240 research outputs found

    Problems with kinematic mean field electrodynamics at high magnetic Reynolds numbers

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    We discuss the applicability of the kinematic α\alpha-effect formalism at high magnetic Reynolds numbers. In this regime the underlying flow is likely to be a small-scale dynamo, leading to the exponential growth of fluctuations. Difficulties arise with both the actual calculation of the α\alpha coefficients and with its interpretation. We argue that although the former may be circumvented -- and we outline several procedures by which the the α\alpha coefficients can be computed in principle -- the interpretation of these quantities in terms of the evolution of the large-scale field may be fundamentally flawed.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Use of serum lactate levels to predict survival for patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A cohort study

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    Objectives: We examined the association of serum lactate levels and early lactate clearance with survival to hospital discharge for patients suffering an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Methods: A retrospective cohort analysis was performed of patients with OHCA transported by ambulance to two adult tertiary hospitals in Perth, Western Australia. Exclusion criteria were traumatic cardiac arrest, return of spontaneous circulation prior to the arrival of the ambulance, age less than 18 years and no serum lactate levels recorded. Serum lactate levels recorded for up to 48h post-arrest were obtained from the hospital clinical information system, and lactate clearance over 48h was calculated. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results: There were 518 patients with lactate values, of whom 126 (24.3%) survived to hospital discharge. Survivors and non-survivors had different mean initial lactate levels (mean±SD 6.9±4.7 and 12.2±5.5mmol/L, respectively; P<0.001). Lactate clearance was higher in survivors. Lactate levels for non-survivors did not decrease below 2mmol/L until at least 30h after the ambulance call. Conclusion: In OHCA patients who had serum lactate levels measured, both lower initial serum lactate and early lactate clearance in the first 48h following OHCA were associated with increased likelihood of survival. However, the use of lactate in isolation as a predictor of survival or neurological outcome is not recommended. Prospective studies that minimise selection bias are required to determine the clinical utility of serum lactate levels in OHCA patients. © 2016 Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and Australasian Society for Emergency Medicine

    Cerebrovascular Events in Suspected Sepsis: Retrospective Prevalence Study in Critically Ill Patients Undergoing Full-Body Computed Tomography

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    Purpose: This study aimed at retrospectively evaluating full-body computed tomography (CT) examinations for the prevalence of cerebrovascular events in patients with suspected sepsis treated in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: All full-body CT examinations, i.e., both cranial CT (cCT) and body CT including chest, abdomen and pelvis, for focus search in septic patients over a 12-months period were identified from three ICUs, using full-text search. From this retrospective cohort, we fully analyzed 278 cCT examinations for the occurrence of acute cerebral findings. All acute cerebrovascular events were independently reviewed by two blinded readers. Clinical and laboratory findings were extracted. The data were statistically analyzed using contingency tests. Results: In our population of patients with suspected sepsis, 10.8% (n = 30/278) were identified to have major cerebral events, including 7.2% (n = 20/278) major cerebrovascular events and 4.3% (n = 12/278) generalized parenchymal damage. 13.4% (n = 22/163) of patients with a severe coma as compared with non-severe coma, 4.4% (n = 3/68), showed a major cerebral event (p = 0.04). Patients referred from the cardiology/nephrology ICU ward showed major cerebral events in 16.3% (n = 22/135), as compared with 4.9% (n = 3/61) in patients from pulmonary ICU and 6.1% (n = 5/82) major cerebral events with surgical referral (p = 0.02). Conclusion: Our study provides further evidence that septic patients may suffer from cerebral events with relevance to their prognosis. Severe coma and the referring ward were associated with acute cerebral conditions. Full-body CT has the advantage of both detecting of septic foci and possibly identifying ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke in this vulnerable patient population

    Self-reported symptoms and managment by midwestern breast cancer survivors

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    Lymphedema (LE) is a life-long potential consequence of breast cancer treatment that may affect quality of life of breast cancer survivors in long-term survivorship. Previous studies reported that about 2 million women living with breast cancer are at a lifetime risk for LE development. Information from self-reported lymphedema symptoms and its management will provide potential early detection and intervention to manage LE. The purposes of this study were: To report the frequency of occurrence of commonly self- reported LE symptoms following breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. To find the most commonly reported self-management actions taken for the five LE symptoms.Research supported by NIH/NINR NR05342/NR010293, University of Missouri PRIME funds, and Ellis Fischel Cancer Center research funds

    Throughflow centrality is a global indicator of the functional importance of species in ecosystems

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    To better understand and manage complex systems like ecosystems it is critical to know the relative contribution of system components to system functioning. Ecologists and social scientists have described many ways that individuals can be important; This paper makes two key contributions to this research area. First, it shows that throughflow, the total energy-matter entering or exiting a system component, is a global indicator of the relative contribution of the component to the whole system activity. It is global because it includes the direct and indirect exchanges among community members. Further, throughflow is a special case of Hubbell status as defined in social science. This recognition effectively joins the concepts, enabling ecologists to use and build on the broader centrality research in network science. Second, I characterize the distribution of throughflow in 45 empirically-based trophic ecosystem models. Consistent with expectations, this analysis shows that a small fraction of the system components are responsible for the majority of the system activity. In 73% of the ecosystem models, 20% or less of the nodes generate 80% or more of the total system throughflow. Four or fewer dominant nodes are required to account for 50% of the total system activity. 121 of the 130 dominant nodes in the 45 ecosystem models could be classified as primary producers, dead organic matter, or bacteria. Thus, throughflow centrality indicates the rank power of the ecosystems components and shows the power concentration in the primary production and decomposition cycle. Although these results are specific to ecosystems, these techniques build on flow analysis based on economic input-output analysis. Therefore these results should be useful for ecosystem ecology, industrial ecology, the study of urban metabolism, as well as other domains using input-output analysis.Comment: 7 figures, 2 table

    Functional Integration of Ecological Networks through Pathway Proliferation

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    Large-scale structural patterns commonly occur in network models of complex systems including a skewed node degree distribution and small-world topology. These patterns suggest common organizational constraints and similar functional consequences. Here, we investigate a structural pattern termed pathway proliferation. Previous research enumerating pathways that link species determined that as pathway length increases, the number of pathways tends to increase without bound. We hypothesize that this pathway proliferation influences the flow of energy, matter, and information in ecosystems. In this paper, we clarify the pathway proliferation concept, introduce a measure of the node--node proliferation rate, describe factors influencing the rate, and characterize it in 17 large empirical food-webs. During this investigation, we uncovered a modular organization within these systems. Over half of the food-webs were composed of one or more subgroups that were strongly connected internally, but weakly connected to the rest of the system. Further, these modules had distinct proliferation rates. We conclude that pathway proliferation in ecological networks reveals subgroups of species that will be functionally integrated through cyclic indirect effects.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, Submitted to Journal of Theoretical Biolog

    The impact of self-reported exposure to whole-body-vibrations on the risk of disability pension among men: a 15 year prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Whole-body-vibrations are often associated with adverse health effect but the long term effects are less known. This study investigates the association between occupational exposures to whole-body vibrations, and subsequent transition to disability pension.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 4215 male employees were followed up for subsequent disability pension retirement. Exposure to whole-body-vibration was self-reported while new cases of disability pension were retrieved from a national register.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The hazard ratio (HR) for disability pension retirement among men exposed to whole-body-vibrations was 1.61 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.07-2.40) after adjustment for age, smoking habits, BMI, physical job demands and awkward work postures. In our model, with the available explanatory variables, 5.6% of the male disability pension cases were attributable to whole-body-vibrations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Exposure to whole-body-vibrations predicts subsequent disability pension retirement. Continued reduction of whole-body-vibrations may reduce the number of new cases of disability pension.</p

    MACHOS: Markov clusters of homologous subsequences

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    Motivation: The classification of proteins into homologous groups (families) allows their structure and function to be analysed and compared in an evolutionary context. The modular nature of eukaryotic proteins presents a considerable challenge to the delineation of families, as different local regions within a single protein may share common ancestry with distinct, even mutually exclusive, sets of homologs, thereby creating an intricate web of homologous relationships if full-length sequences are taken as the unit of evolution. We attempt to disentangle this web by developing a fully automated pipeline to delineate protein subsequences that represent sensible units for homology inference, and clustering them into putatively homologous families using the Markov clustering algorithm

    TACOA – Taxonomic classification of environmental genomic fragments using a kernelized nearest neighbor approach

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    Diaz NN, Krause L, Goesmann A, Niehaus K, Nattkemper TW. TACOA - Taxonomic classification of environmental genomic fragments using a kernelized nearest neighbor approach. BMC Bioinformatics. 2009;10(1):56.Background: Metagenomics, or the sequencing and analysis of collective genomes (metagenomes) of microorganisms isolated from an environment, promises direct access to the "unculturable majority". This emerging field offers the potential to lay solid basis on our understanding of the entire living world. However, the taxonomic classification is an essential task in the analysis of metagenomics data sets that it is still far from being solved. We present a novel strategy to predict the taxonomic origin of environmental genomic fragments. The proposed classifier combines the idea of the k-nearest neighbor with strategies from kernel-based learning. Results Our novel strategy was extensively evaluated using the leave-one-out cross validation strategy on fragments of variable length (800 bp – 50 Kbp) from 373 completely sequenced genomes. TACOA is able to classify genomic fragments of length 800 bp and 1 Kbp with high accuracy until rank class. For longer fragments ≥ 3 Kbp accurate predictions are made at even deeper taxonomic ranks (order and genus). Remarkably, TACOA also produces reliable results when the taxonomic origin of a fragment is not represented in the reference set, thus classifying such fragments to its known broader taxonomic class or simply as "unknown". We compared the classification accuracy of TACOA with the latest intrinsic classifier PhyloPythia using 63 recently published complete genomes. For fragments of length 800 bp and 1 Kbp the overall accuracy of TACOA is higher than that obtained by PhyloPythia at all taxonomic ranks. For all fragment lengths, both methods achieved comparable high specificity results up to rank class and low false negative rates are also obtained. Conclusion: An accurate multi-class taxonomic classifier was developed for environmental genomic fragments. TACOA can predict with high reliability the taxonomic origin of genomic fragments as short as 800 bp. The proposed method is transparent, fast, accurate and the reference set can be easily updated as newly sequenced genomes become available. Moreover, the method demonstrated to be competitive when compared to the most current classifier PhyloPythia and has the advantage that it can be locally installed and the reference set can be kept up-to-date. Background