44 research outputs found

    Indexing of Big Text Data and Searching in the Indexed Data

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    Tématem této práce je sémantické vyhledávání ve velkých textových datech. Cílem je navrhnout a implementovat vyhledávač, který se bude efektivně dotazovat nad sémanticky obohacenými dokumenty a prezentovat výsledky uživatelsky přívětivým způsobem. V práci jsou nejdříve analyzovány současné sémantické vyhledávače, spolu s jejich silnými a slabými stránkami. Poté je přednesen návrh nového vyhledávače s vlastním dotazovacím jazykem. Tento systém se skládá z komponent pro indexaci a dotazování se nad dokumenty, management serveru, překladače pro dotazovací jazyk a dvou klientských aplikací, webové a konzolové. Vyhledávač byl úspěšně navržen, implementován i nasazen a je veřejně dostupný na Internetu. Výsledky práce umožňují široké veřejnosti využívat sémantického vyhledávání.The topic of this thesis is semantic searching over big textual data. The goal is to design and implement a search engine that queries the semantically enhanced documents efficiently and has a user friendly interface for working with the results. Firstly, state of the art solutions along with their strengths and shortcomings are analyzed. Then a design for new search engine is presented along with a specialized query language. The system consists of components for indexing and searching the documents, management server, compiler for the query language and two clients, web based and command line. The engine has been successfully designed, developed and deployed and is available via the Internet. As a result of that, the possibility of using of the semantic searching is available to a wide audience.

    Comparing Rapid Type Analysis with Points-To Analysis in GraalVM Native Image

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    Whole-program analysis is an essential technique that enables advanced compiler optimizations. An important example of such a method is points-to analysis used by ahead-of-time (AOT) compilers to discover program elements (classes, methods, fields) used on at least one program path. GraalVM Native Image uses a points-to analysis to optimize Java applications, which is a time-consuming step of the build. We explore how much the analysis time can be improved by replacing the points-to analysis with a rapid type analysis (RTA), which computes reachable elements faster by allowing more imprecision. We propose several extensions of previous approaches to RTA: making it parallel, incremental, and supporting heap snapshotting. We present an extensive experimental evaluation of the effects of using RTA instead of points-to analysis, in which RTA allowed us to reduce the analysis time for Spring Petclinic, a popular demo application of the Spring framework, by 64% and the overall build time by 35% at the cost of increasing the image size due to the imprecision by 15%

    Numerical and experimental investigation of the cavitating flow within Venturi tube

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    International audienceHydrodynamic cavitation represents complex physical phenomenon undesirably affecting operation as well as lifespan of many hydraulic machines from small valves to the large hydro power plants. On the other hand, the same phenomenon and its concomitants such as pressure pulsations can be exploited in many positive ways. One of them which seems to be very promising and perspective is the cavitation utilization for reduction of the microorganisms such as cyanobacteria within large bulks of water. Mutual effect of the swirl induced by the upstream mounted generator and flow constriction in converging-diverging nozzle has been experimentally investigated. The main scope of this paper is numerical investigation complementing the experimental results. The multiphase simulations were carried out using the OpenFoam 1606+ and its interPhaseChangeFoam solver. The present study focuses on CFD results of the cavitating velocity field within the nozzle and analysis of the loss coefficient within the nozzle

    The only known cyclopygid–‘atheloptic’ trilobite fauna from North America: the upper Ordovician fauna of the Pyle Mountain Argillite and its palaeoenvironmental significance

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    The trilobite fauna of the upper Ordovician (middle Katian) Pyle Mountain Argillite comprises a mixture of abundant mesopelagic cyclopygids and other pelagic taxa and a benthic fauna dominated by trilobites lacking eyes. Such faunas were widespread in deep water environments around Gondwana and terranes derived from that continent throughout Ordovician time but this is the only known record of such a fauna from North America and thus from Laurentia. It probably reflects a major sea level rise (the ‘Linearis drowning events’) as does the development of coeval cyclopygid-dominated deep water trilobite faunas in terranes that were marginal to Laurentia and are now preserved in Ireland and Scotland. The Pyle Mountain Argillite trilobite fauna occurs with a deep water Foliomena brachiopod fauna and comprises 22 species. Pelagic trilobites (mostly cyclopygids) constitute 36% of the preserved sclerites, and 45% of the fauna is the remains of trilobites lacking eyes, including one new species, Dindymene whittingtoni sp. nov. Three species of cyclopygid are present, belonging in Cyclopyge, Symphysops and Microparia (Heterocyclopyge). Cyclopygids are widely thought to have been stratified in the water column in life and thus their taxonomic diversity reflects the relative depths of the sea-beds on which their remains accumulated. A tabulation of middle and upper Katian cyclopygid-bearing faunas from several palaeoplates and terranes arranged on the basis of increasing numbers of cyclopygid genera allows an assessment of the relative depth ranges of the associated benthic taxa. The Pyle Mountain Argillite fauna lies towards the deeper end of this depth spectrum

    Transition of cavitating flow to supercavitation within Venturi nozzle – hysteresis investigation

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    Cavitation is usually considered as undesirable phenomena. On the other hand, it can be utilized in many applications. One of the technical applications is using cavitation in water treatment, where hydrodynamic cavitation seems to be effective way how to reduce cyanobacteria within large bulks of water. The main scope of this paper is investigation of the cavitation within Venturi nozzle during the transition from fully developed cavitation to supercavitation regime and vice versa. Dynamics of cavitation was investigated using experimental data of pressure pulsations and analysis of high speed videos, where FFT of the pixel intensity and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) of the records were done to identify dominant frequencies connected with the presence of cavitation. The methodology of the high speed (HS) records semiautomated analysis using the FFT was described. Obtained results were correlated and above that the possible presence of hysteresis was discussed

    Agricultural policies exacerbate honeybee pollination service supply-demand mismatches across Europe

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    Declines in insect pollinators across Europe have raised concerns about the supply of pollination services to agriculture. Simultaneously, EU agricultural and biofuel policies have encouraged substantial growth in the cultivated area of insect pollinated crops across the continent. Using data from 41 European countries, this study demonstrates that the recommended number of honeybees required to provide crop pollination across Europe has risen 4.9 times as fast as honeybee stocks between 2005 and 2010. Consequently, honeybee stocks were insufficient to supply >90% of demands in 22 countries studied. These findings raise concerns about the capacity of many countries to cope with major losses of wild pollinators and highlight numerous critical gaps in current understanding of pollination service supplies and demands, pointing to a pressing need for further research into this issue

    The Antagonism problematics of Galician Peasant Revolt and Kraków Uprising in the year of 1846

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    (anglicky) The bachelor's thesis is going to examine causes of a defeat of Cracow Uprising for national independence of Polish state, chiefly a failure of Polish insurgents' endeavour to obtain a support of Galician peasantry for their cause. The thesis is going to focus on the analysis of Polish insurgents' political program, with the main attention dedicated to its solution of the agrarian question and the social status of peasantry, and afterwards will clarify the key causes of the failure of establishing a cooperation with the peasantry. The aim of this thesis is to present the ideological program of Cracow Uprising and to describe the circumstances leading to its failure. The information and documentation of the thesis will be based on the study of published sources and relevant professional literature, primarily of Polish provenance. Klíčová slova (anglicky) 1846, Free City of Cracow, Galicia, Polish Democratic Society, Agrarian Question(česky) V bakalářské práci budou zkoumány příčiny porážky krakovského povstání za nezávislost polského státu, primárně selhání snahy polských povstalců získat pro svou věc podporu haličských rolníků. Práce se zaměří na rozbor politického programu povstalců, přičemž zásadní pozornost bude věnována řešení agrární otázky a sociálního postavení rolnictva, a poté na zvolených příkladech objasní klíčové příčiny neúspěchu o navázání spolupráce s rolníky. Cílem práce je nastínění ideologického programu krakovského povstání a popis okolností vedoucích k jeho selhání. Informace a podklady pro práci budou čerpány ze studia vydaných pramenů a z příslušné odborné literatury primárně polské provenience. Klíčová slova (česky) 1846, Svobodné město Krakov, Halič, Polská demokratická společnost, Agrární otázkaInstitute of General HistoryÚstav světových dějinFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art