157 research outputs found

    Chromosome sizes and phylogenetic relationships between serotypes of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    The genome size of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae was determined by pulsed field gel electrophoresis of AscI and ApaI digested chromosomal DNA. The genome size of the type strain 4074T (serotype 1) was determined to be 2404±40 kb. The chromosome sizes for the reference strains of the other serotypes range between 2.3 and 2.4 Mb. The restriction pattern profiles of AscI, ApaI and NheI digested chromosomes showed a high degree of polymorphism among the different serotype reference strains and allowed their discrimination. The analysis of the macrorestriction pattern polymorphism revealed phylogenetic relationships between the different serotype reference strains which reflect to some extent groups of serotypes known to cross-react serologically. In addition, different pulsed fields gel electrophoresis patterns also revealed heterogeneity in the chromosomal structure among different field strains of serotypes 1, 5a, and 5b, while strains of serotype 9 originating from most distant geographical places showed homogeneous ApaI patterns in pulsed field gel electrophoresi

    Truncation of the lipopolysaccharide outer core affects susceptibility to antimicrobial peptides and virulence of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 1.

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    Abstract We reported previously that the core oligosaccharide region of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is essential for optimal adhesion of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, an important swine pathogen, to respiratory tract cells. Rough LPS and core LPS mutants of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 1 were generated by using a mini-Tn10 transposon mutagenesis system. Here we performed a structural analysis of the oligosaccharide region of three core LPS mutants that still produce the same O-antigen by using methylation analyses and mass spectrometry. We also performed a kinetic study of proinflammatory cytokines production such as interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, IL1-β, MCP-1, and IL8 by LPS-stimulated porcine alveolar macrophages, which showed that purified LPS of the parent strain, the rough LPS and core LPS mutants, had the same ability to stimulate the production of cytokines. Most interestingly, an in vitro susceptibility test of these LPS mutants to antimicrobial peptides showed that the three core LPS mutants were more susceptible to cationic peptides than both the rough LPS mutant and the wild type parent strain. Furthermore, experimental pig infections with these mutants revealed that the galactose (Gal I) and d,d-heptose (Hep IV) residues present in the outer core of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 1 LPS are important for adhesion and overall virulence in the natural host, whereas deletion of the terminal GalNAc-Gal II disaccharide had no effect. Our data suggest that an intact core-lipid A region is required for optimal protection of A. pleuropneumoniae against cationic peptides and that deletion of specific residues in the outer LPS core results in the attenuation of the virulence of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 1

    Selective medium for culture of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae

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    The fastidious porcine respiratory pathogen Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae has proven difficult to culture since it was first isolated in 1965. A reliable solid medium has been particularly challenging. Moreover, clinical and pathological samples often contain the fast-growing M. hyorhinis which contaminates and overgrows M. hyopneumoniae in primary culture. The aim of this study was to optimise the culture medium for recovery of M. hyopneumoniae and to devise a medium for selection of M. hyopneumoniae from clinical samples also containing M. hyorhinis. The solid medium devised by Niels Friis was improved by use of Purified agar and incorporation of DEAE-dextran. Addition of glucose or neutralization of acidity in liquid medium with NaOH did not improve the final yield of viable organisms or alter the timing of peak viability. Analysis of the relative susceptibility of M. hyopneumoniae and M. hyorhinis strains to four antimicrobials showed that M. hyopneumoniae is less susceptible than M. hyorhinis to kanamycin. This was consistent in all UK and Danish strains tested. A concentration of 2 μg/ml of kanamycin selectively inhibited the growth of all M. hyorhinis tested, while M. hyopneumoniae was able to grow. This forms the basis of an effective selective culture medium for M. hyopneumoniae.(Résumé d'auteur

    Pathophysiological changes occurring during Escherichia coli endotoxin and Pasteurella multocida challenge in piglets: relationship with cough and temperature and predicitive value for intensity of lesions.

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    The aims of this study were (1) to correlate cough and body temperature (BT) with the severity of bronchopneumonia in pigs, (2) to determine whether these clinical signs can be used to early diagnose bronchopneumonia and (3) to assess the predictive values of cough and BT regarding lung lesions. Bronchopneumonia was induced by administering E. coli endotoxin (LPS) combined with Pasteurella multocida type A (PmA) in the trachea of 13 piglets. Saline-instilled negative controls (n = 8), PmA inoculated (n = 6) and LPS instilled (n = 5) groups were also constituted. Cough and BT were recorded daily while the bronchopneumonia severity was assessed using bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cytology, cytokines and measurement of lung lesion volume. Changes in expiratory breathing pattern were also measured (Penh). The combination of LPS and PmA induced a subacute bronchopneumonia characterised by macrophage, neutrophil, and lymphocyte infiltration, changes in Penh and an increase in the mRNA level of IFN-gamma while IL8, IL-18 and TNF-alpha mRNA levels remained unchanged. The daily body weight gain of infected animals was significantly reduced. Cough and BT changes were proportional to the intensity of the lung inflammatory process, functional respiratory changes and to the extent of macroscopic lesions. When comparing the individual values of cough and BT to thresholds defined for both parameters, an early diagnosis of pneumonia was possible. Considering the pooled data of each group, it was possible to define thresholds allowing an early segregation between the groups of diseased and healthy piglets. The daily values of cough and BT were predictive for the volume of lung lesions recorded at the end of the trial. In conclusion, cough and BT appear as potential indicators for the intensity and the evolution of the respiratory disease. They also seem to be good predictors for the magnitude of lung lesions and weight gain recorded at the study endpoint

    Sensitive and Specific Detection of Mycoplasma species by Consensus Polymerase Chain Reaction and Dot Blot Hybridization

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    Mycoplasmas are highly fastidious bacteria, difficult to culture and slow growing. Many species of mycoplasmas are important pathogens that cause respiratory infection in laboratory animals and that are known to affect experimental results obtained with contaminated animals. The aim of the present study was to develop a sensitive and specific assay for the detection of mycoplasma species. To this end, we developed a polymerase chain reaction and dot blot hybridization assay (PCR/DBH) for detecting mycoplasma DNA and evaluated it for its sensitivity and specificity. Mycoplasma consensus primer pairs were used for the amplification of target DNA. When PCR product was visually detected, the limit of detection of the PCR test was 102 pg of mycoplasma purified DNA. For DBH, the amplified DNA was labeled by incorporation of digoxigenin (DIG). This DIG-labeled probe was capable of detecting 104 pg of purified mycoplasma DNA by DBH. PCR/DBH was more sensitive than PCR or DBH alone and was also very specific. Our PCR/DBH assay can be applied efficiently to confirm the presence of mycoplasma species on clinical samples and to differentiate between mycoplasma species infection and other bacterial infections
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