrales en la disciplina de la dirección estratégica. Diversos estudios analizan el rol moderador que juegan diversas variables en esta relación. Dichas variables tienden a referirse a aspectos internos de la empresa o, si acaso, a aspectos del entorno competitivo en el que la empresa opera. Sin embargo, es más escasa la evidencia empírica sobre el rol que desempeña el entorno general y suele enfocarse en grandes empresas y en períodos de crecimiento económico. En consecuencia, utilizando un panel de 1.828 empresas manufactureras españolas de diferentes tamaños, se realiza un análisis de las diferencias de rentabilidad sobre activos, crecimiento de ventas y productividad laboral entre empresas especializadas, con diversificación relacionada y con diversificación no relacionada, entre los años 2002 y 2011, en los cuales hubo un período de crecimiento alternado con otro de recesión económica. Aunque se destaca cierta superioridad de la diversificación relacionada y la especialización sobre la diversificación no relacionada, las diferencias entre estrategias son menos significativas en los períodos de recesión económica y varían de acuerdo a la dimensión de desempeño considerada. Estos resultados revelan la necesidad de considerar el ciclo económico como un factor contingente que afecta el impacto que las estrategias corporativas tienen sobre el desempeño de la empresa.This paper has been supported by Project ECO2015-67434-R of Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain) and for the Excellent Research Group “Strategor” of URJC-Bank of Santander

    Differential interferometry for multi-frequency ground-based SAR systems

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    Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radars (GB-SAR) are a type of Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) with a higher flexibility and lower cost than their satellite counterparts. The effectiveness of GB-SAR terrain displacement monitoring has already been proven with bare soils. There is interest in studying their effectiveness in areas covered by vegetation. The Multi-Frequency GB-SAR system developed by Balamis is able to operate in bands X, C, L and P. A measurement campaign took place in the "Castell de Subirats" to study an area covered by vegetation. Two Trihedral Corner Reflectors (TCR) were placed in the area, one of them surrounded by vegetation. Can we consider the reflectors stable? A big Rock is present in the area but is covered by vegetation. Can it be used as natural reflector for low bands? Is it possible to monitor displacements in the reflectors in all bands? In X-band the reflectors are not stable because of the surrounding vegetation. In C-band the TCRs are stable. In L-band one of the TCR and the Rock are stable. In P-band only the Rock is stable. The Rock can be used as a reflector and a calibrator for bands L and P as those frequencies can penetrate vegetation. It is possible to monitor the displacements, except in band X because of the phase shifts caused by the vegetation.Los Radares de Apertura Sintética Terrestres (GB-SAR en inglés) son un tipo de Radares de Apertura Sintética (SAR) con una mayor flexibilidad y un coste más bajo que sus homólogos de satélite. La eficacia de la monitorización de desplazamientos del terreno con sistemas GB-SAR ya se ha demostrado con suelos desnudos. Hay interés por estudiar su efectividad en zonas cubiertas de vegetación. El sistema Multi-Frecuencia GB-SAR desarrollado por Balamis es capaz de operar en las bandas X, C, L y P. Se realizó una campaña de medida en el "Castillo de Subirats" para estudiar una zona cubierta de vegetación. Se colocaron en la zona dos Reflectores de Esquinas Triédricas (TCR), uno de ellos rodeado de vegetación. Podemos considerar los reflectores estables? Hay una gran Piedra presente en la zona pero está cubierta de vegetación. Se puede utilizar como reflector natural para bandas bajas? Es posible medir los desplazamientos en los reflectores en todas las bandas? En banda X, los reflectores no son estables debido a la vegetación circundante. En banda C, los TCR son estables. En banda L, uno de los TCR y la Piedra son estables. En banda P, sólo la Piedra es estable. La Piedra se puede utilizar como reflector y calibrador para las bandas L y P, ya que estas frecuencias pueden penetrar en la vegetación. Es posible medir los desplazamientos, excepto en banda X debido a las inestabilidades de fase provocadas por la vegetación.Els Radars d'Obertura Sintètica Terrestres (GB-SAR en anglès) són un tipus de Radars d'Obertura Sintètica (SAR) amb una major flexibilitat i un cost més baix que els seus homòlegs de satèl·lit. L'eficàcia de la monitorització de desplaçaments del terreny amb sistemes GB-SAR ja s'ha demostrat amb sòls nus. Hi ha interès per estudiar la seva efectivitat en zones cobertes de vegetació. El sistema Multi-Freqüència GB-SAR desenvolupat per Balamis és capaç d'operar a les bandes X, C, L i P. Es va realitzar una campanya de mesura al "Castell de Subirats" per estudiar una zona coberta de vegetació. Es van col·locar a la zona dos Reflectors de Cantonades Trièdriques (TCR), un d'ells envoltat de vegetació. Podem considerar els reflectors estables? Hi ha una gran Pedra present a la zona però està coberta de vegetació. Es pot utilitzar com a reflector natural per a bandes baixes? És possible mesurar els desplaçaments als reflectors a totes les bandes? A banda X, els reflectors no són estables a causa de la vegetació circumdant. A banda C, els TCR són estables. A banda L, un dels TCR i la Pedra són estables. A banda P, només la Pedra és estable. La Pedra es pot utilitzar com a reflector i calibrador per a les bandes L i P, ja que aquestes freqüències poden penetrar la vegetació. És possible mesurar els desplaçaments, excepte a la banda X a causa de les inestabilitats de fase provocades per la vegetació

    Induced pluripotent stem cells as a new approach in therapy for stroke

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    Stroke is the main cause of disability in Europe and second cause of death. Cell therapy have appeared as new approach in pre-clinical and clinical phases of experimentation. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are stem cells similar to embryonic stem cells but they can be obtained from somatic cells. We administrated iPSCs in an ischemic stroke model by systemic via and in a haemorrhagic stroke model by systemic and intracerebral via. Despite we did not find out any changes in lesion volume, we did observe improvements in functional tests in animals with systemic administration. Also iPSCs-treated animals showed increased neurogenesis in different ways. No tumour formation was detected. Cell tracking study revealed that most of cells travelled to liver and to a lesser extent to spleen and lungs

    Role of chemotaxis, cyclic-di-GMP and type 1 fimbriae in Escherichia coli surface attachment

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    Bacteria are commonly found in their natural environments not as single cells, but as part of communities called biofilms. For biofilm formation, bacteria typically have to attach to a surface. This attachment is also important for the establishment of infections. In order to interact with the surfaces, bacteria have a series of appendages usually known as adhesins. Biofilm formation, as well as attachment, have been extensively studied. However, the role of each adhesins in attachment to different surfaces and the signaling involved in surface sensing is not fully understood. This work aims to further understand the roles of motility and the main adhesins present in E. coli in attachment to both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces under static conditions and under flow. Furthermore, the influence of chemotaxis and the second messenger bis-(3′-5′)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) in the bacterial initial attachment was also studied. In this work, motility mediated by the flagella was shown to be essential for cells to reach the surface and non-motile bacteria showed an impaired surface attachment and colonization. However, though flagella have been reported to play a role on attachment beyond motility, their relevance in attachment was strongly dependent on the experimental setup and phase of attachment. Thus, they were shown to be important as secondary adhesins for attachment to mannosylated surfaces and for attachment under flow. However, flagella did not improve the attachment to abiotic surfaces and, under certain conditions, the presence of a non-rotating flagella did impair attachment instead of favoring it. Motility in E. coli is controlled by the chemotaxis machinery and the second messenger c-di-GMP. The role of chemotaxis was studied by using chemotaxis deficient strains and chemoattractant stimulation and was shown to improve attachment by reducing the tumbling and increasing smooth swimming near the surface. In the case of c-di-GMP, mutants of diguanylate cyclases and phosphodiesterases that are responsible for the c-di-GMP pool in the cell, as well as strains lacking the flagellar brake YcgR, were used. Though c-di-GMP is normally considered a biofilm promoting signal, the results presented in this work show that lower levels of this second messenger improve bacterial surface attachment and colonization by increasing bacterial swimming speed. Furthermore, type 1 fimbriae were found to mediate the increased attachment of these fast swimming bacteria. Both the effect of chemotaxis and c-di-GMP were observed on abiotic and mannosylated, biomimetic surfaces. In the last part of these work, type 1 fimbriae were also observed to be crucial for long term surface attachment and growth on the surface. The need for fimbriae at later time points of attachment is abolished in the absence of protein synthesis and cell division. Though differences in flagella expression were hypothesized to be responsible for these fimbrial requirement, flagella were shown to not be able to compensate for the lack of fimbriae. However, fimbriae were not essential for growth on the surface in the absence of motility. Non-motile flagellated cells were shown to be capable of attachment and growth at the surface. Although whole proteome analysis revealed an increased in fimbrial proteins upon attachment of motile cells, indicating a possible downstream effect of flagella surface sensing, it failed to explain the difference between attachment phenotype of wild-type and motility deficient but flagellated cells. Therefore, possible explanations of how lack of motility could bypass the need for fimbriae in long term attachment were proposed

    Espacio público integrador en la vivienda de interés social

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    Trabajo de gradoEspacio público integrador busca generar una propuesta volumétrica que se desarrolla a partir de plataformas públicas amarradas al contexto urbano, de este se despliegan 3 franjas de desarrollo comercial, oficinas y residencial en la parte posterior de la propuesta se ubica un volumen de vivienda, todo esto inmerso en una propuesta de espacio público general. El espacio público es el catalizador para activar las zonas patrimoniales inseguras ya que se activa por medio de estrategias comerciales y de zonas públicas de permanencia.PregradoArquitect

    Estructura informativa y derecho a comunicar

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    In recent years the notion of a new right has become widespread: the right to communicate. The conceptual framework of tbis new right is based upon a particular distinction ---one among many- of the notions of information and of communication. We may speak of information when messages flow in only one direction, without answer or reciprocity. Communication, on the other hand, presupposes interactiong and exchange on an equal ground. Starting from this distinction one sector of the experts in the communications field indicate that we can not speak of communication -but rather only of information- when we refer to modern means of diffusion. The fact that nowadays we speak of «a new world order of information and 01 communication» and not of «an international order of information» reveals to what extent this interpretation has become widespread. The new right to communication is presented as yet another step within a process whose stages were freedom of speech, opinion, of the press, of information and, more recently, the right to information, which now would become encompassed within the new right. We are not dealing with an attempt to do away with rights already achieved, but rather to situate them which emphasizes -for aIl- the active role of the right to informo The first allusion to this right was made by n'ARcY in 1969. From that point on, a number of work groups have been set up -the most renown being the group operating out of the University of Hawaiito develop this concepto International organizations such as the International Broadcast Institute, UNESCO and the Asian Mass Communication and Information Centre have dealt with it also. The Report of the International Commission for the Study of the Problems of Communications in the World (McBride Commission) contains numerous aIlusions to this right, even though it recognizes .that the present formulation is yet imperfecto The author of this paper considers that the most adequate treatment of the eventual basic human right to communicate is the one carried out by Desmond FIS H ER, with whom he is in agreement and shares bis criterion that we are dealing with a right that belongs to each individual first and then, as a derivation, to groups or collectivities at any leve!. FISHER'S schéma, which puts forth a hierarchical framework between the basic right, derived liberties and particular rights with respect to the exercise of human communication, is adequately articulated and sheds light upon legitimate limitations which could become established, motivated by the protection of the rights of others. In his final observations, the author sta tes that in spite of the distinction between information and communication, which in a certain sense may be considered arbitrary, the new concept could be of great utility, insofar as it signifies an attempt to avercome pure Liberalism, at the same time that, when considered as a fundamental human right, it constitutes a decisive rejection of the systems that have adopted the Soviet model or any other dictatorial varia ton of that model

    African-American vernacular english: A descriptive Analysis of the Comedy of Steve Harvey

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    Stand-up comedy is one of the most representative forms of entertainment in the U.S. It plays a big role in the construction of identity of the various communities. It is the place where comedians can openly discuss about sensitive topics related to culture, such as racism, politics and religion. For minority groups such as African-Americans, it is a suitable environment to be honest and straightforward about social injustices. Humor is the channel through which comedians have been able to address these injustices and thus break the barrier of discomfort. African-Americans expose these topics using their language to affirm their identities, to promote pride for their community and to differentiate themselves from mainstream society. Based on this, the present study aims to describe and analyze the grammatical features as well as the rhetorical strategies that comedians such as Steve Harvey employ to build social identity. La comedia en vivo es una de las formas más representativas de entretenimiento en los Estados Unidos. Esta juega un papel importante en la construcción de la identidad de varias comunidades de dicha sociedad. Los comediantes pueden explayarse en este ambiente, al hablar sobre temas sensibles pertinentes a la cultura, tales como el racismo, la política y la religión. Para los grupos minoritarios como es el caso de los afroamericanos, este tipo de comedia resulta ser el ambiente propicio para hablar honesta y directamente acerca de las injusticias sociales. El humor es la herramienta con la que se ha podido traer a colación tales injusticias sin necesidad de sentirse incómodo. Los hablantes afroamericanos disponen de su lengua para hablar al respecto, y así lograr respaldar sus identidades, fomentar el orgullo en sus comunidades, y diferenciarse de la sociedad dominante. Dicho esto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo describir y analizar las características gramaticales así como las estrategias retóricas que los comediantes como Steve Harvey emplean en la construcción de la identidad social


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    [EN] The work attempts to reveal the complex process of architectural synthesis of the Carmen de la Fundación Rodríguez-Acosta. Working with the base of unpublished documents obtained in various archives, we aim to show how the events surrounding its origin really occurred, in a process which we may call graphic inquiry. When we approach the architecture of the Carmen Blanco, mainly through the analysis of drawings plotted by different architects who participated in its process of projection, we can most definitely say that the work was born principally from the hands of two architects: Modesto Cendoya Busquet and José Felipe Giménez Lacal.[ES] El trabajo pretende poner de manifiesto el complejo proceso de conformación arquitectónica del Carmen de la Fundación Rodríguez- Acosta, esclareciendo sobre la base de la documentación inédita recabada en diferentes archivos, cómo se sucedieron realmente los acontecimientos que rodearon a su génesis, en un proceso que podemos calificar de indagación gráfica. Efectuando un acercamiento a la arquitectura del Carmen Blanco, principalmente a través del análisis de los dibujos trazados por los diferentes arquitectos que intervinieron en su proceso de proyectación, se determina que nos encontramos, en definitiva, ante una obra nacida esencialmente de las manos de dos arquitectos: Modesto Cendoya Busquet y José Felipe Giménez Lacal.Rivas López, EJ. (2011). EL CARMEN DE LA FUNDACIÓN RODRÍGUEZ-ACOSTA. UNA INDAGACIÓN GRÁFICA. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 16(18):296-307. doi:10.4995/ega.2011.1115SWORD296307161

    Comparing teacher and student perspectives regarding the use of L1 in EFL chilean high school classrooms

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)In the Chilean context, English teachers are commanded to perform one hundred percent English classes, but unfortunately, this is not accomplished in every context; hence, this study decided to explore and compare teachers’ and students’ perspectives regarding the use of L1 in the EFL Chilean high school classroom. A quantitative instrument was applied to a total population of 510 being both teachers and students from different districts of Santiago. The results obtained in this study portrayed that both teachers and students agreed on the L1 usage under different situations, these ranging from grammar explanation lessons to managing discipline