23 research outputs found

    Domesticated Megafauna of Americas: Needs, Possibilities and Results

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    The article aims to determine why so few domestic animals originated in American domestication centres. The knowledge has been gathered from interdisciplinary sources taking into account recent archaeogenomic and spatial analysis research. The process of domestication is described, and different domestication centres are compared to the domestication needs and opportunities on the American continents. Human colonization of the American continent is considered. Important domestication centres on the North and South American continent are described. Dogs that colonized the American continents together with people and horses that arrived during the European colonization are also considered. The analysis of the American megafauna that lived on the continent during the first colonization of Homo sapiens showed that the big extinction occurred due to climate change and overhunting. Comparing the evolutionary process of domestication between Afro-Eurasia and America we found that there was no intentional domestication in areas peripheral to the original domestication centres in the Americas. Also, diversification of the domesticated animal purpose in the Americas is limited to dogs

    The contribution of epigenetic changes to the adaptability of agricultural crops to drought and a review of methods that determine them

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    Epigenetska regulacija ima ključnu ulogu u mehanizmima biljnog odgovora na okolišne uvjete, bez promjene DNA sekvence. Različiti stresovi djeluju kao poticaj i mijenjaju razinu genske ekspresije pomoću metilacije DNA, modifikacije histona, djelovanja mikro RNA, aktivnosti transpozona i represijskog polikomb-kompleksa. Proučavanjem epigenetskih promjena povećavamo razumijevanje prilagodbe biljaka na stresne uvjete i mehanizam na kojem se ona temelji. Kod različitih poljoprivrednih kultura utvrđene su epigenetičke promjene u genomu koje su omogućile adaptabilnost kultura na stres suše. S obzirom na štetne učinke globalnih klimatskih promjena, osobito suše, korištenje epigenetskih razlika za razvoj adaptabilnijih sorti usjeva od velike je važnosti u oplemenjivanju bilja.Epigenetic regulation plays a key role in the mechanisms of plant response to environmental conditions, without altering the DNA sequence. Different stresses stimulate a change in the gene expression through DNA methylation, histone modification, microRNA, transposon and repressive polycomb complex activity. We increase our understanding of plant adaptation to stressful conditions and the mechanism on which it is based by studying epigenetic changes. Epigenetic changes in the genome have been identified in different agricultural crops, which have enabled the adaptability of crops to drought stress. Given the detrimental effects of global climate change, particularly drought, the use of epigenetic differences to develop more adaptable crop varieties is of great importance in plant breeding

    The contribution of epigenetic changes to the adaptability of agricultural crops to drought and a review of methods that determine them

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    Epigenetska regulacija ima ključnu ulogu u mehanizmima biljnog odgovora na okolišne uvjete, bez promjene DNA sekvence. Različiti stresovi djeluju kao poticaj i mijenjaju razinu genske ekspresije pomoću metilacije DNA, modifikacije histona, djelovanja mikro RNA, aktivnosti transpozona i represijskog polikomb-kompleksa. Proučavanjem epigenetskih promjena povećavamo razumijevanje prilagodbe biljaka na stresne uvjete i mehanizam na kojem se ona temelji. Kod različitih poljoprivrednih kultura utvrđene su epigenetičke promjene u genomu koje su omogućile adaptabilnost kultura na stres suše. S obzirom na štetne učinke globalnih klimatskih promjena, osobito suše, korištenje epigenetskih razlika za razvoj adaptabilnijih sorti usjeva od velike je važnosti u oplemenjivanju bilja.Epigenetic regulation plays a key role in the mechanisms of plant response to environmental conditions, without altering the DNA sequence. Different stresses stimulate a change in the gene expression through DNA methylation, histone modification, microRNA, transposon and repressive polycomb complex activity. We increase our understanding of plant adaptation to stressful conditions and the mechanism on which it is based by studying epigenetic changes. Epigenetic changes in the genome have been identified in different agricultural crops, which have enabled the adaptability of crops to drought stress. Given the detrimental effects of global climate change, particularly drought, the use of epigenetic differences to develop more adaptable crop varieties is of great importance in plant breeding

    The contribution of epigenetic changes to the adaptability of agricultural crops to drought and a review of methods that determine them

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    Epigenetska regulacija ima ključnu ulogu u mehanizmima biljnog odgovora na okolišne uvjete, bez promjene DNA sekvence. Različiti stresovi djeluju kao poticaj i mijenjaju razinu genske ekspresije pomoću metilacije DNA, modifikacije histona, djelovanja mikro RNA, aktivnosti transpozona i represijskog polikomb-kompleksa. Proučavanjem epigenetskih promjena povećavamo razumijevanje prilagodbe biljaka na stresne uvjete i mehanizam na kojem se ona temelji. Kod različitih poljoprivrednih kultura utvrđene su epigenetičke promjene u genomu koje su omogućile adaptabilnost kultura na stres suše. S obzirom na štetne učinke globalnih klimatskih promjena, osobito suše, korištenje epigenetskih razlika za razvoj adaptabilnijih sorti usjeva od velike je važnosti u oplemenjivanju bilja.Epigenetic regulation plays a key role in the mechanisms of plant response to environmental conditions, without altering the DNA sequence. Different stresses stimulate a change in the gene expression through DNA methylation, histone modification, microRNA, transposon and repressive polycomb complex activity. We increase our understanding of plant adaptation to stressful conditions and the mechanism on which it is based by studying epigenetic changes. Epigenetic changes in the genome have been identified in different agricultural crops, which have enabled the adaptability of crops to drought stress. Given the detrimental effects of global climate change, particularly drought, the use of epigenetic differences to develop more adaptable crop varieties is of great importance in plant breeding

    Influence of Fungicide Application on Rhizosphere Microbiota Structure and Microbial Secreted Enzymes in Diverse Cannabinoid-Rich Hemp Cultivars

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    Microbes and enzymes play essential roles in soil and plant rhizosphere ecosystem functioning. However, fungicides and plant root secretions may impact the diversity and abundance of microbiota structure and enzymatic activities in the plant rhizosphere. In this study, we analyzed soil samples from the rhizosphere of four cannabinoid-rich hemp (Cannabis sativa) cultivars (Otto II, BaOx, Cherry Citrus, and Wife) subjected to three different treatments (natural infection, fungal inoculation, and fungicide treatment). DNA was extracted from the soil samples, 16S rDNA was sequenced, and data were analyzed for diversity and abundance among different fungicide treatments and hemp cultivars. Fungicide treatment significantly impacted the diversity and abundance of the hemp rhizosphere microbiota structure, and it substantially increased the abundance of the phyla Archaea and Rokubacteria. However, the abundances of the phyla Pseudomonadota and Gemmatimonadetes were substantially decreased in treatments with fungicides compared to those without fungicides in the four hemp cultivars. In addition, the diversity and abundance of the rhizosphere microbiota structure were influenced by hemp cultivars. The influence of Cherry Citrus on the diversity and abundance of the hemp rhizosphere microbiota structure was less compared to the other three hemp cultivars (Otto II, BaOx, and Wife). Moreover, fungicide treatment affected enzymatic activities in the hemp rhizosphere. The application of fungicides significantly decreased enzyme abundance in the rhizosphere of all four hemp cultivars. Enzymes such as dehydrogenase, dioxygenase, hydrolase, transferase, oxidase, carboxylase, and peptidase significantly decreased in all the four hemp rhizosphere treated with fungicides compared to those not treated. These enzymes may be involved in the function of metabolizing organic matter and degrading xenobiotics. The ecological significance of these findings lies in the recognition that fungicides impact enzymes, microbiota structure, and the overall ecosystem within the hemp rhizosphere