233 research outputs found

    Technological Frames: A Qualitative Study on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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    This study aims to provide an insight for the concept of “frame” in general and “technological frame” in particular, which have gained considerable interest in management and organization studies. Additionally, it investigates the factors affecting technological frame construct, which is defined as people’s “assumptions, expectations and knowledge about the purpose, context, importance and role of technology’’ (Orlikowski and Gash, 1994). On the other hand, the importance of technology in the success of logistics and supply chain management has increased dramatically over the recent years in line with the emergence of new technologies. Based on this, we conducted an exploratory qualitative study, including semi-structured interviews with employees working in the logistics and supply chain management area. After content analysis, we found out that past experiences with technology, biases towards or against the new technology, personality, and technology knowledge and competence are the individual factors whereas  organizational culture, colleagues’ attitudes, making stakeholders participate in the process of establishment, understanding the differences between employees, managers, and other stakeholders,  and aligning them on a common goal, and providing training and on-time feedback to technology-related problems are the organizational factors affecting emotional and cognitive experiences of employees with a new technology they encounter at the workplace for the first time. Perhaps the most important finding of the study is that it has an affective dimension. Future research should provide further validation with research sample covering larger contexts

    Technological Frames: A Qualitative Study on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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    This study aims to provide an insight for the concept of “frame” in general and “technological frame” in particular, which have gained considerable interest in management and organization studies. Additionally, it investigates the factors affecting technological frame construct, which is defined as people’s “assumptions, expectations and knowledge about the purpose, context, importance and role of technology’’ (Orlikowski and Gash, 1994). On the other hand, the importance of technology in the success of logistics and supply chain management has increased dramatically over the recent years in line with the emergence of new technologies. Based on this, we conducted an exploratory qualitative study, including semi-structured interviews with employees working in the logistics and supply chain management area. After content analysis, we found out that past experiences with technology, biases towards or against the new technology, personality, and technology knowledge and competence are the individual factors whereas organizational culture, colleagues’ attitudes, making stakeholders participate in the process of establishment, understanding the differences between employees, managers, and other stakeholders, and aligning them on a common goal, and providing training and on-time feedback to technology-related problems are the organizational factors affecting emotional and cognitive experiences of employees with a new technology they encounter at the workplace for the first time. Perhaps the most important finding of the study is that it has an affective dimension. Future research should provide further validation with research sample covering larger contexts

    The effectiveness of electro-acupuncture in ovarian ischemia reperfusion injury

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    Electro-acupuncture is widely used in gynecology. Adnexal torsion is an important threat to ovarian reserves in women of reproductive age. This is the first study to investigate whether electro-acupuncture is beneficial in protecting ovarian reserves in case of adnexal torsion resulting in reperfusion injury. Thirty-two female Wistar Albino rats were randomized into four groups: the first group-sham operation, the second group-torsion/detorsion model, the third group-pre-acupunture + torsion/detorsion + post-acupuncture, and the fourth group-torsion/detorsion + post-acupuncture. The acupoints used were CV4 and bilateral SP6, Ex-CA1, Kid3, and ST36. In the third group, the acupoints were needled for two weeks before torsion, continuing for a further two weeks after torsion. In the fourth group, needling began after torsion and was maintained for two weeks. Both histological and biochemical parameters indicating ovarian reserves showed that electro-acupuncture applied to the above points exhibited an ameliorating effect on ovaries injured during ischemia/reperfusion. Electro-acupuncture may be capable of protecting against and preventing ischemia/reperfusion injury in case of ovarian torsion

    Familial Mediterranean fever: Health-related quality of life and associated variables in a national cohort

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    Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the effectivity of Familial Mediterranean Fever Quality of Life (FMF-QoL) Scale for the measurement of QoL in patients with FMF and to perform correlations between related clinical variables in Turkish patients. Patients and methods: This multicenter prospective study performed between December 2017 and November 2018 included 974 FMF patients (334 males, 640 females; median age: 35; range, 26 to 45 years). Sociodemographic characteristics and clinical features were recorded. All participants were asked to complete the FMF-QoL Scale, Short Form-36 (SF-36), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ), and Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT) Scale. Results: The median FMF-QoL Scale score was 26. Higher FMF-QoL Scale scores were shown to be related to female sex, illiteracy or primary education, monthly low-income (US$20 years), a higher number of attacks per month (>1/month), and severe disease. FMF-QoL Scale scores were correlated negatively with subscales of SF-36, and positively with HADS-anxiety and HADS-depression scores, HAQ and FACIT. Conclusion: Female sex, smoking, lower educational status, more severe disease, fatigue, and functional impairment were associated with poor QoL. FMF-QoL Scale was noted as a valid and simple patient-reported outcome instrument and correlated with the SF-36 scale


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    The aim of this study is to select promising wild apricot rootstocks among wild apricot populations propagated by seeds naturally found in Malatya, Erzincan, Nev?ehir, Sivas and Elaz?g provinces. In the first stage, land scans were carried out between 2007 and 2009 and 756 genotypes were determined which could be suitable for the characteristics of the rootstock by considering the phenotypic characteristics. On land surveys,  the wild apricot trees that are healthy, productive, bitter seeds, thornless, dwarth growth habit and smooth trunk structure was selected. Among the marked wild apricot types were selected 240 types in 2008, 262 types in 2009 and 254 types in 2010. Seeds taken from these determined wild apricot trees were planted for 2 years in Erzincan and Malatya locations and germination experiments were carried out. In the study, Hasanbey and Hac?halilo?lu apricot varieties were used as control plants. Seed germination percentage, seedling diameter, height, diameter and high homogeneity were determined. At the end of three years of germination experiments were evaluated according to weighting ranking score and finally 8 types that has hight score selected for Malatya location and 18 types for Erzincan location. In the second step, these 26 types after selected in germination tests, was grafted by cv. Hac?halilo?lu in Malatya and by cv. Hasanbey in Erzincan. After grafting success, shoot diameter, homogenity, shoot length and homogenity were evaluated. Then, the data was selected according to weighting ranking score and finally 7 types (58/6, 58/7, 24/111, 24/7, 24/25, 24/33 and 44/8) that has hight score selected for Malatya and Erzincan locations, and transferred to the third stage. In third stage, collection orchards will be established and rootstocks-scion, yield, phenological observations, pomological analysis, tree growth and habit will be evaluated.&nbsp

    Volume CXIV, Number 4, November 7, 1996

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    Objective: Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal disorder caused by complete or partial X chromosome monosomy that manifests various clinical features depending on the karyotype and on the genetic background of affected girls. This study aimed to systematically investigate the key clinical features of TS in relationship to karyotype in a large pediatric Turkish patient population.Methods: Our retrospective study included 842 karyotype-proven TS patients aged 0-18 years who were evaluated in 35 different centers in Turkey in the years 2013-2014.Results: The most common karyotype was 45,X (50.7%), followed by 45,X/46,XX (10.8%), 46,X,i(Xq) (10.1%) and 45,X/46,X,i(Xq) (9.5%). Mean age at diagnosis was 10.2±4.4 years. The most common presenting complaints were short stature and delayed puberty. Among patients diagnosed before age one year, the ratio of karyotype 45,X was significantly higher than that of other karyotype groups. Cardiac defects (bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of the aorta and aortic stenosis) were the most common congenital anomalies, occurring in 25% of the TS cases. This was followed by urinary system anomalies (horseshoe kidney, double collector duct system and renal rotation) detected in 16.3%. Hashimoto's thyroiditis was found in 11.1% of patients, gastrointestinal abnormalities in 8.9%, ear nose and throat problems in 22.6%, dermatologic problems in 21.8% and osteoporosis in 15.3%. Learning difficulties and/or psychosocial problems were encountered in 39.1%. Insulin resistance and impaired fasting glucose were detected in 3.4% and 2.2%, respectively. Dyslipidemia prevalence was 11.4%.Conclusion: This comprehensive study systematically evaluated the largest group of karyotype-proven TS girls to date. The karyotype distribution, congenital anomaly and comorbidity profile closely parallel that from other countries and support the need for close medical surveillance of these complex patients throughout their lifespa

    Impact of opioid-free analgesia on pain severity and patient satisfaction after discharge from surgery: multispecialty, prospective cohort study in 25 countries

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    Background: Balancing opioid stewardship and the need for adequate analgesia following discharge after surgery is challenging. This study aimed to compare the outcomes for patients discharged with opioid versus opioid-free analgesia after common surgical procedures.Methods: This international, multicentre, prospective cohort study collected data from patients undergoing common acute and elective general surgical, urological, gynaecological, and orthopaedic procedures. The primary outcomes were patient-reported time in severe pain measured on a numerical analogue scale from 0 to 100% and patient-reported satisfaction with pain relief during the first week following discharge. Data were collected by in-hospital chart review and patient telephone interview 1 week after discharge.Results: The study recruited 4273 patients from 144 centres in 25 countries; 1311 patients (30.7%) were prescribed opioid analgesia at discharge. Patients reported being in severe pain for 10 (i.q.r. 1-30)% of the first week after discharge and rated satisfaction with analgesia as 90 (i.q.r. 80-100) of 100. After adjustment for confounders, opioid analgesia on discharge was independently associated with increased pain severity (risk ratio 1.52, 95% c.i. 1.31 to 1.76; P < 0.001) and re-presentation to healthcare providers owing to side-effects of medication (OR 2.38, 95% c.i. 1.36 to 4.17; P = 0.004), but not with satisfaction with analgesia (beta coefficient 0.92, 95% c.i. -1.52 to 3.36; P = 0.468) compared with opioid-free analgesia. Although opioid prescribing varied greatly between high-income and low- and middle-income countries, patient-reported outcomes did not.Conclusion: Opioid analgesia prescription on surgical discharge is associated with a higher risk of re-presentation owing to side-effects of medication and increased patient-reported pain, but not with changes in patient-reported satisfaction. Opioid-free discharge analgesia should be adopted routinely

    Adige dilindeki sayıların ve sayıların yapılarının Türk dilindeki sayılarla karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi (Adige olağanüstü masallarından alınan örneklerle)

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    YÖK Tez No: 529991Bu çalışmanın amacı, Adige dilindeki sayıların yapısını, oluşumunu ve sayı gruplarını Adige olağanüstü masallarından seçilmiş örneklerle destekleyerek Türkçedeki sayılarla karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemektir. Sayı çeşitleri, sayıların diğer sözcük türleriyle birleşmesi konusu ve miktar, ölçü gösteren ifadeler ve sınıflandırıcılar ayrı ayrı ele alınmış, masallarda görülen sayıların yapıları açıklanmış, miktar ve ölçü ifade eden sözcükler ve sınıflandırıcılar Türkçedeki benzer ifadelerle karşılaştırmalı olarak çalışılmış ve gruplandırılmıştır. Çalışmada seçme, açıklama, analiz, sentez, kıyaslama, karşılaştırma yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Sayılar sorununun Adige ve Türk dillerinde nasıl ele alındığı irdelenmiş, böylece konuyla ilgili var olan bakış açıları dile getirilmiştir. Çalışmada Adige ve Türk dillerindeki sayıların incelenmesi ilk defa karşılaştırmalı olarak gösterilmiş, sayı çeşitleri ve sayıların yapıları bilimsel temele dayandırılarak açıklanmış, olağanüstü masallardan alınan örneklerle desteklenmiştir. Adige dilinin İber-Kafkas dil ailesinin Abhaz-Adige koluna, Türkçenin ise Ural-Altay dil ailesinin Altay koluna mensup olması sebebiyle her iki dilin farklı yapılar sergilediği görülmüştür. Her iki dil de eklemeli/bitişken (aglutinativ) diller grubunda yer almasına rağmen, Adige dilinin önden, sondan ve ortadan ekleme özelliklerine sahip olması, Türkçenin ise sadece sondan ekleme özelliğine sahip olması sayı çeşitlerinin oluşma şekillerini de etkilemiştir. Adige dilinde sayı çeşitlerinin daha fazla olması, sayıların bağımsız bir sözcük türü olarak ele alınması, sayıların yapısında toplama ve çarpma özelliğinin birlikte bulunması, onluk ve yirmilik taban sisteminin birlikte kullanılması ve sayıların oluşumunun birleşme, tekrar, son ek, ön ek-son ek, biçim-sözdizimsel, sesbilgisel, ünlü değişimi ile gerçekleşmesi Adige dilinin kompleks yapısını göstermiştir. Bu bağlamda, söz konusu çalışma, Türk ve Adige dillerinin dil özelliklerinin öğretilmesi ve karşılaştırılması ihtiyacının doğduğu bir ortamda, her iki dili temel alan bilimsel çalışmalara katkı sağlayacaktır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Adigece, Türkçe, bitişken/eklemeli, sözcük türü, sayılar, ölçü birimleri, kaplarThe aim of this study is to examine the numerals and their formation in the Adyghe language in comparison with those of the Turkish language, making references to the examples chosen from the Adyghe fairy tales. Besides, classifiers and expressions related to quantity and measurement have been discussed separately and the combinations of numerals that appear in the folktales with other parts of speech have been shown. Classifiers, expressions related to quantity and measurement in the Adyghe language have been examined in relation to their Turkish equivalents and have been grouped. In this study, such methods as selection, explanation, analysis, synthesis, comparison and contrast have been utilised. The way both languages tackle the subject of numerals has been examined, thus depicting different points of view relevant to the topic. A comparative study of numerals in the Adyghe language and the Turkish language has been introduced for the first time in this work and groups of numerals and their formation have been explained on scientific basis, supported by examples taken from Adyghe fairy tales. Since the Adyghe language belongs to Abkhazian-Adyghe branch of the Iberian-Caucasian language family and the Turkish language belongs to the Altaic branch of the Ural-Altaic family of languages, both languages show differences in their formation. Although both languages share the features of agglutinative languages, the fact that word formation occurs differently in them affects the way numerals are formed. The variety of numeral groups in the Adyghe language, the fact that numerals are considered an independent part of speech, that numerals have features of both addition and multiplication in their structure, that they have both decimal and vigesimal number systems and that formation of the numerals occur by combination, repetition, suffixation, prefixation-suffixation and by means of morpho-syntactic, phonetic and vowel change has shown the subtle structure of the Adyghe language. In this sense, this study will contribute to the Adyghe and Turkish language studies at a time when the need to teach and study comparatively the features of both languages has arisen. Anahtar Sözcükler: Adyghabze, Turkish, agglutinative, part of speech, numerals, measurement, container

    Adige dilindeki sayıların ve sayıların yapılarının Türk dilindeki sayılarla karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi (Adige olağanüstü masallarından alınan örneklerle)

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    YÖK Tez No: 529991Bu çalışmanın amacı, Adige dilindeki sayıların yapısını, oluşumunu ve sayı gruplarını Adige olağanüstü masallarından seçilmiş örneklerle destekleyerek Türkçedeki sayılarla karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemektir. Sayı çeşitleri, sayıların diğer sözcük türleriyle birleşmesi konusu ve miktar, ölçü gösteren ifadeler ve sınıflandırıcılar ayrı ayrı ele alınmış, masallarda görülen sayıların yapıları açıklanmış, miktar ve ölçü ifade eden sözcükler ve sınıflandırıcılar Türkçedeki benzer ifadelerle karşılaştırmalı olarak çalışılmış ve gruplandırılmıştır. Çalışmada seçme, açıklama, analiz, sentez, kıyaslama, karşılaştırma yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Sayılar sorununun Adige ve Türk dillerinde nasıl ele alındığı irdelenmiş, böylece konuyla ilgili var olan bakış açıları dile getirilmiştir. Çalışmada Adige ve Türk dillerindeki sayıların incelenmesi ilk defa karşılaştırmalı olarak gösterilmiş, sayı çeşitleri ve sayıların yapıları bilimsel temele dayandırılarak açıklanmış, olağanüstü masallardan alınan örneklerle desteklenmiştir. Adige dilinin İber-Kafkas dil ailesinin Abhaz-Adige koluna, Türkçenin ise Ural-Altay dil ailesinin Altay koluna mensup olması sebebiyle her iki dilin farklı yapılar sergilediği görülmüştür. Her iki dil de eklemeli/bitişken (aglutinativ) diller grubunda yer almasına rağmen, Adige dilinin önden, sondan ve ortadan ekleme özelliklerine sahip olması, Türkçenin ise sadece sondan ekleme özelliğine sahip olması sayı çeşitlerinin oluşma şekillerini de etkilemiştir. Adige dilinde sayı çeşitlerinin daha fazla olması, sayıların bağımsız bir sözcük türü olarak ele alınması, sayıların yapısında toplama ve çarpma özelliğinin birlikte bulunması, onluk ve yirmilik taban sisteminin birlikte kullanılması ve sayıların oluşumunun birleşme, tekrar, son ek, ön ek-son ek, biçim-sözdizimsel, sesbilgisel, ünlü değişimi ile gerçekleşmesi Adige dilinin kompleks yapısını göstermiştir. Bu bağlamda, söz konusu çalışma, Türk ve Adige dillerinin dil özelliklerinin öğretilmesi ve karşılaştırılması ihtiyacının doğduğu bir ortamda, her iki dili temel alan bilimsel çalışmalara katkı sağlayacaktır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Adigece, Türkçe, bitişken/eklemeli, sözcük türü, sayılar, ölçü birimleri, kaplarThe aim of this study is to examine the numerals and their formation in the Adyghe language in comparison with those of the Turkish language, making references to the examples chosen from the Adyghe fairy tales. Besides, classifiers and expressions related to quantity and measurement have been discussed separately and the combinations of numerals that appear in the folktales with other parts of speech have been shown. Classifiers, expressions related to quantity and measurement in the Adyghe language have been examined in relation to their Turkish equivalents and have been grouped. In this study, such methods as selection, explanation, analysis, synthesis, comparison and contrast have been utilised. The way both languages tackle the subject of numerals has been examined, thus depicting different points of view relevant to the topic. A comparative study of numerals in the Adyghe language and the Turkish language has been introduced for the first time in this work and groups of numerals and their formation have been explained on scientific basis, supported by examples taken from Adyghe fairy tales. Since the Adyghe language belongs to Abkhazian-Adyghe branch of the Iberian-Caucasian language family and the Turkish language belongs to the Altaic branch of the Ural-Altaic family of languages, both languages show differences in their formation. Although both languages share the features of agglutinative languages, the fact that word formation occurs differently in them affects the way numerals are formed. The variety of numeral groups in the Adyghe language, the fact that numerals are considered an independent part of speech, that numerals have features of both addition and multiplication in their structure, that they have both decimal and vigesimal number systems and that formation of the numerals occur by combination, repetition, suffixation, prefixation-suffixation and by means of morpho-syntactic, phonetic and vowel change has shown the subtle structure of the Adyghe language. In this sense, this study will contribute to the Adyghe and Turkish language studies at a time when the need to teach and study comparatively the features of both languages has arisen. Anahtar Sözcükler: Adyghabze, Turkish, agglutinative, part of speech, numerals, measurement, container

    Henry James'in The Wings of the Dove ve The Golden Boel romanlarında iyilik ve kötülük kavramlarının incelenmesi

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    The aim of this thesis is to analyse the concepts of good and evil in Henry James̕s two novels, The Wings of the Dove and The Golden Bowl. The main argument, which is supported with evidence from the novels and several articles and books, is that the conceps of good and evil permeate the novels, that Henry James̕s use of symbolism and imagery reinforces the illustration of these concepts, that the contextual understanding of these terms cannot be separated from the environmental, financial and contextual factors that influence the characters̕ responses to the world outside themselves and that human relations and the characters̕ relatedness to the world outside themselves constitute the point where good and evil reside.Bu tez Hery James’in The Wings of the Dove ve The Golden Bowl romanlarında, iyilik ve kötülük kavramlarını incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Henry James’in simgeler ve imgeler yardımıyla bu kavramları nasıl güçlendirdiği, çevresel, ekonomik ve durumsal faktörlerin insanlar arası ilişkilere iyi ve kötü olarak nasıl yansıdığı, iyilik ve kötülük kavramlarının insanlar arası ilişkilerde kaynağını nereden ve nasıl aldığı konularının araştırılması ve bu kavramların ölçütlerinin neler olduğu ve bu ölçütlerin ne derece değişmez olduğunun ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır.M.A. - Master of Art