2,821 research outputs found

    Communication and Freedom: An Althusserian Reading of Media-Government Relations

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    This essay draws on the work of French philosopher Louis Althusser, particularly his contributions to the development of ideology, in an assessment of the relationship between communication ana freedom. Althusser\u27s understanding of freedom as an ideological creation not only privileges the role of ideology in the construction of social relationships, but also calls into question the complex interplay between media, society, and freedom. The current billion-dollar anti-drug public service announcement deal is interrogated in an effort to illustrate how the United States government has been inserting ideologically driven propaganda into prime time television shows with the full co-operation and approval of network executives. The anti-drug advertising deal provides an example of how freedom may be compromised as the ideological state apparatus of television places ruling class, government sanctioned ideas into the forefront of society

    Hydraulic Analysis of a Reversible Fluid Coupling

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    This paper presents a hydraulic analysis of a fluid coupling which is designed to operate either in a forward or reverse mode when a set of turning vanes are respectively withdrawn or inserted into the flow between the driving and driven rotors. The flow path is subdivided into a set of streamtubes and an interative method is used to adjust the cross-sectional areas of these streamtubes in order to satisfy radial equilibrium. Though the analyis requires the estimation of a number of loss coefficients, it predicts coupling performance data which are in good agreement with that measured in NAVSSES tests of a large reversible coupling intended for use in a ship drive train

    Communication and the Knowable Community

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    This essay draws on Raymond Williams\u27s concept of a knowable community in an effort to understand the myriad of connections that exist between individuals and society. Williams, who sees communication and community as synonymous, suggests that a knowable community may ultimately emerge through the process of communication and that in the discovery of connections between individuals and society, an understanding of historically specific patterns may be shown. This essay also discusses an oral history project with journalists who worked for Gannett in the 1960s as an example of an emerging knowable community that questioned traditional notions of community and challenged dominant ideological constructions of media history

    Trajectories for the Future: Journalism Studies in Context

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    Isostatic Recovery and the Strain Rate Dependent Viscosity of the Earth's Mantle

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    This paper is concerned with the interpretation of isostatic recovery data in terms of the flow properties of the earth's mantle. A hydrodynamic analysis is first presented that allows straightforward calculation of the relaxation time for isostatic recovery within a mantle in which the viscosity varies continuously with depth. However, it transpires that no curve of this type (i.e., choice of a reference viscosity and a rate of change of viscosity with depth) can of itself adequately explain the available observational data from the Fennoscandian and Laurentide ice sheets and the pluvial Lake Bonneville. Proceeding onward it is then demonstrated that the strain rates within such flows are in fact greater than the critical strain rate envisaged by Weertman (1970) in his theoretical rheological model of the mantle. Below this critical value, diffusion creep is the dominant flow process, and the flow can be modeled by a Newtonian viscosity. But above this value, dislocation glide takes over, and the viscosity exhibits a decrease with increasing strain rate. This feature is then incorporated into the theoretical model, and the isostatic recovery data are interpreted in such a way as to provide experimental values of the strain rate dependent viscosity that can be compared with the values in Weertman's rheological model. It is demonstrated that the data become most self-consistent and exhibit the most satisfactory agreement with Weertman's model when the increase of mantle viscosity with depth is given roughly by exp (5 × 10^(−4)z), where z is the depth in kilometers. Thus in addition, the analysis would appear to provide some verification of Weertman's model of the mantle flow properties. It is further demonstrated that the much larger increase of viscosity with depth predicted by McConnell (1968) and others from previous analyses of isostatic recovery data is an artifice induced by the nature of such flows in which the strain rate decreases with depth; this led to an apparent increase of viscosity that is much larger than the actual variation

    Photojournalism: Historical Dimensions to Contemporary Debates

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    This chapter offers a brief discussion of the historical context surrounding recent discussions of photography and focuses on the role of photojournalism in contemporary society. As such, it addresses the introduction of photography and its perceived ability to provide authentic documentation of reality and details the development of photojournalism during the twentieth century. This chapter then focuses on challenges to the documentary role of photography since the introduction of digital technologies and notes the changing role of photojournalists showcasing their current emphasis on illustrating emotional aspects of experience