4 research outputs found
High prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus in Southern Germany: Target populations for efficient screening. The KORA survey 2000
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Oriented Electric Fields Accelerate DielsâAlder Reactions and Control the endo
- Author
- Alemani
- Allemann
- Apeloig
- Ashkenasy
- Barone
- Becke
- Becke
- Becke
- Becke
- Berson
- Blake
- Blake
- Breslauer
- Breslow
- Cancès
- Chandrasekhar
- Cho
- Choi
- Cossi
- Cossi
- de Biase
- Diels
- Diels
- Domingo
- Ess
- GarcÃa
- Giuseppone
- Hanken
- Harada
- Hehre
- Hirao
- Hoffner
- Huisgen
- Huisgen
- Huisgen
- Jung
- Kagan
- Karafiloglou
- Kelley
- Kelly
- Kolb
- Krishnan
- Künzler
- Lee
- Lücking
- MartÃ
- Masunov
- Meijer
- Mennucci
- Murgida
- Myers
- Narayan
- Nicolaou
- Noodleman
- Norton
- Ogawa
- Otto
- Palmer
- Pascual-ahuir
- Perdew
- Perdew
- Polo
- Rodgman
- Rogers
- Sauer
- Schreiner
- Seki
- Senn
- Shaik
- Shaik
- Shaik
- Sletten
- Stocking
- Sustmann
- Sustmann
- Treynor
- van der Wel
- Virányi
- Wijnen
- Wittkopp
- Wittkopp
- Woodward
- Woodward
- Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Mouse vision as a gateway for understanding how experience shapes neural circuits
- Author
- Aaron W. McGee
- Adams
- Antonini
- Antonini
- Armbruster
- Bear
- Beaver
- Carulli
- Clayton-Smith
- de Villers-Sidani
- DeBruyn
- Di Cristo
- Dickendesher
- Drager
- Dräger
- Dölen
- Emerson
- Fagiolini
- Ferguson
- Fischer
- Frenkel
- Gibson
- Giffin
- Godement
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gu
- Hanover
- Harauzov
- Harwerth
- He
- Hofer
- Huang
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Hubel
- Iwai
- Kaneko
- Kiorpes
- Kiorpes
- Kishino
- Kuhlman
- LeBlanc
- Lendvai
- Lepard
- LeVay
- Levelt
- Levi
- Löwel
- Madisen
- Maffei
- Marshel
- Martin
- Matsuura
- Maurer
- Maya Vetencourt
- McCurry
- McGee
- McGee
- McKee
- Morales
- Morishita
- Morishita
- Mower
- Muller
- Nicholas J. Priebe
- Niell
- Pfeiffer
- Pham
- Pham
- Pizzorusso
- Pizzorusso
- Poo
- Prusky
- Rakic
- Ranson
- Ranson
- Rao
- Sale
- Sato
- Sawtell
- Scholl
- Scholl
- Shepherd
- Silva
- Simons
- Southwell
- Stephany
- Tagawa
- Taha
- Taha
- Taha
- Van Sluyters
- Wallace
- Wallman
- Webber
- Wiesel
- Yang
- Yashiro
- Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Frontiers Media SA'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Neuroimaging of amblyopia and binocular vision: a review
- Author
- Adams
- Al-Haddad
- Algaze
- Anzai
- Arden
- Attebo
- Backus
- Baker
- Bankó
- Bankó
- Barnes
- Bhola
- Birch
- Birch
- Bonhomme
- Borra
- Bradley
- Cao
- Chandrasekaran
- Choi
- Clavagnier
- Cleland
- Cleland
- Conner
- Crewther
- Cumming
- Cumming
- De Valois
- DeAngelis
- Demer
- Ding
- Donnelly
- Duffy
- Durand
- Durand
- Edit Frankó
- El-Shamayleh
- Farivar
- Felleman
- Ferraina
- Fischl
- Fox
- Fries
- Gargantini
- Georgieva
- Giaschi
- Gnadt
- Goodyear
- Guillery
- Harrad
- Hegdé
- Hess
- Hess
- Hess
- Hess
- Hess
- Hess
- Hess
- Hess
- Hubel
- Janssen
- Joly
- Jurcoane
- Kabasakal
- Kiorpes
- Kiorpes
- Kiorpes
- Kolster
- Kubová
- Körtvélyes
- Lee
- Lerner
- Lerner
- Li
- Li
- Li
- Li
- Lin
- Liu
- Löwel
- Masson
- Maunsell
- McKee
- McKerral
- Melmoth
- Miki
- Minini
- Movshon
- Muckli
- Murata
- Naganuma
- Neri
- Niechwiej-Szwedo
- Niechwiej-Szwedo
- Olivier Joly
- Petrig
- Poggio
- Poggio
- Preston
- Repka
- Robaei
- Roelfsema
- Romano
- Sasaki
- Schröder
- Secen
- Sengpiel
- Sherman
- Simmers
- Simmers
- Simons
- Sloper
- Sloper
- Smith
- Sokol
- Spiegel
- Srivastava
- Swisher
- Taira
- Theys
- Thompson
- Thompson
- To
- Tsao
- Tsutsui
- Van Essen
- Van Essen
- Van Horn
- Waddingham
- Waddingham
- Walker
- Wang
- Watanabe
- Welchman
- Wiesel
- Wiesel
- Williams
- Yonas
- Zhai
- Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Frontiers Media SA'
- Publication date
- Field of study