17 research outputs found

    Validacija procesa čišćenja u proizvodnji dijetetskih suplemenata kao farmaceutsko doziranih preparata

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    Основно истраживачко питање на које смо настојали да добијемо одговор је какав је значај вредносних оријентација, селф-концепта и демографских карактеристика испитаника за куповину аутомобила обзиром на ниво и тип инволвираности у производ. Како би остварили основни циљ маркетинга – размену, на обострано задовољство и купца и продавца те да би разумели, предвидели и утицали на понашање потрошача неопходно је вршити анализе са циљем упознавања сегмента тржишта за који се претпоставља да је циљна група. То подразумева упознавање демографских одлика потрошача. Анализа понашања неизоставно обухвата истраживање о томе ко су потрошачи, шта купују, зашто купују, када, где и колико често купују. Ипак, да би се добила потпуна слика тржишног сегмента, неопходно је, поред демографских, познавати и психолошке карактеристике потрошача. У докторској дисертацији представљени су теоријски модели куповног понашања, инволвираности и вредности, као и теорија селф детерминације. Приказан је извод из истраживачког опуса о инволвираности и релацијама које остварује са осталим варијаблама испитиваним у овом истраживању. Истраживање је спроведено на пригодном узорку од 222 особе које су у последњих шест месеци купиле аутомобил или планирају да га купе у наредних шест месеци, али су у тренутку истраживања већ започелe процес доношења одлуке о куповини. На тај начин извршена је дистинкција купаца и потенцијалних купаца, као и дистинкција узорка од опште популације. Аутомобил као производ који је централан у овом истраживању одабран је на основу пилот истраживања спроведеног са циљем да се утврди у који су производ испитаници чешће високо инволвирани. Из општег циља истраживања изведено је неколико специфичних циљева, како би се одговорило на истраживачки проблем. Резултати су указали да инволвираност има мултифакторску структуру. Издвојена су четири фактора који су дефинисани као Важност и задовољство, Значење, Вероватноћа ризика и Последице ризика. Утврђене су разлике у нивоу и типу инволвираности код купаца и потенцијалних купаца, где су потенцијални купци више инволвирани од купаца, и то на укупној инволвираности и на фактору вероватноћа ризика. Тржиште купаца и потенцијалних купаца сегментирано је према инволвираности коју су потрошачи развили. Тржиште чине четири хомогена сегмента који се разликују према нивоу и типу доминантне инволвираности. Сегменти су именовани као Висока, Ниска, Ризична и Експертска инволвираност. Утврђене су значајне разлике сегмената по вредностима, самосвести и каузалним оријентацијама. Као значајни предиктори поједниних фактора инволвираности купаца, а из сета демографских карактеристика испитаника, издвојили су се пол, старост, образовање, задовољство материјалном ситуацијом, као и број чланова домаћинства за које је испитаник одговоран. У подгрупи потенцијалних купаца инволвираност се не може предвидети на основу овог сета демографских варијабли. И сета психолошких карактеристика издвојени су предиктори инволвираности испитаника. Поједини вредносни домени предвиђају факторе инволвираности, а на основу резултата који се тичу каузалних оријентација и самосвести, закључено је да је доношење куповне одлуке приликом куповине аутомобила социјални процес, да особе иако су доминантно аутономне у доношењу одлука, одлуку о куповини аутомобила доносе уз помоћ референтних особа, као и стручњака из ове области. Утврђено је да каузалне оријентације, самосвест и индивидуалне вредности не предвиђају куповно понашање испитаника. Сви налази су дискутовани у контексту претходних резултата истраживања у овој области, наведене су њихове импликације и ограничења, као и препоруке за маркетиншку праксу.Osnovno istraživačko pitanje na koje smo nastojali da dobijemo odgovor je kakav je značaj vrednosnih orijentacija, self-koncepta i demografskih karakteristika ispitanika za kupovinu automobila obzirom na nivo i tip involviranosti u proizvod. Kako bi ostvarili osnovni cilj marketinga – razmenu, na obostrano zadovoljstvo i kupca i prodavca te da bi razumeli, predvideli i uticali na ponašanje potrošača neophodno je vršiti analize sa ciljem upoznavanja segmenta tržišta za koji se pretpostavlja da je ciljna grupa. To podrazumeva upoznavanje demografskih odlika potrošača. Analiza ponašanja neizostavno obuhvata istraživanje o tome ko su potrošači, šta kupuju, zašto kupuju, kada, gde i koliko često kupuju. Ipak, da bi se dobila potpuna slika tržišnog segmenta, neophodno je, pored demografskih, poznavati i psihološke karakteristike potrošača. U doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljeni su teorijski modeli kupovnog ponašanja, involviranosti i vrednosti, kao i teorija self determinacije. Prikazan je izvod iz istraživačkog opusa o involviranosti i relacijama koje ostvaruje sa ostalim varijablama ispitivanim u ovom istraživanju. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 222 osobe koje su u poslednjih šest meseci kupile automobil ili planiraju da ga kupe u narednih šest meseci, ali su u trenutku istraživanja već započele proces donošenja odluke o kupovini. Na taj način izvršena je distinkcija kupaca i potencijalnih kupaca, kao i distinkcija uzorka od opšte populacije. Automobil kao proizvod koji je centralan u ovom istraživanju odabran je na osnovu pilot istraživanja sprovedenog sa ciljem da se utvrdi u koji su proizvod ispitanici češće visoko involvirani. Iz opšteg cilja istraživanja izvedeno je nekoliko specifičnih ciljeva, kako bi se odgovorilo na istraživački problem. Rezultati su ukazali da involviranost ima multifaktorsku strukturu. Izdvojena su četiri faktora koji su definisani kao Važnost i zadovoljstvo, Značenje, Verovatnoća rizika i Posledice rizika. Utvrđene su razlike u nivou i tipu involviranosti kod kupaca i potencijalnih kupaca, gde su potencijalni kupci više involvirani od kupaca, i to na ukupnoj involviranosti i na faktoru verovatnoća rizika. Tržište kupaca i potencijalnih kupaca segmentirano je prema involviranosti koju su potrošači razvili. Tržište čine četiri homogena segmenta koji se razlikuju prema nivou i tipu dominantne involviranosti. Segmenti su imenovani kao Visoka, Niska, Rizična i Ekspertska involviranost. Utvrđene su značajne razlike segmenata po vrednostima, samosvesti i kauzalnim orijentacijama. Kao značajni prediktori pojedninih faktora involviranosti kupaca, a iz seta demografskih karakteristika ispitanika, izdvojili su se pol, starost, obrazovanje, zadovoljstvo materijalnom situacijom, kao i broj članova domaćinstva za koje je ispitanik odgovoran. U podgrupi potencijalnih kupaca involviranost se ne može predvideti na osnovu ovog seta demografskih varijabli. I seta psiholoških karakteristika izdvojeni su prediktori involviranosti ispitanika. Pojedini vrednosni domeni predviđaju faktore involviranosti, a na osnovu rezultata koji se tiču kauzalnih orijentacija i samosvesti, zaključeno je da je donošenje kupovne odluke prilikom kupovine automobila socijalni proces, da osobe iako su dominantno autonomne u donošenju odluka, odluku o kupovini automobila donose uz pomoć referentnih osoba, kao i stručnjaka iz ove oblasti. Utvrđeno je da kauzalne orijentacije, samosvest i individualne vrednosti ne predviđaju kupovno ponašanje ispitanika. Svi nalazi su diskutovani u kontekstu prethodnih rezultata istraživanja u ovoj oblasti, navedene su njihove implikacije i ograničenja, kao i preporuke za marketinšku praksu.The basic issue of the research is a significance of value orientations, self-concept and demographic characteristics of respondents when purchasing a car, considering the level and type of involvement in the product. In order to achieve the main purpose of marketing, which is an exchange to mutual satisfaction of buyers and sellers, as well as to understand, predict and influence the consumer behavior, it is necessary to make analysis in order to become acquainted with market segment, which is assumed to be the target group. It implies information about the demographic characteristics of consumers. Analysis of consumer behavior inevitably involves research about who the consumers are, what they buy, why they buy, when, where and how often they buy something. However, in order to obtain a complete picture of the market segment, it is necessary to know psychological characteristics of consumers, in addition to demographic ones. The doctoral dissertation presents theoretical models of consumer behavior, involvement and human values, as well as the self-determination theory. There is presented a selection from the research opus on the involvement and relations achieved with other variables examined in this research. The research was conducted on a sample of 222 persons who had bought a car in the last six months, or who planned to buy a car and already started the decision-making process on purchasing at the moment of the research. In this way, there was made a distinction between consumers and potential consumers, as well as the distinction between consumers and the general population. The car as a product, which was central in this research, was chosen according to a pilot study conducted with the aim to determine which product made the respondents to be highly involved. Several specific objectives derived from the general aim of the research, in order to respond to the research problem. The results showed that the involvement had a multifactor structure. There were distinguished four factors, which were defined as Sign, Interest and Pleasure, Risk importance, and Risk probability. There were established differences in the level and type of involvement in consumers and potential consumers, where potential consumers were more involved than consumers both on the Total Involvement and the Risk Probability factor. Market of consumers and potential consumers was segmented according to the involvement developed by the consumers. Market consisted of four homogeneous segments which varied according to the level and type of dominant involvement. The segments were named as High, Low, Risk and Expert Involvement. There were established significant differences in segments based on values, self-awareness and causal orientations. Sex, age, education, satisfaction with financial situation, as well as the number of household members which the respondent is responsible for, were found to be significant predictors of individual factors of the consumers involvement, distinguished from a set of demographic characteristics of respondents. In the subgroup of potential consumers, the involvement could not be predicted on the basis of the set of demographic variables. Predictors of the respondents’ involvement were distinguished from a set of psychological characteristics. Particular value domains predicted factors of involvement. Based on the results concerning the causal orientations and self-awareness, it was concluded that making decision on purchasing a car was the social process and that even though they were predominantly autonomous in decisionmaking, people made the decision to buy a car with help of the reference persons and experts in this field. It was found that the causal orientations, self-awareness and individual values could not predict consumer behavior of respondents. All the findings have been discussed in the context of previous results of the research in this field. There are presented their implications and limitations, as well as recommendations for the marketing practice

    Unapređenje vijabilnosti i stabilnosti probiotskog proizvoda sa Saccharomyces boulardii DBVPG

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    In recent decades, probiotic products have been increasingly used to prevent certain gastrointestinal and urogenital disorders, to improve the general condition of the body and as a supplement to pharmacological therapy. They are most often registered as dietary supplements, and less often as drugs in the form of capsules, powders, and solutions. Optimization of technological processes of production and packaging of these products aims to maintain probiotic characteristics while adhering to all criteria during production that ensure quality, bioavailability and optimal therapeutic effects. In this paper, the importance of choosing primary and secondary packaging materials was explored with the aim of preserving the viability of probiotic cells in capsules for two years, i.e. during the shelf life. By comparing the applications of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and PVC/polyvinylidene chloride/polyethylene blister foils, better protection of probiotic cells was observed by applying the multilayer foil. In addition, in this research, further improvements of probiotic cell protection were achieved by applying a secondary packing-flow pack bag with inert gas for storing multilayered blisters.Probiotski proizvodi se poslednjih decenija sve više koriste za prevenciju određenih gastrointestinalnih i urogenitalnih poremećaja, za poboljšanje opšteg stanja organi-zma i kao dopuna farmakološke terapije. Najčešće su registrovani kao dijetetski suple-menti, a ređe kao lekovi u obliku kapsula, praškova i rastvora. Optimizacija tehnoloških procesa proizvodnje i pakovanje ovih proizvoda ima za cilj održavanje probiotskih karakteristika uz istovremeno pridržavanje svih kriterijuma u toku proizvodnje koji osiguravaju kvalitet, biološku raspoloživost i optimalno terapijsko dejstvo U ovom radu razmatran je značaj izbora primarnog i sekundarnog materijala za pakovanje sa ciljem očuvanja vijabilnost probiotskih ćelija u kapsulama tokom dve godine tj. tokom roka upotrebe. Poređenjem primene PVC (polivinil hlorid) i PVC/poliviniliden hlorid/poli-etilen (PVC/PVdC/PE) blister folija uočena je bolja zaštita probotskih ćelija od kiseonika i vlage primenom višeslojene folije. Dodatne efekte zaštite probiotskih ćelija u ovom radu potvrdjene su primenom dodatne zaštite blistera upotrebom sekundarnog pakovanja (engl. flow pack) kesice sa inertni gasom

    The Comparative Analysis of the Impact of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine and its Combination with Propolis on Quality-of-Life in Patients with Acute Bronchitis

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    Objectives: Evidence suggests that both N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) and NAC in combination with propolis (NAC-P) reduce symptoms of acute bronchitis and improve Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL). This study aimed to compare the impact of NAC and NAC-P therapy on acute bronchitis patients' quality of life. Design, setting, and subjects: A randomized, single-blind parallel-group study was achieved at Municipal Institute for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis Medical Centre, Belgrade, Serbia. Patients with acute bronchitis were randomly assigned into two groups to receive NAC (200mg three times a day) or NAC-P (200mg+80mg three times a day) orally for a minimum of ten days. HRQoL of patients was measured twice (at two appointments) using the Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ) and EQ-5D questionnaires. Results: The study included 42 patients in the NAC-P group and 43 in the NAC group. The correlation between the LCQ total score and Health State Values (HSV) was positive and statistically significant in the NAC-P and the NAC groups at the second appointment. The differences between values of EQ-5D scores were slightly higher (but not statistically significant) in the NAC-P group compared to the NAC group, indicating a more remarkable improvement of HRQoL using NAC-P. Conclusion: NAC-P and NAC may improve HRQoL in patients with acute bronchitis. EQ-5D scale values indicated that NAC-P might improve quality of life more than NAC. Our results may provide the basis for better decision-making by healthcare professionals when choosing the right therapy

    Vapochromic Behaviour of M[Au(CN)2]2-Based Coordination Polymers (M = Co, Ni)

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    A series of M[Au(CN)2]2(analyte)x coordination polymers (M = Co, Ni; analyte = dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), pyridine; x = 2 or 4) was prepared and characterized. Addition of analyte vapours to solid M(μ-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 yielded visible vapochromic responses for M = Co but not M = Ni; the IR νCN spectral region changed in every case. A single crystal structure of Zn[Au(CN)2]2(DMSO)2 revealed a corrugated 2-D layer structure with cis-DMSO units. Reacting a Ni(II) salt and K[Au(CN)2] in DMSO yielded the isostructural Ni[Au(CN)2]2(DMSO)2 product. Co[Au(CN)2]2(DMSO)2 and M[Au(CN)2]2(DMF)2 (M = Co, Ni) complexes have flat 2-D square-grid layer structures with trans-bound DMSO or DMF units; they are formed via vapour absorption by solid M(μ-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 and from DMSO or DMF solution synthesis. Co[Au(CN)2]2(pyridine)4 is generated via vapour absorption by Co(μ-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2; the analogous Ni complex is synthesized by immersion of Ni(μ-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 in 4% aqueous pyridine. Similar immersion of Co(μ-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 yielded Co[Au(CN)2]2(pyridine)2, which has a flat 2-D square-grid structure with trans-pyridine units. Absorption of pyridine vapour by solid Ni(μ-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 was incomplete, generating a mixture of pyridine-bound complexes. Analyte-free Co[Au(CN)2]2 was prepared by dehydration of Co(μ-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 at 145 °C; it has a 3-D diamondoid-type structure and absorbs DMSO, DMF and pyridine to give the same materials as by vapour absorption from the hydrate

    Effect of temperature of heat treatment on energetic intensity of flat milling of picea abies

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    The paper deals with the research of the influence of thermal modification temperature of spruce wood on the electric energy consumption of its face milling. Samples of spruce wood heat treated at temperatures of 160, 180, 200 and 220°C were milled at the cutting speed of 20, 40 and 60 m.s-1, the feed rate of 6, 10 and 15 m.min-1, the rake angle of 15° with the depth of the cut of 1 mm. The energy consumption was evaluated from the cutting power, which was based on the difference during milling and idle cycle. The analysis of variance showed a decrease in cutting power with an increasing temperature of thermal modification. The average cutting power value is 137.7 W at the native sample and 80.8 W at the sample treated at 220°C. The Duncan’s test of statistical significance has shown that the thermal modification has a statistically significant effect on the cutting power values

    Low moisture starch for improved viability and stability of new Probiotic L. plantarum 299v preparation

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    Probiotic pharmaceutical preparations are more and more popular because of the increasing level of evidence of their beneficial effect on human health. The goal of this study was to determine and develop the encapsulated probiotic formulation with the optimal filling amount of active ingredient - Lactobacillus plantarum that would, in combination with other active ingredients: iron, vitamin C and excipient starch, fulfil requirements for therapeutic action while maintaining process parameters’ requirements of manufacturing as well. The optimal formulation of a multicomponent probiotic-based formulation that fulfils requirements for sustaining all active ingredients while respecting technological process requirements, will enable a routine pharmaceutical manufacturing that could yield both efficient and safe dietary products

    Effects of short-term magnesium supplementation on ionized, total magnesium and other relevant electrolytes levels

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    This study aimed to investigate the short-term effects of three magnesium (Mg) dietary supplements containing mineral immediately available for absorption on Mg biochemical status indices (ionized and total Mg), as well as their effects on electrolytes levels in healthy female young adults (n = 61). After a 10-days intervention period supplementation with powder/granulate containing Mg oxide led to an increase in both ionized Mg concentration and % in total Mg in comparison with the baseline. Supplementation with Mg citrate was associated with the significant increase in % of ionized fraction and decrease in serum total Mg concentration. By contrast, among participants consuming Mg carbonate in the form of effervescent tablets ionized Mg concentration and % in total Mg decreased, without detectable changes in serum total Mg. In conclusion, after the short-term supplementation period, Mg oxide demonstrated superior bioavailability compared to the other examined Mg supplements without affecting other minerals’ levels