58 research outputs found

    Medien in der Entwicklungspolitik. Alte Paradigmen und neue Perspektiven

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    In der deutschsprachigen Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft haben die Medien in den sogenannten Entwicklungsländern sowie das abstraktere Problem des Zusammenhangs von Kommunikation und Entwicklung bislang nur wenig Beachtung gefunden. Umfangreichere Publikationen zum Thema lassen sich an einer Hand abzählen und liegen größtenteils mehr als zehn Jahre zwiick: Nach wie vor maßgeblich sind der einführende Forschungsüberblick von Kunczik (1985) sowie die stärker sozialwissenschaftlich und kommunikationstheoretisch interessierten Arbeiten von Grossenbacher (1988) und Saxer/Grossenbacher (1987). (...) EnglishMichael Krzeminski: Media in the developing countries. Old paradigms and new perspectives What is the role of media in development? Fourty years of research have been dominated by a few different theoretical paradigms: Modernization theory was succeeded by the dependency model, which again was replaced by a multi-perspective approach. The author is discussing these paradigms as being strongly dependent both of the debate in development politics as well as of the progress in general communication theory. Since there has never been an autonomaus theory of development communication, his plea is to make a new methodological start in order to overcome the stagnation. Rather than aiming at the general media saturation of certain geographical areas this should be oriented mainly towards the specific communication needs of relevant indigenous actors. These can be indentified by suitable field research.

    Auftragskommunikation für die Kirche: Werbung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Social Marketing

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    Während Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit seit geraumer Zeit einen festen Platz im Spektrum kirchlicher Kommunikationsarbeit einnehment, werden andere Formen der Auftragskommunikation - wie Werbung, Sponsoring oder Direktmarketing - von kirchlichen Einrichtungen nur zögerlich akzeptiert. Sei es, daß eine Kirchengemeinde Kugelschreiber und T -Shirts mit ihrem Logo bedrucken lassen will; sei es, daß eine Pfarrerserie im Privatfernsehen aus Kirchenmitteln gefördert werden soll; sei es, daß mehrere deutsche Bistümer eine PR- und Werbeagentur mit der öffentlichkeitswirksamen Verbreitung religiöser Botschaften beauftragen - mit Blick auf die möglichen Vor- und Nachteile gerät meist schon im Vorfeld nicht nur das jeweilige Projekt, sondern regelmäßig das Verhältnis Kirche und Werbung als solches in die Diskussion. (...)  EnglishSUMMARY: Commissioned Communication for Church: Advertising, Public Relations and Social MarketingIt can be expected that the current changes in the media system of the industrialized societies are to result in a further growing importance of commissioned communication in its various forms. The aim of this artide is to define the possible contribution of advertising, public relations and social marketing for communication tasks of the Church as weil as to plea for their appropriate representation within the overall spectrum of Church communication planning. For this purpose the above mentioned fields of commissioned communication are described in more detail and clearly separated from joumalistic and artistic forms of media production. While looking at the specific communication aims of the Church as mstituion, organisation and community, it is finally possible to answer the following questions: Is it adviseable to make use of commissioned communication for the Church? How far can communication tasks of the Church be delegated at all? Does professionalization of Church communication not jeopardize its credibility and authenticity?

    Neuere Entwicklungen kirchlicher Medienförderung in der Dritten Welt. Schwerpunkte und Tendenzen in den Jahren 1985-1989 aus der Sicht des Catholic Media Council

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    Während die zwischenstaatliche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit im Medien- und Kommunikationsbereich ihren Höhepunkt in der zweiten Hälfte des zurückliegenden Jahrzehnts überschritten zu haben scheint, hat sich die Förderung entsprechender Programme durch die kirchlichen Hilfswerke im großen und ganzen auf hohem Niveau konsolidiert. Bestimmte Schwerpunktverlagerungen in der Förderung legen allerdings nahe, daß Kommunikation als funktionalem Element integrierter Entwicklungsprojekte in Zukunft mehr Bedeutung zukommen wird als der Förderung in sich relevanter, aber isolierter Einzelmaßnahmen. (...) EnglishWhereas inter-governmental development cooperation in the media and comrnunications sector obviously reached its peak in the second half of the last decade, support of respective programrnes through Church funding agencies by and !arge consolidated at the high Ievel which had been achieved. There are however indicators for certain structural changes suggesting that more emphasis will be put in future on comrnunications as a functional component of integrated development projects rather than on media ventures with an end in itself.

    BVRI Light Curves for 29 Type Ia Supernovae

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    BVRI light curves are presented for 27 Type Ia supernovae discovered during the course of the Calan/Tololo Survey and for two other SNe Ia observed during the same period. Estimates of the maximum light magnitudes in the B, V, and I bands and the initial decline rate parameter m15(B) are also given.Comment: 17 pages, figures and tables are not included (contact first author if needed), to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    The 2001 Superoutburst of WZ Sagittae

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    We report the results of a worldwide campaign to observe WZ Sagittae during its 2001 superoutburst. After a 23-year slumber at V=15.5, the star rose within 2 days to a peak brightness of 8.2, and showed a main eruption lasting 25 days. The return to quiescence was punctuated by 12 small eruptions, of ~1 mag amplitude and 2 day recurrence time; these "echo outbursts" are of uncertain origin, but somewhat resemble the normal outbursts of dwarf novae. After 52 days, the star began a slow decline to quiescence. Periodic waves in the light curve closely followed the pattern seen in the 1978 superoutburst: a strong orbital signal dominated the first 12 days, followed by a powerful /common superhump/ at 0.05721(5) d, 0.92(8)% longer than P_orb. The latter endured for at least 90 days, although probably mutating into a "late" superhump with a slightly longer mean period [0.05736(5) d]. The superhump appeared to follow familiar rules for such phenomena in dwarf novae, with components given by linear combinations of two basic frequencies: the orbital frequency omega_o and an unseen low frequency Omega, believed to represent the accretion disk's apsidal precession. Long time series reveal an intricate fine structure, with ~20 incommensurate frequencies. Essentially all components occurred at a frequency n(omega_o)-m(Omega), with m=1, ..., n. But during its first week, the common superhump showed primary components at n (omega_o)-Omega, for n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (i.e., m=1 consistently); a month later, the dominant power shifted to components with m=n-1. This may arise from a shift in the disk's spiral-arm pattern, likely to be the underlying cause of superhumps. The great majority of frequency components ... . (etc., abstract continues)Comment: PDF, 54 pages, 4 tables, 21 figures, 1 appendix; accepted, in press, to appear July 2002, PASP; more info at http://cba.phys.columbia.edu

    A global multinational survey of cefotaxime-resistant coliforms in urban wastewater treatment plants

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    The World Health Organization Global Action Plan recommends integrated surveillance programs as crucial strategies for monitoring antibiotic resistance. Although several national surveillance programs are in place for clinical and veterinary settings, no such schemes exist for monitoring antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment. In this transnational study, we developed, validated, and tested a low-cost surveillance and easy to implement approach to evaluate antibiotic resistance in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) by targeting cefotaxime-resistant (CTX-R) coliforms as indicators. The rationale for this approach was: i) coliform quantification methods are internationally accepted as indicators of fecal contamination in recreational waters and are therefore routinely applied in analytical labs; ii) CTX-R coliforms are clinically relevant, associated with extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs), and are rare in pristine environments. We analyzed 57 WWTPs in 22 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North America. CTX-R coliforms were ubiquitous in raw sewage and their relative abundance varied significantly (<0.1% to 38.3%), being positively correlated (p < 0.001) with regional atmospheric temperatures. Although most WWTPs removed large proportions of CTX-R coliforms, loads over 10 colony-forming units per mL were occasionally observed in final effluents. We demonstrate that CTX-R coliform monitoring is a feasible and affordable approach to assess wastewater antibiotic resistance status. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

    A global multinational survey of cefotaxime-resistant coliforms in urban wastewater treatment plants

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    The World Health Organization Global Action Plan recommends integrated surveillance programs as crucial strategies for monitoring antibiotic resistance. Although several national surveillance programs are in place for clinical and veterinary settings, no such schemes exist for monitoring antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment. In this transnational study, we developed, validated, and tested a low-cost surveillance and easy to implement approach to evaluate antibiotic resistance in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) by targeting cefotaxime-resistant (CTX-R) coliforms as indicators. The rationale for this approach was: i) coliform quantification methods are internationally accepted as indicators of fecal contamination in recreational waters and are therefore routinely applied in analytical labs; ii) CTX-R coliforms are clinically relevant, associated with extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs), and are rare in pristine environments. We analyzed 57 WWTPs in 22 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North America. CTX-R coliforms were ubiquitous in raw sewage and their relative abundance varied significantly (&lt;0.1% to 38.3%), being positively correlated (p &lt; 0.001) with regional atmospheric temperatures. Although most WWTPs removed large proportions of CTX-R coliforms, loads over 103 colony-forming units per mL were occasionally observed in final effluents. We demonstrate that CTX-R coliform monitoring is a feasible and affordable approach to assess wastewater antibiotic resistance status

    2018 Research & Innovation Day Program

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    A one day showcase of applied research, social innovation, scholarship projects and activities.https://first.fanshawec.ca/cri_cripublications/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Sex- and age-related differences in the management and outcomes of chronic heart failure: an analysis of patients from the ESC HFA EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    Aims: This study aimed to assess age- and sex-related differences in management and 1-year risk for all-cause mortality and hospitalization in chronic heart failure (HF) patients. Methods and results: Of 16 354 patients included in the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Long-Term Registry, 9428 chronic HF patients were analysed [median age: 66 years; 28.5% women; mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 37%]. Rates of use of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) were high (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists: 85.7%, 88.7% and 58.8%, respectively). Crude GDMT utilization rates were lower in women than in men (all differences: P\ua0 64 0.001), and GDMT use became lower with ageing in both sexes, at baseline and at 1-year follow-up. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT prescription; however, age >75 years was a significant predictor of GDMT underutilization. Rates of all-cause mortality were lower in women than in men (7.1% vs. 8.7%; P\ua0=\ua00.015), as were rates of all-cause hospitalization (21.9% vs. 27.3%; P\ua075 years. Conclusions: There was a decline in GDMT use with advanced age in both sexes. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT or adverse outcomes. However, age >75 years independently predicted lower GDMT use and higher all-cause mortality in patients with LVEF 6445%

    A global multinational survey of cefotaxime-resistant coliforms in urban wastewater treatment plants

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    The World Health Organization Global Action Plan recommends integrated surveillance programs as crucial strategies for monitoring antibiotic resistance. Although several national surveillance programs are in place for clinical and veterinary settings, no such schemes exist for monitoring antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment. In this transnational study, we developed, validated, and tested a low-cost surveillance and easy to implement approach to evaluate antibiotic resistance in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) by targeting cefotaxime-resistant (CTX-R) coliforms as indicators. The rationale for this approach was: i) coliform quantification methods are internationally accepted as indicators of fecal contamination in recreational waters and are therefore routinely applied in analytical labs; ii) CTX-R coliforms are clinically relevant, associated with extended-spectrum ?-lactamases (ESBLs), and are rare in pristine environments. We analyzed 57 WWTPs in 22 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North America. CTX-R coliforms were ubiquitous in raw sewage and their relative abundance varied significantly (< 0.1% to 38.3%), being positively correlated (p < 0.001) with regional atmospheric temperatures. Although most WWTPs removed large proportions of CTX-R coliforms, loads over 103 colony-forming units per mL were occasionally observed in final effluents. We demonstrate that CTX-R coliform monitoring is a feasible and affordable approach to assess wastewater antibiotic resistance status