208 research outputs found

    Characterisation of Liposome-Loaded Microbubble Populations for Subharmonic Imaging

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    Therapeutic microbubbles could make an important contribution to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Acoustic characterisation was performed on microfluidic generated microbubble populations that either were bare or had liposomes attached. Through the use of broadband attenuation techniques (3–8 MHz), the shell stiffness was measured to be 0.72 ± 0.01 and 0.78 ± 0.05 N/m and shell friction was 0.37 ± 0.05 and 0.74 ± 0.05 × 10−6 kg/s for bare and liposome-loaded microbubbles, respectively. Acoustic scatter revealed that liposome-loaded microbubbles had a lower subharmonic threshold, occurring from a peak negative pressure of 50 kPa, compared with 200 kPa for equivalent bare microbubbles. It was found that liposome loading had a negligible effect on the destruction threshold for this microbubble type, because at a mechanical index >0.4 (570 kPa), 80% of both populations were destroyed

    In Vivo Bioluminescent Imaging (BLI): Noninvasive Visualization and Interrogation of Biological Processes in Living Animals

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    In vivo bioluminescent imaging (BLI) is increasingly being utilized as a method for modern biological research. This process, which involves the noninvasive interrogation of living animals using light emitted from luciferase-expressing bioreporter cells, has been applied to study a wide range of biomolecular functions such as gene function, drug discovery and development, cellular trafficking, protein-protein interactions, and especially tumorigenesis, cancer treatment, and disease progression. This article will review the various bioreporter/biosensor integrations of BLI and discuss how BLI is being applied towards a new visual understanding of biological processes within the living organism

    Noninvasive biophotonic imaging for studies of infectious disease

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    According to World Health Organization estimates, infectious organisms are responsible for approximately one in four deaths worldwide. Animal models play an essential role in the development of vaccines and therapeutic agents but large numbers of animals are required to obtain quantitative microbiological data by tissue sampling. Biophotonic imaging (BPI) is a highly sensitive, nontoxic technique based on the detection of visible light, produced by luciferase-catalysed reactions (bioluminescence) or by excitation of fluorescent molecules, using sensitive photon detectors. The development of bioluminescent/fluorescent microorganisms therefore allows the real-time noninvasive detection of microorganisms within intact living animals. Multiple imaging of the same animal throughout an experiment allows disease progression to be followed with extreme accuracy, reducing the number of animals required to yield statistically meaningful data. In the study of infectious disease, the use of BPI is becoming widespread due to the novel insights it can provide into established models, as well as the impact of the technique on two of the guiding principles of using animals in research, namely reduction and refinement. Here, we review the technology of BPI, from the instrumentation through to the generation of a photonic signal, and illustrate how the technique is shedding light on infection dynamics in vivo

    Intracellular trafficking of a pH-responsive drug metal complex

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    We previously developed a pH-responsive copper-doxorubicin (CuDox) cargo in lysolipid-based temperature-sensitive liposomes (LTSLs). The CuDox complex is released from the particle by elevated temperature; however, full release of doxorubicin from CuDox requires a reduced pH, such as that expected in lysosomes. The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the cellular uptake and intracellular trafficking of the drug-metal complex in comparison with intact liposomes and free drug. We found that the CuDox complex was efficiently internalized by mammary carcinoma cells after release from LTSLs. Intracellular doxorubicin and copper were 6-fold and 5-fold greater, respectively, after a 0.5 h incubation with the released CuDox complex, as compared to incubation with intact liposomes containing the complex. Total cellular doxorubicin fluorescence was similar following CuDox and free doxorubicin incubation. Imaging and mass spectrometry assays indicated that the CuDox complex was initially internalized intact but breaks down over time within cells, with intracellular copper decreasing more rapidly than intracellular doxorubicin. Doxorubicin fluorescence was reduced when complexed with copper, and nuclear fluorescence was reduced when cells were incubated with the CuDox complex as compared with free doxorubicin. Therapeutic efficacy, which typically results from intercalation of doxorubicin with DNA, was equivalent for the CuDox complex and free doxorubicin and was superior to that of liposomal doxorubicin formulations. Taken together, the results suggest that quenched CuDox reaches the nucleus and remains efficacious. In order to design protocols for the use of these temperature-sensitive particles in cancer treatment, the timing of hyperthermia relative to drug administration must be examined. When cells were heated to 42°C prior to the addition of free doxorubicin, nuclear drug accumulation increased by 1.8-fold in cancer cells after 5 hours, and cytotoxicity increased 1.4-fold in both cancer and endothelial cells. Endothelial cytotoxicity was similarly augmented with mild hyperthermia applied prior to treatment with released CuDox. In summary, we find that the drug-metal complex formed in temperature-sensitive particles can be internalized by cancer and endothelial cells resulting in therapeutic efficacy that is similar to free doxorubicin, and this efficacy can be enhanced by elevated temperature