34 research outputs found

    Secondary Migration to Rural Meat Processing Communities in the United States and the Implications for Refugee Health

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    Each year the United States resettles around 58,000 refugees from various cultural backgrounds. The majority of new arrivals are either children or of reproductive age. While U.S. refugee policy is designed to support refugees in the eight months after arrival, it does not account for secondary migration. Commonly, refugees leave the initial resettlement destination to reunite with families or in search of employment opportunities. As refugees leave primary settlement locations, they also leave behind many entitlement benefits. This results in new destination communities, often low-resource, bearing the weight of providing care. Many secondary migrants move to meat processing communities. Located primarily in rural America, the meat processing industry attracts refugees with higher wages and few skill requirements. In an effort to understand the relationship between secondary migrants and rural meat processing communities this paper explores the unique challenges to providing health care in rural America; the health needs of refugees, particularly vulnerable populations; and provides recommendations for reinforcing a community's capacity to care for refugees.Master of Public Healt

    Coherent enterprise information modeling for 5G private network feasibility

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    In the era of Industry 4.0, the digital transformation of industrial systems necessitates advanced wireless communication solutions that are both agile and secure. Private 5G networks, characterized by their unparalleled bandwidth, reduced latency, and fortified security, have emerged as a beacon of innovation in this paradigm shift. This study explores the feasibility of deploying private 5G networks across diverse enterprises, underpinned by a robust methodological framework. Drawing from contemporary research, it is evident that while 5G promises transformative benefits for sectors like logistics, manufacturing, and autonomous vehicles, its adoption is riddled with challenges such as network oversaturation and frequency coordination. Analyzing 2006 companies, our findings reveal that only 103 enterprises align with the optimal criteria for private 5G network implementation, highlighting the intricate balance of spatial, economic, and regulatory considerations. This research not only offers a strategic roadmap for businesses and stakeholders but also positions private 5G networks as a pivotal tool for achieving operational excellence, enhanced data privacy, and seamless connectivity in the modern industrial landscape

    Unexpected photochemistry and charge-transfer complexes of [CB11H12]2 carborane

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    Although the [CB11H12]¯carborane does not exhibit an absorption band inUV, its triplet excited state can be generated upon 308 nm laser excitation; also unexpectedly carborane acts as electron donor forming a charge transfer complex with methylviologen that upon illumination gives rise to viologen radical cation.Galletero Pedroche, M.Sales, [email protected]

    A multinuclear 1H, 13C and 11B solid-state MAS NMR study of 16- and 18-electron organometallic ruthenium and osmium carborane complexes

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    YesThe first 1H, 13C, 31P and 11B solid state MAS NMR studies of electron- deficient carborane-containing ruthenium and osmium complexes [Ru/Os(p-cym)(1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane-1,2- dithiolate)] are reported. The MAS NMR data from these 16-electron complexes are compared to those of free carborane-ligand and an 18-electron triphenylphosphine ruthenium adduct, and reveal clear spectral differences between 16- and 18-electron organometallic carborane systems in the solid state.We thank the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. PA00P2-145308 to NPEB), the ERC (grant no. 247450 to PJS), EPSRC (grant no. EP/F034210/1) and EC COST Action CM1105 for support. JVH thanks EPSRC and the University of Warwick for partial funding of the solid state NMR infrastructure at Warwick, and acknowledges additional support obtained through Birmingham Science City: Innovative Uses for Advanced Materials in the Modern World (West Midlands Centre for Advanced Materials Project 2), with support from Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and partial funding by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Precious metal carborane polymer nanoparticles: characterisation of micellar formulations and anticancer activity

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    YesWe report the encapsulation of highly hydrophobic 16-electron organometallic ruthenium and osmium carborane complexes [Ru/Os(p-cymene)(1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecarborane-1,2-dithiolate)] (1 and 2) in Pluronic® triblock copolymer P123 core–shell micelles. The spherical nanoparticles RuMs and OsMs, dispersed in water, were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), and synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS; diameter ca. 15 and 19 nm, respectively). Complexes 1 and 2 were highly active towards A2780 human ovarian cancer cells (IC50 0.17 and 2.50 μM, respectively) and the encapsulated complexes, as RuMs and OsMs nanoparticles, were less potent (IC50 6.69 μM and 117.5 μM, respectively), but more selective towards cancer cells compared to normal cells.We thank the Leverhulme Trust (Early Career Fellowship no. ECF-2013-414 to NPEB), the University of Warwick (Grant no. RDF 2013-14 to NPEB), the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant no. PA00P2_145308 to NPEB and PBNEP2_142949 to APB), the ERC (Grant no. 247450 to PJS), EPSRC (EP/G004897/ 1 to APB, and EP/F034210/1 to PJS), Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) – University of Warwick (Fellowship to JJSB), and Science City (AWM/ERDF) for support. We thank the Wellcome Trust (055663/Z/98/Z) for funding to the Electron Microscopy Facility, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick

    Arene ruthenium dithiolato-carborane complexes for boron neutron capture theory (BNCT)

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    YesWe report the effect of low-energy thermal neutron irradiation on the antiproliferative activities of a highly hydrophobic organometallic arene ruthenium dithiolatoecarborane complex [Ru(p-cymene) (1,2- dicarba-closo-dodecarborane-1,2-dithiolato)] (1), and of its formulation in Pluronic® triblock copolymer P123 coreeshell micelles (RuMs). Complex 1 was highly active, with and without neutron irradiation, towards human ovarian cancer cells (A2780; IC50 0.14 mM and 0.17 mM, respectively) and cisplatinresistant human ovarian cancer cells (A2780cisR; IC50 0.05 and 0.13 mM, respectively). Complex 1 was particularly sensitive to neutron irradiation in A2780cisR cells (2.6 more potent after irradiation compared to non-irradiation). Although less potent, the encapsulated complex 1 as RuMs nanoparticles resulted in higher cellular accumulation (2.5 ), and was sensitive to neutron irradiation in A2780 cells (1.4 more potent upon irradiation compared to non-irradiation).We thank the Leverhulme Trust (Early Career Fellowship No. ECF-2013-414 to NPEB), the University of Warwick (Grant No. RD14102 to NPEB), the University of Birmingham/EPSRC Follow-on- Fund (Grant No UOBFOF026 to BP), the ERC (Grant No. 247450 to PJS), EPSRC (EP/F034210/1 to PJS)

    Stimulating the growth of trees with biofuel ashes on a Oru cutaway peatland

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    Hinnanguliselt on Eestis 10 000 ha jääksoid, mis on oluliseks CO2 emissiooni allikaks. Seega on oluline nende alade rekultiveerimine. Alternatiivvariandid ammendatud freesturbaväljade taaskasutamiseks on soostumis-, seega ka turbatekkeprotsesside taastamine, energiapuistud, marjakasvatus, energianiidu (päideroo kasvatamine) rajamine, põllumajandus, lindude pesitsemise kaitseala. Mitmetes maades läbi viidud uuringud näitavad, et jääksoode üheks perspektiivsemaks taaskasutamise võimaluseks on nende taasmetsastamine. Antud töö eesmärgiks oli selgitada puu- ja põlevkivi segutuha mõju arukase ja hariliku männi kasvule. Juba esimesel kasvuaastal peale segutuhkadega töötlemist oli puude aastane kõrguse juurdekasv parem võrreldes kontrollala näitajatega. Kaskede ja mändide keskmine juurekaela diameeter erines oluliselt kontrollpuude juurekaela diameetristAccording to different sources there are about 10 000 hectares of cutaway peatlands in Estonia and they are sources of CO2 emission. Therefore is very important to recultivate these areas. The recovery alternatives are wetland restoration (restoration of peat-accumulating function), energy forests, wild berries (blueberry, cranberry) or reed canary grass (energy mower) cultivation, agricultural production, protected area for birds. Investigations made in several countries suggest that one of the most promising way of using cutaway peatlands is their afforestation. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the effect of fertilisation with a mixture of wood ash and oil shale ash on the growth of seedlings of silver birch and Scots pine. Already after first growing season the annual height increment of trees on the ash-fertilised plots was greater than control. The mean root collar diameeters of birches and pines on the plots treated with mixture ash were significantly differ from control plot

    A Study of the Economic Growth of Central Kansas Power Company

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    The study of the Economic Growth of The Central Kansas Power Company was conducted by the research and study of the archives of the company at 111 East 11th Street, Hays, Kansas. The company history was developed in respect to the growth of the preferred and common stock account. The growth of the company is shown by the development of tables and graphs from figures procured from the archives, shoving the operating revenues, operating expenses, and net income of the total company. The totals are discussed and broken down into the electrical department, the gas department, and the water department. Tables and graphs were developed and discussed showing the company history of yearly dividends and payroll history. The growth of the company was also developed in tables, graphs, and by discussion giving the history of the total plant in service and gross construction expenditures. A table was developed giving the transmission lines added during the year. Tables, graphs, and discussions were developed giving the meters in use in the electric department, the gas department, and by department. In conclusion, tables and graphs were developed giving the Gross National Product, Total KWH Sales of Privately Owned Electric Utilities in the U.S., and Sales of Retail Establishments. This History was compared to the history of the company under study