283 research outputs found

    Tamoxifen-Independent Recombination in the RIP-CreER Mouse

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    The inducible Cre-lox system is a valuable tool to study gene function in a spatial and time restricted fashion in mouse models. This strategy relies on the limited background activity of the modified Cre recombinase (CreER) in the absence of its inducer, the competitive estrogen receptor ligand, tamoxifen. The RIP-CreER mouse (Tg (Ins2-cre/Esr1) 1Dam) is among the few available β-cell specific CreER mouse lines and thus it has been often used to manipulate gene expression in the insulin-producing cells of the endocrine pancreas

    Observation of 1D Behavior in Si Nanowires: Toward High-Performance TFETs

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    This article provides experimental evidence of one-dimensional behavior of silicon (Si) nanowires (NWs) at low-temperature through both transfer (Id−VG) and capaci- tance−voltage characteristics. For the first time, operation of Si NWs in the quantum capacitance limit (QCL) is experimentally demonstrated and quantitatively analyzed. This is of relevance since working in the QCL may allow, e.g., tunneling field-effect transistors (TFETs) to achieve higher on-state currents (Ion) and larger on-/off-state current ratios (Ion/Ioff), thus addressing one of the most severe limitations of TFETs. Comparison of the experimental data with simulations finds excellent agreement using a simple capacitor model

    Systems Biological Determination of the Epi-Genomic Structure Function Relation:

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    Despite our knowledge of the sequence of the human genome, the relation of its three-dimensional dynamic architecture with its function – the storage and expression of genetic information – remains one of the central unresolved issues of our age. It became very clear meanwhile that this link is crucial for the entire holistic function of the genome on all genomic coding levels from the DNA sequence to the entire chromosomes. To fulfil the dreams for better diagnostics and treatment in the 21st century (e.g. by gene therapy by inserting a gene into a new global context), we propose here in a unique interdisciplinary project to combine experiment with theory to analyze the (epi-)genomic structure function relationships within the dynamic organization of the -Globin locus, the Immuno Globin loci, and the Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha regulated SAMD4 region in mouse and human active and inactive cell states, and their global genomic context. The project consists of five work packages (WP1-WP5) and corresponding tasks connected in a system biological approach with iterative use of data, modelling, simulation and experiments via a unique data sharing and visualization platform: In WP1 (Längst, Rippe, Wedemann, Knoch/Grosfeld; T1-T5) to investigate nucleosomal association changes in relation to the DNA sequence and the activity of ATP-driven chromatin remodelling complexes, nucleosome positions will be determined by high-throughput sequencing. The resulting nucleosomal localization probability maps will be evaluated by a novel combination of analysis tools and innovative generic data ontologies. The relation to epigenetic modifications, to the activity of ATP-driven remodelling complexes and compaction degree of nucleosomes will be analysed to understand chromatin morphogenesis and fiber formation. In parallel, in WP2 (Grosveld/Knoch, Cook, Rippe, Längst; T1-T3) we determine by high-throughput monitoring of intra/inter chromosomal contacts and architecture absolute DNA-DNA interaction probability maps for the individual loci and their global context using a novel chromosome conformation capture approach based on deep sequencing. From these the 3D conformation of the chromatin fiber and its higher-order folding into loops and loop clusters can be derived using algorithms recently developed by us. WP3 (Cook, Grosveld/Knoch, Längst; T1-T5) focuses on the determination of transcription rates and structure by qRT-PCR, DNA and RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization using intronic probes and high-resolution laser-scanning and single molecule imaging with advanced image analysis tools. Transcription-dependent changes of active and inactive loci as well as rapid synchronous transcription alteration against the unchanged background is one main interest here. This will yield results in a detailed cartography of the structure-transcription-function dependency and its importance. To rationalize the experimental results theoretically, in WP4 (Wedemann Knoch/Grosveld, Rippe; T1-T3) simulations are made of nucleosomal structure, chromatin fiber conformation and chromosomal architecture using parallel and grid super-computers with ~10.000 CPUs. The impact of different nucleosomal positions and epigenetic modifications on the nucleosomal structure and the chromatin fiber conformation will be assessed by novel Monte Carlo approaches. To understand the higher-order architecture Brownian Dynamics simulations of entire cell nuclei with molecular re

    X-ray absorption spectroscopy systematics at the tungsten L-edge

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    A series of mononuclear six-coordinate tungsten compounds spanning formal oxidation states from 0 to +VI, largely in a ligand environment of inert chloride and/or phosphine, has been interrogated by tungsten L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The L-edge spectra of this compound set, comprised of [W<sup>0</sup>(PMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>6</sub>], [W<sup>II</sup>Cl<sub>2</sub>(PMePh<sub>2</sub>)<sub>4</sub>], [W<sup>III</sup>Cl<sub>2</sub>(dppe)<sub>2</sub>][PF<sub>6</sub>] (dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane), [W<sup>IV</sup>Cl<sub>4</sub>(PMePh<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>], [W<sup>V</sup>(NPh)Cl<sub>3</sub>(PMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>], and [W<sup>VI</sup>Cl<sub>6</sub>] correlate with formal oxidation state and have usefulness as references for the interpretation of the L-edge spectra of tungsten compounds with redox-active ligands and ambiguous electronic structure descriptions. The utility of these spectra arises from the combined correlation of the estimated branching ratio (EBR) of the L<sub>3,2</sub>-edges and the L<sub>1</sub> rising-edge energy with metal Z<sub>eff</sub>, thereby permitting an assessment of effective metal oxidation state. An application of these reference spectra is illustrated by their use as backdrop for the L-edge X-ray absorption spectra of [W<sup>IV</sup>(mdt)<sub>2</sub>(CO)<sub>2</sub>] and [W<sup>IV</sup>(mdt)<sub>2</sub>(CN)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>2–</sup> (mdt<sup>2–</sup> = 1,2-dimethylethene-1,2-dithiolate), which shows that both compounds are effectively W<sup>IV</sup> species. Use of metal L-edge XAS to assess a compound of uncertain formulation requires: 1) Placement of that data within the context of spectra offered by unambiguous calibrant compounds, preferably with the same coordination number and similar metal ligand distances. Such spectra assist in defining upper and/or lower limits for metal Z<sub>eff</sub> in the species of interest; 2) Evaluation of that data in conjunction with information from other physical methods, especially ligand K-edge XAS; 3) Increased care in interpretation if strong π-acceptor ligands, particularly CO, or π-donor ligands are present. The electron-withdrawing/donating nature of these ligand types, combined with relatively short metal-ligand distances, exaggerate the difference between formal oxidation state and metal Z<sub>eff</sub> or, as in the case of [W<sup>IV</sup>(mdt)<sub>2</sub>(CO)<sub>2</sub>], add other subtlety by modulating the redox level of other ligands in the coordination sphere

    Diquat Derivatives: Highly Active, Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Optical Chromophores with Potential Redox Switchability

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    In this article, we present a detailed study of structure−activity relationships in diquaternized 2,2′-bipyridyl (diquat) derivatives. Sixteen new chromophores have been synthesized, with variations in the amino electron donor substituents, π-conjugated bridge, and alkyl diquaternizing unit. Our aim is to combine very large, two-dimensional (2D) quadratic nonlinear optical (NLO) responses with reversible redox chemistry. The chromophores have been characterized as their PF_6^− salts by using various techniques including electronic absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Their visible absorption spectra are dominated by intense π → π^* intramolecular charge-transfer (ICT) bands, and all show two reversible diquat-based reductions. First hyperpolarizabilities β have been measured by using hyper-Rayleigh scattering with an 800 nm laser, and Stark spectroscopy of the ICT bands affords estimated static first hyperpolarizabilities β_0. The directly and indirectly derived β values are large and increase with the extent of π-conjugation and electron donor strength. Extending the quaternizing alkyl linkage always increases the ICT energy and decreases the E_(1/2) values for diquat reduction, but a compensating increase in the ICT intensity prevents significant decreases in Stark-based β_0 responses. Nine single-crystal X-ray structures have also been obtained. Time-dependent density functional theory clarifies the molecular electronic/optical properties, and finite field calculations agree with polarized HRS data in that the NLO responses of the disubstituted species are dominated by ‘off-diagonal’ β_(zyy) components. The most significant findings of these studies are: (i) β_0 values as much as 6 times that of the chromophore in the technologically important material (E)-4′-(dimethylamino)-N-methyl-4-stilbazolium tosylate; (ii) reversible electrochemistry that offers potential for redox-switching of optical properties over multiple states; (iii) strongly 2D NLO responses that may be exploited for novel practical applications; (iv) a new polar material, suitable for bulk NLO behavior

    Cognitive Control and Individual Differences in Economic Ultimatum Decision-Making

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    Much publicity has been given to the fact that people's economic decisions often deviate from the rational predictions of standard economic models. In the classic ultimatum game, for example, most people turn down financial gains by rejecting unequal monetary splits. The present study points to neglected individual differences in this debate. After participants played the ultimatum game we tested for individual differences in cognitive control capacity of the most and least economic responders. The key finding was that people who were higher in cognitive control, as measured by behavioral (Go/No-Go performance) and neural (No-Go N2 amplitude) markers, did tend to behave more in line with the standard models and showed increased acceptance of unequal splits. Hence, the cognitively highest scoring decision-makers were more likely to maximize their monetary payoffs and adhere to the standard economic predictions. Findings question popular claims with respect to the rejection of standard economic models and the irrationality of human economic decision-making

    Differences in social decision-making between proposers and responders during the ultimatum game: an eeg study

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    The Ultimatum Game (UG) is a typical paradigm to investigate social decision-making. Although the behavior of humans in this task is already well established, the underlying brain processes remain poorly understood. Previous investigations using event-related potentials (ERPs) revealed three major components related to cognitive processes in participants engaged in the responder condition, the early ERP component P2, the feedback-related negativity (FRN) and a late positive wave (late positive component, LPC). However, the comparison of the ERP waveforms between the responder and proposer conditions has never been studied. Therefore, to investigate condition-related electrophysiological changes, we applied the UG paradigm and compared parameters of the P2, LPC and FRN components in twenty healthy participants. For the responder condition, we found a significantly decreased amplitude and delayed latency for the P2 component, whereas the mean amplitudes of the LPC and FRN increased compared to the proposer condition. Additionally, the proposer condition elicited an early component consisting of a negative deflection around 190 ms, in the upward slope of the P2, probably as a result of early conflict-related processing. Using independent component analysis (ICA), we extracted one functional component time-locked to this deflection, and with source reconstruction (LAURA) we found the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) as one of the underlying sources. Overall, our findings indicate that intensity and time-course of neuronal systems engaged in the decision-making processes diverge between both UG conditions, suggesting differential cognitive processes. Understanding the electrophysiological bases of decision-making and social interactions in controls could be useful to further detect which steps are impaired in psychiatric patients in their ability to attribute mental states (such as beliefs, intents, or desires) to oneself and others. This ability is called mentalizing (also known as theory of mind)

    PTBP1 Is Required for Embryonic Development before Gastrulation

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    Polypyrimidine-tract binding protein 1 (PTBP1) is an important cellular regulator of messenger RNAs influencing the alternative splicing profile of a cell as well as its mRNA stability, location and translation. In addition, it is diverted by some viruses to facilitate their replication. Here, we used a novel PTBP1 knockout mouse to analyse the tissue expression pattern of PTBP1 as well as the effect of its complete removal during development. We found evidence of strong PTBP1 expression in embryonic stem cells and throughout embryonic development, especially in the developing brain and spinal cord, the olfactory and auditory systems, the heart, the liver, the kidney, the brown fat and cartilage primordia. This widespread distribution points towards a role of PTBP1 during embryonic development. Homozygous offspring, identified by PCR and immunofluorescence, were able to implant but were arrested or retarded in growth. At day 7.5 of embryonic development (E7.5) the null mutants were about 5x smaller than the control littermates and the gap in body size widened with time. At mid-gestation, all homozygous embryos were resorbed/degraded. No homozygous mice were genotyped at E12 and the age of weaning. Embryos lacking PTBP1 did not display differentiation into the 3 germ layers and cavitation of the epiblast, which are hallmarks of gastrulation. In addition, homozygous mutants displayed malformed ectoplacental cones and yolk sacs, both early supportive structure of the embryo proper. We conclude that PTBP1 is not required for the earliest isovolumetric divisions and differentiation steps of the zygote up to the formation of the blastocyst. However, further post-implantation development requires PTBP1 and stalls in homozygous null animals with a phenotype of dramatically reduced size and aberration in embryonic and extra-embryonic structures

    Trust and Reciprocity: Are Effort and Money Equivalent?

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    Trust and reciprocity facilitate cooperation and are relevant to virtually all human interactions. They are typically studied using trust games: one subject gives (entrusts) money to another subject, which may return some of the proceeds (reciprocate). Currently, however, it is unclear whether trust and reciprocity in monetary transactions are similar in other settings, such as physical effort. Trust and reciprocity of physical effort are important as many everyday decisions imply an exchange of physical effort, and such exchange is central to labor relations. Here we studied a trust game based on physical effort and compared the results with those of a computationally equivalent monetary trust game. We found no significant difference between effort and money conditions in both the amount trusted and the quantity reciprocated. Moreover, there is a high positive correlation in subjects' behavior across conditions. This suggests that trust and reciprocity may be character traits: subjects that are trustful/trustworthy in monetary settings behave similarly during exchanges of physical effort. Our results validate the use of trust games to study exchanges in physical effort and to characterize inter-subject differences in trust and reciprocity, and also suggest a new behavioral paradigm to study these differences